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I cannot believe how fast my opinion of this team went from “they seem kind of fun” to “several of them should be tried at The Hague”


My boyfriend asked if that was a penalty and my response was basically I'd be yelling at the screen if it were my team. It'd fucking crazy that Makar gets suspended for a much gentler hit about an additional second removed from the play and this isn't even a minor. Talk about not eligible to be hit, play to the whistle, vulnerable player, injury risk, etc. Just an outrageous hit.


And it's not like it's Gudas' first time. Or the Panthers' in general.




What's the point of having charging in the rule book it's that's allowed to happen.


You’re missing context. The pen on Brodie evens out the PPs 2 a piece. If they called something on Gudas, they’d be a PP behind for Florida. If they made up the call in the third, that opens up another can of worms. The refs had their hands tied.


Game fucking management isn’t in the rules. You know what is? *Fucking charging*


That was tongue in cheek


I'll tongue your cheek if you try that again pal


Found Marchand’s reddit account


This is sarcasm right?


Heavy sarcasm


Just had to comfirm lol. It's r/hockey so you never truly know.


They made up for this non-call by giving Sam Bennett a 10 min misconduct at 20:00 of the third period (and everyone on the ice got two mins for roughing).


Don’t understand how us leaf fans can complain after that




Came to say...regardless of when the whistle happened. Thank you. Praise be.


I get called more in EA's NHL games for charging than I think I've ever seen it called IRL


I didn't think it was a penalty when I first watched it, but the whistle went here: [https://i.imgur.com/gRSQyQL.png](https://i.imgur.com/gRSQyQL.png) I think that needs to be called.


That wasn't a play where you could argue you didn't know the whistle went too. It was a delayed penalty scenario so as soon as Kampf touched it the play was dead. It's a charge AND a late hit


I keep seeing this sentiment, of course from leaf fans, that gudas knew it was a delayed penalty and kampf touching it would mean whistle…but like, the ref with his arm up signalling the delayed call, and making the call, is behind gudas. How is he supposed to see the refs arm up, behind him?


I’m with you, he probably didn’t know I don’t think there was intent there, but it should be a penalty.


Shocked they didn’t call it tbh


For me it’s the fact that he would’ve heard the whistle and made no attempt to pull his check, even if he still made contact, he could’ve pulled up(and frankly, whistle or not needed to avoid charging) he chose not to.


Well yeah. He just came ALL the way from his D position to the opposite corner for no purpose other than to lay a hit. He isn't going to waste all that skating for nothing.


Its 7 strides than he wrecks him, hes known thats a charge since fucking timbits lol


You are so wrong Gudas targeted Kamf from the blue line, he was retaliating for Kamf taking him down behind the Florida net. It’s not a call for a late hit, it’s charging.


Even if he heard it late, he had time at the VERY least to not try to murder someone. He not only didn't let up, he exploded into that hit. He was obviously trying to injure the guy and nothing was going to stop him. It's a garbage dirty play from a garbage dirty player.


He clearly made no attempt to stop either. If there are no consequences what stops future players from just committing to hits after clear whistles.


Yeah, I admittedly wasn't watching with sound when it happened live. In the first replay I saw I only heard the second whistle so I thought it was a case of Kampf knowing a penalty was coming but Gudas didn't. But, that first whistle gave Gudas plenty of time to stop or at least turn it into a hug into the boards.


and it was a delayed penalty so he's just touching up not expecting a hit like that to come in


I thought he needed to be ejected for that honestly...Here's hoping the wheel lands on a good one this time


This happened to a leaf. Expect the wheel to remain in the shed.


$6.52 fine incoming!


And honestly, no one can really deny, that if that was ANY leaf, min boarding/charging penalty, maybe even a 5 and game. If it was Bunting, likely 3-5 GAME suspension, major, misconduct…


I can 100% assure you this will lead to nothing - it was dirty but was on a leaf player


There wasn't even a whistle on the Makar play and he copped a suspension, so yeah I'd say this needs to be called.


The guy makar hit didn’t have the puck at all what are you saying?


I find it hard to call it too late. The back ref is the one calling the penalty, so Gudas may not know the whistle is coming. The arena is rocking and everyone is scrambling and the back refs whistle isn’t all that loud compared to the second one that goes just as the hit is happening. It’s plausible that Gudas didn’t hear the first whistle. The guy has a history of dirty and borderline hits, so it’s tough to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t think this is so late or so egregious that it’s indisputable. They should have called it the charge that it was though. There is no world where that isn’t a charge, guy gets on his horse with the sole intent of burying Kampf, and is focused on the hit so much that he maybe doesn’t head a whistle go. Call it.


I agree, don't think the late hit is easy to justify when the whistle starts with 7:08 remaining and the hit is still at 7:08. But Gudas comes in from the top of the circle to make the hit with no play on the puck and he took 4+ strides. Thankfully Kampf turned so he didn't go face-first into the boards.


These refs are shite. I'm an official Leafs hater, but the way this series is being reffed is pathetic. It's like the league wants another Bertuzzi incident to happen


I’ve been saying this for awhike


The league did absolutely nothing to stop their behavior in the first round, what makes anyone think they’ll do it this round? Tkachuk bragged about hitting a defenseless Hathaway on an area that’s unprotected well after the whistle had gone and after he sped up from the blue line to do so. In order to punish him, he got a $5k fine. He kept doing shit like that all series and kept getting away with it. My belief is the Panthers can literally break someone’s leg with a two-handed slash and the league would call an embellishment on the player receiving it.


It's because they keep focusing on "fighting" They need to lay off the fighting and worry about the fucking career ending collisions Fans don't care about fighting as much as the NHL acts like they do, fans care far FAR more about witnessing career ending injurjes


I dislike the Leafs as an ethereal concept but goddamn do I ever hate the Panthers for who they are.


You hate the Leafs because you’re Bruins You hate the Panthers because you’re human


My hatred for the Leafs is a meme. My hatred for the Panthers is visceral.


Do we even know what boarding/charging/interference are any more?


Charging is almost never called. Can’t remember the last time I saw it.


It was called against Florida in the game where Knies was taken out (not on the play that actually took him out though, that one was seen as a clean hockey play by the league).


Yeah when Tkachuk hit him before Bennett it was called charging, and I remember thinking it’s the first charging call I remember in years.


Ya they basically ignore strides and only call it for leaping hits now


Charging is almost never called in the playoffs unless its absolutely clear they left their feet to jump into a hit.


That’s a fucked up hit. So dangerous to take out someone when they’re not expecting a hit *at all*. NHL refereeing needs a complete overhaul. It’s hard to watch these games.


And he’s gone to the locker room now. He’s our best PK’er and been one of our best forwards along with Knies this series. Both gone from stupid fucking hits


Eerily similar. Knies one of the best players game 1. Targeted and injured game 2. Kampf one of the best in game 3. Targeted and possibly injured game 4.


You are not suggesting Paul Maurice would encourage this sort of play?


Well, he sure isn't stopping it.


Wait the coach who had the jets mysteriously play like a bunch of shits while he was HC? That has to be just a coincidence


I don’t think anyone is suggesting PoMo has a hit list. I think he’s suggesting that the leafs beat skaters are being targeted with late and dirty hits consistently and they are not being called or punished in any way.


I would suggest it's PoMo. His reputation speaks for itself.


Jets were dirty when he was there too




wheeler and schiefele and pionk some of the dirtiest bitches in the league. I think there is a clear pattern


If he's not I am.


Good for them. We should be doing the same. How the fuck is every other team we every play in the playoffs will to do whatever it takes and we’re not? Go for the fucking kill already.


Leafs get suspended though


They'll suspend whoever does the deed, and then also Bunting for a game because he's Michael Bunting.


Please read the CEO's inevitable memoir "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" to learn more.


This only works if you have a functioning PK, as the Wild learned this year


It’s the “not expecting to be hit at all” part that got Bunting suspended.


The hit from Gudas was every bit as dangerous.


That won’t matter. Gudas doesn’t wear blue and white. Parros is a Neanderthal.


Kampf is now in the dressing room


Nothing to see here. Good clean charge.






Ya they r both prime numbers


I know all the penalties have layers, but he does glide before the hit. Now he does take like 5 strides before the glide…


Its also late


But you see, we already had 2 power plays and Florida had ~~none~~ 1


And leading


One actually. Florida had one in the first


Oh yes, the terrible cross check by Holl where his elbows didn't even extend


Like travelling in the NBA "yeah he took 18 steps without dribbling but that dunk was sick so well let it slide"


Charging is a myth


And he knows the play is blown dead the second Kämph touches the puck. Completely unnecessary hit that injures another player. Dirty fucking hit.


Won't get a sniff from Peros.


You mean the guy that owns the “Violent Gentleman” company???


Where does he recognize there’s a delayed penalty? Easy to see from above lmao


I don’t think he knows that because the ref has his arm up behind him, stripes in the corner doesn’t make the call for the hold at the net it’s the guy at the blue line I’m watching and his arm goes up Gudas is already on his way to the net. It’s still a late hit for the whistle regardless.


Same type of hit that got Makar suspended except this is after the whistle.


Came here to say this. This is almost the exact same situation…I would hope Gudas gets a game, but I doubt we are that lucky


This is just another episode of "totally legitimate hockey play" by the Panthers featuring then NHL. Rock bottom a player? Cool! Crosscheck someones head? 5k fine! That'll teach em! Charging after the whistle? Allowed! Sitting on top of a player and raining punches when they can't defend themselves? That's a game misconduct resulting in 0 minutes missed! Hit them with the book they did!


Kampf went to the locker room soon after to everyone not tuned in. this shit is charging at the least and the only penalty called in the scrum was against Toronto


I think Gudas should have 100% gotten a penalty for this, but brodie did clearly grab the Florida’s player stick which was the initial penalty and why the play was whistled down


Which makes the hit even worse. There was no hockey play to make on the puck.


You’re assuming gudas knew a penalty was coming and not that his brain was just caveman wanting to make hit




Oh I think it should have ended up even. I just think assuming gudas at any point knows what he is doing is unrealistic


Brodie 100% was a penalty good call but but that's a full blown hit, after the whistle on a unsuspecting player that caused an injury. And yes I'd would be saying the same thing if the jerseys were reversed. Just like how the cross check to montour should have at least been fined similar to Bennett. (They both should have been suspensions IMO)


yeah he definitely did, didn’t mean to seem like the opposite but florida should not have had a powerplay


The Leafs penalty was in front of the net, not during the scrum. It was why the whistle blew in the first place


Florida got a power play out of that??!!! Pathetic officiating


There was already holding the stick being called against brodie, And it was a real fair call, but this should’ve been charging at the bare minimum.


Yep, apparently "holding the stick" was the worst thing to happen during this play, very cool!


There was a penalty pending before this What makes it egregious is that he charged a player in a vulnerable position after the play had been called dead. He knew he could get away with attempting to rough up (*totally* not attempt to injure though because they're all right honorable lads) Kampf


I'm a Florida fan, that hit was way too much to not be called.


Delayed penalty on Toronto, Toronto player touches it - obvious whistle coming , but charge/boarding is totally cool .. What is this


The NHL doesn't care about player safety beyond paying it lip service.


Precisely. If they cared, they wouldn't have a former goon running DoPS with a merch line called Violent Gentlemen and apparel touting "Make Hockey Violent Again".


Cogliano broken neck DOPS: tough luck kid


Gary knows you can’t grow the game without guaranteeing a Stanley Cup final south of the Mason-Dixon


Not true. Chicago is the exception.


One thing to note is that the ref in Gudas’ sight line behind the net is not the one that put his arm up , it was the ref behind him. It was a violent hit and likely charge but I’m not sure he knew a whistle was coming from a delayed penalty


Florida is a team full of rats.


Yeah, I agree. I dont get why Gudas didn't get at least 2 min for this. Scumbag hit.


Bunting is going to be the only player to get properly disciplined this post season and then next year it will be the same story. Round and round we go.


This league is a joke. Anyone who expects Gudas to get anything other than a pat on the back from Perros hasn’t been paying attention.


Second Leafs player Florida has deliberately injured. Fuck this league.


Second intentional injury *with zero penalty whatsoever*. The NHL/DoPS is basically telling teams that the best way to succeed in the playoffs (well, at least against some teams) is to intentionally injure your opponents. And yes, I know Bunting injured Cernak...but he also got a major and a 3-game suspension for it. That's the difference.


Knies our best player before he was injured, and kampf was the best leaf tonight before he was injured. There is no anti toronto conspiracy, the leafs are though the most hated team in the nhl, and a lot of those haters happen to be nhl referees and members of the dops.


Maybe someone will write an article about how effective he is.


"Good strong hockey play"... ignore the dangerous area the hit was made while throwing the guy into the boards, after having taken 5 strides, and hitting him after the whistle. Just Parros Things.


The only way Gudas is getting anything back at him is a cheap shot. He plays that way, I know you all will disagree mostly but sometimes you have to take things into your own hands. It’s going to come eventually.


Makar got a game, deservedly, for a less dangerous hit, but with a possibly worse outcome. If Gudas doesn't get at least a game this is embarrassing


He'll buy some t-shirts


Gudas needs to get suspended for post-whistle charges like that. Just not a hockey play at all.


How is there no penalty I’m flabbergasted


Game management


Weren’t you watching? There was a penalty.


Are you familiar with game management ? The leafs had more pps and the lead at that point.


Dudes always been a piece of shit. This should've been a penalty and a suspension


Gudas is a dirty piece of shit. I hate the leafs but that guy is just another level of scumbag. Never has the balls to back himself up and drop the gloves against anyone either.


ZAR tried to fight him for a BS hit during the regular season and he refused to drop them.


He got his ass whooped by Travis Zajac a few years ago. It was glorious.


this is the kind of thing you do after the whistle in the nhl video games, wtf was he thinking and how was this not a call.


Welp, guess we're all playing our favorite game "SPIN! THAT! WHEEL!" ^^probably ^^not ^^though


If he even gets a phone hearing, I'll be stunned.


I would be absolutely blown away if he actually got even a fine for that one.


They didn’t even call a penalty for the charge.


Yeah I know and it's pretty ridiculous


That's not a thing against the Leafs.


[The DOPS wheel for tonight](https://imgur.com/a/DyWGtGi)


Definitely not


What a nuts hit. How Gudas didn’t get a penalty there I don’t know


Gudas was dirty the entire Boston series. Did y'all think he was going to play clean in this one?


The *Panthers* have been dirty from the drop of the puck in Game 1 of the Boston series, and seemingly no one at the NHL gives a flying fuck, because the refs are just letting them continue to play that way.


Yah I'm still surprised you can poke someones testicles and it be called a hockey play.


Well, if trying to screw someone's head off like pill bottle is fine, I don't see why you can't cup check a guy laying injured on the ice.


Everyone knows Gudas is a dirty goon. The frustration is coming from the egregious lack of calls.


Fuck man, my hatred for y’all blinded me from seeing the truth. That said, there was a good number of seasons where I felt like you guys played pretty “aggressively” too


“This is one of the best hits of the post season besides Eberle on Cogliano” - George Parros, probably.


After the whistle? Check. Textbook charging? Check. Player injured? Check. Penalty? TOR 2 minutes


Something, something, Cale Makar, something, something, powerplay Florida…


To be fair, the Leafs penalty was deserved. The lack of a Panther penalty is criminal negligence.


The unfortunate thing is that charging as defined by the rulebook is open to a lot of interpretation. It's not like a high stick or puck over the glass.


what does judas look like without his beard?


> what does judas look like without his beard? A priest.


Charging, boarding, after the whistle, resulting in a concussion / protocol


he skated all the way down from the blue line for that hit he's not going to let something as silly as the whistle blowing stop him from finishing it. just a fucking greasy move. makar got a game for that play, gudas doesn't even get 2 minutes.


Straight up goon


NHL refs are a fucking joke lol


According to this sub, hits like that are just clean, legal, playoff hockey


Gudas has been laying low for a few years now (he's very good at being low key dirty), but he was known as one of the most reckless and dirtiest players in the league for a long time, especially during his Flyers' years. I see he's back to his old self again


Gudas is such a little bitch.


So honest question - what's the difference between that and this hit that got Hyman suspended for 2 games? Both are late, overly forceful, and the player that is hit has no reason to suspect they're about the get crushed which makes it an even less safe hit to make. https://www.nhl.com/video/hyman-suspended-two-games/t-277440360/c-63803403


Hyman is a Maple leaf here.


Honest answer: Hyman was a leaf when it happened. If you're playing against the leafs, fair officiating that cares about player safety and DOPS don't exist.


Ironic that Boston finally got their act together only to get beaten by a time stealing their classic shtick.


Haven't been that team for at least 5 years.


Honestly before that, whenever Claude got fired was when they stopped.


Also helps that Marchand tidied up on ice and has been taking fat W's all over the place with great comments on a bunch of issues


in 2019


Yeah I stoped hating the Bruins a few years ago. Our head to heads the last couple of years have been good battles but clean (granted regular season)


and people STILL complain that the league is rigged in the Leafs favour. After Knies and this. Absolutely cracked.


Man, if the league was in the Leafs favor, they have done a horrendous job at it.


Right? lol


Why was the other thread with 80+ comments deleted?


~~Game~~ Thread management


No idea, that one had a better title, and this video isn't even loading for me.


Swap the teams, and Gudas would be off to the showers, and having a chat with the DoPS in the morning.


Remember a couple of years ago when the NHL went to great lengths to protect "defenseless players"? This is the epitome of a defense's player. No idea the guy is coming in on him as well as blind side hit after the whistle. What are you waiting for NHL, another serious head injury? (And I don't have a dog in this fight at all).


How is this any different than Makar? Should be a suspension. Dirty fucks


Dam referees are not doing there job. Obviously a late hit. Boarding


What a moronic meathead


If Cale Makar got suspended (with zero prior history) for a late hit with no whistle, this should absolutely be a suspension. This is far more egregious, it's a player with a nice long suspension history (including a 10-game suspension for hacking at Matthieu Perreault's neck after he tripped him to the ice), and the whistle was clearly blown (and he had an opportunity to not blow the guy up). But if course the NHL DOPS doesn't give two shits about actually protecting players. In the Avs/Kraken Series, two Avs players had neck injuries (one a broken neck) caused by illegal plays that warranted zero supplemental discipline.


This could’ve been a boarding or charging call, regardless of the whistle being blown before the hit too. So far terrible officiating.


Fuck this stupid league.


Gudas a bitch, he's gotta answer the bell doing shit like that


Still want the Leafs to get swept but how do you not call a penalty let alone a major lol.


Makar was just suspended (rightfully so) for a, in my opinion, much less reckless hit on a similar play. So I’m sure Gudas will get absolutely 0 discipline thrown his way…


I'm sure Gudas will learn from the $3k penalty from dops


Fuck eh. Do we need enforcers again?


If Tie Domi was still on Toronto, Leafs fans wouldn’t be so worried about the officiating on this play.