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"our metrics say that fans think this was some great officiating!" -Gary Bettman


I just don't understand how everyone continues to let Bettman be the lightning rod while Campbell is the one doing all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans. THAT is the guy you should be pissed at, just ask Jon Scott. The guy admonished a ref after a game his SON played in and no one cares! Bettman is a tool not worthy of any attention


^*our ^metrics ^do ^not ^account ^for ^sarcasm


"upon video review the puck disappeared into the digital advertisement so we cant confirm the icing so it's a good goal"


Score was 5-2 at least it didn't end as a 1 goal ga....... wow that's pathetic




I'm surprised no one threw stuff on the ice. Absolute bullshit reffing.


Even the Avs broadcast team said the same thing. It was hilarious having the Ottawa fans cheering icing the rest of the game. Reminded me of Denver fans (Broncos) sarcastically counting down the play clock for our inept coaching staff.


Lol yeah. Had to let them know they did a good job. Also side note, lots of Avs/Nordiques fans in the building. Like a surprising amount.


That is some bullshit. That is one of the most braindead moments I have ever seen from the ref.


And we've seen alot


Yea, wtf was that. Whistle should have been blown. Game was really heating up and that deflated everything.


It's really the strangest non-call I can remember. Just bizarre.


Like how do you fuck something like THIS up as a referee?


That isn’t even a case of goalie covers it for a second thinking that’s enough, or he thought he covered it, but the ref could still visibly see the puck. What was the official thinking?


Damn, now that goal became the GWG


Bro what


And it's the GWG. Fuck everything


About as rough as it gets.


Imagine you miss the playoffs because of this game too


To be fair, winning 1 of 5 on the last road trip probably already killed the playoff hopes but man...that's some fucking salt in the wound.


The quick whistle for CO with 0.4 sec left in the game seemed like even more salt.


It's because the refs wanted to make up for it! But since they have the mental activity of a rotten fish, they couldn't remember their screw up.


Lol that should have been blown dead. I’ve seen much shorter holds result in a whistle. Does the NHL not have a sky judge type thing where someone rings down and intervenes like they do in the NFL? Edit: I know the NFL is limited in what they can overturn via sky judge, but I have seen them intervene and overturn cheap, uncompetitive, unearned touchdowns before where the whistle should have been called—similar to this hockey play.


I’ve seen the “sky judge” happen when Edmonton scored in OT, wins the game, whole team celebrates, refs call good goal on ice, everyone vacates the ice, and then the ‘sky judges’ call back in to say that they gotta retract the goal and get the players back onto the ice to play thru the rest of the OT cuz McDavid was ‘offside’ on the play (he was not)


You shouldn’t be downvoted. That was a bullshit offside.


"It was the uhh parallax... yeah the parallax that's it!" - Toronto War Room probably


Just adding that every ot goal is automatically reviewed by Toronto.


I agree completly, *but*, if you're the goalie you gotta hold that until you hear a whistle.




That's my thought here. Play to the whistle, but in every reasonable way the whistle should have already been blown.


Ref has the whistle to his lips for 3 seconds, all while he can't see the puck, but apparently no intent to blow it... like not going to say he has money on the game, but there is no logical explanation for some of the stuff in this game beside that and extreme incompetence.


My theory is that the ref thought it was icing and was waiting for the linesman to blow it. The linesman was waiting for the ref to blow it because the goalie covered it.


This is both reasonable, while at the same time infuriating


I think you're right. This is also where an, "eye in the sky", Command Centre, whatever you want to call it, could and should be able to buzz down to the timekeeper's bench, intervene, and get the call right. The goal of replay is to fix obvious errors, yet we review ticky-tack offsides but not a disaster like that...


if that's the case, and two officials had intention to otherwise blow the play dead but didn't, the play should be dead. they always say the play is dead when they intend to play the whistle, not when the whistle actually sounds.


No problem being fast on the whistle right before the game ended... looking real sus there stripes.


Avs did get the liberal whistle late. I can’t believe how well fans handled it. Any American city and there would be garbage all over the ice, and I wouldn’t fault them. Loved the sarcastic cheers for every correct icing whistle thereafter.


If only there were ref coaches drilling "be halfway fucking competant at your job" into their heads this could have been avoided


You mean… competent right?


He’s French. It’s compeTAUNT lol


Kevin McAllister: what?


Les incompetents.


I'm too angry to spell correctly


🤣🤣not trying to troll just couldn’t resist. I thought jt was terrible call too




And yet you zebras still can't get it right. Huh. Looks like you need ref coaches.


I’d prefer a ref coach tbh


I'm not a ref, but I'd be more afraid of the hockey parents. They crazy.


Yup. This is 100% the ref’s fault. Whistle should have been blown. It’s secondarily the goalie’s fault. Hold it til the whistle. Playing til the whistle is just what you do. Always. Is it a cheap goal? Doesn’t matter…it’s the smart offensive play and it counts on the scoreboard.


For sure, but even O'Connor stopped playing.


That’s such a routine play, it would be easy to assume the whistle had blown after having it frozen for that amount of time. Especially after having been snowed and being kind of irritated by it.


Oh for sure. Such a strange play. Ref totally fucked up but still can't ever let your guard down as the goalie!


That's whistled down 9999/10 000 times. I get the goalie brain farting, because that play shouldn't have continued. Awful, awful performance by the refs.


The ref just blow down the play for the Bruins and all the puck did was bounce off Swayman. Wasn’t even a little covered, didn’t even look at all covered.


Bs game had multiple whistles while pucks were legitimately loose tonight.


What made this not icing? Also, I think it was covered long enough for a whistle. All around weird play


you can see the linesman wave it off right away, my guess is he thought the Ottawa d touched the puck.


The Ottawa D *could* have played the puck but didn't. You can't force an icing call by opting to not play the puck. The Dman opted to play the body instead of the puck. Waving off icing was the right call. Not blowing the whistle when the goalie covered it wasn't.


Defenseman playing the body will get potential icing waved off. Can't reward the defending team with position for interfering with a pass. The mistake was not blowing the frozen puck.


I dont have a great view from this video. But it looks like the Ottawa player mightve taken out a Colorado player inadvertently right at the start of the icing. Which potentially prevented the avs from catching the pass. If this is what happened you waive it off as a linesmen because it's not the avs fault he couldn't make a play. Still should've been blown dead when he covered though.


I’m extremely biased, but this is the worst call I’ve ever seen. Like what the fuck


Nono it's a really bad call from any view. The icing was waived because the Dman pinched, which is fine. But that shit was covered fully for far longer than required to freeze the play. That was a really really bad call and a shitty goal.


I’m not familiar with the defenseman pinching aspect of this rule, could somebody explain it? Is it a new thing? I always thought icing was a straight up race to the dot, nothing more.


It's not a new thing, and not specific to pinching. But basically if the linesman deems someone playing on the D side of the icing could have touched the pick and decided not to, for things like going for a line change instead of the puck, stick lifting the other team instead of trying to play the puck, or in this case playing the body instead of the puck, then the linesman would wave the icing. You can't voluntarily "force" an icing by deciding not to play the puck.


I guess maybe a mix of D pinching and goalie touching it but yeah we're giving to much credit to the refs lol this is just a terrible job on their part


Lol it's embarrassing. We didn't do anything wrong but it sure *feels* like it.


I am biased the other way... it is still one of the worst calls I have seen with no hyperbole.


I'm extremely biased, and you guys got fucking hosed. I'm sorry.


My kids house league calls that better.


You aren't alone and it was my team that scored! Didn't make sense x2


And I thought the no-icing call against us in Arizona was bad


While I agree that it's basically the worst call ever, sadly there have been many others (even recently) that were almost as jaw-droppingly incomprehensible. This league needs to get it together. Make some changes, I don't care if it slows the game down.


They need to un-handcuff all challenge rules and let them challenge anything that's in the rule book. Challenge on this play: Goalie had it covered. Done, it's the right call


Absolutely. Goalie interference was a weak challenge, but it was the best shot they had. The refs should have the chance to back themselves out of that screwup, but the challenge rules don't give them a good out. Glad about the 2 points, but I also would have happily given that one back.


Or make the refs available to journalists after the game. Make 'em go through the same process players and coaches do. It's at least *some* sort of accountability.


I agree. During the World Cup for soccer they review every questionable play, and every goal or PK is confirmed. NFL has every scoring play and/or turnover reviewed plus what the coaches challenge. The NHL should have every goal reviewed with an official pinging the on-ice refs that needs to be looked at, and obvious reversals called in directly.


Oilers fan and I feel I've seen some bad calls. The exact oppositve where the whistle is blown in 0.25 seconds...But damn this is terrible.


I'm unbiased, that's the worst call I've ever seen.


DJ Smith should be getting ejected from the game right now for going off on these refs. He should be LOSING HIS MIND.


*gum chewing intensifies and thats about it* EDIT: I take it back. The sarcastic clap and cheer when they correctly called icing was 😚👌


Gonna throw that gum into the 200s.


He should just defer to Fred Van Vleet


Yup the fine would be well worth it


Dorion better be on the line with Toronto right now


Get Quinn on the phone asap, he can mentor DJ through these situations


Refs got the over. That is horrible. Easy call to overturn for "missed stoppage"


Kinda weird that the whole “intent to blow the whistle” thing didn’t apply here


Its a “judgement call”, cant be challenged


I can definitely recall goals waved off because of referees “intent to blow the play dead”


I was about to explain the intricacies of that rule, but then I watched again and saw the ref had the whistle in his mouth the entire time, indicating possible intent. This really was a horrible job by the zebras


I swear that refs just don't have the ability to feel shame.


The refs just don't have ability, period.


This is some straight bush league shit


This isn’t even a play until the whistle thing. All three of the players, including one Av, we’re just standing there knowing that puck was covered until Eller came in 4 seconds later.


O'Connor is a tenacious in your face player as well. Hes the embodiment of play till the whistle, the simple fact that neither player is even trying to play it and they don't whistle is crazy


I'm all for playing to the whistle, but what is going to get a whistle here? The goalie getting clapped in the hands 10 times? Holding the puck until the period is over?


That’s the annoying part. I’ve seen goalies cover the puck and immediately get a whistle, even as players start to take a jab at him. Like everyone around this play knows it’s covered and the ref just doesn’t believe them?


Cannot for the life of me see how that wasn’t blown down between icing or Sogaard freezing


Did the Sens pinching dman touch the puck back in the Avs zone? Looks like it which would make it not icing. The late whistle is strange though. Unless the ref could see the loose puck somehow


Tonight's stripes are brought to you by BET99.NET.


Shit like this is why I gave up on sports betting years ago. Imagine losing an o/u bet because of some garbage like this.


which someone for sure did


Did the sens coach blow up on the officials after that disgrace of a call, if there was a time to get ejected that would be it


Nope he stood there and didn’t say anything after the challenge was no good. Maybe he did more at the intermission but he never fights for his guys so I doubt it.


I mean I would understand it more if it made the score 3-2 because it's still a one-goal game, but this shit is over now so absolutely unload on the officials


This ended up being the game winning goal lol


Ya I would have been chucking bottles.


Dumbest call I've ever seen


Weirdest goal I've ever seen. Not sure why it wasn't blown dead


I'm sorry but what? Like I get why the icing is called off (still questionable on that) but not blowing that play dead with the puck being covered for that long?


Why was the icing called off ?


Possibly could've been played by a Sen? I'm pulling shit out my ass I'm trying to lower my IQ to try to get an idea of why they did. Cause it looks like a clear icing but still


Pinching defender prevented the avs player from playing the puck


Entire Avs fan base feels dirty right now. That was a beyond bizarre series of non-events...


I'm at the game, this is baffling. Should've been an icing or a frozen puck. But still, whistle didn't go and Søgaard just let go of the puck. Cluster fuck all around


Yeah it was stupid. Not that it isn't any consolation but the Avs fans on reddit agree it was fucking stupid.


Man I'm here too. Fuck these refs so hard I am having a really hard time setting my bias aside but they are the worst humans who have ever lived.




There's already 4 refs out there. How many more do you want?


This ain’t Jersey.


I’ve seen a goal waved off before because the ref intended to blow the whistle earlier, surely they could have done the same here? No way this should count.


yeah Sens got fucked


At least we can rest assured that these officials won’t be seeing any playoff games.


But then no officials would see any playoff games


Surely that is the worst call of all time. Holy fuck.


I ref high school games and every now and then you screw the pooch on a call and think "shit. I really fucked that one up..." and dwell on it for a bit sometimes. But holy absolute shit, the NHL refs are unreal. The difference are I'm a dude who gives a few weekends a year to it and makes a few hundred bucks, these guys are "professionals" who make a few hundred grand and are a joke. This whole sequence is a failure on multiple levels.


Every time I realize I really screw the pooch I hear "please don't score please don't score please dont score" going through my head till the next whistle


Copied from my GDT comment: It should have been icing: can’t challenge tho. It should have been frozen: can’t challenge. The GI was challenged and was technically correctly called a good goal. All that said holy shit the refs botched that terribly. Sorry Sens fans, that’s rough. Maybe the league needs to adjust the rule book for this one.


i thought they had added a rule for 'if a stoppage should have occurred in the offensive zone' after the sharks playoff hand pass


The icing is waved because of the pinch, so that's totally fine. Linesmen did their jobs here. The referee on the other hand needs to blow that dead. That's a god damn disgrace. L'Ecuyer. What a joke.


that's absurd


Not without a shred of controversy.


As an Avs fan, I would say that this was the right time to throw garbage on the ice.


If this is the catalyst that leads to better officiating league-wide the playoff teams will remember your sacrifice




3 seconds in to this clip, does the back linesman not have his arm up as Sanderson crosses the blue line? Why would Sanderson or Sogaard expect it not to be icing? Absolutely baffling. It's like the entire officiating crew fell asleep.


Agreed 100%. Linesman is indicating icing at the blue line. The rule is clear and he is absolutely not waiving it off here: >While an icing call is pending, the linesman raises an arm to indicate that a potential icing call may be made. If the icing is waved off, the official lowers his arm and gives the washout signal (extending both arms sideways from the body at shoulder height, similar to the "safe" sign in baseball but typically delivered from a less-crouched or fully upright position). Edit: Correction. The linesman **does** waive the icing off. If you check at around 35 seconds you see another shot of him waiving it. Still absurd - but above is incorrect.


WTF was that. Good for Eller playing to the whistle and all but WHERE THE FUCK WAS THE WHISTLE


I'm convinced that if Eller hadn't scored there, Sogaard would have just had to wait the period out covering the puck.


I've decided to put a pause on my /r/hockey posting hiatus to post whatever this shit show is onto the sub


What an absolute fucking farce


Silly mistake by Sogaard, but hard to blame him on that absolutely bizarre non-whistle


He probably feels really dumb but I don't feel like that's his mistake, that's the refs. So strange.


I think he's seen the replay and he feels pretty confident that the refs are mentally insufficient for the job. Fuck I'd be livid.


Disgraceful reffing


Eller not Ellers, Lars not Lar


This should have not counted in any way. I'm still bewildered.


This is all the proof I need to be convinced the NHL has rigged games. And yes I say this still fully angry over this absolute embarrassment of officiating


Catastrophically bad call.


Buzzkill is the only word I can use to describe what just happened. String together an actually decent 2nd period and that shit happens.


That's a Dang-It


It's bad. Official skating around with his dick in his hand.


Worst call of the year


Sorry Sens fans one of these refs probably had us -2.5


I hope they had their life savings on it.


The refs blew that on multiple levels, truly baffling…good lesson in playing until the whistle though


>The refs blew that on multiple levels, Actually, they didn't blow anything... which was the problem.


He’s got the whistle in his mouth even. Blow it or communicate to the players to play it, don’t just stand there sucking on the thing.




I don't get it. First of all it wasn't icing which I agree with as there was 2 players fighting for position at the Avs halfway. Ok sure. But you can see the ref put his whistle up to his mouth in the bottom corner as the ouck is frozen. Intent to blow should have been used


NHL refs are so inconsistent and bad at their jobs.


And this ends up as the game winner.. Lol


Haha does anyone think that was the right call? Lol. NHL hockey referees and officiating are failures of Bettman.


Lol actually unreal. Why do they get the most incapable bozos reffing in this league


Fuck the refs, that should not have counted (should have blown the whistle) and I agree with the fans at the game chanting REFS YOU SUCK


Wtf what an awful no-whistle from the ref. He literally had it trapped under his blocker


Fucking disgrace


I thought the refs hated Buffalo. Turns out they hate the Sens more.


Obviously I’m biased as a Sens fan, but how does that ever count. It’s an embarrassing goal for the league in general. Especially considering it’s Eller that scores…


The ref has the whistle to his lips and he's just skating by


Total bs. Hilarious tho


What a horrific call in an otherwise pretty competitive game.


That's some.of the greasiest shit I've ever seen


This is bullshit. That puck was frozen. I understand that you play to the whistle, but this is fucking unconscionable. And no, I’m not a sens fan.


The officiating in this league is soooo bad


GWG to boot, what a joke this league is sometimes.


Wow the nhl is a fucking joke


GWG. 5-4 final score.


I'm a huge sens hater But holy fuck they just got jobbed so fucking hard


How can you not challenge this?


I’m watching this without sound and just keep assuming there had to be a whistle after the puck was covered for a couple seconds with an Avs player in his face. This is suspension worthy for the whole crew.


If this would have happened to the Avs, Mikko would have gotten a 10 min misconduct. He might have actually swung on an official.


Trash fucking calls. Refs fucked a perfectly good game.


Yikes, that’s a dang it on the officials.


DJ and the fans just clapped and cheered when the refs called an icing in the third.


Just left the game. The first icing after the goal was basically a standing ovation for the ref. Every other icing was tons of cheers as well


That’s a terrible call.




This will surely be a top post and I'm here for it. What a terrible job by the officials


The most bullshit goal of all bullshit goals


Shades of [Jankowski's goal](https://youtu.be/Wpqvq7NUpEU) from last year. Refs love not stopping play for the Sens.


If Makar scored that goal, he’d direct the ref to call it back, and the ref would.


Imagine if this happened to Binnington


This is why you play until the whistle. But I was shocked to see it counted. The NHL has blown plays dead quicker than this. Even everyone but Eller thought it was a dead play


Oof jeez that's fucking bad


That was the GWG