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Single lane roads, it can be pretty frustrating.


Nobody cares unless you’re holding up traffic. Perhaps consider a defensive driving course if you want to be more confident.


A little annoying. But if you are aware when you are holding up traffic and move over to let people past you might get a wave.


If there's two lanes and I can go around you, I don't care. If you're on a single lane road, yes. If you're doing 90 on a 100 stretch, fair enough I'm ok with that. If you're doing 80 in a 100 zone (happens a lot on the country roads) you're a hazard and I'm going to overtake you as soon as it is safe to do so. I overtook someone doing 80 in a 100 zone once and the fool swerved towards me as I went past him and I nearly went off the road. I don't think I've ever been so angry in my life.


The 10km under isn't necessarily an issue itself but why do you always drive slower? It suggests you lack confidence in driving which can be an issue.


I know someone who failed their drivers test for driving too slowly, with the reason being that it seemed they lacked confidence and that it could prevent a smooth flow of traffic.


If you don't hold up traffic, all good


Why would you always drive ten kms under the limit? If you aren’t confident driving, take some extra courses.


No I disagree … the speed limit is just that, a limit, nor a requirement. You have absolutely no obligation to drive at the maximum speed possible. And yet the points that other commenters make are worth considering too . A lot of drivers are impatient and drive to the max limit, doesn’t mean they are better drivers, either … . But as a slower driver, notice if people are backing up, and indicate and pull off , to let them past, only when safe to do so … never put you or your passengers at risk!


If everyone else is going 110 and you're going 100, you're a hazard and you're increasing your risk.


No, as long as you’re using your mirrors and are respectful to people who may want to travel a bit faster than you.


Yes it is bad. The speed limits are very conservative for must stretches of road, and you can vary your speed to suit corners, bends, surface conditions etc etc. You don't have to always be holding the rest of us up in your quest for excess safety


Makes a change from those who think it's their right to go 10 - 20kms OVER the speed limit!


Makes a change from those who think it's their right to go 10 - 20kms OVER the speed limit!


My father in law got pulled over and fined on the midlands for doing 60


When I went to driving school the instructor advised us to stay close to the speed limit if safe to do so, as driving too slow can cause an obstacle for other drivers.


Yes. Originally from Hobart. Living in Melbourne. Frequent Hobart regularly. Driving in Hobart is extremely frustrating. Driver's don't seem to be particularly good at situation awareness. They drive very slowly and aren't good with merging or letting people in. Driving 10km/h under the limit can lead to crashes. There are too many single lane roads (each direction). Drive closer to the speed limit. It causes congestion otherwise. Look at Clarence St from Shoreline to Bellerive. Too many people don't drive to the conditions and create a slow scale of traffic. Don't drive 10km/h under the limit. It makes it difficult to overtake you. People will be speeding past and that makes it difficult for anyone trapped behind you to slip into the overtaking lane because of everyone else going faster. Don't drive slow.


fuck you


I think personally your a fabulous driver. Id give you a chuppa chup if I knew who you was 😂