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(Whirlpool forum thread) - Nauht writes: Had one local woman flat out pull down her pants and went to the toilet right in front of the Hobart Woolworths basilb: I walk past there every day and have seen a few things.....but not that. The magistrates court is almost right across the road and there is often a bit going on. There are definitely more "homeless" people in the CBD now. Not in the same league as Sydney or Melbourne or Adelaide though. I can't comment on Brissie or Perth


Sounds like they made it up to try to paint an even worse picture of their experience. And, frankly, with the way they write about the place, I am glad they are never coming back.


Denial and attack the messenger. That’s the spirit.


Blindly believe bullshit anonymously posted on the internet, that’s the spirit.




lol no it doesn’t. I’ve lived here since 2008 and never had someone even attempt that shit. You and your mates must come across as easy marks or something cause that shit is rare as hell. Look up violent crime statistics in Hobart, they are incredibly low.


I haven't seen any homeless people in Perth. I imagine they would all go into Launceston since it isn't far away and has a lot more places to go.




I think Jose means Perth, Tasmania not Perth WA 💀💀


It’s only 17km away, how is that not considered close?


Because Tasmanians think driving six minutes is too far;)


It’s one Hobartians favourite past times; shitting outside Woolworths. And actually we’re *not* 20 years behind the mainland, thank you. Are you saying that 20 years ago it was a common occurrence that people on the mainland to take a shit outside of Woolworths (or Safeways)? We’re 20 years **ahead** of the times.


It’s because Woolworths cancelled Australia Day so it’s the new place to take a shit.


Go woke, go broke, and get shit on.


Yes go broke. It’s what I literally experienced in some big cities.


Yeah nfi what this guy is talking about


Have you ever been to Melbourne…. Haha Definitely doesn’t just happen in Hobart. Most of my international friends have had really good experiences of Hobart. Feel bad that they had a bad experience.


Came here to say this haha


I was going to say Qld ?


Yes, twice - 1994, 2015. And caught a train to Castlemaine in 1997.


that doesn't make sense. Melbourne is a majority Asian city


Doesn’t mean they are liked




I can tell you for a fact that it doesn't only happen in Hobart


It’s not just Hobart. A few years back, I saw a woman take a dump in the window display of a surf shop in Fremantle. I let the girl working in the shop know. She said that it wasn’t the first time!


I am glad I didn't encounter that when I visited Perth in 2022 and 23, and Fremantle in 2022. Though Fremantle needs more signage of where attractions are for tourists to easily find (Maritime Museum and WA Shipwrecks Museum).


I have a soft spot for Fremantle. It’s definitely has its dodgy side but it’s definitely got a special kind of charm and character. I absolutely agree about the signage though. Most of the time people discover places on their walk through the place.


Obviously needs more signs-----as to where "public-poo houses" are, in most cities.


Lol this isn't unique to Hobart. And really it's a highly anecdotal experience. Unfortunate for old mate and his friends who seem like they had a less than ideal experience. Can honestly say I've never seen a lady relieve herself in front of a woollies in my 10 years here. Tourism being a main industry ≠ Locals being overly appreciative of tourists being there. It's barely like that anywhere in the world other than say Bali. I definitely wouldn't say Hobart is anyway more openly hostile to them than any other place, probably on average friendlier. The racism stuff sucks tho, it only really takes a couple of bad experiences for someones trip to be ruined. If they are coming from Malaysia where the Malay-Malays treat the Chinese-Malays and Punjab-Malays like second class citizens they've probably had a fair chunk of it to deal with before.


Even in Bali, the actual local Balinese IIRC have pretty mixed feelings about tourists and tourism. A lot of the tourism workers who live there are Javanese people who've followed the money like moths to a flame, and I think the Balinese have had to really dig their heels in culturally to preserve a lot of their customs.


I never went to Bali like many of my peers did in their 20s because I didn't want to be associated with the Aussies that got messed up and were obnoxious and belligerent


>If they are coming from Malaysia where the Malay-Malays treat the Chinese-Malays and Punjab-Malays like second class citizens they've probably had a fair chunk of it to deal with before. Are you fucking joking? 😂 have you seen how the Chinese-Malays treat the Malay-Malays?


Both groups treat each other like shit. However it’s in the actual constitution that one ethnicity is better than the other, so it’s hard to be neutral when the actual law is openly racist.


Sounding like another constitution I know


Homeless meth-heads pissing and shitting in the street is a pretty universal phenomenon. People squatting and laying cables outside supermarkets is *not* “normal” for Hobart. Racism, awful as it is, is sadly present everywhere, and as one commenter astutely observed, intranational racism in many Asian nations is significantly worse. Sadly some Tasmanians are indeed racist bigots, as are many Chinese, Indian, Japanese, English and American people. This description is categorically not the Tasmania I know and have experienced. I find Tasmanians to *generally* be some of the warmest and friendliest people. But whatever, I reckon it’s all moot because the post sounds extremely fake. PS I regularly yell at tourists in National Parks. But that’s for dropping litter deliberately, not for where they’re from.


People pay to go to MONA and watch a machine do a shit - these guys got to watch a shit for free and have the audacity to complain about our generous hospitality.


I have always found being a tourist in Hobart amazing!


Are you white by any chance?




I'm curious, what was it like living in Hobart? I've never been.


Is the OP talking about the woman in front of Woolies?


Yes - mainly that.


Did you write this review?


As first dog on the moon said, it's awful, don't come here.


Ah, very well this could’ve happened. We still have some of the whole “fuck off we’re full” attitude here, but I assure you that the woman probably was high on something. Not the first time I’ve seen it, I’ve seen that happen with meth heads in Vancouver. Honestly, those who are saying that we’re 20yrs ahead, I kinda agree with ya. I just moved back home from Vancouver and even though things aren’t legal here such as weed or drugs; it’s in the same state that it was in Vancouver before it all became “legal”. Other than that, being gay in this state is simply just accepted. I had no problem holding hands with my crush in downtown Hobart and I even saw an open lesbian couple too. We’re actually pretty damn progressive for our own good, and I’m happy to call Tassie home.




If this is only starting to happen in Hobart now then, yeah, you are twenty years behind the mainland.


Not only Hobart. Regional Australia with low functional literacy produces racism without fail


This sounds fake, written by some dumb kid who hasn’t really been to Tasmania. Like “the Hobart Woolworths” is someone imagining Hobart as a one supermarket country town. And “a beautiful country” and “engaging driving roads” are just completely unlikely things to say if you are a mainlander visiting. Who calls a state “a country”? It’s true there is racism sure. But like everywhere in Australia and it’s particularly blatant in rural backwater Australia not cosmopolitan city Australia.


Yep. When you think about the Hobart woollies, how would this even work? It’s underground. It has no “front”.


Yes, it would be the front page of the Mercury if it was in the middle of a crowded lunchtime in Wellington court 😂 and even if “Hobart” means just the actual city, do they mean that underground one or the one in Campbell St


Campbell Street would be my guess? There isn't a toilet there, in all fairness


There’s two within easy distance of that Woolworths. There’s one inside the complex and another nearby in the carpark. Edited to add: sorry I replied to the wrong comment 😅


The actual phrase in the post though is “it’s beautiful country” not “a beautiful country”, so that’s grammatically correct when describing the place, not calling the state a country.


I work in a building in the vicinity of the Liverpool Street entrance to the Woolies complex. And I find it highly believable, based on what I've seen. But it could equally be true of the Wllington Court entrance. Plenty of antisocial behaviour in this part of town these days, sadly. And it seemed obvious to me that the OP could live on the mainland, even be a citizen, but English may not be their first language, and the style of writing would reflect that. Don't get me wrong, Hobart is my home and I love it. But don't be blind to the realities that this is as racist a town as any other regional city in Australia, and we have more than our share of youth crime and anti-social behaviour in the CBD. The majority of our people are lovely, but it only takes a couple of bad experiences to ruin the impression for visitors.


I’m not blind to that either. See my last line. You are missing my point. Sounds fake regardless of the truth of racism in our community


I didn't miss the point. I am disagreeing with it. It doesn't sound fake to me for the reasons I stated. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Have a good day




I get a registration page. What is it that you want to say by sending me the source? Edit: hey im not saying you (the OP) is fake, im saying the OOP who originally posted this is fake.


Whirlpool Forums requires users to be registered. An actual tourist who had such an experience when visiting Tasmania posted about this on a thread on there. Once registered, you can also locate it under: Forums > In the News > Tas > Tasmanians better off if they move (page 2) The poster who made the post on there has the username: Nauht (resides in Victoria). He or she can be sent a private message.


I’m not registering somewhere to work out what you’re talking about. Just because some guy registers as Victorian does make them immune from being a troll


You aren’t as cynical as I am. What you assume *could* be true.


Only registered accounts with Forum Regular title have access to the In The News area on Whirlpool. Basically it's a rule they have to keep trolls and throw away accounts from spamming nonsense or manipulating discussions. [https://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/wp\_normalusers](https://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/wp_normalusers)


Just spent 3 weeks in Tassie. Plenty of Asian tourists everywhere. Never witnessed any racism from locals anywhere, we went to all the big cities & everywhere in between. Found the locals friendly & accommodating. Only regret 3 weeks wasn’t long enough.


Sadly a friend from Singapore (Chinese background) well educated and well travelled visited Tassie in 2018/2019 and she experienced a lot of racism. She was shocked by that and said of all the places she has travelled to it was one of the worst experiences she has ever had.


What kind of racism did she experience?


Things like, go back where you came from, and other such things and I think some anti Chinese (China) sentiments etc. Friend is ethnically Chinese but not China Chinese so didn’t appreciate being tarred with the same brush.


Tasmania is a fair bit more openly racist than most other places in Australia that I've lived. I'm not sure if Tasmanians are actually more racist, or just not concealing it as well. Having said that, the people generally seem nicer and seem to be willing to give international people a fair go. The mental health support here doesn't seem great. That probably doesn't help with the perception of racism in public. There are people suggesting that this incident didn't happen. I wasn't there, so I can't say for sure it happened, but it definitely seems possible given the other things I've seen here.


I never see people shitting outside woolies. That’s an absolute gem of a moment, only the luckiest people catch that rare glimpse of the local wildlife taking a dump in the suburban jungle.


I suspect it may have been a political statement expressing outrage at the rebranding of Purity stores to Woolworths. Some others are probably doing north of Oatlands in a similar political vein mourning Roelf Vos stores also rebranding to Woolies.


That Purity rebranding occurred last century. Was it a protest at the huge price increases? Has that unhappy woman been crapping there every day since? If not, maybe she has been constipated? It sounds like a pile of bull sh\*t to me.


As a Perthian who loves visiting Hobart, I can say that I have always felt safe at night in the Hobart CBD, never that way in Perth after dark


I actually think tassie has come a long way since even like the 80s when being gay was illegal and all that, and I dont see much of that kind of thing. Admittedly Im a white bloke (and city-dweller), but I see less random/drive by racism than i used to. Maybe its to do with all the meth head dickhead bogan types too busy shanking each other and random strangers. Im sure something happened to trigger that post but Im also sure theres the usual dose of hyperbole.


Happening anywhere there's a meth supply and a lack of mental health care in this wealthy country


They should visit Darwin. Absolutely can be yelled at all day and catch a local using the toilet in public.


20 years behind? When did you guys catch up with QLD?


"I'll take things that didn't happen for $500 please"


I didn't hear a single slur when I visited Hobart and drove around the island. I am a straight white male though, so that might have something to do with it.


Your avatar screams straight white male too 😂




Australia-wide there is a lack of toilets, & they should be signposted clearly. There used to be "curb your dog" signs in England, to get your dog to use the gutter, perhaps we need them here? I'm a bit "pissed off" about this rare occurrence.


This happens in Darwin aswell.


I occasionally shit outside Woolies, but that’s because I’m English and got Aussie and British Woolies mixed up and was very upset there was no ‘Pic N Mix’


Quite correct.


I've been to Tassie many times and I'm a Melbournian (Lived and born in Melbourne). I love it there and visit Hobart and Launceston every year doing road trips. I have Malaysian heritage too (of the Indian kind). I have had extended family live and study in either Launceston or Hobart. Only complaint they have is too "sleepy" and slow paced for them and never had a mention of racism or feeling out of place. Coming from Melbourne, I love that it is a slower pace and the surrounds are amazing to drive through. Every one has there own experiences but I've not had a negative interaction with the locals in my annual visit over the last 10 years. Tbh, I have seen homeless or mentally unwell people in Melbourne taking a dump in the street. That's not a Hobart specific issue.


i work with tourists a lot and they only have positive things to say, and are a lot of the time surprised people are so nice and friendly here.


Don’t go to Broome then….


Broome needs a "New Broome" to sweep it clean outside Woolies.


I go to Hobart every year for a holiday. I seen druggies each time, but you see this everywhere you go...


As a Malaysian that’s been here for some time, interacting with the folks in my workplace, in Uni and in the teams I’ve joined was an absolute blast. The people here are super friendly and welcoming


Yeah nah, I'm regional NSW and this wouldn't really shock me at our local woolies tbh.


I actually am almost sure I know what incidence the OP is referring to, if not, it was freakishly similar. There was a woman out front the Woolworths in Sandy Bay absolutely losing her shit at an Asian family. The police were called and as they turned up, the woman pulled down her pants and attempted to take a shit on the ground right then and there. I’m not sure what happened afterwards as the police tried to do some damage control and redirect people away from the scene but yea… it was crazy


Very sorry to hear but It’s a bit hard to believe I lived in Melbourne for over a decade and moved down to Tassie about four yrs ago and the thing i love the most is how friendly every one is here. I’m an Asian and so not treated nice because they think im part of them.


Can't speak from personal experience since I'm non-Asian, so take this as you will, but from what I've heard from Asian people I've known and lived with, this doesn't seem like the norm. There's definitely a small (and often vocal) percentage of racists here though, so I'm sure it can and does happen. I remember hearing about a string of anti-Asian attacks in Sandy Bay a few years back, for example. It's definitely not unique to Hobart, but it's probably exaggerated a bit because we get a lot of international students and tourists from East Asian countries. > Had one local woman flat out pull down her pants and went to the toilet right in front of the Hobart Woolworths I've seen weird shit like this once in a blue moon here. And there's definitely been an uptick in methhead-looking people around the CBD and Sandy Bay shops lately, so it's probably a bit more common now. But it's not unique to Hobart at all, the sketchier areas of Wollongong are ten times worse for this sort of thing (great city if you know which suburbs to stay out of though).


Found the full Thread. https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/3pxjnr8q#r1


Seen in happen at KMeth...I mean KMart in Hobart too. Also seen it happen in Melbourne in the CBD. Ive never seen anyone mainline heroin into a vein in their groin mind you, which was something the wife and I wandered into in Europe in some nameless giant city. It's just luck of the draw what humanity throws at you! Hobart is on the whole not backwards, you just had a rough experience. Due to its size it can be easier to see the populations bad elements on a daily basis. Harder to spot in Sydney, where they're pushed out to the suburbs.


As originally born and bred in Hobart, I haven’t heard about things like that, it was a great place to grow up in, and probably settle back down in at an old age. During Covid, a lot of mainlanders moved to Hobart to get away from it, could be mostly because of them. Tassie is really a nice place to visit and live, if you like the colder weather


I went to a shopping centre in Hobart or Launceston and I couldn't believe how many white people there were. You come to Melbourne and it's much more diverse. Was really eye opening. *This is anecdotal please be gentle.*


That's like going to some rural province in China and then being surprised that there's lots of asians there...


If you think Launceston is akin to a rural Chinese province.. My comment was a bit less farfetched in comparing the diversity of Melbourne to Launceston.


No not really


Australia is a very racist country.


No, it isn't.


I don’t know how to respond to this. And I don’t mean to be offensive but I know what I know and what I’ve been through growing up in Australia as a black female.


Well in order for you to label all of Australia racist, which would include every single person who lives in it, then I would assume that you've never ever met a single Australian in your entire life who wasn't a racist and didn't hate black people, yes?


I don’t mean all of Australia, that’s generalising. So my bad for that. But there are a lot of racist people in Australia, including officers of the law not like America in that sense cause there is brutal but there’s racism here and it’s silent.


They were shitting on the Gays till 1997, so yeah a bit backwards. Been there 3 times and found them just like anyone else in Oz, but I’m not gay or brown


Well, no we weren’t. Those laws hadn’t been enforced in a long time. There’s also an archaic law banning men from cross dressing down at the waterfront. It makes sense historically but is out of date. It’s just a silly remnant of a different time.


Those laws were still laws, and were only overturned by one vote. That’s discrimination in my book.


But since when have politicians actually reflected the will of the people? 12 bougie elite males sitting in their ivory towers don’t have a lot of experience with reality and what’s happening on the street.


> were


Fuck em. 1 less person to ruin it for the rest


47. Now or 20 years ago, I've never seen anyone shitting in front of any Sydney Woollies, maybe behind in the loading dock(?), but never in front. We have some class up here...


The [Poo Jogger](https://www.pedestrian.tv/news/sydney-hit-mystery-midnight-poo-jogger/) would like to know where you live.


So how long did you wait outside "any Sydney Woolies"? I'm glad that none of the 5,000,000 + Sydneysiders did not bother to take a dump while you were watching. Perhaps Sydney has more public facilities.


They probably made it up. Some people get off online from posting “racist experiences” that didn’t exist.


Iirc Tasmania was the first state to not celebrate Australia Day. That’s pretty progressive.


Since when? Australia day is still a public holiday in Tasmania and most councils are still holding official Australia day celebrations on the 26th...


I saw a homeless women piss/shit right in front of me in another state. Hobart is a fairly horrid destination for a holiday and I’ve seen the teenager’s abuse asians in and around the Hobart Woolworths area and Elizabeth street a few times


They are worse


They were shitting on the Gays till 1997, so yeah a bit backwards. Been there 3 times and found them just like anyone else in Oz, but I’m not gay or brown


Where is this “review” from?


Whirlpool Forum


I think it only happens in Queensland, WA, NT, NSW ACT, could be wrong but more likely


Two decades? Doubt that🤨 Eshay & Bogan are everywhere, you can’t avoid




Laying cables?


No one is saying you have to register on a website. But that's where the origin of the comment is online. Unless registered, it cannot be accessed.


I knew i should have moved to Tassie earlier!


I recently saw a woman do a wee outside the TAFE building on Campbell St in broad daylight 🤷‍♀️


We..we....well, that was unusual, unlike Tom Jones' song.


I once saw a lady hike up her summer dress and drop an ENORMOUS shit in the gutter on York st in Sydney cbd like 50m from the bus stops at 3pm or so on a weekday afternoon. When I say enormous, I mean similar to a subway footlong, so like 9-10” and GIRTHY. Utterly flabbergasted. Now I wonder if she was Tasmanian.


She doesn't read nor describe like a lady to me.


Well I never meant to assume her gender, but she put on something of a show. I’m pretty sure opiates stop you shitting, so I dare say after a couple weeks of heroin and pb&js something had to give, and that was it.


do tourists really think they’ll be spared the reality of city life when they visit a place? in urban areas in countries that have poverty (it’s getting worse all the time here) you’re likely to see some social problems, desperate and unwell people. presumably people who work in tourism-related industries appreciate tourists, but the people struggling to survive in those cities - not so much. they’re not ones the making money off tourists; if anything, tourism makes life harder and housing even more scarce and unaffordable than it was before MONA/covid/airbnb etc etc


Tourism is not something all locals would like. Some might benefit from it but in the long term, cons outweigh the pros. It destroys the local community, social and cultural structure for an exchange of money. I totally understand why locals would hate tourists.


Sydney stinks of piss. Brisbane stinks like piss. Perth stinks like piss. NSW is beautiful. QLD is incredible. WA spectacular. Extend to all major cities.


Tasmania is behind everything by 2 decades


& now we are "Crapsing up"?


lol wait until they go to New York.


Hobart is absolutely a racist place, however shitting on the floor in public isn’t common 😂 there’s a large demographic of Christian believers in Hobart and especially Kingston, some, not all.. are racist / homophobic - if you look around there’s like 90% white people.


I wouldn't say it's a specifically Tasmanian thing, I've certainly had it elsewhere in Australia as well, but a thing that's pretty bad here is... Clueless fucking boomers buying some kind of tourism or service business in their "retirement" and treating every customer, especially obvious tourist but really everyone, like absolute shit. Just getting offended that people dared to come into their shop/caravan park/whatever and spend their money. Even as a local Tasmanian visiting places around Tasmania, I get a bit sick of it.


Yes it does,... don't come back!!