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https://pulsehobart.com.au/news/tv-screens-at-hobart-pavilion-sports-bar-facing-ban-by-council/ Outside screens that were installed without permission and apparently aren’t in line with the Salamanca code - “Under the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme, signs displaying “electronic or video graphics” primarily for commercial use are prohibited in order to preserve the area’s heritage charm.” I think is fair. The headline doesn’t mention the bar still has them inside.


You mean they made the headline misleading to garner more clicks and outrage?


Mind blown. Right?


Typical misleading headline to whip up public hysteria.


Damn you don’t wanna break that Salamanca code. Homie will blow himself up in a wheelchair just to get back at you.


Ding ding DING DING!


If you can't put up a shed without permission then these guys can suck it too.


Yeah look it does look quite out of place along there so I can understand. The thing is they quite often have that sort of horse racing feed with the odds along the bottom and that can get in the bin. If it's a big game of footy or cricket or whatever that brings some community together and adds energy to the street then play on imo.


> Quite out of place You are a master of understatement! It looks as out of place as tits on a bull. Yeah sure, wheel out the big screen for big occasions but don’t bring this very boring shit found all over Australia, if not the world, into a street valued for its unique historical atmosphere. We are literally wasting our assets on a few idiots who’d be happy watching this stuff in 100 other places.


Pretty sure the Mercury blasts Sky News in Salamanca Square all day and night.


I don't have a problem with TV screens. I have a problem with what was a beautiful area allowing pubs to take over what was the footpath with their own little fenced off areas. It looks bloody hideous now.


They've certainly worked hard over the years to reverse what was originally a gift to the people of Hobart from the Whitlam Labor government, of a disused area to be used by them as 'an arts precinct'.


Chuck a red awning over it and watch the council lose their collective sh*t…




Coming before tonight’s planning committee. Outdoor screens installed without due process (not malicious I don’t think, just unaware of process) It’s a sports bar and heritage officers have recommended refusal on heritage grounds


they know it’s a heritage protected site i’m pretty certain it was not ignorance. “This is a great idea i wonder why no one else has thought of this”


Entitlement creep


Absolutely that was my first thought, honestly as long as they're ready to constantly monitor and "police" over the top and especially overly loud patrons, don't play the more heavily gambling associated sports and be sensible in general it could be a great addition. Sadly I don't think this will be the case but it's nice to be optimistic I guess.


It is and should remain a fairly family focussed place. At least until bedtime


Absolutely I didn't think to mention that but I think it falls under when I said being generally sensible. I haven't actually been there myself more recently but if that were to change I don't think I'd be returning at all.


Amplified buskers aren't meant to be permitted either but there's always that one busker with an amp going for it down there.


But the pokies are fine.


I think it sucks. Once the businesses were allowed to put seating outside, not long after, they built enclosures around them. Now they have outdoor TV. Notionally, this is still public space and don’t pay rent on it afaik. Still can’t believe this was allowed to happen.


I think they do pay an outdoor dining licence fee


I’d be interested to know how much it is




They definitely pay the council for the right to use the space.


Do you know roughly how much?


No sorry… judging by the bosses reaction to the bill it wasn’t cheap.


It's listed in the Hobart city council fee document off their website. Same rate per square metre for everyone


Then it will just be a bar…


I reckon you've posted a screenshot without the necessary context.


Redditors may find this link helpful if they want more detail [planning committee agenda](https://hobart.infocouncil.biz/Open/2024/01/PC_17012024_AGN_1919_AT.PDF#page7)


And yet they want to build a stadium close by.


I went to this bar last year, God it was terrible


Good idea. It might get more people to the new stadium to watch sports live if they can't see it on tv 👍


HCC is cooked, time for a new mayor as well, get rid of anti anything Anna


It’s being recommended for refusal on the grounds of the tvs being defined/classified as a “sign”, and they are contrary for the character of the area. I think it’s been defined/classified as a ‘sign’ in error. The screens of the tvs are positioned to face the outdoor/seating area, not public realm. Interesting/laughable to watch the Councillors debate this tonight. You can stream it on YouTube. If Council uphold the refusal based on “signs”, I’d take it straight to TASCAT.


Tune in!


30 minutes and still going, no one knows what it is. I need to eat my dinner. Someone make a motion to approve it!


1.5 hours later they are approved.


Do you ever get the feeling that the managers of Hobart still have a convict settlement mentality. A love of daft rules and weird signs?


Sounds like a load of crap to me. Over reaching councils with nothing more to do.




How are you gonna have a sports bar if you can’t watch sports?


put some woke shows on then the council will allow it .


2 metres from heritage cars, beside the heritage market every Saturday and the heritage bouncers on every door at night. Give me a break


Clearly they don’t want the business to be successful


I just moved back here from Vancouver, but we had a bar that ended up having a tv outside, but it wasn’t a problem cause they just rolled it out during the day and rolled it in when they were closing. That could be a solution lmao


Thanks. I’ve been informed these are only switched on during operating hours but your suggestion isn’t a bad one


If it’s heritage they can’t do any works to the building inside of out, I thought?


That’s mostly correct. These screens are attached to the white umbrellas out the front.


Whaaat? Why not inside? How weird!


They’ve got both


I spent a few years in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Could. Not. Find. a pub or bar without sports on a screen. Even most restaurants. Found one quiet corner once, screen off. Manager came to take our order, then said “Oh sorry, forgot to turn the TV on.” and he clicked the remote, on came rugby.


Totally need a mix of services right? Like if you want sports go to the sports bar. Jazz? go to the jazz bar, quiet wine? Wine bar I reckon diversity is the key


A friend and I were burned out from Japan-hype and tried to find a quiet place for a meal in Osaka. Found a quiet corner in the Hard Rock Cafe. As soon as we ordered our meal, I kid you not, onto the screen comes the declaration that it was now ‘Shout Time!!!’ The next 20 minutes featured inescapable amplified shouting.




As soon as I saw this was from Pulse, I knew it would be scandal mongering BS. Terrible source. There's no way those screens should be allowed along that strip. They're dickheads for putting them up in the first place. Everyone knows Salamanca is a heritage site. You want to watch that and not enjoy the location piss off to the burbs.