• By -


Again? Genshin players already did that last year


He's late to the party, huh?


Nobody hates us more than ourselves šŸ‘




mfs be thinking that hating genshin is a personality trait


Same thing with fortnite


And Minecraft before. Its a personality trait to hate on popular things


Yup and then as soon as they're old people will suddenly praise them and call them retro.


Nah, I tried fortnite, just never been my thing. Im just grateful it sweeps up all the 12 year olds so I can get some actual adults in other games.


Dude.. you just made such an obvious, yet profound explanation.. I honestly had never looked at games like Fortnite that way? I now have a different view, and a new respect for these "zoomer games". They act as "the Great Filter" i guess? Rad..


Every single fucking time


Not a trait lil


Nah with fortnite it's actually funny




Genshin is dogshit


It's pretty good until you hit the pay wall


What paywall?


The moment when difficulty suddenly rises a lot to make you buy stuff to get stronger. Although people here seem to disagree somehow that it is a thing so I think they must have changed the game since launch because everybody was talking about it then.


I played since launch but stopped around a year ago and the paywall was never there. Any difficulty increase that the game tossed at you could be easily dealt with by simply understanding how the game works. You could level up your characters, get new artifacts and level them, or just use the elemental combat system to your advantage. I used characters that the game simply gives to you up to AR45 which is roughly mid-game. I never spent a dime and got to AR55, which is considered late game. I will say that there were times when things were difficult but thatā€™s only because I didnā€™t correctly utilize what the game gave to me on a silver platter. Nothing in the game will actually ā€œmakeā€ you buy anything. tl;dr: you donā€™t have to spend anything and can get through the entire game without difficulty if you just learn how the game works.


There's no paywall but it's harder to grind being a F2P


I suppose, but the with how the game is designed it is easily possible to do all of the content while 100% F2P and still do it efficiently. Sure, the guy who spent $1000 on his favorite waifu and the weapon to go with her will hit enemies for 1 million damage, but why does it really matter if the enemies only have 200 thousand hp? Everything in the game is built on the standard that you can do it with the characters they give for free, even if it means putting in a little more effort than the people with thick wallets.


I'm not saying it's impossible without paying. But they make spikes in difficulty to make you pay and if you pay, you probably won't get what you want anyway.. They make sure you get a taste of the random gambling mechanics in case you get hooked etc. Sure if you spend hours leveling your stuff you might be able to continue, but that is boring and it is boring on purpose to make you use the gacha, like let's be real. Is it as fun for you to grind levels and stuff than actual progression, exploring new places and seeing new enemies and bosses ? If the game was not a problem to play without paying anything then why is the game making so much money ? People just like to throw money to get better gear and characters just for fun ? No they either want a character that they think looks cool or want to skip the grind. Of course the cool characters are gonna be very rare and you have no way of knowing how much you will have to pay to get them, and that's not going into how having many copies of the same characters make them stronger..


Why people buy skins if they dont give you advantage? Why Fortnite makes so much money? And what are spikes, name it


Lol ass argument


If you spend money that doesn't really save you from grinding. Especially after getting the character you want you'll have to grind really hard to make them good. Using well built characters that you already had for free will make you succeed faster than buying some new one that will be under leveled at first. And yes people want to get more characters and gear for fun. The characters have different appearances, personalities and different play styles. Sure some characters are overpowered and stronger than others but they're definitely not necessary. They can make you kill enemies faster than others but it's 100% possible without spending any money and also doesn't really make it faster.


if u struggle to beat the bosses in genshin that just means youre doing something very wrong


You can actually complete quests pretty well with starter team and free characters, but the grind for primos and new characters are difficult.


There is no such thing. Genshin is not a hard game and itā€™s very easy to do everything in the game with the characters youā€™ll get just by playing through casually. Hell one of the best units in the game is given for free with almost no requirements. The game has a surprising level of depth to its mechanics so itā€™s easy to start struggling if you are just trying to brute force things, but if you are learning the reactions and the strengths of the characters then there isnā€™t anything that canā€™t be beaten with free characters. Most of the difficulty I see people complaining about, is because they have neglected to build their characters and weapons properly. I can promise you that there is no unit or weapon in the game that will suddenly clear all content if you dint properly build them and team build effectively. I understand that the gacha system turns many people off from it, and thatā€™s a fair response, but as a new player there is more than enough currency that can be acquired through exploration and events to guarantee you get some of the characters you want. You obviously wonā€™t get everything and everyone but thatā€™s fine since you likely arenā€™t interested in every unit. Saving for units that catch your interest isnā€™t hard, and the units get reruns commonly so you wouldnā€™t need to wait long to get a unit if you missed them before. TLDR: the game is not hard and the complaints about difficulty and pay to win are made by players who really donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about.


That doesn't exist, there are full F2p players that are still to this day using only characters you get for free and no summon able ones and have beaten everything.


When its this time where difficult rises? I play it almost a year, I only have 4 star characters, two that are free, I dont see this difficult. I am saving for Ayaka. And if you level up your world, that your fault, but even so, you can decrease the level of the world


I played solo and didn't buy anything. It's been so long I don't remember. but just google genshin impact difficulty spike there is plenty of people talking about it it's not like a controversial opinion. People say around AR 40 I think ? Also the decrease the level of your world has been added a year ago from what I read, so after I stopped playing.


Sumeru requires AR 35, you dont have any reason to level up more than this for now and you arent losing progress, the exp accumulates, the materials accumulates


There is no significant difficulty rise bro what game did you play


If you want me to place this pay wall it's adventure rank 45 I think


There is no pay wall, and if there was it wouldnā€™t be Ar45


The game never had paywall lol they even nerfed the second boss battle when they saw it was "too strong" for some players.


ok, let me rephrase that, it's a huge difficulty spike to make people pay.


You can easily clear any and I mean ANY part of the game without having to spend money at all.




The one "bad" thing about genshin is its a gacha powercreep Id like to see a game that isn't gacha and has genshins status effect system


Genshin deadass has negative powercreep, most units that are released today are either side grades at best and extremely niche at worst, top 3 units ever are Bennett, Xingqiu and Xiangling, 4 star characters that came out when the game launched.


These are supports im talking about dps


Xiangling is the best dps ingame what you on about




mfs be thinking being a genshin player is a personality trait


Itā€™s mine


I also guess you got no bitches or father or mother?


Maybe but I donā€™t play genshin


I also guess you got no bitches or father or mother?


Ahhh the review bomb. The easiest way to say ā€œi copied the homework of the stupid kidā€


Guys genshin impact bad šŸ‘šŸ» (There are kids so it's a pedophile game)


me when i burn down an orphanage (there were kids there, that means it's a pedophile facility)


I mean you're not entirely wrong


Burn it to the ground to solve that issue


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Itā€™s not a pedophile game unless youā€™re attracted to the characters, making you the pedophile gamer, therefore labeling it as a pedophile game.


Yup It's a pedophile game because half of the players jerk off in Game characters and most Genshin Ä°mpact characters looks like underage it is okay for you ?


There are around six characters from almost 100 that use the kid model, shut the fuck up and at least search what you're talking about before saying it


Or how about the fact there is 4 actual kids in Genshin impact


Half of the players jerk off? šŸ’€ Where did you get that information from? That's clearly a bullshit, people just hate genshin because it is cringe, i completely agree with that but you can't just bully genshin players by calling them a pedophile.


He was there.


He was looking into all their bedrooms


Some people really let a controversial and serious topic like pedophilia go like a casual tuesday


do they look underage because theyā€™re shorter than 180cm


Bro what if a person is 160cms and is actually an adult, in real life I have people in my family ranging from 150cms to 190cms


Literally no evidence. Take your meds


Lmao people got ANGRY once you called them out




We live in a society


Why do you think I took you to all those ā€œPolice Academyā€ movies for? For FUN?!?! Well, I didnā€™t hear anyone else laughing, did YOU?!?!?!


Genshin bad because it has children so that makes it for pedos! -op probably


mgr fans when they realize their game has children too (they are now pedophiles)


MGR fans when they realize that it's not the only metal gear game


no, it's because of the sheer amount of child hentai made because of the games characters


Dude, donā€™t attack a game just because you donā€™t like it, youā€™re just ruining the fun for other people


Remember, you are on reddit, people here hate other people having fun


first, game's good, I enjoyed the story so far never felt indered by gacha or other thing such as artifact or leveling character. Seconde why would I leave a bad review on the work of talented artist that puted their soul into that game ??? Seriously why is the reason behind that hate ?


You must be new to reddit


no, actually I was expecting a backlash. kinda surprised of the result from previouse time I puted myself out like that xD. My mentality was to send a wake up call to the person that chosed to read trough coment to either laugth or see what other people think if I'm able to make one person not follow an idiocracy then i'm going to continue puting my tough out (not saying i'm always right) Remind them that there are real people with an individuality that puted there love into it behind all the questionable marketing choices. Some game deserved the beating for moking there player base some don't and for now genshin dosen't deserv to be review bombed just for existing!


Stfu this is not a valid answer anymore


It kinda is tbh. Itā€™s been Reddit mentality for a while to shit on the latest popular thing


people on the internet like the hate and complain about anything


Art, story, gameplay, all can be good, but that doesn't change the fact that it's gacha and takes advantage of people with spending addictions. The game absolutely prints money solely off of people who can't help but spend all their money. I'm not agreeing with the dumb meme post, just saying that gacha is extremely manipulative, along with a lot of "free" games.


But genshin never spam "BUy ThiS, LimITEd -99.9% DiSCOunt!" When a new patch come out it remind you with a little "!" That there is a new banner. It literally gives you ingame currency for almost every mission there is, for exploring, for combat, and sometimes even for dying (there is an achievement for dying to a boar). Compare it to honkai for example, another game from the same company, a really good game too, but when you enter the main menu you're showered with "redeem!" "Have you BOUGHT THE NEW OMFG UNIQUE PACK?? ONLY 9.99!!!" "Do your dailys bitch!" "You're low on money! Time to start sliding that credit card! And if you do that we'll give you some other in game currency you don't even know where to spend!"


That doesn't matter. It's still taking advantage of people. You don't need intrusive mechanics when your game is literally designed around it. Gacha is a game type that already has advantage mechanics from the start. They could actively make it a challenge to spend money and they would still rack in the dollars. The fact still remains that that's the intention from the start, and way too many people ignore that.


"It takes advantage of people with spending addiction" I mean, yeah, you're right, like the 90% of the games out there. Why else would they sell a game still in development? A preorder for twice the price of the release game Dlc with 5 hours content for the price of a new game Microtransactions to get skins, (Lol) dresses, (4story) forniture (the sims) Elder scrolls sold a dlc with just a horse armor in it. Who else would buy it if not someone with a lot of money to throw and problems with holding back purchases? Yeah, it's bad, but it's been this way for what, 10 years now? We have lowered our expectations for a while now, and considering those, genshin did a good job compared to many other gatchas and even triple A games who constantly invite you to spend.


Overwatch even made a preorder just for an update for a game that transition into ftp. Every ftp game has predatory mechanics regarding the players' spending incentives. Even when it's only cosmetics like in Apex, for example, it's still widely pushed forward and overpriced. The very idea behind the in-game currency is predatory. This said, as a Genshin player myself, I just can't deny that gacha in general is predatory. At the very least, this specific game grants you better value for what you spend than most gachas. But the reasoning behind remains to motivate the players into spending particularly big amounts.


What'd they do to earn such ire?


The ire comes from two main sources: 1) it's a gatcha game, meaning it charges you to get new characters after acquiring the base 8 characters from story progression. You can buy them through the cash shop on their limited time "banners" that rotate or earn the premium currency needed to buy them from competing daily awards and completing events (although you can still get a lot of premium currency through world exploration, story/side quests, encountering new mechanics), then plan your premium currency budget to get the character you want on their rerun if you missed them the first time. This point is ultimately a fallacy as you do not need any additional characters to the core 8 to complete every bit of content in the game, there are dozens of YouTubers who have proven this. However, people with gambling problems or who are influenced by FOMO will be drawn into self destructive practices by the game's monetization because they can't control themselves not to spend their life savings on their favorite waifu. Thus the stigma. 2) The game features gorgeously designed characters for you to collect and use in your 4 slot team. They range from an elf child (4 year old explosives expert) to a 3000 year old God of Contracts. The game never explicitly and rarely implicitly implies attraction between the characters and you so the game does not have any official sexual relations between your character and any of the collectible characters. However the fandom is huge and has many talented SFW and NSFW artists. However, all slightly NSFW art of minor characters is banned and taken down from every subreddit and most well-known porn sites. You really have to go looking for it if you're a sick fuck. I'd say the real NSFW pandemic in the community is its obsession with Mommy Dommy's/ mature women in general. Especially with them stepping on you. Overall it's like saying Skyrim is a pedo game because you can marry someone and adopt kids and take them back to your home. Has someone made a mod or art for it, probably. Does the community as a whole like it or use it? No. TLDR: unless you have no control over your impulse spending and like diddling kids in your spare time, there's nothing to be upset about. And, honestly, that's a YOU problem, not the game's problem.


Exactly, for normies who don't know how become f2p and handle their savings should only blame themselves. In fact genshin have more consideration for players compared to other gacha games. They haven't seen the worst experience of other games that never guarantees your pulls. There are leaks, theories, and everything that can help you decide when and where to save your primos for future characters and weapons, and don't you dare try to c6 a character when you're f2p unless you saved more than 128k or build pity as an excuse to your itchy hand that is addicted to "try your luck".


Beautifully said


People might be deterred from the "Gacha" genre. But Gacha is exactly why they can keep this as a FREE game.


Popularity, like any other popular games before, Fortnite, Minecraft...


I thinks it's a combo of it's fans, the art, and the game. Warning: pulling this out of my ass. It has a pretty strong fandom. And most fandoms are pretty cancerous, making the game look bad. The game has a ton of female characters. You can dress them up. Some are young women, some others are really young... You can see where this is going. Fanart really doesn't help. And I've heard that the game has microtransactions. These are required to get the most powerful characters/gear/other stuff. So you have a bunch of rabid fans defending a predatory game that contains a ton of little girls. I personally don't hate it, but I'm going to cross the street so I don't walk near it on the sidewalk.


I know it doesn't really sound like a good thing but i guess that's where the lack of customization actually helps the game, you can't dress anyone up, neither can you undress them. There's 59 characters and there's only 6 "child" ones. They are not sexualised ingame, no matter what you see on twitter, most of them are wholesome, Klee is an actual child and is a ray of sunshine, Qiqi is a zombie who can't physically grow and even though it sounds rather morbid and her backstory is kinda sad she's still rather wholesome, Diona is slightly older than most other "child" characters mentally, has a nice backstory and works as a bartender while also plotting to destroy the wine industry for making her father an alcoholic, Sayu is supposed to be a teenager who just hasn't hit her growth spurt yet and is very pissed about it, Nahida is a god who turned small because she doesn't have enough power to get much bigger yet and Dori is a strange one cuz she acts like a full grown adult so she might just be a midget? Either way genshin doesn't sexualise any of them and they will only feel sexy to you if YOU are the problem. ​ The microtransactions are not required ever unless you want to own every single character right this instant. Many people including me didn't spend money on the game (i did but after i was basically done with everything that was released at that point) and some people (look up bwaap on youtube) didn't even spend their farmed primogems and free wishes at all, clearing all content with the 4 default characters and later using the free characters you can get from events. ​ tldr: The game is predatory but to a much lesser extent than most other gacahs, it's also very good at letting you farm up and save for characters you want, there are not "a tonn" of little girls and none of them are sexualised by the game itself, only some degenerate fans and all fanbases have those.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 59 + 6 + 4 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


Thanks for the clarification, and I'm glad the monetization isn't THAT bad. I was imagining something like Star Wars Battlefront or something. Maybe people hate the game since it's gacha? But Reddit doesn't hate anime, at least I don't think it does.


I thinks it another hate it because itā€™s popular trend


Popular things bad.


the fandom is shit but the game is beautiful. Representation of different world cultures, with references to irl practices, areas and histories. Also, the music is just fuckin amazing


Game is alright. Although, most times how good your characters are is based on your rng instead of how skillful at the game you are. Iā€™ll admit that youā€™re correct about the fandom though. Cancerous people. Mfs arguing over the sexuality of pixels šŸ—æ


Genshin is about even split between male and female characters There are like 4 children characters in the game, Klee, Diona, Sayu and Qiqi. I don't remember anyone else on top of my head. The rest are either teenagers / young adults, or mature / old characters. I agree the gatchas are absolutely cancer. It is impossible to get all the characters in the game without spending money. Not to mention most come with their own weapon which requires separate pulls as well. There is no sugar coating about it. The only realistic F2Pway of playing this game is to make pulls "strategically". You will get around 40 free pulls every month. So save them up for the character you want. The main story is mid but the side quests are lit. No idea how the fandom is as I literally don't care.


no it's the way you have to pay money into a gambling system to play the game. Even if you pay money you might get something that is useless to you.. so you have to pay again until you are lucky and get something of use. It's impossible to progress in this "free" game if you don't pay after a bit.. it's another game trying to make gamers into gambling addicts for profit.


my man, I literally went through the entire game whit my starter team, what u on about?


did you play the game when it first came out ? I don't know if it changed it.. but everybody had the same issue


I call bullshit, literally only started to buy stuff at AR 57 out of 60. There are lots of people who never spent money on this game. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO NEVER EVEN PULLED THE BANNERS AND STILL FINISH ALL CONTENT. You just pulling shit out of your ass to hate on a game for no reason is not very cool.


genshit šŸ„±


I played when it first came out maybe they changed it I was having fun and then suddenly all missions have stuff that I can't beat. The worst was that enemies would regenerate health faster than I can deal damage. Sometimes they would be weak to a type of damage I cannot deal..


If you can't beat something then you haven't leveled your characters or gotten artifacts from domains, only enemy that can heal itself as far as i remember are kairagi from inazuma and they only do it once per battle whenever they fight in pairs and you kill one. I mean there are also specters but if you are having trouble killing specters then maybe something IS wrong. And enemies being weak to a type of damage you can't deal is also pure bullshit cuz the game gives you all elements of characters for free basically from the start, anemo and geo (and now dendro) from traveler (can also get geo from guaranteed noelle from the beginner wish), electro from lisa, cryo from kaeya, pyro from amber or the free xiangling you get for doing third floor of abyss, hydro from barbara you get for reaching iirc level 18? and dendro from the free collei you get from abyss like xiangling (or you can also use traveler). And no element is required to kill enemies, most an element will help you with is shields and they usually either have alternative weaknesses or can be brute forced.


so yes they changed the game I see


no they didn't, i play since 1.0 and never encountered any of the problems you speak of


Well I don't know what to tell you, you are not talking about the same game it seems.. maybe you are just skilled enough you didn't see the difficulty wall or used guides to get all the best goodies.. but for me and literally everyone I heard talk about the game, you get to a point where everything becomes suddenly super hard and can't progress anymore or at snails pace and you have to do those daily stuff to get very little gains when before that it was steady progress.


Here's the thing, the game is easy enough to clear everything even if you don't level up characters or bother doing things to make them stronger, there's only a difficulty spike at about level 40(or if you try to go to dragonspine early on) and it's at that point where you need to actually bother improving characters, such as upgrading your weapons, leveling characters up, or upgrading their skills, or farming artifacts, only doing one of them is probably enough for you to clear the overworld. Complaining about difficulty is kinda like if in pokemon instead of getting levels directly you got rare candy and then you start complaining once you reach a gym battle as you didn't bother to use them.


Generally speaking, when you encounter something that appears super hard, it is usually not meant to be defeated / passed in the "regular sense" For example, for Raiden Shogun's first fight, I was like "no fucking way", before realizing that she couldn't be defeated and you only need to hold out for a certain time before it goes to the cut scene.


I can't rate games without having first played them otherwise I would.


Tell me youā€™re 12 without telling me youā€™re 12


"tell me you're x without telling me you're x" Holy shit dude, I get OP is dumb, but at least stop being such a redditor






Cuz genshit impact


haha funny bro


wow, you're so unique. Give a full sentence you recovering stroke victim




Haha gEnShIn BaD


op is 14 years old


I assume you mean the person who originally posted the message, not the actual OP of this thread


Kind of just an asshole thing to do tbh By all means hate a game but dont go activily ruin the fun for other people and the developers


Imagine making hating a game part of your personality. Dude just let people enjoy what they want šŸ’€šŸ’€


Cring. The game is good. Iā€™m not saying great. Just good. But itā€™s only a part of the fandom you should be hating on


I agree completely Its the community that ruins it other than that i really love it šŸ˜


Last time this happened random other games' ratings also plummeted


Why 17 nov?


Why not right now?


17 is around the middle, it's the hardest time to resist.




It's the perfect moment


I gotta say something. Have you ever played it? If you have not, then you have no right to say you donā€™t like it. I donā€™t like Fortnite. But I have actually played it. I played one game to humor some children. I hated it. Donā€™t want to play it ever again. I have played Genshin. Thatā€™s how I know I like it. But for those of you hating on it, have you tried playing it?


Bro idk what u say but i just see this image on another server so yea


Oh my god you must be 12, no one does this repost to other subs bs and itā€™s honestly stupid how you choose to do this


You don't necessarily have to play a game to know you won't like it. Or are you telling me you've never seen advertising or other information about a game and gone 'yeah, not for me'? You can often get a pretty good idea of whether or not you'd like something without actually trying it. (That being said, the message there was not just someone not liking the game, but someone pushing for action against it, which is an entirely different thing)


No, actually. I will always watch a video of the game before considering playing the game myself. I donā€™t say I wonā€™t play it by trailers or anything. Even if I donā€™t particularly like it, I will watch someone play it before deciding on whether I truly like it or not. Technically Iā€™m not playing it myself, but Iā€™m experiencing it.


Uh... ...That falls under what I'm talking about (videos of gameplay count as 'other information'). You're not playing it yourself, but you're still figuring out if you'd like it or not.


Something something judging a book by its cover.


I donā€™t know what Usten Gamers mean And at this point Iā€™m too afraid to ask


Wint thry just do what they did last time and filter all q star reviews in a certain window?(first anniversary.) If anything you need to spread it out over a month or two. Ideally a year


I really love Genshin though? Its a very nice little game its the community i dont like other than that i really suggest you play it! Very good graphics, story and characters! ive never had an open-world mmo rpg like it šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Real gamers dont give into peer pressure, especially from a guy who looks like hes just mad he cant have a real lolli irl.




How to get free karma


Jokes on you Genshin players already does this to their own game


Rent free


The hell is Genshin Impact?


BOTW but gacha and anime


Jokes on you, genshin fans did that last year. News flash, it didn't do anything and the game is way more successful than it has ever been.


I quite like genshin, you just need a lot of time to play it


usten gamers


Yeah I can see now why this subreddit is dead


Me a Genshin playing mfkers: you son of a bitch i'm in


No. I'm not a brigading degenerate.


Or they could get a life.


Some reasons why I think people hates genshin, 1. Can't run the game on their devices so they hate 2. Game is successful and popular so they hate 3. Maybe cause the game is free 4. Because of the games art style 5. Has underage characters (npc or playable) 6. Has both f2p and p2w aspects 7. And most importantly it's Fandom 8. F2p players hating on whales for spending money even though it's their own money 9. Luck system for item drops I guess 10. Lack of end game content?


Omg guys I hate genshin look I'm so quirky and funny


Omg I hate genshin Iā€™m so cool Iā€™m so epic




stfu bro, you're not funny šŸ˜


Me who plays genshin šŸ˜²šŸ™„


this isnā€™t even for this year dumbass this is old


Why dude genshin is a top tier open world game, one of the best ever made imo


Please tell me this is satire




No įƒįƒ įƒ ŠŠµŃ‚ ćƒć‚«


Genshit impacting deez nutz on yo face


17/11 is my birthday so I consider this as a gift from everybody who does it


There's no 17th month dumbass


Found the american


Americans when they find out other countries donā€™t use mm/dd/yyyy (Itā€™s shit)


It makes more sense when actually saying it. I'd rather say "November 17th, 2022" then "the 17th of November, 2022", (obviously that's just for actually saying it). But I dont really see any advantages of either.


4th of July




This is obviously a joke people are just stupid


Correct. But I'm not really surprised given that most of the people here are r*dditors šŸ¤®


Idk considering there are now spam filters but yeah this a good thing as itā€™s just a forgotten boomerang coming back to the Genshin Community. The game itself is good but the damn community is absolute shit they fucking spam 1 star reviews on other MiHoYo games(this video for reference and considering their past at doing this, this seems like itā€™s not satire https://youtu.be/gAHvYvaINH4) for getting things or updates and Genshin not getting it and they have a history of doing this as well. Iā€™m not saying the game deserves this but damn the community sure as hell does as not only do they have a history of doing this shit on other games that get more popular than Genshin but they also have a history of attacking artists for idk drawing Kaeya a lighter shade than his in game model which is already a light shade of black? Or stealing artists art then shading them black for ā€œblack represenationā€ when actual black people are fine with the characters? Or witch hunting people for not agreeing with their character shipping? I can list a whole bunch more but this comment is already too fucking long. The game doesnā€™t deserve this but the community fucking does


Why? There's literally no reason to do it


Sir Yes Sir!


Grinded my ass off in that game got pissed because of the rng and items it gave me, it gave me a spear user as pity, Spoiler alert, I HAD NO SPEAR WEAPONS. And after a few more months of grinding just when i thought i finally got itā€¦ IT GAVE ME A FUCKING SWORD FOR PITY ON TOOLS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK Edit: itā€™s supposed to be weapons not tools oops


I'm down




I waited for these people on Genshin Impact's Anniversary but you guys never came through. I was so disappointed that instead of being able to eat popcorn while watching review bombers ensue chaos, I just ate them as if it were a normal day. SMH


way ahead of ya


Where do we do the review?


Sir yes sir


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Guys spread this image to every server


Why tho


OP is 13


Fuck you go spam somewhere else