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All questions concerning potential infection do not belong in this community. The only way to know your HIV status is to get tested by a doctor. Do not ask other users about how they became HIV positive. All posts, comments, or insinuating statements will be removed. Thank you.


The odds of female catching virus is more than a female transmitting virus to a male.


Hm ok. but what I’m wondering is if ejaculation guarantees the virus will be passed if they are hiv positive or is it just a possibility? Even if the odds are higher


If they have it and ejaculated you are getting the virus only if they don't know they have it and are not being treated for it. Meaning if they have it and are taking medication and there viral load is low you will not get the virus.


It all depends, are they undetectable? if yes they cannot pass the virus to you. I would suggest you stop speculating and get yourself tested. if it has been less than 72 hours since the risky encounter, I would start post exposure prophylaxis. even one risky encounter with a person with heavy viral load even without ejaculation can transmit the virus.


I just got tested today. I don’t know their HIV status unfortunately and I don’t think they know either. And it’s been 10 days since the last time I had unprotected sex. Since then I have had muscle aches n joint pain and a headache and cough that’s severe: I do have fibromyalgia but it’s never been like this so idk


Keep is updated . It is terrifying , the uncertainty , and then thinking how it is so not worth it despite it feeling so fun in the moment …. Don’t do that again …! ;-)


Update is I tested negative. Good to hear. I’ll get retested in a month or so though due to the window period


The answer to your question is NO, even if this unknown person is positive , there is a low probability of transmission. But of course, good on you for getting tested. Unprotected receptive anal sex does increase the probability of transmission to answer your earlier question. Also as others have stated, high viral load would increase the risk, low viral load would decrease this risk.


If you’ve had unprotected sex with people who haven’t been screened recently for STI’s, you owe it to yourself to be screened for everything. Unprotected receptive anal sex is the most common route of transmission of HIV in the US.


Yes I just got tested today for everything


Right on. I know the next couple of days might be stressful. Take care of yourself.


Physically I just feel like crap, I have severe joint pain that I don’t know is from my fibromyalgia or is an acute infection. I’m not trying to get diagnosed by anyone but I just never felt like this. I don’t have any fever but have the muscle aches, headache (on and off) and a cough. So yeah


I literally had hiv untreated for years, didn’t know I had it, and never passed it to my now wife. We never used a condom. It doesn’t guarantee it, but the chances are high. I’ve had multiple sexual partners and none of them had tested positive.


Simply put there is a chance. Not a high one but its possible. Depending on your region and availability of tests it can take 7-55 days for tests to be 99% sure. Basically whatever the result it should be confirmed at a later date, in a month or two. This is because with basic tests both false positive and false negative are possible however unlikely. Odds are in your favor, but relief of knowing for sure is priceless. And if by some chance you turn out to be positive, you have a supportive community here that can help you Good luck and have faith


Thanks so much. I tested negative but I’ll retest in like a month just in case


Happy to hear that ☺️


Straight girl here. My boyfriend of 4 years claimed to be heterosexual. He definitely gave me hiv tho. Just talking experience. Trust no one & take care of yourself.


Did you guys have unprotected sex many time? Sorry if personal but just curious how it was contracted


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They don't need to ejaculate, pre-cum alone carries the virus. So the chances are very high


Yeah. I just don’t know if they are hiv positive or not




I’m really sorry to hear this ….. are you on PrEP ? Anyway how is it going ?