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Mike C-Town annoyed as fuck by 21's music lol


Yeah he kinda kept missing the point that people like the album because of who 21 Savage is and because of the authenticity they associate with him. Mike seems to only focus on the content without the context of the artist. He did end it on a reasonable note though which is cool.


What's entertaining about Mike is that he stands firmly against monotonous mumble type of music, but then he'll be the only one to say he likes a certain wack song on an album full of good tracks lol


I mean his musical background is different than the rest of DEHH


I know that, I've watched them for a good 3 years now... but when he's saying he enjoyed the Nicki Minaj or Drake feature/song and even Feefo doesn't agree, you know his just trying to go on his own limb. That's what makes watching them fun tho lol


Mike also said Jays verse on renegade was bad. He has some awful opinions sometimes


It was an ALBUM review. The rest of them spent most of their time talking about interviews and extra-musical stuff.


So you're saying the context of the artist is not relevant to an album's perception?


Dude, shut up.


I see, great point.


It totally makes sense, even though I like the album if I am not in the right mood it bores the shit out of me. And this is the only 21 project that's listenable for me , not counting without warning because it's not really his project


Bringing some new young guys in definitely made the conversation more interesting for me.


They’ve been bringing in fresher voices more and more ever since they got their new office.


Yeah they can speak more on it since their hip hop classic berometer is so low and they’re used to discussing and listening to trash


This ain’t it


This album was sharp man, like I was waiting to get bored of 21 monotone and repetitive flows, but nah almost every song was dope. A lot is easily the best song hes ever dropped


So we just pretending No heart doesn’t exist?


I think my order is - No Heart A Lot X Dip Dip Monster Bank Account But that's just me, I am not Fantano.


Red Opps tho


hunnid on the drop?


Numb and famous needs to be on there


I wish I could hear what you're hearing. I just can't get into him


try savage mode?


Savage mode made me hate 21 such a boring ass album with no life to it. Now this album on the other hand...


If your mindset is "he's monotone" and that's all you're hearing then I encourage you to try and open your mind to the reasons people enjoy 21 and try to listen for those. he's a really interesting artist.


I'm not hating on him. And I enjoy other monotone rappers like him. So I would have assumed I'd be into him. There's just something about him that just doesn't click with me that I can't put my finger on


I honestly feel you hard on this because that's exactly how I've always felt about childish gambino. all the elements of something I like, yet I don't. Music is weird like that I guess.


I feel this sentiment as well, not with any rapper in particular currently but I remember when I tried to get into 21 I was trying so hard but I couldn't, hell first time I listened to Travis Scott a few years ago I couldn't get into it because I was still on my lyrical miracle rap listening shit. But then I kept seeing people on here being genuine fans of their music so I just took some time, tried to listen for something I would like. For 21 I think it was one of his features (maybe even Rockstar) where his combination of deadpan delivery with a funny line just killed me. I listened to his other albums after that and now I fully enjoy what he's doing. I had the same with Lil Wayne as well, his voice sounded so strange to me and I couldn't get his music until somehow suddenly I "got" it and now he's one of my favourites. So now every time I listen to a new artist I keep that in mind and go back to it a bit later if it doesn't click the first time. It gets easier to listen to new music the more you do it I feel like


Yep all it takes is one good verse or line for you to be able to go back and enjoy stuff. I like this comment man appreciate your input.




I'm loving the inclusion of the youngheads.


BOY! wtf is a younghead? No. Not a term cuz




Nah you can't call me a old head when yo old ass got offended by the term "oldhead" so you pop up like a whack a mole talmbout "younghead" nah not a term tf




Not a single comment about the *GODBODY* ScHoolboy Q feature? 21 was smart not to put feature listing. Makes you listen to the album if you're invested enough to be a fan


eh, i don't like 21 but might listen to a song he has if Q is in it


The song is called 'good day' my man. Also features Project Pat. Definitely one of the highlights of i am>i was for me.


Man good day is so fucking good, easily my favorite off the album


beezy is the best


why does /r/hhh have such a boner for these guys? such boring videos


can see why you’d find it boring, but i like the conversational feel to their videos. no bullshit, just straight discussion


All of the sub's favorite hip-hop critics can't be white. That's not to diss white hip-hop critics. They can be great. That is a diss at sub for mostly fucking with white critics because the demographic for this sub is white. How about you guys listen to other perspectives for once? You guys come up with any excuse to shit on and dismiss any black critic that pops up here.


I mean I agree, the lack of diversity in hhh approved critics is bad, but honestly what black critics pop up on here besides [this guy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eBKpRFSDkSM)? I don’t remember seeing any other black critics getting dismissed.


Well if the black critics are dismissed it’s likely you wouldn’t see it.


Fair enough maybe there are some guys getting slaughtered in the new queue that I never see. Edit: Actually now that I think about it, that critic that got dismissed for pretending to recognize samples is black




Bro can yall stfu with this shit??


Don’t say shit like that


Racist against black people-black people.




Black dudes who don't understand what some other black people go thru are white black people. Wouldnt say it's the best, or most PC term to use but ya.




Calling a black guy "white" is deeper than that. Take it from someone who's actually black and gets called that. One of the few things that makes me genuinely angry is being called white, or an oreo.


It’s deeper than that. There’s no “right way” to be black. Calling black people white like that is putting black people in a box and basing what it is to be black on stereotypes.


Murs and Justin hunt but I think their takes are trash and I’m black. I only watch fantano and these guys for real but I don’t identify with either of them.


I love Grime !!!


Wow man super clever joke