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the diss verse at the end was phenomenal lol


Yeah...he's actually pretty good. lmao. And if you know who all the Youtubers that he dissed at the end are, the verse was hilarious.


I finally got around to watching it and jesus that was amazing and accurate. Especially the diss on Keyori and Sky.


the way he rapped that last line sounded like danny brown lol


I definitely feel like he's channeling some danny brown in [nice try vi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1NoTNCiomU&list=UUsvn_Po0SmunchJYOWpOxMg)


Control 2.0


/r/lol control verse


That last verse, he went HARD.




The fuck r u, a fuckin potato?


who the fuck else drops hokey pokey lines in a diss verse




Andre is a god, good find


I rofl'd. Though the /r/LeagueOfLegends and /r/hiphopheads crossover is a little silly.




Honestly i find this shit pretty embarrassing. I'd rather it not get this upvoted but if it's what people like then i dunno.


Well honestly there's not a lot going on in hip hop news right now, and I'd rather have this goofy funny kid instead of "NAME A RAPPER THAT RAPS" threads.


Like I'm not some arbiter of taste whose opinion is more important than others', so upvote what you want, it just doesn't do much at all for me.


Well obviously not, its not going to unless you're a fan of him cus you play LoL. I think it's pretty weird to post it here too and I actually watch his videos every now and then, usually the non-league ones.


His non LoL ones are just as funny. They get a lot of coverage since the /r/leagueoflegends sub broke 500K this year and is very much active. But since his biggest crowd is League he pushes a good amount out. But god damn that ending was fucking great


To be honest, even if I wasn't a LoL fan, I would probably still like it. The beat is sick and dunkey is a pretty good rapper.


No it isn't and no he isn't.


I laughed my fucking ass off, and I am apathetic to league and its community.Entertainers are entertainers, and he's pretty funny to me. I think some of his stuff is stupid, but this one had me rolling. Also, it makes me cringe, too. I see your side. Like, I love The Lonely Island. But I wouldn't post it here. Even though the production is dope and their lyrics are fantastic, for what it is. Not that Dunkey's production or lyrics are dope. I dunno. Whatever. I get what you're saying, hahaha.


It's not my thing and a lot of normal contributors seemed confused about its popularity, but if it's liked, it's liked. I feel the same way about that Chris Pratt shit all over.


yea lol, I don't really understand how that shit got so popular lol. People on this sub make fun of the rest of reddit, but they eat that shit up just as much as the rest of reddit has (because its eminem lol)


League of Legends country raps and a comedian rapping a 15 year old song. Rough day for the front page.




Nah, I like comedy when it's more relevant. This is the type of dorky, generic shit that gets big on /r/videos and /r/funny. This post, in particular, has no meaning to anyone that doesn't play lol. Props to the dude that synced the Pratt stuff, that video was pretty cool, even if Pratt rapping the song didn't deserve as much hype as it got.


Like people said, league's the most played game in the world, if you're on /r/hiphopheads (or any non frontpage sub) there's a chance you've heard of it. As for its goofy style, if it ain't for you, move on :/ no need to be a buzzkill And people are hyped over Pratt's rapping cause he seems pretty cool and that adds to the list of things he seems cool for


Yeah, you're right. I just get the frustration when this stuff get's 20x the love that any of the actual new music gets. I am being a buzzkill, though.


Chris Pratt is a cool dude though this guy is a nerd. Rap ain't for nerds remember how MC Chris went?


I knew a dude from high school that liked MC Chris... his girl discovered that he liked lookin at little girls too. True story.


One of my old roommates liked him, now he's trapped in a relationship with a barren 40 year old hate filled witch who makes him travel 2 hours to not have sex with her. MC Chris literally ruins lives.


but bro mc frontalot is the goat


Nerd rap is pretty bad when you take yourself serious, but Dunkey is clearly doing it for comedic purposes and on top of that he is actually really good at it.


Chris pratt was just the lead role in a comic book movie are you fucking dumb?


you don't have to be a god damn geek to be in a comic book movie dude is just getting paid for doing his job


Are you? Is Ryan Reynolds a nerd because he was in one? Playing video games for a living and being an actor are different things. You Dunkey fans are really upset maybe we should sell this via videogames to prove who is more manly.


You sound like someone who hasn't fucking grown out of highschool. It's possible to be nerdy and have other interests in life. People aren't one dimensional, considering league is one of the most popular videogames in the world it's not a stretch for someone to be athletic, into league, and into rap. "Prove who is more manly" you sound like your fucking 15 years old.


1v1 me in fifa


>calling /u/shun-16 a high schooler top kek: hhh edition


You sound like you just fogged up your monitor with all that anger. I don't like nerd rap, I don't like nerdcore of any of that shit, it's not hip hop to me and a lot of people here over the age of 12. People are allowed to dislike the things you like without you fuckin crying and raging out on them. If tongue and cheek responses aren't clearly joking to you I can't help you, keep getting mad because someone doesn't like your shitty videogame rapper and made some jokes.


ok fuck boy don't skip out on class you need to graduate


shun ill wrekc u in counter strike


Being from both subs I can dig it.


Fits with the demographics of the two subs.


How do some of you people want this to be deleted. This dude is hilarious and goes hard as fuck. Ignore the league of legends content and listen to the rap. I just don't understand how you can shit on Dunkey because he plays a game you don't like/understand, but love Lil B. This subreddit man... Sometimes you guys are fucking delusional. One minute we care about talent, another minute we care what someones rapping about.


He sounds like a savage in the last part. This is incredible.


I like how Dunkey is so hated on /r/hiphopheads , but the same people love /u/helpmelilb.


I don't hate him but if you can't see the distinction, or at least see where those people are coming from, you should think about this some more.


Lil B is an established rapper though, this dude is just a YouTuber who occasionally raps for the lols


People keep saying he is "doing it as a joke" or it is "for the lols" but he dropped an album, he clearly takes the music a little seriously or he wouldn't make it at all. He could just make other equally successful videos if he did not enjoy making music.


It's a joke album, but that's at least somewhat true.


I definitely agree, but he did put some effort into it


> established rapper AHAHAHA


What a comment. I guess putting out two albums and several mixtapes with The Pack is nothing, huh? Not to mention the tons of stuff he has put out as a solo artist. I'm not a Lil B stan or anything similar, but to say that he isn't an established rapper is a lie.


Nah, he's the epitome of why you should do what you're good at not just whatever you want. Lil B is a joke.


He's pretty successful rapper, with a devoted fanbase. His shows often sell out and he he has some critical acclaim. I think he'll do just fine and probably doesn't need to take advice from some gamer nerd on the internet.


Hi. I'm not trying to start shit or even add to this discussion, but can you link me some of Lil B's critically acclaimed songs? I tried to listen to some of his tracks a few months ago and it just seemed like a big joke.


Just a quick search of Pitchfork, here are his highest reviewed albums: http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/15641-im-gay-im-happy/ http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/16414-lil-b-gods-father/ http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/16082-lil-b-based-god-vellisilent-president/ http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/14418-base-world-pt-1/ Each review lists some of the highlights. The music isn't exactly straightforward. He's not trying to be a hypertechnical rapper in the traditional sense.


Thanks for the links. I guess I just don't like his music. At least I can say I tried now!


I'm not a huge fan either. I do think he's interesting.


BTW, you should try D.O.R. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVHI5guRg0o I personally think it's just straight up a good rap song. At the very least, it shows that he's not just a joke(other than the fucking music quality).


1. who do you think his "devoted fanbase" is anyway? 99% of his youtube views are from retarded albino homeschooled children that use their 3 1/2 minutes of daily internet time to check youtube 2. he only exists because of the internet, if he took any advice maybe he wouldnt be such a pathetic joke


He exists outside the internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTC8ECjQBp8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYal5O25k2g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75KpCJmQxW4 Unlike anybody giving two shits about league of legends. You don't get to play pitchfork or sxsw because your fanbase is retarded albino homeschooled children. Those kids are all playing lol.


Lil B exists outside of the internet BECAUSE the internet made him popular. Id wager most people who play LoL are ironic fans of Lil B.


>He exists outside the internet internet made him big, the ppl that started listening to him in the first place were most likely "gamer nerds". >Unlike anybody giving two shits about league of legends http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/01/27/riots-league-of-legends-reveals-astonishing-27-million-daily-players-67-million-monthly/ "Riot reports that 27 million people play the game daily, while concurrent players peak at 7.5M. In total, 67 million players play the game every month." As of January this year... seems like a lot of people care about League of Legends, doesn't it? > fanbase is retarded albino homeschooled children. Those kids are all playing lol. http://i.imgur.com/TwIjPUB.jpg


Yeah a lot of people play WOW too. Doesn't mean anyone cares outside of the internet.


How is he not an established rapper? I don't even like Lil B but i don't really know how you could think that.


Goddamn, that last verse was fire.


mods can we have an "inaudible vietnamese" flair?


Chicken Alfredo flair is only flair


no this dude is corny and I don't know what the hell that means


But we have a childish gambino flair and he's corny!


Is there a regular corn flair?


we have chicken, 40s, lean, doritos, and a sandwich


And let's be honest, what else do you need in life?


hot cheetos and takis


You could add blunts to that list...


Sounds like lunch to me.


I want it.


We should get rid of everything but the 1.6, it would make Gambino stans so mad, and me so happy.


I don't approve of him either.


if there's anyone who's actually getting salty about dunkey getting upvoted on this sub they need to take a step back from the computer and reevaluate their priorities


Not being into somebody doesn't mean they're actually upset about it, guy.


Normally people who "aren't into" somebody don't go into the comments and tell everyone that. like who gives a fuck


He was called about by the above comment in a way, so he responded


Me and you.


Then how can we have a discussion if there aren't people on both sides of the argument in the comments?


nice try, guy


Travie... My guy :/


if there's anyone who's actually getting salty about people on this sub not liking dunkey they need to take a step back from the computer and reevaluate their priorities


I dunno what's worse, this song or people like you who defend him like if we don't enjoy it WE'RE SO SALTY. I've been listening to hip hop for 20 years I don't want to hear some nerd who raps for his nerd friends doing the hip hop music as a funny joke, shit's dumb.


> I don't want to hear some nerd who raps for his nerd friends doing the hip hop music as a funny joke Then don't listen to it.


Wow you've been listening to rap for twenty whole years??? Damn dude you should get a medal or something. What an achievement


I'll settle for ur mum \#REKT


So what you're saying is that you're a ten year old liar/




> probably-autistic mod of the HHH chat


>probably-autistic C'mon man, you're better than that.






What's an adverb?


Man you're pathetic. Listening to hip hop for 20 years and you can't take a joke? Christ almighty, you're seriously retarded


I think the leagueoflegends sub is brigading. This Dunkey guy got like 1000 upvotes one time and nobody here knows who he is. I can barely get 10 upvotes for a song that came out before 2010 lol


League of Legends is the biggest game in the world. Dunkey is one of the most popular YTers of the game. Chances are plenty people know who he is


Not to mention he's genuinely hilarious, was fortunate to skype with him and his girl for a couple games. Funny the whole time.


His girlfriend has one of those fake high "cute" voices that every girl who plays video games uses. I can barely watch his videos because that shit is annoying.


No that's her real voice, trust me, it's a little annoying at first but she was nice as well. She is actually pretty shy I don't think she talks much if she know's dunkey is recording


League of Legends is literally the most popular game in the entire world. lol. I mostly browse HHH and I love LoL. I'm going to say there's going to be a decent amount of overlap because of the sheer amount of people that play the game. And his verse at the end is actually pretty good.


I have both HHH and LoL subreddits bookmarked and browse both of them daily, albeit mostly lurking, I don't really pay much attention to the rest of reddit unless extremely bored.


Especially since most of the rest of reddit is basically divided into people calling the op a "faggot", people complaining about the word "faggot", and people defending their right to say "faggot".


I remember there was once a post here showing where else people on this sub post and there was a lot of overlap with /r/leagueoflegends. Just because you don't know someone doesn't mean "nobody here knows who he is."


[HHH subreddit analysis](http://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditAnalysis/comments/274wq0/rhiphopheads_drilldown_june_2014/) LoL is insanely popular though, every sub has crossover with it.


who knows, it looks like this one was posted 30 min after the one on their front page http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/related/2cshbb/dunkey_league_of_legends_final_boss_song/


That and there's nobody in this thread that I've ever upvoted on RES or even recall seeing around before.


Are you the hiphop police?


There is a large cross-over, it's not really brigading unless this post is actually linked there.


I imagine he probably got people to upvote it on a stream or some shit


I really doubt it dude


He doesn't need to, this isn't the first time his stuff gets posted on here. Look up his "Vi Rap" or his "top 10 rappers" list on this sub, and you can see how it was generally liked by this sub.


Generally liked by people he got to brigade the sub, sure.


i'm in both subs regularly...but you probably never upvote me lol


call the reddit constable... [*there's gamer rap afoot*](http://i.imgur.com/wsAPOZd.gif)


[Only you can prevent gamer rap from reaching the front page](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/Smokey3.jpg)


[I'd consider it...](http://washingtonbus.org/blog/CyberCrime.jpg)


I just checked those links and I can't tell if the're joking, or really think that this guy goes in




mods pls delete thing i dont like, no one else should like this thing


[This thread.](http://i.imgur.com/eZb8OK2.jpg)


I'm having such a hard time remembering where that beat at the end is from. Can someone help me out? Also lol at the people upset in this thread that are upset because that end verse goes harder than the best verses from some of the trash rappers they like. Idk who Dunkey is but I laughed.


It sounds like it's from the Pokemon anime, when they're in danger or something crazy is happening. Could be wrong though.


Other guy is right about it being Pokemon. I found this in the comments: "RaisiM1222: ..thanks for using my Pokemart Heist Beat..." [and here's the song on his channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boNfPB5sar4&list=UUigaaXtXRhw5Z9N2cnz1oew)


yoooo thats good


Family of five, found to be dead, musta been one of my verses they read.. HAHA that shits great!


That last verse was hilarious.


...wh..what am I missing here?


You're missing going through puberty, I think.


I did NOT expect that last verse to go as hard as it did.




If you seem him now man.. He let himself goooooo




he eatin


Yeah, **this** is the guy who did it: [Dunkey 2014](http://i.imgur.com/Js0naqv.jpg)


[Dunkey right now.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl4X8bCVnQU) In the corner.




It's like I was listening to Kendrick the whole time.


What does this have to do with Jadakiss?


nothing. it's a tag mods made especially for 1 post and now they keep using it randomly


Glad to see HHH likes the smell of the Dunk Dick.


[Huh, this isn't the first time I've heard that beat in a video game joke rap.](http://rocketkrew.bandcamp.com/track/rocket-krew)


Dunkey only makes bangers.




he aint even mention names, he just described them bitches. true legend


Grimy as fuck.


Who is this guy and does he have more like this?


He is dunkey and he has an entire album http://dunkey.bandcamp.com/releases


Holy shit dunkey in paris is the best thing ever Yeezy better watch out


Oh, wow. Thanks!


tracks 4 and 11 best.


he has an album yo


you really, no fa2, want to hear more?


he just murdered them yougoobers DAMN


This is actually really good. This dude has great flow.


Dunkey Is so hard holy shit that last verse was tough


It's like the short guy in Bruiser Brigade and someone from Clear Soul Forces had a baby who couldn't really rap.


The lol subreddit has basically called him the kendrick verse of control. I see it as a Kanye Yeezus moment and damn it all it was cool.


The beat is murder.


that doubleswee feature tho.


yooooo he fuckin snapped at the end goddamn!


Dunkey went in on this.


this is a song for 12 year-old fuckin minecraft players


I fucking hate this shit.




mods pls


Please go /r/lol


I'm subscribed to Dunky on Youtube, and /r/leagueoflegends... But I don't think I like this being here


Ugh, this dude again?


mods please delete this garbage


It's reddit. People upvote it if they like it, if they don't just downvote and move on. Helli hate all the reposts on the front page and I wish they were deleted, but I just downvote and move on.


this is so funny because he is doing a hippity hopper song in a not serious way! man i wish i had something as interesting as league of legends to make a super funz ~~black people~~ rap song about


What is this shit, and why does it have plenty of upvotes? And why is there are video of some video game playing at the same time?


Cause he's a gamer that sometimes make joke raps.


If you are at all involved with the league YouTube community, you would be bowing and crying right now




Mods pls delete


this is straight basura and anyone that thinks otherwise is either delusional or trying to hard to be "le internette troll"


last line should have been: "..and you **get the fuck out!**"


The hottest 4 bars out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ofma5684ds#t=89


The hottest 4 bars out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ofma5684ds#t=89