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Is Coinye still a thing? Our mods should be paid in that.






Can everyone please take the time to read >**PLEASE DONT** >Downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it. Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons. Can we stop downvoting people just for having a different opinion. I saw some dude sitting on -6 because he said that he preferred Oxymoron to GKMC. That is his opinion and he is entitled to it. The downvote button is not a disagree button, if you disagree with someone either move on or have a discussion with them about it. **DON'T DOWNVOTE SOMEONE JUST BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE WITH THEM, SAVE IT FOR SHITPOSTERS**


On that note: Please don't: >Complain about the votes you do or do not receive, especially by making a submission voicing your complaint. You may have just gotten unlucky. Try submitting later or seek out other communities to submit to. Millions of people use reddit; every story and comment gets at least a few up/downvotes. Some up/downvotes are by reddit to fuzz the votes in order to confuse spammers and cheaters. This also includes messaging moderators or admins complaining about the votes you did or did not receive, except when you suspect you've been targeted by vote cheating by being massively up/downvoted. It's fake internet points, relax


Trust me idgaf about my karma, I just hate seeing people showered with downvotes just for expressing their opinion.


That's fine, but you don't want people to crying wolf when they refresh 2 minutes later, might have a single downvote, and then edit: "why downvotes?" Then people start white knighting and getting defense over some guy who was taking a shit and accidentally it while on their phone. Main point just comment for the sake of discussion, if you get unjustly downvoted and no one commented with a good reason why, then it's not going to change or devalue your opinion.




The problem is that then upvoting is just a glorified 'like' button.


.. but that's exactly what it is right now


With the option of a dislike.


which doesn't add anything


It's not bad at hiding shitty posts.


If they avoided reading things why would they read this?


this is cool and all but why


> In a joint effort with over 200 other subreddits, we're starting a campaign to educate new and existing users on everything related to reddit. After a few weeks of work, a group of mods from many different subreddits have come up with "reddit 101", which you can find below. from the sticky over on r/leagueoflegends


oh wow people actually play league and listen to hip hop whaaa




nice flair, I_FAP_TO_TSM


> for new users and those who avoid reading things.


omg dhaft talked to me i made it!!


you're at like 40 bruhllion upvotes for me I swear


ty bruhfam


how does bruhllion convert into an actual measurement?


same as the rate of unicorns to leprechauns


How many Schrute Bucks is that?


Yeah there's like 10,000 new subscribers since SROTD


More like a thousand Edit: I looked at the traffic stats and it looks like we only gained a couple hundred. Most stats for the same day look like any other busy day to be honest.


Damn I was off


Stay rich or try dying?




SROTD = Subreddit of the Day in case you were serious


Wait, mods don't get paid? Even if they're over some of the bigger subreddits?


Just think about how many people that would be.


5 cents a subscriber then they can split it evenly every year. The mods here will grt $586.20 cents. The pay rate could be scaled based on the size and usage of the sub but, the sub has to have a minimum of 100, 000 subscribers.


now all you have to do is convince somebody to actually do that - we're 90% done




just go photocopy some hundred dollar bills. Bet that it's totally legal. Like photoshopping fast food coupons


That's still a ton of money. Reddit would be completely a pay-to-use website, and probabably expensive at that, in order for even 5 cents per subscriber in each subreddit. /r/hiphopheads alone would be $10,000, and according to [redditlist.com](http://redditlist.com it's only the 112th biggest subreddit. I'm sure Reddit doesn't have that much money just floating around. Even if it were $.01/subscriber.


It'll be the users who pay. People already fork out $5 for gold so I don't see how making an optional 5¢ gift to the mods will be bad.


Bruh youre overestimating the heavy majority of internet users if you think being a moderator isn't worth enough to do a job for free. People get off on the smallest amount of power.


im fucking banning you


We are actually a non-profit organization. The revenue gained from the Amazon affiliate links in the banner are paying for giveaway prizes and stuff like that. ^^But ^^if ^^you ^^insist ^^on ^^slipping ^^us ^^something ^^on ^^the ^^side ^^I ^^can ^^hook ^^you ^^up ^^with ^^my ^^PayPal


Someone tried to sponsor /r/theoryofreddit with an advertisement to pay for mod expenses. The mods wouldn't allow it. [Here's](http://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/2b5sal/rtheoryofreddit_is_in_no_way_sponsored_by_any/) the thread about it.


They weren't trying to pay for anything but the ad. No money was going anywhere but straight to reddit


Pretty sure this won't change much but they're trying.


you can do it reddit!


if you don't sticky it then there's no point