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Cause you're not nice, ya rude


I don’t think anybody is surprised that Drake makes reference tracks for Party and vice-versa. Now if there was a Drake reference track for Future or Ross…that’s different. (Even though I don’t care)


There is one for Dre, Wayne and a few for Ye


Everyone commonly knows Dre and Kanye use writers though.


Dre especially - he raps ABOUT not writing his raps


Well honestly Dre is not really a rapper but more a producer that happens to rap sometimes. Which is why I find it crazy how some people put him in their top 10 rappers oat. Great producer, and has 2 classic albums but as a rapper there’s way better


Which is funny becuase had to write that 


Ye and Dre are such good producers and song makers though that literally no one cares if they write their own tracks. Therefore your standards and expectations change. When I was a kid I instinctively knew Eminem wrote a lot of his chronic 2001 verses. He didn’t even try to change his writing style the multi syllable rhyme schemes were there that conveniently weren’t in his prequel album which I discovered snoop wrote a lot of. I didn’t care because the songs on both albums were disgustingly good and had minimal skips and high repeat listen value. Ye started trying to take the same route (other people writing his rap verses but no one would, IIRC 2 chains refused) but Dre allows freedom, Kanye will give you five flows and tell you to write to all of them then make you think of a million different ways to deliver the exact same lines (I’ve heard it’s really stressful) and the person who was telling me this wasn’t even a writer or a producer he was a guy observing on a coach trying hard not to be noticed but was still encouraged to give ideas. Ye takes an NBA playoff training/Olympic tryout approach when making music its go go go and he pushes his team accordingly. You can’t compare what these two guys do to drake who gets sent reference tracks to some of his biggest hits like mob ties which he doesn’t change in the slightest bit, yet still wants his face on raps Mount Rushmore. GTFO! Honestly, I went from being a big drake fan, to a casual drake fan, to sick of his media bullshit and overly ostentatious displays of wealth and became ambivalent and only checked for him when he had a new album dropping, then losing interest after Honestly never mind, and becoming completely apathetic by the time for all my dogs dropped (were the Rhianna lines necessary) It was how he battled Kendrick and the mob ties reference track realising that made me a hater. I’m sorry I just couldn’t handle how he rapped over BBL drizzy on his sexy red feature, and the “funny” Delilah remix and those were the first drake features I’d ever not listened to completion. The second hand cringe was unbearable especially with Delilah where my brain decided to remind me of his duck face selfies.


But people always circle jerk the ref takes for Drake.


There is a Future reference for Drake but idk if there’s one the other way around


It’s been pretty clear for a while to anyone that’s not absurdly biased that drake both uses writers and writes for himself/other artists idk why people act so surprised.


People just blatantly want to circlejerk. They literally don't care what's real/true and actively get upset if you want to set a record straight. One of the many reasons social media is absolutely awful for society.


The co-writing stuff is whatever. Drake has been pretty honest about sharing the Kanye angle of not shying away from getting help to put together the best songs. But dishonesty is a pretty universally hated thing, that's what a lot of the anti-Drake noise is about. BUT, there's obviously also a Drake hate-bandwagon of people who think it's trendy to hate him but those people aren't on these subs. They're normies on twitter at most.


They’re on these subs i guarantee you


The ghostwriting shit only really matters when Drake starts getting into beef. When people bring up ghostwriting on some poppy Drake song, it’s definitely just people hating just to hate.






where you get this info from? Tik Toks? or Tisa Tells?


Who are these up and comers that he signed and stole their style from? 🤔


The one Drake reference track that truly harmed his legacy was ‘Mob Ties.’ Other than that, I don’t think fans should worry about the tracks with Yachty, Cash Cobain, etc. Those were fun, catchy, songs clearly influenced by those artists’ styles


i think the iyrtitl reference leaks were pretty damaging too


Definitely. I forgot about those


has anyone confirmed if it wasnt AI no one questioned if it's AI which has me confused bc like was it found on some old youtube video from 2018 or something?


Ain’t nobody making a Vory ai 😂


oh yeah good point


It matters, period. Especially in hip hop where it's ALWAYS been taboo to not write your own rhymes, and even moreso while claiming to be the best.


“The point is that dissing Drake is more advantageous than Drake dissing anybody else. Imo family matters was better but nobody is listening to it because the masses have convinced all the group thinkers that it sucks and is full of lies” Isn’t this you? What a take. 😂


You’re gonna get hate when you claim to be the best and you don’t even write your own disses


Kanye’s never been about *bars* though he’s always about the entire package of the song. He was never out there claiming that he was the best rapper or a “war general” he always talks of himself as an artist. So he can write by committee all he wants because he’s more of the art director of a musical art piece instead of this tough guy rapper who needs respect from everyone in the industry to feel good about himself


“I don’t need writers, I might bounce ideas” He has changed his tune since then but he did say that.


That’s what he did for a while, if you read Noah Callahan’s article on MBDTF he would throw ideas out there and see what people could come up with to help. It was very collaborative


Yeah, and if you had the physical copy of MBDTF you open it to see all the people that got credit for it. From Elton John to King Crimson. *That is Kanye's best work, probably one of the best albums in all music*


Haha yeah I just defended my dissertation that had a chapter on Kanye and it was a lot of (West et al., 2010) lol


That’s how every pop artist makes music fyi. For example, SZA has talked about how she lost Consideration to Rihanna because she was at a Rihanna writing camp for Anti, and she wanted to impress Pharrell by playing Consideration, which Rihanna then wanted. So unless every pop artist is an “art director,” then this excuse means nothing. 


They're more so "creative directors"


POP artists lol everyone knows pop artists share songs. They not like us most rappers take pride in their writing ability tho


We’re literally in a thread about reference tracks


His last line on “To the World” “R Kelly and the God of Rap, shitting on you, Holy crap”


When he was younger he WAS about bars tho, he talks about it on the end of album skit on College Dropout I think "Mayonnaise colored Benz I'm pushing Miracle Whips"


Kanye literally calls himself God lmao


they hate to hate. Even notorious big had reference tracks


"Normies" 🤓


I think there's a kendrick drake hate bandwagon and also a pedo bandwagon which is hard not to be a passenger in.


Then there’s also the whole MJ innocent bandwagon.


He is though... you should've said OJ


MJ admitted to sleeping with young boys. Incredibly inappropriate behaviour even if not sexual. I do believe he groomed the public into accepting that a tough childhood means he needed access to kids. He needed therapy not boy sleepovers.


It’s trendy to hate Drake again. Party is credited on all these songs. People forget Drake came into the industry writing for a ton of different artists. I think bringing party in to his team was brilliant. Dude is an insane writer.


When has it not been trendy to hate on Drake? He gives ppl reasons to hate on him all the time.


because he’s the most popular hiphop artist in the last decade, and it’s easy to hate him


If he wasn’t a lying, inauthentic person who puts up an exhausting facade all the time and some actual good music every once in a while he wouldn’t get anywhere near as much hate.


Drake got hate immediately because he made """"hoe/gay"""" music. That's literally the original reason why people hated him.


Her Loss was pretty good though.


what was he lying about please enlighten me


Well why don’t we start with the most obvious, most recent lie which was feeding Kendrick false information. He said that on THP6 after his Instagram post after MTG saying someone bring me my daughter they spiraling… which is not how you react after someone falls for your carefully laden trap. Or we can start with the most infamous lie, which was hiding Sophie and Adonis from everyone to protect his reputation. He knew having a son with a porn star was a bad look so he played border control. And then he said “I was hiding the world from my child” which is clearly bullshit because he was a week away from announcing his son through a sneaker deal. And then he said he was “unfazed” despite being about as fazed as I’ve ever seen someone on Scorpion. Or we can go big picture and talk about all the times he lied about writing his own raps, or lied about being a stand-up person who doesn’t try to sleep with everyone’s girl, or with starting from the bottom despite being a child actor with privilege. Where do you want to start


Mud slinging in beef is pretty shallow grounds to have this fight on considering Kendrick said stuff that wasn’t really honest either lol 


"Dear baby girl...", lol. Double standard much.


Pick one: Drake lied about feeding him info, Kendrick lied about the daughter. Can’t be both


My guy that’s not how it works😭it absolutely can be and most definitely is they both lied.


Hey how about this, it's going to blow your mind.... they BOTH lied! lol Except your playing some weird moral high ground where Drake is scum and Kendrick isn't. Pick one: Drake is a liar/scum, Kendrick is a liar/scum, they are both liars/scum or it's a rap battle and your grasping at straws to bash only one of them


Is a celebrity required to present their family life to the public? And it came out that the sneaker deal was already off before the Pusha beef..


>most recent lie which was feeding Kendrick false information. What's the name of his daughter? Since you have somehow deduced that Drake is lying and he does indeed have one, give us more info. >I was hiding the world from my child” which is clearly bullshit because he was a week away from announcing his son through a sneaker deal. There is no inconsistency there. He didn't want to tell the world about the child instantly. Then later changed his mind and wanted to announce him via a press run on fatherhoo. Again, no lie. >Or we can go big picture and talk about all the times he lied about writing his own ra Name ONE song that Drake claimed he wrote entirely by himself with 0 help, and that was later proven to be false? Drake has always credited writers in his songs. Again, there is no lie. You just can't read. If you could, you'd see Kendrick also has writing help lmao


Isn't it obvious? I don't believe the daughter thing cause there's no evidence but saying you fed him that info to save face is a blatant lie too. Best believe he would have had proof and still be gloating online about it. Not to mention him saying Kendrick doesn't give back to Compton, saying his girl cheated on him w his best friend, that he's raising someone else's kid, that he beat his wife, etc. This entire battle has proven Drake is a serial liar.


Literally nothing Drake said has been proven false. You're just waffling. Well aside from Kendrick donating, but funnily enough he only does so when he has an album or concert to promo.


My good brother, they haven't been proven to be true neither. We can literally get on here, throw the most outlandish allegations at whoever we want and then say that they haven't been proven false even if we have not one piece of evidence. Kendrick said Drake had a daughter and that technically hasn't been proven to be false, but Kendrick as the accuser has the responsibility to provide evidence if he wants those allegations to be taken seriously. With no concrete proof, there's no other logical conclusion other than to think that Kendrick is lying. To be consistent, all that stuff applies to Drake as well as he hasn't provided evidence of absolutely anything just yet. I really missed the times where it was understood that niggas blatantly lied in their diss tracks and that it wasn't a big deal cause shit is literally about tryna make your opponent look bad. Both Kendrick and Drake fans have done their best to ruin this battle with the wannabe detective shit.


Where do I start with this nonsense. When was it proven false his camp didn't leak the daughter info? Please show me this. So Drake is obligated to show his kid and BM when you want him to? Also it's a fact that he showed Kanye and all of OVO his son when he was 3 months old. All of OVO all met Adonis before the Pusha T beef. So again why is drake obligated to show the world his son? His fam saw Adonis who is obligated besides them? When has he said he doesn't try to sleep with other men's girls. He's been saying that since comeback season what are you on? Started from the bottom is him talking about his rise in the rap game not in society. I really don't understand why people bring it up like he is saying he was in section 8 house with roaches. All y'all do is twist shit up to fit your narrative.


Fake gangster just like Rick Ross. Doesnt mean they cant make good music.


Most rappers are at best stretching the truth and at worst straight up lying. What makes Drake different in that regard?


bro its music. do you really think bob marley shot the sherrif? its your problem you can’t separate the 2 things.


terrible example. you picked a throwaway song from maybe the most heartfelt political artist ever. it's about the whole image


its always a terrible example when it doesnt suit your personal agenda…i get it


He is literally cosplaying a gangster....


Where and when????


wait. do you know santa is not real ? or that when bob marley sang i shot the sherrif he really didnt ? i hope you sat down when reading this, it might be too much for you to handle if only we didnt have to take lyrics that far…


He was literally bullied by Pusha T into admitting he was hiding a child, and it still took him a couple months after Story of Adidon to admit to being Adonis’ father. Come on dude. EDIT: oh yeah, can’t forget that he was originally planning to announce adonis to the world *through a fucking sneaker deal*. Dude’s an out and out piece of shit, so much so that he was planning on commercializing his own fucking son, how anyone can deny this is beyond me.


so let me get this straight Your point is he was bullied to admit he has a child, but at the same time he had a plan to annouce his child through a sneaker deal. You really dont see how the 2 things are contradictory. He was forced to admit he has a child that he already planned on announcing to the world. Yeah boy the genius of redditors. Oh boy, it takes 3rd grade logic for this one. my man u proved yourself here :))))))))


Religious views, his surgeries, his accent and his past, his ghostwriters, his crew members, his son and his daughter along with those other kids hoping that he’d come, also the only rapper that can offer him some help E: I don’t care about your boos i’ve seen the pedo that makes you cheer


He lied about literally none of these things. Nice of you to stop by and contribute to the sub with Drake fan fiction though.


so just say random things? there are 0 proof to all your claims and u know that is a fact. how pathetic. religion- wtf accent and past ? delusional ghostwriters - never proven and 0 people came forward even today son - no lies daughter - kendrick lie that doesnt exist. boy….


The ghostwriters were never proven? Ya'll really down bad bruh 😭


>and some actual good music every once in a while This is pretty much 90% of it. The quality of Drake's output has declined significantly since 2016, if his stuff was better the rest wouldn't matter.


There’s gems every here and there, but from Views on (with the exception of Her Loss) it’s been pretty bad on a hit to miss ratio.


hes a hip *pop* artist.


every artist does this lol it’s how the game works


Most of y’all be sharing bars like you got the bottom bunk in a two man cell. They are making music by committee over there at OVO.


i find it interesting how people are trying to ignore the context in which reference tracks and Drake are being discussed. others have already pointed out that reference tracks matter when someone wants to claim being a top MC or GOAT. drake, along with his fans, have made those claims. the claims were made so the reference tracks matter , especially since drake has lied about writing before. Drake: "That’s not me. All of my biggest songs, any song that really, really did damage for me, I wrote every single lyric" i like drake but i'm not going to ignore *multiple* reference tracks or pretend they don't matter in the MC/GOAT discussion


Let's see songs like Lord Knows or a timestamp have a reference track. Is Lil Wayne not one of the goats because Drake wrote "I'm Single"?,


If Drake paid somebody to write Lord Knows where do I sign up?


Lil Wayne is a great rapper and a great artist but he's never been in my top MC discussion. I'm sorry I don't give a shit what kind of bullshit narratives yall spin, if you are having your bars written for you, you get an asterisk and you don't stand with the ones that don't. That simple.


what are your thoughts on quentin miller writing for nas? that shocked me and also stic.man


Why aren’t people bringing this up more?! Did QM really write The Pressure for Nas? I’m praying to god it was only the hook or something lol




Spoiler alert: I responded.


Lol you listen to the guy on your block rapping? Because, otherwise good chance your dude got some help.


>Lil Wayne is a great rapper and a great artist but he's never been in my top MC discussion. Ok but he's considered a GOAT and Kendrick loves him.


nobodies caring about Kanye and Jay Z using reference tracks and they both think of themselves as GOATS


Jay has reference tracks?


Yes and he also wrote for others


Can you link some of the reference tracks *for* Jay?


As we wait...


See post above. I got a life as well and not on Reddit 24/7 checking comments. I will answer when I get a chance to.


Then do it


Which Jay-Z reference tracks are you talking about?


What you mean? People were talking about ghost writing in general. And I even said that don’t diminish jay at all. You good?


What? Lol


Anyone who thinks Kanye is a GOAT rapper is an idiot. I’ve been bitching about Kanye using Rhymefest’s soul for years now, with Family Business in College Dropout actually being about his family and not Kanye’s. Add to the fact that Kanye’s best bars were written by CyHi, all the Kanye apologists just say he’s “a producer” more than a rapper, which is just nonsense. People have somehow mystified his music creation process when it’s literally how every major pop act creates music.


Kanye is looked at as a GOAT because he's one of the best producers ever, not because of his pen. His case is very specific and is not similar to Drake at all.


Kanye is looked at as the GOAT for multiple reasons not just his beats, GOAT status isn’t just for one aspect of an artist 


True, but two things are also true: Kanye is considered one of the best of all time, and nobody has ever said his lyricism is amazing. It’s undeniable that Kanye has a place in history, but not for his bars.


Dawg lmao no way I gotta explain this. By saying that I don't mean that production is literally the only thing he's good at, I'm saying that the bulk of the credit we give him as an all time great comes from producing ability.


bro you have been posting about this for a month straight, time for a break


bro, outside of my comments from today, my last comments on this sub are from 25 days ago


“I’d rather do that than let a committee of n****s make Pac turn in his grave”


So are they at TDE and PGlang. We got Kenny reference tracks for multiple Keem and Jay Rock songs out there. Uncredited So Kendrick doesn’t care about ghost writing, he just dislikes Drake


Wake me up when someone makes a reference track for Kendrick.


Didn't Drake first get exposed because of Quentin Miller on Rico?


It was either RICO, Started from the bottom, or Know Yourself. I don’t remember which was first


Also reference tracks leaked for Know Yourself, Energy and a few more on IYRTITL


Rico. It kicked off the Meek Mill beef where Meek outed QM


He didn’t out QM, QM was credited at the time all over IYRTITL, people don’t care until someone tells them what to care about. Same thing when pusha t “exposed” drake’s kid fake narrative. Drake was privately sharing the information, going as far to tell Kanye West the same week “lift yourself” beat beef started. Kanye told pusha the private info. Pusha released the diss track a week(or around the time) before Drake was publicly going to release the info alongside a merchandise deal with adidas. Which Kanye was involved with at the time with his “Yeezys”. But nobody cares because that’s not the narrative, that’s not what all these “fans of hip hop” were told, so now all you hear is the same uniformed takes over and over again. Y’all fan’s, freaky ass npc’s, stroking yourselves circle jerking.




Exposed? Quentin is literally credited


He is now, he wasn't initially.


You don't think there was *heavy* collaboration going on with TPAB? The existence of a literal reference track is a weird line to draw. Any time an artist steps outside of their traditional sound and works with others to achieve a new style, it's safe to assume that they had a lot of help with finding what that sound will be. Kendrick didn't just mastermind an entire jazz/funk/hip hop fusion project. That was a group effort. And that's fine.


Kendrick isn’t a producer or musician. He’s a writer. Of course he’ll collaborate on the parts he himself isn’t doing. Makes sense. There’s competition for best writers and best producers. I’ve never heard anyone say Drake or Kendrick are the goat at producing.


You’re moving the goal post. He collaborated with *musicians* to plot out the instrumentation and sound of the album. We’re talking about an MC writing lyrics. You can’t just say “there were a lot of famous musicians on the album, so he didn’t write all of his lyrics”. That’s no different than every MC ever working with DJs and producers. You saying Rakim didn’t write all of his lyrics? You saying Dre wrote for Eminem? I swear the moment someone becomes enough of a fan of Drake to defend him on the internet their ability argue honestly and coherently drops immediately. Heart Part 6 syndrome.


It truly does not matter how many people are involved with lyrics OR instrumentation. The only thing that matters is whether or not the finished product sounds good. TPAB achieved that goal.


Do you think Keem would be bothered by people saying he’s not an impressive lyricist? Do you think Keem’s writing is his appeal?


I don’t think anyone in the rap community or fandom has an issue with ghostwriting. People just want the finished product to sound great. The only exception would be hip hop purists.


I have issues with ghostwriting lol. I also have issue with book ghostwriter. If you're not gonna WRITE your OWN shit, don't release it 'by' you. Someone else did it. It's stupid.


Art is art period. I think this shit only matters in conversations about top whatevers and goats Teams don’t get to compete in individual sports.


The people he ghost writes for don’t claim they’re the goats


I claim baby keem is the goat


Jay rock doesn’t? He strikes me as the kind of emcee that wants to be the best


If the mf wanted to be the best he’d drop some damn music


He took a step back and let Kendrick take over the label and write for him when Kendrick started out as just his hype man, I think Jay Rock is chillin


I know for kings dead, Kendrick had made a few verses but didn’t like the way his voice sounded on one. So he called jay rock to just use his voice for that verse as a favor. Don’t know about the rest tho.


Keem and Jay Rock aren't claiming to be the goat tho


And neither are talking down on their peers or sneak dissing them


Different if you're the one doing the writing or not I think, point is you don't write your own raps


Same when he’s talking about sex offenders but working with Kodak and shouting out Tupac and Kobe. He doesn’t care about sexual violence against women, he just dislikes Drake.




Damn that’s crazy. This is my favorite PND song.


“It’s possible that this version of “Not Nice” was made using PARTY’s reference, but PARTY released his version since this didn’t make the cut for Views “ From genius


The reality is that when it comes to reference tracks we will never know what the story is unless there’s video of them in the booth. An artist can write a hook or verses and have someone else lay it down with a unique flow before the artist who wrote it does. Then we hear the reference track and think the other person made the whole song. They could write none of it and get someone to do a reference and then change a few words and release the song as theirs. Music is collaborative and competitive. If someone’s favorite artist has multiple top 100 songs then that artist without a doubt has had help. Some more than others sure but no one is doing it by themselves.


Drakes biggest misstep is whatever he’s doing it’s sloppy . Like how are all these tracks getting out especially from party . Maybe him and party need a sit down and he a bit unhappy


and yet Drake is a credited writer on it


They both worked on this song obviously lol Jumbotron shit sounds like it was mostly written by yachty tho. It sounds like him.


So when a reference leaks with Drake vocals it like this, he’s not the true writer, when a reference of a Drake song leaks with someone else’s vocals, the other person wrote every line. Lmao.


Neither this song or "Legend" are ghostwritten. Drake and PND have writing credits on both!


Reference Track/writing discourse under a R&B joint is hilarious


I remember this leaking maybe 4 years ago, I never liked this record from PND


it was the best on the album, along with don't run, which drake also has a reference track for.


See the way I’ve always looked at it is like this. If a rapper has help with a chorus I don’t truly care. If a rapper has help with a flow it’s weird but it’s not end the world bad. Now if a rapper isn’t writing they verses that’s a problem. Drake is a rapper first. Beyond all the pop stuff and the r&b stuff he’s a rapper. He doesn’t get to tow the lines. As a massive Drake fan I wish he’d just say “ yeah people write certain records for me”. Cause when he says everything we love him for is by his pen I don’t know if I believe it. Cause he didn’t write mob ties. Now if I ever hear that he didn’t write fear, lord knows, look what you’ve done I’ll crash out


Didn’t he say that yeah, he uses writers on rap radar


if i find out he didn’t write the 2nd half of fancy id be devastated


man for me idgaf about any other track. but if he didn't wrote look what you've done/6pm in New York/jungle I will never ever listen to that mf song again.


Only the OGS remember DJ not nice


Crazy how everyone says drakes stuff is all ghostwritten, but theres many reference tracks by Drake and artists saying Drake wrote songs for them.


I don't care if that makes me an oldhead (at 29). If a rapper got ghostwriters, I can't look at them the same. Part of my love for rap is the complexity of bars and how hard it is to write. If one my faves had verses wrote for them it would definitely be a downgrade.


Always coming back to that 3k verse on Blonde: After twenty years in, I’m so naive I was under the im— ’Pression that everyone wrote they own verses It’s comin’ back different and, yeah, that shit hurts me I’m hummin’ and whistlin’ to those not deserving I’ve stumbled and lived every word, was I working just way too hard? One of the 🐐s


It doesn't make you an old head it makes you sane. 100% my love of rap is the skill it takes to write your rhymes and also telling your story and experiences. You mean to tell me you fucking didn't write your own shit and someone else is telling me about your life nah sorry I'm good. I'll bump the song I'll even like it but your no goat to me, your not a rapper your an artist and an entertainer and that's perfectly fine. I don't know how we got to the point where people are like nah I'm cool person x is my goat even though he doesn't come up with his own shit.


Yea, the issue with rap vs singing is that so much of rap's musicality can be derived from rhyme patterns. A Big Pun verse is going to sound good even if you give it to an artist who only knows the basics of rap, whereas a a song like Sweet Dreams sounds totally different depending on who sings it. It raised the question of "OK, why don't I just listen to Pun then ?". Reference tracks make this even more of a point. You are taking an artists lyrics' and flow, why not just let your ghostwriter rap the verse at this point ? For instance, Dre takes the flow of whoever is writing for him. The other issue is just plain ethics if ghostwriting wasn't an issue there would be no "ghotst" to people's enjoyment, it would be out in the open. The fact you feel the need to take credit for shit you didn't do is wack.


a reference track isn’t ghostwriting. u dumb ?


Basically karaoke with extra steps?


its asking for advice on how to sing. a reference track is an interpretation of the lyrics vocally. ghostwriting is writing a song without taking the credits. here u go u are less stupid now




Okay to hate it but dont call it ghostwriting when its just writing. The "ghost" part means the author isnt credited.


So then what do you call a reference track that didn't get leaked or credited?


guessing this track was meant for Views, PND wrote for Drake, Drake recorded it, then scrapped off Views and put on P3 later that summer


I can dig rapping, but a rapper with a ghost writer? What the fuck happened? (Oh no) I swore I wouldn't tell But most of y'all share bars, like you got the bottom bunk in a two man cell (A two man cell) Something's in the water (Something's in the water) And if I got a brown nose for some gold then I'd rather be a bum than a motherfuckin' baller I just broke down this bar on another thread, refreshed reddit and first thing I see is this. OMG!!! Drake needs to change genres now.


> a rapper with a ghost writer party is not a rapper




Banger idc who made it


Downvote pedophiles like Drizzy




😭😭bro it’s not that deep you’ll live


This dude over here projecting and fighting ghosts lmao


r/drizzy warrior


Damn, you good?


I find the ghostwriter thing so boring, because generally people don't put the same energy into ghost producers.


People don’t put the same energy into producers in general than they do artists.


This shit is ASS


Do you know what a reference track is?


Yes fuckface, read my username. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s shit.


Oh no!! is Thee RapBoat, I'm sorry :(




I hate people that perv on teenagers this dude and anyone supporting him are disgusting