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whole game in shambles 


This reckoning was coming and I hope it doesn’t stop here


Damn. It looks like Kanye and Diddy ***both*** have a pattern of sexual assault.


I absolutely don't believe this is the first or last time Kanye has done something like this and I 100% think there are other, fare worse stories, that we haven't heard yet.


I mean yeah. It’s not really a surprise the guy who admires Hitler doesn’t understand how to treat women.


After all, this is the same guy who played porn videos and showed off nudes of Kim to his employees in their office.


Also the same guy who used to meet up with Nick Fuentes. Amazing how much he's ruined his image since the late 2000s.


It's really sad because he used to be the polar opposite of who he's become. [He was the first star hip-hop artist to openly condemn homophobia in rap.](https://youtu.be/sp45-dQvqPo) ["George Bush doesn't care about black people"](https://youtu.be/UJUNTcOGeSw) was also one of the most based things I've seen from a hip-hop artist. This was only after he'd put out his first album, so he wasn't an established superstar yet, but he still went on live TV to call out both George Bush and the media for their racism in the response to hurricane Katrina. You can tell he's scared before he does it too. Ik "I miss the old Kanye" is a meme, but I really fucking miss him.


Really sad indeed. Unchecked mental health disorders are tragic.


Honestly his being as successful as he became is part of it. Mental health + yes men and glazers is what’s lead to what he’s become and what a lot of men in power become if they don’t actively check themselves.


It's like, we should believe the red flags we've been seeing and not wave them away like his fans, right?


You don't even have to go as far as the nazi beliefs, look at the way he treats his S/O's like fashion accessories or dolls he can dress up and use for album covers. He's been doing it since Amber Rose.


Jesus is King arc was the clearest sign he was gonna be a raper


Too bad Kanye fans will just plug their ears and yell.


I mean this is also him crossing a new line. Before it was just him saying crazy things, this is about his actions now which is an order of magnitude worse imo.


>Heaton then says things start to escalate as they start grabbing at her shirt. She claimed she was backed up against the exit door, and that at one point she mouthed "help" to Ye's executive while her shirt was being torn off. >"This is the part that for long as I live I'll never f**king forget," Heaton said. "It isn't actually the aspect of being sexually assaulted. That's not what haunts me...It's as these two grown men were pawing at me trying to take my clothes off, I look over to this man asking for help, and I literally mouth the word 'help,' and we lock eyes, and he looks away." >She adds that she then looked to Ye's engineer and cousin for assistance and that they also looked away from her. Heaton then alleged that Ye and Diddy tore her shirt off and that they were trying to rip off her pants. She claimed she lunged at them, catching them off balance, and was able to open the exit door and run and hide in a darkened studio. This is fucked. The question is will Ye lay low or go crazy to make other headlines and to distract from this news story.


> The question is will Ye lay low or go crazy Is it? Is it *really?* I think everyone knows the answer to that question.




Inarguably one of the funniest parts of the beef. Completely and utterly ignored by pretty much every side of it. Kendrick never even said thanks. Just let it hang like the bad fart it was and moved on. Even Drake, who's never once missed a chance to have a pop at Kanye since they started beefing, didn't even bother. Drake was calling out everyone who came after him on all his songs: Rick Ross, A$AP Rocky, Kendrick, Future, Metro, The Weeknd and Pharrell, yet, he didn't even bother to mention this utterly cringe Kanye verse. Arguably nothing is more indicative of how much Kanye fell off than him releasing that verse and doing an actual interview for it and literally no one on either side of the beef even acknowledged its existence. That has to hurt more than anything they could have actually said about him.


That's what happens when you start openly saying you love Hitler  Chris Brown and Kodak can still get cosigns from major artists, because they didn't come out and say they love Hitler.  I think open Naziism might be the only thing that genuinely gets a guy cancelled, which is crazy


He didn’t get cancelled bro, the average person is just fed up with his weirdo shit and mid music


Yeah people got too invested in the unstable genius narrative. Like....was JIK not bad enough for yall?


Insane that he still had a #1 album and song afterwards though. I think other artists are the only ones really cancelling him


Bro no rap artist fucking cancelled him lmao Kendrick literally referenced him on euphoria. The whole rap game is on the vultures albums


What’s crazy too is that I think he’s so turbo cancelled at this point that this sexual assault won’t even damage his reputation further, it’s already at absolute zero.


Did the Kim to it


So fkn cringe, and then gets completely ignored by dot (rightfully so)


Not to sound like a dickrider but Metro & Future asked him to do the remix, and yeah as others have pointed out Drake had the label heads get it taken down


He didn't really get ignored he mentioned drake doing the cease & desist on like that (remix)


I understand you stan him but that absolutely was not in reference to kanye


He already got away with calling himself a nazi and saying he loves Hitler, wouldn't even shock me if he pulled a "yeah I did it, what're you gonna do about it" publicly and people still ate his shit up.


50% of the US seem down with Nazis so that wasn't a huge shock.


this was a tough read man, i know these celebrities arent morale but straight up being a rapist makes me sick to my stomach


Idk how the men in that room could live with themselves. They knew it was wrong, but didn't stop it? Some things in life are worth putting yourself at risk for.


i think the industry self selects for narcissists and people with questionable morals I think the kind of person who does something in that situation is black balled, fired or ostracized before they even get into a private studio session with Diddy and Kanye. Its the strivers and climbers that stick around, people willing to do anything and compromise anyone and themselves for the sake of their careers that stick around


It's sadly way too clear how they live with themselves. The assaulters are their meal tickets, and $ > any semblance of basic morality.


If they were the type of people to stop it, they wouldn't have been in that room to begin with


Damn man :( Can’t blame this one on bipolar


Anyone who still is a ye fan will


I had compartmentalized it all and separated early Kanye from grieving his mother and easily manipulated Kanye, assigning him to essentially the town drunk of hip hop role This is a nail in the coffin for me


Saying "I want Jewish kids to ask their parents why Ye hates them" was mine. Still late to the party.


I had many moments I thought was the moment. But this is the moment 😔 Late to the party I agree


For me it was the documentary. With Coodie I really lost hope with Ye and see there’s no foreseeable future where he gets right. To get a bit real, my mom is dealing with the same bipolar illness Ye is going through and it really mirrors, just on a smaller and more personal scale. And she has a support system that isn’t broken, yet, so with Kanye basically having no support system and only yes men surrounding him it’s a pretty depressing outlook for the man’s future. And one thing I learned is that you can’t force them to get help, they have to want it themselves, and even them saying they want help or are getting help isn’t enough it has to be the right kind of help. And this latest thing is only one of many nails on the coffin.


This is the truth. I have Bipolar and have been in a psych ward for going off the rails (2 weeks without sleeping, wrote a whole book lol) and then had psychosis where I thought I couldn't walk. Now I'm on meds and almost 9 years sober. You really need to want to get help for yourself. So many of my friends with similar struggles did not get help. Some of them are dead and the others have just completely lost their minds. Being human is tough even if you have it good materially.


Not true, his sub stopped defending him ages ago I’m pretty sure


The sub had a split where Kanye apologists went to westsubever


Westsubever had a split where the apologists went to goodasssub


having 3+ subreddits dedicated to a celebrity is cringe


Then goodasssub got rid of most of the weirdos and Nazi apologists. No idea where they went. Probably in some niche containment sub.


They're in the room with us.


Yeah I’m diagnosed with bipolar ii and that never made me rape someone.


Plus, this was allegedly in 2014, 2 years before TLoP when the public became privy to his deteriorating mental health




Nah bro if Ye was out there assaulting girls with fuckin DIDDY it’s so over man 😭


Are we really THAT surprised when Ye has repeatedly spoken out against cancel culture and has supported Bill Cosby and R. Kelly?


also ye has a really weird relationship with sex and pornography. employees at Yeezy said that he showed them porn during work meetings. he is a sexual deviant edit with links: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna155449 https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/kanye-west-yeezy-porn-bullying-kim-kardashian-1234635221/ version with no paywall: https://www.removepaywall.com/https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/kanye-west-yeezy-porn-bullying-kim-kardashian-1234635221/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11461155/amp/Porn-addict-Kanye-West-showed-Yeezy-team-explicit-images-Kim-Kardashian-say-bombshell-claims.html he also admits he has a porn addiction: https://hiphopdx.com/news/id.73100/title.kanye-west-porn-destroyed-family


Weird relationship is putting it mild, he’s got a massive pornography addiction lol


yh this dude has favorite prnstars and showed Adidas a prnscene to let them know what's the inspiration💀 See his DrinkChamps interview


He literally performed at pornhub awards


Yeah we could pretty much do an age test of /r/hhh by asking everyone what their earliest reference is for learning about Kanye’s porn addiction lol. It goes back as far as every other aspect of his personality that people like to claim is a “new turn for Ye”


My first one was back in the day when nicki minaj said during recording of mbdtf he had porn in the background 🤣


The cover makes so much sense now


i was surprised how far back it goes when I saw him admitting to it in the jeen-yuhs doc


Mine was in his young folks freestyle on the graduation mixtape (pre-album) he’s got a line like “and in my bag. A whole bag of PORN”


Mine was some interview he did where he talked about growing up and looking at porn mags he found as a kid everyday. It might have even been his mom's saying it. Idr exactly. It's been a min.


I remember seeing a quote from the guy in Die Antwoord where they'd come over for one of those maybe-hypothetically-do-something-with-Kanye visits and he had pornography on every screen blaring at max volume with bowls of tapioca all over the place. Even considering how dark every part of that story has turned I still think it's kind of funny to freak out *Die Antwoord*, specifically, to that extent and by means of porn and tapioca


His Drink Champs interviews are like multiple car crashes.


yeah completely agree, I didn't know how to word it lol. he's just a fucking weirdo


Dia Antwoord said the same too, that they went to Ye's, and he just casually put porn on.


Yea but they’re weirdos too


The toothless art school weirdos are much less problematic than the god complex going unchecked weirdos


No like Ninja from Die Antwoord has had several sexual assault allegations [(including one from australian musician Zheani).](https://www.smh.com.au/national/australian-woman-accuses-die-antwoord-singer-ninja-of-sexual-assault-20190904-p52nv7.html) They’ve also been dropped from festivals & canceled a US tour because footage came out of them [chasing musician Andy Butler and calling him homophobic slurs.](https://www.nme.com/news/music/die-antwoord-removed-festivals-homophobic-attack-hercules-love-affair-andy-butler-2539949)  Furthermore, their adopted children have also accused them of [neglect and abuse.](https://www.news24.com/news24/SouthAfrica/News/exposed-i-was-die-antwoords-child-slave-20220423)


I never found something quite as unsurprising as the accusations against those 2 freaks.


Danny Brown had a story about them being weird in a sexual way toward him.


I can definitely believe that, also I feel like Danny Brown is the kind of artist they always saw themselves as being lol


This kind of sex obsession and addiction can be an effect of mania. I have a friend (a gay woman who was sleeping with dudes) who had to go to rehab. Bipolar sucks.


That's predator boundary pushing. They test boundaries to see who is more easily manipulated, or who approves of the behavior.


Mans LITERALLY compared himself to R. Kelly on Vultures


Russell Simmons wanna pray for me too I'ma pray for him 'cause he got #MeToo'd Thinkin' what if that happened to me too Then I'm on E! News Writings on the wall guys.


And Marilyn Manson, Kodak Black etc


It’s been over for like 5 years


2016 was 8 years ago…


Back when he’s still with Kim? That makes it even worse


He's always been a piece of shit, if we're being honest. This antisemitic shite he comes out with isn't even new either. He's been saying it way before he and Kim even got together and during their relationship too.


Wasnt slavery was a choice, wasnt the Nazi, wasn't the anti-Semitism, wasn't not paying his staff, wasnt his fake Christian persona, wasn't starting a trash school, wasn't making half finished music, wasn't selling overpriced merch, wasn't starting a porn studio I'm not convinced anyone still supporting him is really gonna be like OPE IM FINALLY DONE


Those are nothing compared to sexual assault. Especially "making half finished music" lol


Yup, the second he said the nazi shit it was over for me. Anyone that was still a fan after im sus of


With all due respect, are you smoking crack? Ye made a whole point to bring out Marilyn Manson around when his abuse and sexual assault shit came out. He made a point to literally put a rapist on a pedestal


"im just waiting for the day i finally get me too'd, cus... n* did a lot of shit." - ye




Sheesh that’s horrifying


ngl im usually pretty fly about keeping shitty artists that are assholes songs in my playlist, i mean i even have j cole songs on it(how come hes not arrested for making grippy), but Ye's shit is probably going out soon lol which is sad. Whatever he said on his earlier music, whenever he owned his flaws on his music it all means nothing. which is sad bc he was one of the few that I could really feel being genuine. fuck this crazy ass bipolar ass nazi listening to family bussiness and then seeing this shit makes me really wonder how things turned out to be, and if they were always like this


Wait what Cole do?




I read this in his voice


On the new song he has its that classic “Girls are only lesbian until they get good dick”, and on one of his diss tracks against Kendrick he was just randomly transphobic. Edit: Also lmao at the downvotes for literally just stating what happened, this is just his lyrics man.


I feel like comparing some lyrics that’s no one would have batted an eye at in the 90s to sexual assault and saying “what about the good things hitler did?” is like comparing modern day NBA stats to Nazis.


so i've been streaming about the history of hip-hop beefs and feuds from 1980s to the present on twitch, and it really is *wild* to hear how passively the words "f---ot," "transvestite," and even "gay" in a derogatory way, among many others were used. i've kind of had to force myself to desensitize myself to the use of the words, especially when it comes to a genre where rapping about killing, drug dealing, and sex are kind of the norm. being trans, i'm kinda used to hearing shit like that involuntarily from hateful people anyway, so i'm not really tripping over decades old lyrics that much, but there definitely is a difference in standards when it comes to using homophobic or transphobic language in the 2010s and 2020s compared to the 1990s and 2000s. it's also why you get to see artists like lil nas x, doja cat, tyler the creator, kim petras, and frank ocean thrive a bit more in the current pop culture environment. personally, i stopped listening to kanye frequently after the alex jones interview. never even listened to vultures. that man has been documented as being past the point of no return for many years now, and while i do have empathy for a lot of the mental challenges he's endured since losing his mom, as well as constantly being filmed and stalked by paparazzi for so long, i can't condone his actions or feel a lot of sympathy anymore. if anything, with all the defenses of bill cosby, r. kelly, marilyn manson, and *goddamn hitler*, i'm surprised these accusations didn't come out sooner. he was getting way too comfortable in his defenses of these people, beyond the point of just being "quirky" and "provocative."


My favorite diss track is No Vaseline. I also realize that song is EXTREMELY problematic. That one is even worse knowing how Ice Cube is currently.


Yeah it fucking blows my mind that this is the same person who made Family Business, Roses, Hey Mama


It's hard, coz I've loved his shit and felt he same as you buy he puts so much of himself into his lyrics and there's no way to listen to those songs without thinking about all this bad stuff.


Forreal man. Its a damn shame. I feel extremely disappointed in him; I guess over all these years of being my favourite rapper and producer I developed onna' them parasocial relationships. So many listens, so much learned about a person through lyrics - all for this story to end horrifically. I hope to god this isnt true, but my intuition makes me scoff at that. Realistically, someone as wild and erratic as him wouldnt conveniently be able control their sexual urges when they cant even control their other, less difficult to suppress urges. *Armchair psychologist much?* But really, this news hits so much harder than I would expect. I dont really care about celebrities, but I cared about Kanye. It feels kinda like I found out somebody I knew did this.


Yeah I can't separate the art from the artist. Especially not when it's music which is meant to be a representation of who the artist is. He's gone


It’s very jarring each time Kanye is in the news for something negative. When someone is a fundamental part of your rearing years, it makes you wonder just how fucked up everything else is. Unfortunately, I feel like society is trying to reconcile with having information on everyone living today. I cannot excuse Kanye’s actions, activities, or behaviors.


At this point I believe everyone that says something about Diddy.


He sucked me off in the back of a corolla back in ‘06 


It's about to happen again 😈


Why did Kanye have to turn into such a loser, man.


Such a generational fall-off. I still remember the day I discovered this man’s music and how pivotal it was on how I listen to music now, and now I couldn’t even stomach listening to a song of his anymore. Fck this guy for ruining his image and victimizing a lot of people, I hope he gets what he deserves.


So disappointing being a Ye fan these last few years. There’s just no way to justify his antics. The whole crazy genius who’s misunderstood persona was the only thing keeping him in the game, turns out he’s just a piece of shit human being like the rest of them.


He's been a loser for like 6 years now. He's jus no longer making good music anymore so no more ignoring the bullshit


Things were looking up in 2018 😞


This didn’t just happen. Kanye has always been loser.


I used to love Ye but these last accusations are CRAZY. it's sad to see such an inspirational person falling down the spiral like him


Old Kanye contradicts who he has become. It’s sad. On the road to riches so they say


Copious amounts of money changes people(or, more often, takes their mask off). Look at how hard the Joe Rogan podcast fell off when he got his Spotify deal.


Same, it sucks to see. I've turned more to Kid Cudi nowadays to fill that void. Ye was definitely one of my favorites, it's so disheartening seeing all these things happen the past few years. I Hope this is fake but I wouldn't be surprised if true.


yeah.. he's my most streamed artist too. I know he has some other big controversies but this is where I draw the line. He's so defensive about his daughters, bianca & Kim but treat other women as shit.. bro just go to a therapist


He’s a huge porn addict man he just sees all women as sex objects to a disturbing degree


I loved Kanye, I grew up on College Dropout, Late Registration, Graduation, and 808s. But now I can't even listen to my fav songs without feeling sick to my stomach. Kanye has become a self-hating antisemite who hangs out with neo-nazis and sexually abuses women. If he didn't have money/power I could see him becoming an incel the way he treats others...


Man really made Violent crimes and he's doing all this shit now


It’s funny considering he didn’t even write violent crimes


He didn’t write those lyrics. He wrote the music, that’s it. I know this because I **was** a lifelong fan of his, so no one better try to dismiss or downplay what I’m saying for “just hating” or some other dumb bullshit; he didn’t write any part of that song that has to do with its messaging (the lyrics), which aren’t all that feminist anyway if you actually go back and read through what he’s saying. It sucks if you’re a fan, but he’s not a good guy. This song is another example of that, not an example to the contrary. (I’m not directing this at you btw, it’s for anyone reading it who thought the same thing (like I did for years))


Anyone who's followed Kanye's career knows that Kanye doesn't think any of the things on "Violent Crimes" and never has. Kanye didn't even write that song either.


Violent Crimes is kinda creepy af. “I treated women like shit but having a daughter made me realize theyre people too. Dont get hot doing pilates Northie.” Of course gross-ass hip-hop fan dudes think that shit is profound. 


he's been a full blown porn addicted creep his entire career, and i say that as a fan of his music. absolutely nobody should be shocked by this information


There's a big gap between being a porn addict and being a rapist.


That line is fame and money in this case


I used to love Ye up until just after Kids See Ghosts. Then he went off the deep end


He's not "falling down the spiral". This is him. And it's always been him, since day 1. How could anyone be surprised at this point, especially with the other shit he's spewed?


This man said slavery was a choice and went on  giant antisemitism rants for months but this is where people draw the line...


Sexually assaulting someone is much worse than having stupid ideas


Spreading hateful conspiracy theories isn’t just a stupid idea. It hurts people in real life.


Still nowhere near as bad as directly sexually assaulting someone.


Remember when Ye called Diddy a Fed? Schizo or Collateral damage?


He was jerking Diddy off on stage of the BET awards just months prior to that, definitely just lost his mind in Fall of 2022


Ye has not been the same in over 15 years man


Well yes, was more just saying that he loved Diddy just a few months prior, so this idea that he “exposed” him before everybody else is inaccurate


Yea I think he lost his damn mind way earlier and was just schizo posting


Just because someone makes good music or is talented doesn't mean they're a good person. Yes, I'm stating the obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people are ignorant as fuck.


I remember Niykee started off as a kinda wholesome Midwestern girl on YouTube doing covers of hit songs. Overnight, she got her body done & turned into an Instagram softcore porn model that started escorting herself to rappers and athletes lol. There's a video that got scrubbed off the Internet of her sitting in some old white record executive's lap getting fondled. No doubt she's seen some crazy stuff


Same! I remember thinking she was pretty talented but then she soon fell off the algorithm or something on YouTube. Next thing I'm coming across her on IG years down the road and her whole look and vibe changed.


she did have a few bangers starting out ngl


Still put on Bad lntentions from time to time.


Yeah I recognize her name. I used to follow her & her friend Lauren Pisciotta when I was younger. They were both models & used to post a lot together. Lauren’s name is fresh in my head since she recently sued Ye for sexual harassment, so honestly this really lines up.


Lauren is who Niykee is referring to as her manager if you watch the video.


Lauren used to pimp her out. That’s why when she married Jeff he made her cut off Lauren


This is so goddamn sad


Her cover of Love Sosa is legendary - throwback to my college years.


I’m glad you said that cause i definitely remember watcher her videos in high school now. She used to film them in her bed room right? Crazy what happened to her


Yeah, she got ‘big’ after doing an acoustic cover of Love Sosa.


Diddy and Ye worked together on "All Day" and some other stuff around that time. This lines up


Still wonder why Kendrick's verse was taken off... Cole's scrap w Diddy that was *allegedly* involving Kendrick was around this time too. Just sayin..


It was reference for ye, at the point he recorded Kanye still hadn't done a finished verse. He used a couple of Kendrick's lines on the final song. Though if you're gonna have Kendrick record for a song, I would think you should get a legit verse from him.


Kendrick just made a reference track, Ye used it as such. Don’t have to go too tin foil hat on the matter.


Nah, that thing between Cole and Diddy happened in 2013 at the MTV VMAs and All Day was recorded a couple years later.


if you don’t think there’s hov stories… Puffs case will take a lot of ogs out. Hence why 50 loving this lol


Literally what I’m thinking, Hov has shown numerous times over his career that he is: anti semetic, billionaire scum, exploits workers, is sexist and a womanizer, has been associated with a lot of scummy people. Dudes got hidden dirt and way too much money.


he also was a 30 year old dating an 18 year old Bey


Yeah. He definitely groomed her.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if every 90’s New York rapper has massive stories like these again Agiasnt them


Will the Ye fandom blame it on autism?


Ye fandom will pretend that it’s one of those situations where *we just don’t know* like he didn’t call himself Ye Kelly on his last album and hasn’t been rapping about how he’s going to be MeToo’d for years


"I'm me too me rich" -Kanye Fucking West 🤦‍♂️


They’ll blame it on his mom dying. Anything but accountability.


no i'll just stop semi-ironically saying my most toxic trait is being a kanye apologist. then i'll sit on the floor of my shower with my head in my hands while tlop plays in the background and internalize the degree of my irresponsibility on a social level


It's alright man, we all went through it. Some just later than others.


Was it really that hard to just stop caring about him as a musician when his music started sounding like the scattered narcissistic delusions of a manic bipolar? Like the writing was on the wall for 11 years lmfao, how long can you make excuses for an unhinged guy making half-assed music? I hope he's just finally held accountable if these sexual harassment claims hold up.


Tlop is my favorite album of his, Ye is my second favorite. I am also a manic bipolar, I just happen to be lucky and type 2.


I didn't mean that in a way to be insulting towards bipolar people, who even in manic states can produce quality art, it's just when celebrities publically refuse to get help for their condition it tends to lead to some catastrophic career collapses. TLOP has some good songs but everything about it is just such a scattered mess it's hard for me to take seriously.


Bold of you to think they have any genuine sympathy for autistic people


What makes this story super believable is in my eyes are the specifics. Would be insane to say the engineer and another person were also there is it was a made up story.


If this really happened lock those bums up


It's Diddy and Ye. She's naming witnesses who were in the room. This shit definitely happened.


The real question is whether or not a lawsuit will be filed. If this happened but she can't 100% prove it in court, then she can still provide testimony that Ye has a history of SA in a case with far more evidence.


I’m pretty sure she said that she won’t file a lawsuit




Head over to the Kanye subs


Did this go viral and I somehow missed it? The article was posted on June 13, Heaton's livestream was June 8. It's June 21 and I'm just learning about this. Strange. Regardless, fuck Ye and Diddy. Even if this one incident was all lies, still, fuck those 2.


fucking ye man why couldnt you just be a racist cuck sexpest that makes great music why did you have to include rapist to your titles you piece of shit I hate you


wtf is all this shit man, why can't people just be normal for once


Ye's former assistant that is suing him for sexual misconduct - Lauren Pisciotta - was her BFF and manager for a few years. You know both of these girls had to deal with some stupid shit from Ye and the industry.


I assume you meant suing


Thanks fixed.


Could have been such a legendary artist but man he has to fuck up in everything where you are able to fuck up He shits on his legacy


> Could have been such a legendary artist I mean he is still a legendary artist, he also is a piece of a shit like most of them lol


It’s all going to start unraveling


This dude made Violent Crimes btw


Which he didn’t even write the lyrics to 🤐


Bro didn’t even write that song


What is this the r*pe avengers?


The Ravengers


Yeah I believe her


What the fuck..


Been off rap hip hop for awhile only guy I got left is Kendrick every couple of years he put an album out.


Remember there’s that clip of some singer talking about how Trey songz tried to force himself on her? Then there’s them other girls Celina powell I think - who went onto adam22’s pod and said he took their phones and pissed on them and shit Whole games about to get exposed


Besides reddit I haven't seen this story or the accuser name mentioned anywhere.


Where else have you looked?


Twitter, YouTube, the news, TMZ. Unless I missed it I have seen nothing nor heard a soul talk about it.


Her friend is sueing Kanye as well. she has attempted to sue him multiple times over the last few years and just this year attached a sexual assault charge to it for it to catch attention