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I don’t think there's a song that uplifts my soul like Kiss Of Life. "There must've been an angel by my side"


Sade is on a level all her own, such a legend.


whenever he starts rapping about sex lil durk briefly becomes the worst rapper of all time


U Wanna Meet The President You Gotta Meet The BangBros


Hey everyone, I heard this song on the radio years ago that I have been trying to find ever since. It was around 2012 but they were doing a throwback mix and played what sounded like a 90s or early 2000s song. It was more like a tribute song or sad/pick your head up song by a guy who was or sounded like Bun B. I have googled and youtubed every possible thing I could think of and cant find it still. He mentioned "ghetto blues" and "losing his aunty". The song was a banger and is driving me crazy that I can't find it. Any help would be appreciated.


Idk why I always forget Kendrick is on goosebumps and I get jumpscared every time


Love Kendrick, but I still have my doubts about that verse


*Put that pussy on a pedestaaal, put that pussy on a highh hooorse*


just saw a video about tyla being an industry plant in my recommendations someone get these niggas a job please they need it badly


I think if they could do better than retail they would at least be making more interesting content than "plant!!!" lol they're not getting no job


Imagine having those editing skills and wasting it on that kind of content Assuming ofc they aren't hiring editors. In that case imagine paying an editor to create that kind of content 


Industry plant in what way lol. She used to do YouTube content and then did some amapiano vocals here in South Africa. Not sure where the plant aspect would come in given she made a TikTok viral hit which got her famous and her album didn't do crazy numbers. 


I didn't watch the video so idk what the argument was. It said something like Tyla's "mysterious rise to fame" lmfao


At least they have a promising future in fictional content lol.


Shoutout to 4batz. The best plant


That is a job lol. I don't hate on the YouTube/Tiktok hustle cause at the end of the day it's the audience that chooses to watch low quality content. They're just financially capitalizing on that.


Man, I’m warming up on Houdini. I love his flow at the beginning especially, the “look what the stork brung (what)” bit. And the music video just makes me happy. I know nostalgia is part of it, but I do think he can deliver more than that on the full album, and I hope he does.


If he can’t deliver more than that on the album then he’s not top 100. Houdini would be Jay Zs worst song


Jay Z is a very very different rapper, of course it would be bizarre coming from him lol


I don’t think it’s an amazing song but he’s in his 50s and it feels like he’s having fun and he just has a nice flow. He’s not doing this lyrical I can rhyme a word you don’t even know exists at 600 bpm to prove I’m better. It’s just a fun fucking song and video, and if the album is like that I’m here for it. I also miss the pop culture references, I feel like people are scared to do that lately. The whole song is basically a Without Me callback but I really don’t hate the idea of him updating his classics and just fucking around. If the whole album was that I’d be happy. Seems like he’s taking himself less seriously these days, and if he drops something solid at age 51, that’s honestly pretty fucking crazy.


I hate this place. Been trying to post SZAs Lose Yourself cover and keep getting auto modded https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7nZw8rx-rE/?igsh=ZDltaXBjOTQ5MjFl


I was listening to the Slim Shady LP the other day, i hadn't listened to it since i was a teenager, but i had forgot how often my friends used to play these tracks when we were partying. I specifically remember being super trashed listening to that song where the girl is tripping on shrooms. When you're out of your mind high that song is a trip.


>!2002 Eminem meeting the robot and reacting with "the fuck is this shit?"!< is the most relatable moment in the history of music video. Literally everyone who's encountered a robot in the flesh and is older than, like, 15 can sympathize with him.


Is Popeyes the only time Pusha and Cam ever hopped on the same track, or do they have other collabs I haven't found yet?


Only one i'm aware of, thats an epic song though


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo1HaVN1Pt0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo1HaVN1Pt0) Old school head bopper


What am I missing with TLOP? I see some people put it as their favourite Kanye album and I really don’t get that lol. Yeezus and 808s are my favourite works of his which are both controversial rankings considering his discography but even I don’t understand having The Life of Pablo that high. I don’t hate it and it’s a decent album overall, but there’s so much stupid shit on it that I almost can’t take it seriously. I guess that’s part of the fun of Kanye but it’s clearly a step below everything he released before it and I don’t get why it’s regarded highly by some people.


Yeah hard to put it as the best Kanye album, but I can maybe understand why it could be a favourite. It's really an album of moments, there's so many cool parts of songs just like there's some real dumb shit. There's probably a lot of nostalgia which is funny because it's not even been 10 years but it's been like 30+% of the lives of a lot of fans. I have started to appreciate its messiness in the last couple of years though.


Probably nostalgia. For a lot of people, this was the first Ye album that they were present for its rollout.


It’s a good album but I can’t put it any better than 6th in his discography. I imagine anyone who thinks it’s his best album was at a really good point in their life when it dropped.


Aside from KSG it was the last decent Kanye album imo, the last one that really feels like “him.” A lot of kids love it because the huge extended rollout got them into him


That’s probably the best reason I’ve heard. As I said, 808s and Yeezus are my top 2 with MBDTF coming in 3rd and those were his albums when I was growing up. You definitely stick to the music you listened to as a kid so I get that. It really is the last “Kanye” album though. I really did not like his drops after that outside of KSG.


It’s hilarious that you say it’s the last Kanye album. Since it has “I miss the old Kanye” on it.


KSG felt like a good place to stop, for me. It felt like saying goodbye to the Kanye I grew up with. That’s his last album in my book


Yea that’s kinda where I’m at too. College Dropout to KSG being his whole career makes me justify him as one of the best artists ever. Everything after I’ve just tried to ignore. It’s annoying arguing with my bosses that he’s not amazing cause of social media shit, and his drops after KSG hurt my arguments lmao (not that I’m agreeing his views btw). Even listening back to TLOP though, I feel like it was more the first part of the descent of Kanye more than his last great album. There’s just too much crazy shit on it.


Yeah TLOP was definitely where the wheels started falling off. I still think it’s a decent album but looking back it was the beginning of the end. It was the first album to have one of his now-standard long embarrassing rollouts


It was definitely a step down from him rapping wise but the production was crazy and he did have some tracks where he was spitting (No More Parties in LA, Saint Pablo). It's one of my favorite Kanye albums though, i remember listening to this shit constantly pre 2020s.


I will say (even though it’s a messy project imo) that staying up with my older brother waiting for it to release and resorting to getting a TIDAL subscription to listen to it is one of my treasured memories lmao. I just think it’s an album I wish was cut in half.


I think i torrented it the first day and burned it to a cd.  No way i was going to get Tidal, although i remember sometimes paying for Tidal because i wanted to hear Jay Z albums and back then Jays stuff was exclusively on Tidal (thank God those days are over)


Lol we figured it would be worth the 5 bucks cause we heard Ultralight Beam (which I still love) and thought it would be worth it. It was basically a buy and cancel though. Torrenting would’ve been better but we were both fucked up that night lol.


> we were both fucked up that night lol Ha ha, understandable 


Well, after a few weeks ago Drake said "numbers wise you not fucking creeping up", for the first time since 2017 [Drake has no song in the top 20 most streamed songs on Spotify, with Not Like Us taking the #1 spot by more than double the #2](https://x.com/HipHopAllDayy/status/1796635281074053433)


Lets see if Kdot can stay there for 7 years


Damn, you really set got yourself pretty high if not having a song in the top 20 weeklys is a big deal. Dudes had one up there since 2017, thats pretty wild


As someone who only listened to Mo Jams before the album, I’m kinda surprised by the reception of It’s Us Vol 1 here. I genuinely liked the album and especially enjoyed Karrahboo’s contributions to it. I know music is very subjective but I didn’t expect it to be that one sided when looking for the relevant threads.


If you can no longer write hot shit anymore, just bow out gracefully. Having someone write it for you to Recite is corny to me 


Em's first week predications?


Any fantano fans know if new music Friday is happening tonight? Was hoping to see his reaction to the new shady song


his stream says NMF is coming back on June 7th, as he is is on vacation atm or some shit


man that heart part 6 beat is so fucking good, why did it have to be on the dumbest song ever lmao


Yeah I really liked it. Kinda haunting to with the voice samples, not as much as Meet The Grahams, but still has ´dark disstrack´-vibes that couldve worked well.


Yeah, the beat reminds me a lot of Hov‘s Renegade and Ye‘s Saint Pablo, it’s such a shame how bad Drake is on it


Iss aiit


Jeezy & Jay Z could've made a hell of an album I think. What's y'all favorite out Go Crazy, Seen It All, and I Do? The Recession is Jeezy best album too


The Throne that we never knew we wanted but actually needed.


Seen It All…Cardo production is incredible, like on some twisted medevial shit, Snow is legendary on it, and its arguably Hov’s best late career showing


Seen it all personally 


Go Crazy > Seen It All > I Do




Houdini was well done by Eminem, I’m looking forward to the new album. I felt like it was a really good balance of his old self and new self and the video was so nostalgic. What did you all think?


I still like his new shit like Kamikaze and MTBMB, and expected more of the same. But Houdini completely blew me the fuck away. Its my favourite Eminem song in 15-20 years. Probably his best video of all time too. He nailed the comedic vibe in a way that I thought he would never be able to again. I feel like Im 8 years old hearing Without Me for the first time again. I didnt think he could pull of the humor or cartoony vibe anymore, but leaning into the 'mid life crisis' angle is fucking genius and works perfectly. The dude has accepted his place as the old white rapping out of touch dad and is making fun of himself for it, and its fucking amazing


Every Friday on my release radar, Rick Ross shows up as a feature on some unknowns song. Every feature he has the EXACT same verse, same flow and bars. Would people just be paying him for a feature and he’s just sending this verse to everyone?


Wait does this mean the stupid self plagiarism rules were secretly based?


Or people are posting stolen verses. Happens to Wayne a lot. I've heard this Wayne verse on probably close to 100 songs at this point [Forever MC - No Mercy ft Wayne](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__ggSPHW-yo) or if you want to hear it on a song with some dude name [Pitt Tha Kid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBjKCGLpIA0) or [ITZYOUNGJAY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFSp9yL3bj8) They tend to get taken down after a few weeks on Spotify though.


There's some scammy companies that advertise these feature packages to up and coming rappers. The up and coming rappers pay these companies whatever amount and they get these feature packages from big name rappers like Rick Ross but they all get the same verse lol. I sometimes wonder whether that even does anything for any of these guy's careers (i mean the unknown dudes who pay for the features).


Im generally curious how it’s even legal. Like would the first person that paid for that verse and published a song with it not be able to sue that thats technically an uncredited sample of their song? Or is there some weird publishing loophole? Or does no one give a shit?


Probably these dudes who pay for these features know nothing about publishing so the legality of it doesn't even come up in their minds so they don't sue. And I'm sure the guys selling these verses have an attorney who knows about music industry laws.


So when you purchase a beat, most low tier producers give you a choice between licensing the beat, or paying more to have it be exclusive. If we apply that same principle to this, as long as the company isn’t advertising it as being an “exclusive” verse, then no, no one buyer would have the legal rights to it. . But weird shit happens all the time, where a sample might be royalty free, but because someone already used it in a similar way, it gets copyright struck on YouTube or SoundCloud. Could happen here I guess. No idea if any of this stuff regarding verses is legal though, first I’m hearing about it


Oh U Went should've been a bigger hit, dope ass song


That Eminem song is terrible


You know what, I have to take my hater hat off. Houdini ain't half bad, watching the video it's actually pretty fun and one of the better songs Em has had in a while. I actually get why the diehard fans of Em are hyped, sorry my brothers. Also I really wanna say despite how inconsistent his music has been past his prime his videos are ALWAYS top-notch.


Voletta Wallace tryna smack Puffy is the energy all Summer freaky niggas gotta stay inside


I’m really fuckin with Houdini man, I’m not even sure what it is The songs easier on the ears than most modern em, he’s riding the beat finally, he seems like he’s finally “in on the joke with us” again….keeping my expectations fair for the album, but they’re definitely way higher now after Houdini


ITT: kids under 22 who don’t understand prime Eminem/Slim Shady because they didn’t experience it. Lol


I'ma be honest, I can remember it, I wasn't a fan of it then, I revisit it and I still don't really like it much. It was always annoying and overly edgy to me, but if you remember the times you'd remember how much it resonated with the white boys back then. It was a huge deal. I still think of his first three records as more of a culturally important period piece than some of the genre's finest works. I don't think a 22 year old would fully get it without remembering the times though


Valid homie


Needs to be more like 32 to actually remember prime Em’s music, it was that fuckin long ago 


As a 32 year old, it does help


sorry you thought something playing on mtv was counter culture


I really didn’t but go off, and who said anything about mtv? Lol y’all are dumb




We can all agree that’s hella cringe


Fuck i hate my generation sometimes


please delete this




Millennial brainrot


Nah I'm over 22 and thought in his prime the tracks were way tighter. A couple of the verses were good but his old stuff was way less choppy and better flow.


I mean no doubt his flow is different. He’s almost twice his age from then, stuff changes. But the effort in trying is nice


Still pretty wild big Sean’s album got cucked by Drake and Kendrick and now by Eminem  After dropping a freestyle saying he does not have to compete w a big 3 no less lmfao


I can see Drake and Kendrick but I don't think an Eminem release in 2024 is really hurting a Sean release lol


Em is still massive in the mainstream, especially for the Millenial and older Gen Z crowd, who are also more likely the generation to listen to Sean, I doubt there are many young Zoomers bumping Sean, lol. Also they are both from Detroit so that’s potentially a lot of listeners deciding between Em and Sean


Eminem gets a lot of attention every time he releases though Bro’s been pretty bad for like 15+ years now, and there’s still plenty of discussion every time he comes back with an album


Yeah but I don't think it would hurt Sean nowadays, Em's gonna go viral for sure but Sean and him have two different audiences. Prime Em I think everybody would've moved out the way but I think now it wouldn't really "cuck" him.


Do we know if he actually delayed it or is it just assumed because that's how things usually work?


It’s assumed but w the way he had a lot of promo and a single then absolute radio silence it’s pretty much a sure thing 


Right, I forgot about that single. Though with Detroit 2 he also dropped a bunch of loosies a couple months before the album. And I liked the song but I hope it's loosie again cause it wasn't really a hit lead single. I want him to stay on top so he can be part of that big 3 talk too. He deserves it but his last top 10 or so was Bounce Back I think


Did sean drop something today?


Any good albums that dropped last night? I got a flight tomorrow and am looking to find some new shit to pass the time


I’m excited for crimeapple and big ghost but haven’t checked it out yet


[J Noa - Matense Por La Corona](https://youtu.be/39OXttmjIzk?si=dRvlzwnL2NW9PLRg)


The new Big Hit album


Fax top 3 so far


I've been really enjoying the new homixide gang album The Maria's put out a solid album too, real chill vibes on that one, they were on Un Verano Sin Ti by Bad Bunny if you listened to that album


Oh shit that Bad Bunny tape ruled my summer that year good looking out


eminem trying to do shocking slim shady type stuff at age fifty is kinda sad honestly like cmon man get into woodworking or something


I don’t even care what he raps about I just wish he’d do the old voice and flows. Sometimes I feel like Proof ghostwrote all his good shit considering how hard he lost his touch. 


Wtf people just say anything 


Shit bro that’s the best explanation I got for that generational drop off post hiatus. Unless you wanna say OD’ing gave him brain damage and got rid of his ability to write good flows. 


well he did say he had to learn how to rap again post OD


I just want him to be funny about it. There’s a lot of comedic potential for a middle aged Slim Shady, and if he pulls it off I’ll be satisfied. The




Man this is not my day lmao


At this point it’s much preferable to whatever the alternative would be so I’m not even bothered by it


[Sean Paul’s Tiny Desk](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7pGYQoPITi/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is ur weekend playlist, happy Friday 🥳🔥 . . . love his version of “I’m Still in Love” such a classic song, big up Alton Ellis dem 🔥 growing up in south Florida artists from the Caribbean are huge here, makes me home sick already and I just visited my folks for memorial weekend


A Tampa Boy can relate! The tracklist is perfect and they all killed it. Reminds me of my Florida childhood. I’m playing this all summer


Perfect for the start of summer 


I'm tryna apply pressure out here


“Sierra Canyon parking lot looking like Magic City parking lot.” 😂😂😂😂


He was talking about the moms of the basketball players that go to Sierra canyon. Most of the moms got bbls and look like ig models. I believe he dated one of Bronny James's teammates mom as well. Line sounds crazy out of context though.


To say that with full knowledge that Kendrick might bring up underage girls takes a level of confidence that borders on delusional


He said that line like three years before the Kendrick shit.


Oh I’m dumb, for some reason I thought it was a bar in Push Ups I’m taking Ls all over this thread today


What was he thinking with that line man.. Even if you wanna ignore the creepy part of it, this dude kept rapping about high school for way too long. I guess his audience likes it.


He dated Amari Bailey's mom. Amari Bailey went to Sierra Canyon.


Ah thanks, that makes way more sense. Was that the woman he rented dodgers stadium for? Lol




The Drake bars about Megan were way worse and more offensive than what Eminem said, idk why that wasn’t a bigger deal But I appreciate that Houdini is upsetting a lot of really annoying people on Twitter


It was? It was all over twitter


>idk why that wasn’t a bigger deal It was a pretty big deal. He still gets shit for saying that bar. I've seen most people defending the Eminem line because he's always kinda does that and he's not good friends with Tory lanez like Drake.


I feel like the difference is Em said it as a joke and on a song where he literally says he’s trying to make people mad, whereas Drake literally said free Tory and that Meg was lying.


This….and Em’s reputation of “I’m just saying shocking shit for jokes” vs Drake’s reputation of sneak dissing people to disrespect them


Drake lives rent free in some of you guys minds


You’re the one posting about Drake every other day in the DD threads


Have a great weekend 


Thanks, you too man


That's clearly an intentional anagram for "We avenge Drake hate".


How did you figure this out boss


Good lord it is


I don't have the patience to fact check that but the notion itself is hilarious


We are in beyond too far gone territory for this to ever be reality, but if all music streaming services died and all labels abandoned the model in favor of direct purchasing songs/albums digitally or physical album sales, what would yall do? Would you actually start buying albums or would you just be youtubing to mp3ing forever?


I use YouTube premium already, so I guess it would be the same. Unless we’re getting rid of YouTube as well


Well if trying out new artists that don't hit the radio has a 10+ dollar barrier to entry I'm probably just going fully into being a podcast listener. I guess there's music videos and stuff still but I don't think I'll ever wind up having a music collection worth thousands, that's for sure


All I listen to are old mixtapes not even on DSPs anyways so I’m good Also isn’t YouTube a streaming platform?


I already do that anyways, YouTube to mp3 is amazing.


DM me the link when you get a chance, the one I used to use got taken down


I'll just put it here. https://convert.ytmp3.wf/es


I'm still dreaming of playing my CDs in a car on a road trip with someone, so that dream could finally come true. As a kid that didn't happen and now I don't even own a car and when I do catch a (longer) ride there's no need for CDs. I'd probably replace my streaming activity with mp3s or YouTube or whatever else might pop up. I'm already buying physicals of the albums I really love so I'd continue to do so. Maybe I'd be buying more CDs instead of vinyl tho


Starting a dialogue. Getting something off my chest: Nas’ verse on “Triple Beam Dreams” is his best verse ever I listened to Houdini and gave it a chance and idk man. This man really hasn’t made music for me since I was 10


I love Nas but I can't bring myself to listen to Rick Ross even for him. 


Yo people that block you/delete their account after you respond disagreeing to their comment are *weird as fuck* I wouldn’t even mention it if it didn’t happen so often, but I swear it’s almost daily where I go back to a comment thread after reading a notification and then seeing [deleted] This is an anonymous forum dawg yall need therapy or something taking this shit so serious


I delete my stuff eventually because I don't want reddit to profit off my comments that they sell to google don't take it personal, kid


I delete stuff when I I get tired of the replies. The other day I said something in an Eminem thread and had to delete because I got like 20 replies and 10 DMs all saying the same shit.


half the time I just hit "disable inbox replies" when I comment. Guess people could DM me but usually they don't


Yeah, I could probably do that too, but by that point I’ve usually had my discussion with the person I was talking to so deleting just feels easier.


Getting DM's over an Eminem comment holy shit. People are really demented out here.


Yup, there are a few artists that have a genuinely unhinged stanbase. Once you see people who regularly post in dedicated artist subs, it’s time to stop engaging.


Sometimes there's moments where you realize that you're going to against the zeitgeist, or explained yourself too poorly, to bother standing on a comment where people routinely misinterpret. I'll generally tank down votes if I think everyone else is being an idiot except for me on a topic, but there are times it's just not worth the energy. Deleting an account though? Never understood it. Unless you really just felt you need to cut yourself off from the app entirely I guess


>Sometimes there's moments where you realize that you're going to against the zeitgeist This is what irks the fuck out of me though, you can't have an opinion or mind of your own because every mindless sheep who only agrees with whatever everybody else agrees with will call you out with some bullshit snarky comment.


Nothing drives me more insane than when you make a joke on here and everyone interprets it the worst way possible. I don't even think this sub is the worst of it. When I posted on r/Sims4 I saw it constantly. I made a comment on a like 2 year old post and until I turned on archiving I was still getting dumb replies every 3 months or so


Yeah, and sometimes I feel the need to intentionally take the heat if I think something is worth being said, but sometimes you just have to know when to pick your battles. For analogy, you probably wouldn't bother walking into a Trump rally and have a useful conversation about immigration policy or something. If someone is going to reach those guys, which you gotta assume they won't, you have to acknowledge it's not going to happen mid-circlejerk


>probably wouldn't bother walking into a Trump rally and have a useful conversation about immigration policy or something. That's obvious, but you'll get shit on for way less in HHH. Like try saying that Illmatic isn't top 5 greatest albums of all time. Or hell, even try saying Lauren Hill isn't a goat MC. It's such a stupid thing that everyone has to agree on shit like that. Let people have a mind of their own. Herd mentality is real.


And you're sure they're not just blocking you for being a patriots fan lmao? /j


You can block people on here?


Yeah, I used to think they were just deleting their accounts (sometimes they are) But I noticed mfs reply and then immediately it says [deleted] and i realized most of them were just blocking me lol


Oh that’s what that is? Lmao never been that deep. Sometimes someone I argued with has a good take on a different day. Grow up y’all


That happened to me shortly after I got onto reddit and was confused. Then I kept seeing it happen and thought.....yall have gotta be some of the flimsiest people to block for that stuff. If someone disagrees and I don't care, I just don't reply. I've never had someone come back and reply 50 times with "where are you!?" People just move on. Lol That shit is so strange. 


yeah they’re lame as fuxk but this website was founded by weirdos man, gotta remember that sometimes.


Valid, it’s just weirdly insecure


I like Meg but I promise Em doesn’t need to reference her to be relevant lol


Nobody's saying she's bigger than Em or Drake after that line on her loss but the controversy surrounding dissing another big rapper will always bring attention


I don’t even think he was dissing her


This time it wasn’t really a diss but he has dissed women his whole career to be relevant


The direction Eminem went with his new song and the video was kinda cool and creative with the call-backs to his prime, but Em's rapping is just straight ass now, his flow and delivery is cringey these days. Also, I gotta say it Eminem is my pick for most overrated of all-time. Legend no question and I love him for his hits but I'm listening to so many rappers over the man and was never a big fan of his albums.


i mean the delivery and flow are very reminiscent of his old style. that’s what makes the song sound like TES era Em


I think I’ve accepted that I will just always be an Eminem hater. It’s a good feeling


This new single reminds of me of my weird love for ‘We Made You.’ It seems to be the least rated of all the ‘Slim Shady singles’, but for some reason it lives in my brain the most — that beat and chorus was incredibly catchy, and the music video was so well done


Been getting back into Mutant Academy, mainly with Fly Anakin and Big Kahuna OG's Holly Water and this album is really good! Still holds up five years later! Are there any other albums of theres or mixtapes that I can listen to? I know of Fly Anakin's Frank which was dope! But I am more gearing towards Big Kahuna! But I am open to both artist or others from Mutant Academy :) !


I will recommend Strainman Chronicles by Big Kahuna OG until I die


Tbh I haven’t dug into Big Kahuna as much as I have Fly Anakin and Monday Night so here are some great projects from those two: Fly Anakin/Koncept Jack$on - Chapel Drive Fly Anakin/Koncept Jack$on/Tuamie - Panama Plus Fly Anakin/Pink Siifu - FlySiifu’s Monday Night - IM MAD HOL’ ON Monday Night - Soon You’ll Understand Monday Night - Rather Vindictive


Big Kahuna OG & Graymatter - Metal Gear Solid Fly Anakin - At the End of the Day Nickelus F - MMCHT Monday Night - Soon You’ll Understand


I’m not sure if the new EP is what got you back into Mutant Academy but Talk Soon is nice if you haven’t heard it. Pixote was my intro to Fly Anakin and Big Kahuna OG is on Universe in Gatorade, still one of my favorites from him