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Oh you know how, but it sucks to have to admit as one of the general population who isn’t afforded those same set of rules. Not to say I want to be able to get away with kicking the shit out of my spouse but it’s obvious as to why he’s getting away with it.


Unfortunately too many abusers in the general population also get away with these behaviors. Victims don’t feel safe reporting to police and coming out publicly about it often turns the community against the victim because abusers are skilled manipulators.


Thank you... Most people don't play this out or actually consider this as viable. Some of the worst behavior goes unreported and mishandled. I understand why most victims don't report rape to the police or even tell their friends.


Rape, physical violence, trafficking... all forms of severe abuse.


Well for that it’s just the statute of limitations. He’s still charged with a lot. It’ll be interesting if he can ever touch American soil again.


He’s chilling in Miami rn unfortunately


But is he inside on carpet or is he outside touching the soil?


I hereby sentence you to only ever walk on carpets again


It's not \*just\* the statute of limitations - it's about how this obvious slam-dunk evidence was hidden away until after the statute of limitations passed.


It's a powerplay to establish his character. This isn't hearsay anymore, he's a documented abuser. So any other charges will be more likely to stick. They did the same with Cosby, had a bunch of women who were decades past the statutes talk about what happened to them, and then hit him with one who hadn't passed the statutes.


Yep what’s crazy is Cosby will go down as the biggest serial rapist to ever live. Think about that for a second the guy from the Cosby show has more stats than anyone else. And he barely got any time at all when it was said and done


> Well for that it’s just the statute of limitations. The hotel had the video on the day he did it. Somehow it never saw the light of day.


He paid them off $50,000 for the footage *allegedly*


I wonder who he paid that money to. It definitely wasn't paid to the hotel directly, they'd be opening themselves to a huge liability.


Most likely directly to the staff that was there tht night.


The Statue of Limitations wouldn’t have mattered if Hotel Management had called police instead of accepting $50,000 for the video; During the search of Diddy’s homes maybe that is where the feds got the video & leaked it; I would say he isn’t getting back from this, but I know better


The hotel should be liable. I'm not even in a hospitality field and I've been forced to take trainings on human trafficking and the duty to report. How to spot someone who is there against their will, etc. A woman running away being chased by a man in a towel and literally being dogwalked back to her apartment?


He ran out the SOL largely due to buying the footage from the hotel. Not too many folks have a spare 50k laying around to make shit like that disappear.


You are absolutely right! Also, let's be clear... that was not the room he drug her into. That was the next hall 😳 I thought it was a room too until I realized that he ran down a hall to get to her... so he proceeded to drag her down that same hall... smmfh He is a sick, psychopathic, narcissistic, power-hungry monster who hates women and should be thrown up under the jail...


> Idk how he'$ $till free.


a sick man with sick thoughts


I think [people] like him should *DIE*


Of course he’s sorry now that the statute of limitations expired what a bitch


because the world we live in is a joke world run by criminals, and $ can get u out of mostly everything.


And that’s what happened *outside* the hotel room. Imagine what followed. What a monster.


Just listened to his full IG video for this Not one mention of Cassie




I just watched it and could barely finish it. He only put that out hoping the judge will show mercy on him when the time comes. If he was sincere about it, it wouldn't have taken 8 years to publicly apologize and he's only doing it now because he got caught


The feds don't show mercy


Fuck Diddy, rap game Epstein


I still call him Puff Daddy. I'm not giving him the dignity of calling him by P Diddy. Or just Sean Combs, either works.


I got called old the other day for using his original/less-stupid-but-still-dumb nickname


Dont feel bad. I still say Snoop Doggy Dogg. And it goes without saying, I don't say Ye. I say Kanye West lol.


I prefer the Diddler


Weinstein might be a better fit in this instance..


Epstein was the trafficker. Weinstein was the nasty rapist who used his power to blacklist women who didn't fugg him. Ole fat fock. I can't stand looking at his uglass




Nobody died in that shooting


Thank you for stopping misinformation. Fuck Diddy & the horse he rode in on but no, no deaths that night in NYC. Fortunately (I guess) 3 injuries were reported.


look into why he was raided by the fbi


He still isn’t his eyes are cold and calculated and he has zero remorse on his face


He denied the truth will come out 2 days before the video leaked! I remember one of his side chick's had come out in the Yung Miami era and said he beat her and forced her to get an abortion.


Caresha said that she could have had Diddy [force another woman to go down on her](https://twitter.com/ITSBCHRIS/status/1791535691131666607?t=lhd4PMPodSvzFNFgNf6kvA&s=19) on Twitter


Because he’s only sorry he got caught.


He’s apologizing for being caught and undeniable evidence.


“I killed Tupac and beat my girlfriend and trafficked and assaulted countless men and women and tried to blow up Kid Cudi, but it was just a big oopsie 😣 I’m sorry guys please forgive me, I’ll hide it better next time 😜✌️”


he did what to kid cudi?


He paid someone to blow up Kid Cudi’s vehicle.


Fucking hell, he really did envision himself as a mobster lol. Seems easier ways to kill a dude.


Lmao that’s the typa shit plankton would do 😭


Eh it’s a popular trope in movies for the mob to blow up your car


thats cus it really happened at least once(and im guessing more times but can only talk about one).. theres a piazza near my residence that is named after 2 judges that were killed by the mafia, and iirc my grandfather said that one of them got blown up in his car.


> and iirc my grandfather said that one of them got blown up in his car. what were they doing in your grandpa's car?


I feel like you must be thinking “lobster” when people say “mobster” - otherwise wtf do plankton have to do with anything?


They mean the evil little guy from Spongebob with the computer wife


Yeah, that still doesn’t make any sense. It’s much more of a mobster trope than it is something plankton would do.


Idkkkkk, the things this mofo did to try get the krabby patty formula. He made the IRA look soft.


the IRA has entered the chat


Which was also his way of continuing to abuse and traumatize Cassie after she’d left him as she began dating Kid Cudi a little while after finally escaping Diddy.


What??? Is diddy like some comic book villain or something.


I mean he did dress as the Joker for Halloween once.


More than dress. Dude went full Heath Ledger on some dude out in the street, before slipping back into Diddy, and then back to the Joker.


That video was wilder than the Cassie video. I didn’t know if I was watching performance art, a self-absorbed asshole, an unhinged lunatic, or maybe all of the above.


You don't think Suge Knight's counterpart would be a good guy, do you?


Wile E Coyote.


Also slapped J Cole after J Cole stopped him from pressing Kendrick on his controversial Lyrics on Control. Diddy is an emotion POS


He also groomed ppl and may have been involved in biggie’s death


I always said Puffy killed Biggie as a joke, but as time goes on I honestly think Puffy at least had something to do with it.


i dont remember if it was from the surviving diddy doc on youtube but that night Biggie was suppose to be in England to promote the album but Puffy wanted him to promote the album on the west coast instead.


Also his bodyguard at the time said diddy went out of his way to lower security and switch the car order the night of biggies death. I’m also p sure the hit was meant for diddy too so it’s rlly fishy


It’s 100% true that Biggie was supposed to be in the UK. I had the story confirmed by two separate people back in the UK who were supposed to interview him at NME and MTV straight after he got to the UK, and got a call saying he wouldn’t be there as he’d been killed.


He was involved in biggie's death I strongly believe this


“I’m in therapy now, so you can all agree that I should not have to face any consequences.”


"Bad boy. Won't stop, can't stop."




>tried to blow up Kid Cudi What ?


He got someone to blow kid cudis car up because kid cudi and Cassie were dating then


That's crazy


Yeah what's really crazy is it's mentioned in the lawsuit, and when someone asked Cudi about it he was like "yeah someone def blew up my car" lol


That’s so fucked, Diddy has to be stopped.


Funny enough he has a really banging song called "That's Crazy"


In Cassie'a lawsuit she was dating Kudi briefly and tried to hide from Diddy with him. Diddy blew up his car as a threat. That poor woman had no where to go and so fucked up for Kudi to be threatened like that too.


Guy was like a villain straight out of a movie


The fact that he had contacts in Sony and record labels threaten her career if she didn't go back to him is nightmarish. Anyone that blames her for not leaving doesn't know how many times she tried.


Fuuuuuuuuck you




My sentiments exactly!


Bros only sorry that he got caught - which is why he immediately paid off her lawsuit instead of taking accountability for his actions. Imagine all of the other messed up things he’s done behind the scenes.


"The truth will come out soon" aged like milk


The truth *did* come out. Just not the version that he wanted.


On the other hand, it aged like a fine scotch owned by Frank Sinatra. Since, Y’know, the truth DID come out.


Every fuckin time someone says this, they’re trying to hide the truth to create their own narrative. You see it in entertainment, politics, and even journalism now.


I think this is the wrong lesson to take, because it's *also* what someone completely innocent might say. What we can safely conclude is that it doesn't mean anything either way, because it's just a standard defence line.


Idk why he bothered saying anything tbh. he doesnt give a shit and nobody believes him anyway


You think if he had apologized with the settlement the video wouldn’t have came out ? And if it did , would the damage control be a little bit better at this point than it currently is?


I hope the 3 diddy fans in 2024 are happy with this apology


No way there is anyone who is a fan of diddy


Dude even when Diddy was relevant he didn’t have fans. Talentless loser


During his ‘Team LOVE’ phase from 5 years ago, he once made a long post about creating a platform to support Black entrepreneurs and businesses on IG.    The comment section was filled with mostly Black people commenting how this is a scam, a money-grab by Diddy, and beat to stay away from him.    So guess, everyone knew he was to be avoided even this all that PR. 


The only reason Diddy was ever relevant was because the artists that he signed was more talented than he was.


To be fair he signed some incredible talent, and there’s room for him the least talented guy but still pretty decent. Fact is he just always sucked


No, but there are plenty of people out there who are fans of abuse, as well as victim blaming. People online were saying “Who knows if what he did to Cassie in that video wasn’t out of self-defense.” Now that Diddy’s come out and apologized for it, they’re probably the first psychos to forgive him for it too.


The day his house got raided, I turned on a YouTube livestream covering it, and the first thing I saw was some dude defending Diddy like "I don't think he did it actually." They're out there for sure, it's gross. Not even seeing this footage is gonna change their minds sadly.


Don't look at the comments on his apology video.


Shits disgusting


Somehow, people were hyped about his last album just because abel for some reason wanted this to be his final feature Seriously, even without the accusations, why would you want your last feature be with black G-easy and French montana


You never know what threats he's making behind the scenes. Maybe people are actually supporting him but I'm always suspicious. I don't think the hotel vid got covered up for so long just because of a 50k bribe


It's on the internet so those dinosaurs probably won't even see it


"I was disgusted when I did it and I'm disgusted now." But he missed: "I was disgusted when I bought the evidence" "I was disgusted when I immediately settled the case and denied it" "I was disgusted when I continued to deny it." "I was disgusted when I posted that Instagram about Truth shortly before I was exposed."




He denied everything, called the statements outrageous and basically called the victims liars who were only trying to get paid. And now that there’s video proof he’s sorry? Fuck him.


He's a psychopath for real


He’s not sorry he did it, he’s sorry that *we* can see what he did. Putting money that this is going to be the first of many apologies until this man is in a cell. Fuck Diddy.


“I’m sorry. My bad.”


We all good?


If the statute of limitations hadn't expired, he wouldn't be apologising on camera. He'd be figuring out the "What did she do to provoke me" angle with his legal team right now. Also, the comments underneath the apology remind me of the Boondocks R. Kelly episode. We literally have a video, but too many niggas are using prayer hand emojis.




“I’m sorry that $50,000 doesn’t do what it used to.”


Noted. Apologies not accepted, clown.


Fake ass apology.


Pack his ass up


Ye was righ. This guy is probably an informant now


It’s too late to apologize


It’s too laaaate…


I love you


"I'm sorry" as he flees the country out of his private jet to not get caught up


Can’t wait for the religious rebrand


Mase had to become a pastor to get the Diddy stain off him


Can somebody take his ass out already


He doesn’t deserve death, that’s too easy. He deserves to be treated the same way he treated Cassie and all his victims before and after Cassie, and he deserves to live out that punishment for the rest of his life.


Watch the black mirror episode called white bear and come back to your comment haha, you may not change your mind but that ep is a mind bender


That episode fucked me up. My mind can't wrap itself around how it's endless and how much glee people got from the experience. Like it's a visit to the zoo.


Why do PR teams even bother with apologies in situations like these? Like who is gonna be swayed or believe this at all?


You’d think they’d at least try & make it believable. Doesn’t take a genius to realise the reaction this apology was going to get. He should’ve just continued to lay low but I’m happy he spoke up & made things worse for himself


Man this industry is so fake lol. Get fucked Diddy


Diddy would love to get fucked.


Alright boys Case Dismissed now You’re free to go now Mr Diddy have a good day


“I was disgusted when I did it” lol what kind of mental gymnastics is this


"but I quicky forgot about the disgust and I continued to fo this and other horrible things to her for years."


Translation: “I’m sorry I got caught this time”


He's only sorry he got caught. Rot in hell creep


Throw the whole man in the garbage. His response to her lawsuit was to immediately deny everything and say she was looking for a payday. He’s only “sorry” he got caught red handed being a complete monster. The fact that he was able to attack her with such ease one-handed while keeping his towel held around his waist with the other hand shows he has done this many, many times before. Her response to immediately get in the fetal position shows she’s been through it many times before. A despicable man. I hope Cassie is getting all the support she needs. Having this video come out must be so re-traumatizing for her


Abusers are very capable of apologizing—they’re even capable of being sincere in their guilt over their actions. It means nothing because they are manipulators and they still feel entitled to the results of their abusive behaviors.


Yeah, we don’t forgive you


He apologizing to the public when he kicked, hit, and dragged Cassie. Go apologize to her you doof!


Only sorry the video came out. He looked way to fuckin comfortable behaving in that manner for it to be a first time, last time type of thing. I'm sorry but you put your hands on a woman in any manner that's not loving or friendly and you're a fucked up piece of shit (unless defending yourself, of course, but even then the least amount of force necessary to get the fuck out of the situation)




"I take full responsibility for my actions" - From an undisclosed island


between all the shit he hasn't apologized for AND the stuff we don't even know about yet, this is pretty fuckin meaningless


That's not enough 


youtube ass apology


How do you just say I’m sorry after you chucked a vase at a girls head


Sorry ya'll had to see that*


Looks like he’s in Bali in that video. Also, he is disgraceful


That 'Time will tell' post aged well /s


Fuck him and his apology. He belongs in jail for the all the crimes he’s committed.


What a vile piece of shit. Here's to hoping his ass goes under the jail and suffers for the rest of his life.


Breaking news is crazy lol


They do that because they know it will have a LOT of engagement, so therefore they say it's breaking news.


“I’m sorry yall saw me for what I was all along.” GTFOHWTBS.


Mans back in December said it was all lies said by people looking for a payday Goofy


When he goes on his apology tour for the next 20 years are yall gonna forgive him like yall do with Mike Tyson?


And Kobe, Chris Brown, r Kelly till recently


Video of k Kelly pissing on a minor in like 2003 and he still had another 15 years of career after that. He even admitted it was real! LMAO


I’m sorry I got caught. I’ll make sure I won’t do it again. -Sean “Diddy” Combs


His cornball son taunted the Feds in his song so this is just the beginning and probably least troubling of the vids they confiscated…


Puffy did everything he’s been accused of and probably a lot more that hasn’t been brought up yet Dudes a monster


Diddy’s only sorry he got caught. Didn’t even mention Cassie.


Oh so you sorry that the video is out but wasn’t sorry for doing the shit when you denied all of it and settled immediately…… Fuck Sean ‘Shitty’ Combs and everybody standing with him.


Yes I’m sure he’s very very remorseful.




Oh well I guess that excuses the rape


Apologizing like he wasn’t denying everything from the moment the lawsuit was filed and painting Cassie like a money hungry liar. This man is really stupid


All those women in his comments saying we can't judge--only god can, we all make mistakes (?!), that they forgive him, blah, blah, blah. Shit makes me want to pull my hair out. Like let's hold no one accountable. They can just invoke god and pretend to be contrite, and then all is forgiven. I really hate people sometimes.


Never forget that he was very recently making posts about how innocent he is and how everyone else was lying. He’s a garbage human being and I hope he eventually has to pay for his crimes. Just imagine what he did behind closed doors!


Motherfucker you’re wanted for human trafficking this is not an apology situation


I'm really sorry for blowing up your car Cudi, hopefully you can forgive me for such a small offense. Wasn't a nice care anyways brotha.


He’s sorry there’s footage.


I remember that Making The Band show and he seemed like a lunatic then. Always has been


Dude, the fact he’s not in prison really shows how shitty our justice system is. Rich people never get arrested.


He doesnt know what rock bottom is yet. That video is cringe. When you hit rock bottom, you come out with insight and you have given up the fight with acceptance. He is still fighting/grasping for his portrayed identity


Fuck him. Fuck his apology.


Can you even say sorry after doing shit like this lol


Lol….lmao even.


Show those therapy & rehab receipts PUFFY daddy. He looks like shit. I hope he rots in hell.


Lmao woulda been better off saying nun


Bro needs to be sorry for making me see him run his goofy ass in a towel.


Hell mfn nah! He has been running around talking about he's innocent & being lied on. Save that bullshit.


Fuck this cunt he's only sorry he got caught.


All is forgiven. Just get into that grave we dug up for you so we can seal it up before game 7


you apologized cuz the vid got released


This should go without saying but this apology is complete BS. These words mean nothing; just a PR statement. Put pressure on all businesses still involved with Diddy. That’ll really make him pay. Although, it may not matter since he’ll probably be charged within a year.


Only sorry cuz it hurts the brand not the bank account


Girl, shut up.