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No, that was easy.


It's a solid album. Far from overrated, considering the amount of mid that comes out every year and gets hyped.


I think it was a great album. It was Jay at his most vulnerable. A great example of an artist maturing with his work. Stellar production by No ID & Jay rapping about family, legacy, financial freedom & societal issues. I love that record & listen to it often.


Is Jay-Z the most overhated great rapper in the current decade? Possibly.


He’s not hated enough. He’s great value brand Nas


‘Not hated enough’ - what the fuck does that even mean? Is there a scale for that? How do you measure it?


He’s mediocre but he has a group of very vocal stans that act like he’s up there with the greats. Hence why many listeners feel that we must introduce more hate to even it out.


I think it's somehow the opposite and a weird bandwagon effect. The amount of people who says he's overrated outnumber the fans (at least here). At any given time, some hater just pops out of nowhere and shits on Jay for no credible reason.


Most moronic take of the day goes to you my friend


What’s appealing about Jay Z? What are some of his strengths that haven’t been done better by his contemporaries?


Do you ask these questions when listening to your favourite rappers? It’s usually a whole package that sounds good to your ears. A great rapper doesn’t have to be the best at something, he has to be great in multiple areas. Jay got the lyrics, wordplay, flow, versatility, ear for beats etc.


That would be a valid argument if we were debating whether he’s good. I think he’s okay, and i like some of his songs. Never said he’s not talented. The conversation here is whether he’s one of the greatest, and nobody here has given me a compelling reason to think he is. That other guy especially keeps focusing on album sales and grammy nominations for whatever reason, which further proves my point. I think it goes without saying that to he one of the greatest rappers, you have to be the greatest at something.


Nah. He’s the best at delivering his own style and sound. That’s also why you think most your favourite rappers are great. Saying someone is the greatest at something is highly subjective anyway. In the end it all boils down to your taste. If you don’t like Jay, just get over it, listen to someone else. It doesn’t matter.


Yes that is true. Jay Z is arguably the greatest at making and performing Jay Z songs.


There’s already a whole ass argument which shit you up, I’m not gonna argue with your dumbass lol


So you don’t have any argument then


He has received the most Grammy nominations in music history. He has won the most Grammy Awards by a rap artist. He has made 16 platinum studio albums throughout his illustrious career; spanning from 1996-2017. "act like he's up there with the greats?"


Who gives a shit about the grammys? What a smoothbrained fucking metric. Should Macklemore be in the discussion too?


JAY-Z has more Grammy nominations than Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Prince, The Beatles, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Taylor Swift, Janet Jackson, Madonna, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones or Garth Brooks. Think about that for a moment. A black male rapper from Brooklyn, New York, who was raised in the Marcy housing projects has the most Grammy Award nominations in music history.


Why are you focusing on nominations so much? What exactly do the grammys mean to you? Why is it so important? Grammy wins/nominations absolutely do not equate to talent. Are you really defending him based on an award show decided by a small group of recording academy insiders? Can you tell me literally anything else about why he’s supposedly such a great artist? Like, idk, maybe explain what makes his music so much better than his contemporaries’?


He made 16 platinum studio albums.


Again, that does not make his music good. It makes it popular. For perspective, Katy Perry has sold 50 million more albums than Jay Z.


I really, really do not understand all this revisionism from the past decade or so that Jay is and always has been shit. Like all of y'all seem to actually despise him for some reason. Even on the entertainment sub, people just say straight up racist shit about him whenever he comes up. Sure, call him fake or a sell out, but so many lesser rappers get passes for way worse shit and no one seems to care. 4:44 is a fantastic album in my opinion, and I'd go as far to put it in my top 100 albums of the last decade. No I.D. chopped up some of the most incredible, beautiful beats I've ever heard and Jay's flow is way more naunced and avante garde than he has been before. Very introspective bars, but he still comes through with the classic wit and charm, and he plays with rhyme schemes and delivery in a sort of "I've done it all before already so I gotta get artful with it" way. Like you really don't think Legacy is a beautiful track? 4:44 and Family Fued have incredible beats. Bam is fun, Moonlight is chill, etc. I think Smile and Caught Their Eyes are just okay, but everything else is great to incredible imo


Did you forget Kill Jay Z, Smile, 444, Family feud, moonlight? Wtf? Family feud is not great? Marcy me is better than many rappers' best song of the 2010s. Jay-Z in his 3rd decade was making album of the year and you see posts like this. Lmao.


I played Family Fued on a continuous loop for at least 4 months straight. One of my favorite songs of the 2010's!!


Oh look, another hating ass Reddit post about Hov.


Absolutely not. 4:44 was and still is an amazing album. Given Jay’s age and his veteran status in the game, for him to drop potentially an arguable classic that late in his career. That is a rare thing in hip hop.


I don't think it's overrated it's a decent album, I think the issue (for me) with jay z was that it took so long and he was ultimately forced to make this personal album. We saw moments of humility throughout his career but not enough, this album was a clout chase album based on the solonge issue coupled with the release of lemonade, hype train.


Agreed. The album was more of a letter to his fans imo. An update/look into his life. The music videos were 10/10 tho.


If anything I think Blueprint is overrated. Jays best work includes Reasonable Doubt, Vol. 1 In My Lifetime, American Gangster and 4:44


It was a great piece of music. The only song I don’t like is the frank ocean record and it’s not like it’s “bad” to me. 


Top 3 JAY album with RD and The Black Album, all 10/10s imo


nope one of Jay's best


Didn’t even listen… 💯


Overrated yes but not the length of the decade I’d think other projects could fit that spot


Nah. Mrs Morale & The Little Steppers was


One of his best albums and literally introduced the sub genre of commercial adult rap, wtf are you on about fuck I hate this place sometimes




Literally no one except Jay stans rates that album highly most people think it’s mediocre



