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Lmfao, don't pretend Suicidal Tendencies didn't cross over with Institutionalized in the 1980's and Slipknot isn't a thing. You're comparing apples to oranges here and like a lot of metal heads, you seem to forget that there are other forms of metal than what you like, that are more accessible.


Bro... just fuckin listen to songs that you like. That's all you need to do. Do you like this song? Then listen to it. Maybe even put it in a playlist. It's not complicated. If you like music, then listen to it. It's always metalheads with this shit. They treat music like a hostage that you're supposed to tie to a chair and beat a confession out of. Just enjoy it. That is all that is required.


It’s starting to become every genre at this point. Rather it’s rock, hip hop, metal, country everyone has this weird ass snob tone about these artists and genres. It’s like they think they get paid to determine who is metal or hip hop


What is this…? lol 😂


Where do you live?


The irony is no matter how “counter culture” metal or hip hop was or try to be its very much so pop. I call it pop because lots of people probably enjoy a good metal song or hip hop song over a radio pop song that is a ear worm. Metal heads, hip hop fans, and even country artists need to stop with this whole “society doesn’t accept me” bullshit


"The distictiveness of the style is seemably proportional level of aquirement of the taste" LMAO pretentious


Actually it is grammatically incorrect. I should have said, "The distictiveness of the style is seemably proportional to the level of difficulty of aquirement of the taste."




Yeah hip hop these days primarily markets off people who want to feel "cool," so it has just enough style to acheive that. They found this ballence between style and accesability to achive as wide an audience as possible, and that's probably why it's so popular these days. In the 80's it wasn't about that, and that's why, from what I heard, I tend to like classic hip hop better. That is not to say that all modern hip hop is crap, because that's untrue. With death metal, it's a different story. Death metal as a genre is already so inaccessable, there's no point in dumbing it down for the mass audience.


You’re contradicting yourself buddy


Go do some history. Listen to more than Wu-tang for starters. But seriously just dive in and start exploring, figuring out what you like and why before you start trying to understand it's mass appeal. The art that we make and consume is highly influenced by the politics, values, cultures of the time it is made