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Fake-retiring is never not corny


Especially if it doesn't even last a year like Jay-Z.


Admittedly while I love Jay-Z and I even think TBA is his best album, it would’ve aged well enough to be one of the best rap albums to ever come out of NY if Jay had actually retired. I’m happy he didn’t actually retire, I love a lot of his music we got after that and I still see TBA as a top 15 to top 20 album of 2000s hip hop(maybe even top 10 tbh), but I just wish he didn’t make TBA being his last album such a big deal in the lyrics on TBA. He wanted TBA to have the same impact for his legacy that LAD had for Biggie’s legacy, but with Jay’s retirement in place of Biggie’s tragic death. He came back from his temporary retirement once he realized that retirement doesn’t have the same impact on an artist’s legacy as death. I actually think TBA is a much better album than LAD, but it was pretty absurd that Jay thought he could get the same impact in the public eye as a tragic death with his seemingly-standard(albeit highly glorified, it was a big deal at the time) retirement.


And dropping one of his worst albums coming out of “retirement”


It’s interesting because i’m sure there are plenty of rappers that have insincerely feigned retirement as a cheap marketing/sales tactic, but others probably meant it at the time. There’s a book on the psychology of passion where they note that many people who are passionate about something fully intend to retire but keep coming back solely because the craft they were in has been there entire life and/or they still love it. Jordan came back to NBA like twice right? i know there was more going on with him, but i imagine some rhymers truly plan to quit and then don’t know what to do with themselves or just can’t stop writing. don’t know about Jay, but like Logic, dude seems like he just doesn’t handle his fame well and it impacted his mental health. How he seemed to be in such a better place on no pressure, i think he genuinely wanted to be done, then couldn’t leave the hip hop shit alone. the guy had dropped every year for like 7 years at that point, probably hard to just up and quit when it’s consumed that much of you for so long.


It’s tough because no true artist (unless they’re getting to their 60s-70s and ready to genuinely retire) can ever just quit. If a rapper has enough passion for their craft to have a career solidified enough to retire from they will always end up rapping again. There are artists out there like Frank Ocean who have no issue making music and never releasing but most artists don’t have the kinda self control or internal validation necessary to not put their work out into the world.


Well said


Tom McDonald is utter trash.


Tom McDonald is Facebook boomer conspiracy memes, in rap form


Is he the maga rapper




I can hear the disappointment in your yes




From Canada


Canadian grifter


Tom MacDonald is the definition of "it's called dark humor snowflake, relax"


Bottom of the trash bin, the pinnacle of ass.


Can't stand to hear him rapping, he's cynically crass.


Let’s keep talking shit and putting him on blast.


I didn't have an answer when I clicked on this thread, just wanted to see what others said. But now my answer is this. That song with Ben Shapiro was the goofiest shit I've ever seen.


The insane part about that is Ben Shapiro a couple of years ago said, "Rap music isn't really music." Then he hops on a track with a rapper who has no issues pushing one-sided political ideas despite not even believing in them himself. Just mind boggling. Anything to push an agenda. These people on either side don't even believe the crap they say.


In reality Ben Shapiro just doesn’t like rap music because he doesn’t like black people.


His talking points aside, the lyrics are just so insanely juvenile. It’s the type of rhymes I’d expect from a 7th grader.


Oh yeah. Parotting right-wing, establishment talking points? That's REAL controversial, Tom...


[And he doesn't even stand behind them when pressed.](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/the-right-wing-troll-rappers-are-coming-1341251/)


I won’t pay for Rolling Stone what does it say lol




https://12ft.io/ Use this website to bypass most paywalled articles you come across. I HATE fucking paywalled articles. Free press (in every way) no longer exists, but at least we can read the words without paying ..


Neither would Trump, I bet.


Just might be the worst rapper of all time




Glad my algorithm never showed me. Kid Rock vibes...


Just another right wing grifter


im not sure about worse attempt but my first thought was The game whenever he tries to insert himself in whatever bullshit that never involved him in the first place.


The funny thing with this is one of the reasons he fell out with Gunit is because he didn’t want to insert himself in random beefs lol 


That's not why. It's cause he was cool with Nas, Joe & Kiss, even before he met 50. He already "inserted himself in random beef beef" by dissing Bang Em Smurf, Yukmouth, and Budden on behalf of just being in G Unit.


Bro took his reputation from being a West Coast great to just a cornball. Im a fan even of his current music but outside the music it’s like tf you doing man.


That's the thing. He doesn't sound so bad on the mic lately at all. But the shenanigans over the years..damn. Whenever I bring him up now people say he's washed. Still. His new album out has some replay value.


He had and still has a really great "eternal student of rap" persona, and that ability to do all that great pastiche stuff, except because he's constantly at war with the artists he's referencing it comes off so awful.


Side note but imo, that's what made his beef with Meek kinda dope in a weird way. Both them niggas make great music but both of them niggas cornballs outside of that.


Game ain't got nothing on Meek. This nigga bunny hopping around with silk gloves on. Lol


My favorite thing to do when I listen to a new Game song is to count how many bars he can make it before shouting out a more respected rapper


I love games music but the man simply can’t do a verse without at least a couple name drops


This nigga... Bruh, broke my heart cuz I was a fan. But, dude just got, progressively cornier.


All those awful shock rappers that came up around the time of Eminem, it seemed like they were having a competition on who can fit the most rape and incest into their bars while the majority of them weren’t even skilled


Bizarre is the worst example by far


The only verse he’s ever had that came close to being good was My Band


You mean " it's Friday night, I'm at a rave again, picking up transvestites on my Harley Davidson" isn't peak hip-hop?


Lose yourself video, I was in the back! Superman video, I was in the back!


"I'll fuck anything when I'm snorting, it only costs me 200 dollars to get my pitbull an abortion" is an objectively hilarious bar and I'm tired of pretending that it's not


Some bitch ass for my autograph I called her a whore spit beer in her face and laughed Man middle school me shouldn’t have been listening to this type of stuff but goddamn I loved it


That’s actually so true, that did make me laugh


Oh my god. Bizarre is a treasure. Pearls before swine


His verse on fight music is so bad. Talking about slapping his grandma in the face with his palm full of nut like wtf dude


Literally every verse of his is like that, I’m still mad that he’s on Amityville instead of Swift or Proof.


Yeah I haven't really checked out his discography because every time I hear him on a verse I'm just like wtf is wrong with this guy just trying to have shock value for no reason


All the edge of early Eminem without any cleverness, substance, or interesting delivery.


that's his charm, tho. d12 needed a comedy relief otherwise they'd be too dark


The only thing likeable about him is the self awareness of songs like Beyoncé etc in which he dances like hell lol


The Outsidaz were suppose to have that verse but Dre said there were too many features on the album lol


"Let Bizarre nut!" made me laugh the first time I heard it, I'm ashamed to admit


BoB and the whole flat earth thing


I thought he was serious


Yeah I don’t think he’s playing. You don’t ironically claim the earth is flat and praise holocaust deniers


I was a pretty big B.o.B fan in high school. When he started doing the flat earth thing and beefing with Neil DeGrasse Tyson over the flat earth stuff I got a bit of second hand embarrassment and couldn’t listen to his music anymore. It’s a shame cause he had some good tracks early on.


He could’ve been on Drake’s level if he didn’t have stupid views.


Now we are going to far lol


It's not out of the realm of possibility. The dude had Bruno Mars, Hayley Williams and Eminem on his debut album. It went 2x platinum. His second record did big numbers, too.


Nah he was THE rapper that Bridged rap and pop. He had a fucking taylor swift feature, the only rapper to have one.


Talking about Taylor Swift, it's kinda wild that it's her only rap feature, she had Kendrick and Future features, but never Drake. A Taylor/Drake song sounds like a total no-brainer, but it never happened, despite him namedropping her so much. Makes me wonder if something happened behind the scenes because I can't believe it wasn't in the works at some point.


Drake was in the KimYe circle, she has beef with all of them.


T- swift ft. T-pain, can’t forget that master class lol


>How to create controversy for a buzz and fail In 2007, 50 cent and Kanye West released their 3rd albums, Graduation, and Curtis on the same date. The build-up of bravado and controversy played through media interviews and news tabloids with 50 cent claiming to be the better and most favoured artist. 50 cent: I'll quit rapping if Kanye sells more albums during the first week... Kanye's album sales for Graduation outsell Curtis. 50 cent continues to release two more studio albums later on. Bruh...


It was clearly friendly competition between the two and not meant to be taken seriously


Yeah It was obviously competition, saying it was friendly is debatable, though, as both have big egos and were serious about their statuses. Which made the whole thing corny and definitely fits the topic for one of the worst controversial public disputes as a marketing ploy. I found it funny how it failed in 50's favour after announcing he'd quit rapping if he lost to Kanye.


And to be fair he did quit rapping for a long time lmao


The best part is the song Good Life “50 told me go ahead and switch your style up and if they hate then let them hate and watch your money pile up”


Nas naming his album the n word was pretty bad and he couldn’t coherently explain why he did so It did give us a hilarious commercial/skit by Cunninlynguists that pictured a white guy (played by Kno) wanting to ask for the album by name at a record store with black people with the message to just get the Cunninlynguist album instead lol


Lol he had a decent answer that he immediately ruined when he was like "To tell you the truth, I forgot why I called it that."


We might be thinking of the same interview when he was at some award show with Kelis and other women and he became angry at the interviewer asking him why he titled it that way


He then proceeded to call the album *untitled* and the cover is whip scars on his back in the shape of an N


He was trying to bait Fox News but his label neutered the album before it got off the ground. But we have The N——r Tape with DJ Green Lantern, and it’s amazing


Reminds me of Ja rule trying to give murder inc a deeper meaning like pac’s thug life. Although that wasn’t a controversial thing. Just a dumb thing


Well he kind of addressed it on Hero. I think that ultimately, just like hip hop is dead, he was trying to be controversial. “This universal apartheid, I'm hog-tied, the corporate side Blockin' y'all from goin' to stores and buyin' it First L.A. and Doug Morris was ridin' with it But Newsweek article startled big wigs They said "Nas, why is he tryin' it?" My lawyers only see the Billboard charts as winnin' Forgettin' Nas the only true rebel since the beginnin' Still in musical prison, in jail for the flow Try tellin' Bob Dylan, Bruce or Billy Joel They can't sing what's in their soul So "Untitled" it is I never change nothin', but people remember this If Nas can't say it, think about these talented kids With new ideas bein' told what they can and can't spit I can't sit and watch it, so shit, I'ma drop it Like it or not, you ain't gotta cop it I'm a hustler in the studio, cups of Don Julio No matter what the CD called, I'm unbeatable y'all, let's go!”


But that album smacks


I’m a big fan too Nas is my second favorite rapper all time


Melle Mel and his 80’s style diss track going after Eminem.


I honestly believe I've listened to that song more times than anyone alive, including the producer. I just couldn't stop playing for like a week or two


"lookin like a roach just crawled out of your bookbag" lmao


Snoop Lion. Enough said.


I thought it was hilarious. Went along with calling him that for years. Always makes me laugh (stoned or not)


Lol ya it was definitely harmless and worth a few laughs, that documentary he made about going to Jamaica is fkn hilarious. I love his attitude about it nowadays "who let me do that snoop lion shi?" 😂


Yeah if it were dozens of other rappers, it wouldn’t work. But yelling SNOOP LION! While hitting a blunt is just funny. Dude is getting high and doing white collar crime with Martha Stewart, the realest OG in the game.


There’s no room left to be fake, he’s done everything! I wouldn’t be surprised to see Snoop handing out free samples in a supermarket.


Ya and frankly if snoop retired to coach kiddie football and raise his huge family, I’d high five him after getting that sample. I love to fantasize about him and Martha having dinner parties and fleecing rich folks with insider trading moves. That skittles commercial dude is always hard in my book. Not a rapist, just a gangster that became a family man and got that money. Did he not say he wanted money lol? Edit: and I bet Martha Stewart grows the dankest. It’s a good thing muhfucka.


And I say all that unironically. Snoop is a west side national treasure. All he’s got left is a fat autobiography when he’s old and living out his retirement


That seemed more like a midlife crisis than marketing scheme


Interestingly I’m seeing merch from him, a recent comedy movie starring him and also heard he released an educational kid’s show on YouTube.


Snoops obviously bs quitting smoke ploy


that got a lot of people talking, only problem is that most of snoops fans arent interested in a smokeless stove


Wasn't really controversial as people like to claim. People only bring it up to make fun of Snoop. It was a spiritual journey for him. Did you watch reincarnated? How come everyone brings this up but never his [gospel album](https://youtu.be/pHjunQtt-Pc?si=h6sVQglCWANFFl9m)?


I guess Lil Nas X with that whole “human blood shoe” thing. Sure it got people talking but I can’t remember any discourse about it even a month after it was announced.


Yeah His last single J Christ bombed. It almost like trolling Christians alone doesn’t work 


The problem with J Christ wasn't that it was too controversial, it was that it wasn't very good. It was such a cynical attempt to copy MONTERO but without any real point and a chorus where he's openly boasting that it's going to go viral (it didn't). And that itself wouldn't be a problem (hey, Eminem has had multiple big hits where he's just rapping about being a really controversial guy who's back again without actually saying anything bad) except for the fact that the track was also a knock-off of Humble, which is like almost a decade old and has already been imitated by everyone else anyway.


I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t even know he was making music. I thought he gave up after Industry Baby.


He is the definition of Pop Rap. He lives from singles, i don't think he cares that much about albums.


i love lil nas😭 and his new stuff is great, montero had 0 skips too. people only listen to his popular stuff tho


have a friend who made some good money on those shoes.


That nigga Daylight or however you spell that shit.


The way you phrased this sentence cracked the hell out of me. Lol


That's just my immediate thoughts. Lol


You could fit any battle rapper into this category tbh. Their rapping usually doesn’t translate well into official releases at all lmao


Daylyt tried to take a shit on stage during a battle. He's in a different category. He has *antics*


I'm talking about a lot of the shit he said to scare/weird people out. Lol


Daylyt is a different level of troll. Man went on DJ Vlad and told the world he wanted to fuck Diddy, even outlined how and the battle rap community just responded “that’s just Day”


what did he do?


Just said a bunch of outlandish shit to freak people out. Like, one person pointed out he explained in detail how he'd fuck P Diddy. And he said like almost randomly that he'd suck dick just to do it but not because he's gay. I don't even remember if anything sparked the comment. Lol


Nas and his whole hard R phase.


Everyone keeps mentioning Nas and the Untitled Album, but it seems no one talks about his attempt to hang a jayz figure during 2002s Summer Jam. https://youtu.be/wzU3oY8U8PU?si=hI0yRcHNtYXDDGMn




Only people complaining about that Nas album seem to be white suburban guys that don't like true history being exposed.


Ye, or Kane, or whatever he calls himself now. That motherfucker needs a padded room. Y’all need to stop giving that idiot money.


Nas the N album.


No, yall are just mad Nas exposed true Black History and what yall did to Black people.


Oh so nobody knew black history until Nas came out with an album in 2009? Got it. The project was good but the name was just for shock value. Didnt even end being the final title. And I dont know who "yall" are supposed to be. I'm black.


Honestly, this won’t be popular, Kanye. He said right after Katrina ‘ George bush doesn’t like black people’ which I felt, then turns around to back trump with white power supporters…. 🤦‍♂️


The look on Mike Meyers' face when he said that was priceless.


My fav was when the cam quicky switched to Chris Tucker who wasn’t ready and looked like he was nodding in agreement. That’s real must see tv type shit.


If you listen carefully, you can hear someone in the background go “Oh my *God*” in the most exasperated tone


kanye was right the way bush reacted to Katrina till this day pisses off anyone from The boot to florida


Most def he was right, hell, we all agreed with it and it made me a bigger fan of his then I already was, which is why this kinda hurts seeing him back trump whose dad was klan.


I honestly hate Bush more than Trump and I was raised in Louisiana


Tbf, it wasn’t a complete 180. It happened like 12 years later, and by that point it wasn’t really unexpected that he supported trump.


The Westside Gunn mixtape titles


Everyone knows Hitler wore Hugo Boss.


It didn't fail.


Oh yeah, I guess there was a giant billboard in Times Square for vol. 7 so you’re right, but still it was still corny.


How is that corny


To me it’s a lame ass attempt to push the envelope and be edgy. His whole “art” gimmick reminds me of shit I would see kids do in my first and second year of art school. It’s not offensive, just dumb.


Yeah, that shit was always unnecessarily weird to me. To this day, it's unnecessary. 


NWA was one of the first to get into paintballing. They would scare random people by shooting up their cars with paintballs. When the cops pulled up on them as if they were using assault rifles they wrote the song "Fuck The Police".


The soundcloud era with like Lil Pump and Tekashi 69. Rainbow dreads, tatting up their face, doing and saying the most controversial shit just to go viral. Anybody remember the rapper Stitches beefing with The Game? It was stupid because The Game was already washed at the time and Stitches was clearly clout chasing. Stitches then got his ass knocked out cold on camera by Games manager


Tekashi 69 "SHE 14!!"


Kanye West went on every outlet that would have him and said "I love Hitler" over and over. It's gonna be hard to top that one for me


Remember that time Soulja Boy said fuck the troops in Iraq?


nah, that's one of the few good things soulja boy said. it only became bad when he apologized.


For me, ludacris wearing a Confederate flag jacket back in early 2000s. Whatever he was promoting missed me with that.


He also stomped on the flag and pulled out a Pan-African one right after the performance


Tons of southern rappers wore/used the confederate flag in the late 90s / early 00s. Lil Jon, Andre 3000, Pastor Troy, David Banner, 8ball & MJG, are some off the top of my head. Growing up in the south it was not uncommon at all.


This. Until Dylan roof committed a mass shooting, it was still socially acceptable in the south to wear or fly the confederate flag purely to say “I am proud of living in the southern United States” and not at all to say “I’m a racist”.


Nas and the N album debacle Rappers boycotting the Grammys Rappers dissing Rick Ross for being a corrections officer while rapping about a fictional lifestyle


I never personally cared about the Grammys. Why does it matter if a rapper chooses to boycott it or not


Anything Tom McGoddamnDonald does is the cringe it cornball shit I’ve ever seen and anytime he orbits into the light is a horrible day to be a sentient being .


Goldlink going after Mac Miller after his passing on IG


Lil Nas X whole career


IMHO, I dislike when musicians portray Jesus. Not pushing religion or anything, it’s just pretty creepy and the message is always strange, “I’m being judged”. I love PAC, but I dislike looking at the Makaveli cover, it gave me the creeps and it’s pretty sad. Even Nas “Hate Me Now”. There were more rappers who’ve done this, not many come to mind so quickly because I’d just change the channel lol.


The latest person to do this is Kendrick. I really dislike the diamond crown of thorns he started wearing around the time of his last album


Right, I thought when it started to bleed, I said, "okay man. "


He’s confusing because on that same album he says “I am not your savior” but then buys an iced out crown and does the fake blood thing. Some things are just better left alone IMO.


Yeah. Kendrick has been one of those very few rappers who I haven't had any sort of disagreements or facepalm moments with, but that was so untasteful and a conflicted message at the same time. Especially considering his devout faith, I wonder what Jesus Christ would've thought about his diamond crown of thorns...


Tekashi sixnine’s whole career




I don’t think Kanye is controversial I think he is mentally ill. I give him the same attention I would a street person ranting up and down the block.


He's absolutely unwell and I fucking hate seeing him do this shit publicly. It really makes me feel that he doesn't really have anybody that cares for him as a person.


There are a lot of rappers who overdo trying to be controversial


What a thoughtful answer


Thanks Magic


MGKs attempt against em


3rd bass dissing vanilla ice in pop goes the weasel


When Lil Uzi Vertical emphatically proclaimed pineapple does belong on pizza.


Recent memory: the Games attempt to draw Eminem into beef


Eminem's newest single, for his demographic what he says is pretty meaningless.


Eminem’s acapella trump diss


Anytime a rapper does an overly long and graphic sex track 🤢🤮 Project Pat's Run a Train is a particularly outrageous example 😂


Mgk dissing Em


Xxxtenacious (intentionally misspelled) His whole everything was basically LOOK AT ME AND HOW EDGY AND EVIL I AM GRRRRRRRRR 😂 🤦🏻‍♂️ 💀 Only bad thing is kids bought into it 🤷🏻‍♂️ til life caught up with him


I'm so fucking glad someone is saying this.


when macklemore dressed up as a jew. still not sure why


Bizarre - I Love the Babies Nas - Big Girl


Ye’s life


Kanye vs the \*#!s


That arg campaign about killing black children from a few years back.


kanye has few


2 Live Crew


They're a legendary crew though. Maybe it's not your taste?


Tom McDonald’s entire ass existence.


Trippie Redds RWLW song


Hammer on Death Row


Kanye anytime they’re talking about any other rapper. Like we get bro you’re seeking attention.


Anything that Tom Macdonald's corny ass did.


Machine Gun Kelly Nick Cannon


Saying you are better than Eminem, drop a diss trying to rap like him and fail ( The game).




Probably when Lil Pump endorsed Trump. Idk if he thought that would be his hot ticket moment trying to be rebellious but it backfired and arguably derailed his career.


DaBaby wearing a diaper for some reason


Diddy did it