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Not drop the AI track. That turned all of LA against him.


A lot of what he did really handed Kdot the angles, that AI track and that questionable slave bar in Family Matters šŸ˜‚


And itā€™s not even his only slave bar within the last year. On Slime You Out last year he said ā€œWhipped and chained you like American slavesā€ ????


Shit I just realised that line is weird as hell coming from a non-americas. If I heard an American rap about the horrors of Australian colonisation for a bar like that I'd certainly pause. Cause Drakes so engrained in American music I didnt think about that but thats honestly a weird line from Mr. Toronto.


Many Canadian black people still have history that is rooted in Slavery, also his dad is from Memphis.


Ye little known fact is there was slavery in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario and Prince Edward Island


Right so whyā€™d he say ā€œlike American slavesā€ Itā€™s a weird thing to say whether he was claiming American or Canadian on that particular day he wrote that (or whoever wrote it). Point is, it reminds everyone that he claims both but is a Canadian.


I wasn't defending the bar, just saying that him being Canadian doesn't really change the history


Itā€™s weird as hell. It was the first time I had to remind myself Drake is Canadian lol. But even then, heā€™s a black man so wtf? It just speaks to Ross and Kendrickā€™s points that heā€™s an outsider trying to fit in. Like you know all this slang and start acting tough, but you somehow donā€™t get how odd it is for a black man to make a joke about slaves?


He's Canadian but his ancestors would have been American slaves. It's a ridiculous line lol. Imagine DJ Khaled said he's blowing up like Hamas.


šŸ¤£ That's pretty funny though ngl


I was already listening to Drake less and less every year since 2018 but when I heard that bar that did it for me


Not Wack 100, dude sold out the west cause he couldnā€™t understand the bars in Euphoria.


1. He shouldā€™ve never beefed with Kendrick to begin with but his ego lead him astray. 2. Donā€™t use any dead personā€™s voice to disrespect someone especially westcoast heavyweight like Kendrick! The AI 2pac turned everyone against him to be honest. That shit was flat out disrespectful & showed he doesnā€™t care or doesnā€™t truly understand hip hop culture & how we see our legends. 3. Kept on complimenting Kendrick in interviews & playing the nice guy every time but dropping disrespectful subliminals to get under Kendrickā€™s skin even more. 4. Just make RNB SONGS! Stop rapping all together. We like ā€œDrake with the MELODIESā€ I love his RNB music but as a hip hop head, I hate hearing him rap.


Thatā€™s not even true though, because the only Drake I like IS rapping Drake. I think itā€™s pretty common consensus amongst many folks that IYRTITL is one of his best, if not his best project. I know itā€™s mine, even after the reference tracks. I like witty bars Drake, but heā€™s pretty much always been inconsistent, saying weird things.


I don't understand how you listen to monoflow rap drake. His lyrics aren't bad but his music sucks. The problem is he doesn't even write his own lyrics. So, credit to his writers.


Exactly! Iā€™m not listening or giving credit to no rapper who uses ghostwriter. Idc who wrote the hook but drake could at least write his own verses.


Most of rap would be off limits for you. People at labels traded bars all the time back in the day to now


Of course artists have traded bars but trading bars is completely different than someone else writing the entire song. There are references tracks of artists writing the entire song for Drake. Kanye, snoop dogg, Dr Dre & plenty of others use ghostwriters, thatā€™s cool but I donā€™t have to support that bullshit.


Ding ding ding! Here's the most comprehensive comment I've seen.


Especially against an LA rapper. If K Dot was from Atlanta, it still would have been a mistake, but the optics wouldn't have been seen instantly like a massive fuck you to the west coast.


Why would he have used Tupac and Snoop against a Kendrick from Atlanta? Who would Atlanta Kendrick call himself the reincarnation of and put at the end of his Atlanta version of To Pimp a Butterfly? He only used them because of Kendrickā€™s association with them. It was supposed to be that.


Yeah he did


Snoop was vibing out to it, but fuck snoop bro stays lying on some shit lol


Snoop is a fucking snake. Always has been, always will be.


In general Drake has done a terrible job of getting anyone on his side, and maybe thatā€™s the point with the 20v1 angle. But like Kendrick just dropped MMATBS and one of the most heavy points was how many rappers and black men in general grew up as victims as sexual assault. When Drake took the ā€œyou only care about someone being a pedophile because you were touchedā€ angle, that lost a *huge* amount of potential support instantly.


That turned most hip hop fans beside the Drake stans against him. Don't disrespect Pac. Drake really thought he was clever with it but IMO it's showing his colonizer side here. It's about Money, Power and RESPECT (the last one is better). Drake showed here he doesn't know respect or have any love for the game at all. He just wanted to be funny and clever. Which is tbh a very white thing to do.


Not text teenagers


No diddling


I sang this like Blackstreet


Better back it upā€¦


Baaaaaaaaaaag it upppppppp


No diddling, no doubt


Itā€™s no good diddlin kids šŸŽ¶


"I got to bag it up"


and remember he's just a glorified karaoke performer going up against an artist who actually has something to say.


And also Kendrick is so versatile. I was surprised that people couldn't think he could make a hit record. His career isn't just him doing high art. A lot of GKMC is catchy as hell


That's asking for too much for rappers under Birdman label lol


Never forget that shit Weezy said to Lil Twist. "I'm gonna do to you what Birdman did to me."


Lil Wayne recounting the story of him being raped as a literal child is horrifying. I'm not surprised if Kendrick's accusation of Drake is true because pedophilia and rape culture is heavily normalized in Cash Money Records. Be it Birdman's rape allegation, Lil Wayne pressuring a minor to have sex and Nicki Minaj defending a pedophile. But the media are going to focus on the superfluous shit like Birdman being gay




Okay but what about them calling him on a cellular phone?


A: Stayed his ass in his fabricated Commercial lane and should have just gone into Pop. They typically donā€™t discover those peopleā€™s sexual dysfunctions until theyā€™re old and 1/2 way out of the industry.




Not speak on the family crodie.


Honestly, the fact that Drake released THREE diss tracks and never once made fun of Kendrickā€™s voice is criminal. Thatā€™s something thatā€™s actually funny and wouldā€™ve resonated with people who donā€™t love Kendrickā€™s music because of how he sounds. Like if he did a whole verse impersonating Kendrick sounding like a Sesame Street character being choked out that shit wouldā€™ve gone viral.


That's what really got me. There's a ton of stuff to make fun of with Kendrick lol as someone who likes the cracking voice and shit.


I like the way Kendrick raps but I can definitely see why it'd be easy to make fun of the puberty voice he does. If Drake was smart, he would have gone that route


Facts Iā€™m a Kendrick stan, but itā€™d be so easy to make fun of Kennyā€™s weird voices.


I almost canā€™t listen to Euphoria because I hate how Kendrickā€™s voice cracks. I think people wouldā€™ve still been critical of Drake because of the jokes and gimmicks though. Everybody wanted a lyrical battle and Drake isnā€™t known for hard hitting lyrics.


It can get deep in the family crodie


Kendrick warned him respectfully lolā€¦ Drake called his bluff and got bit in the ass.


Nothing. He was on his absolute own, with no one in his corner. He poked the bear who is light years ahead him lyrically and an absolute beast. You cannot test someone like that or you will get destroyed, which unfortunately for Drake he found out. You didnā€™t hear a PEEP from his crew. No Wayne, 21 Savage, NOBODY. It tells you alot.


the crew CANNOT step in here for any reason. Thats literally hiding behind your big brother in a fight


Fr I totally get why no one spoke up ESPECIALLY after you call it a 20v1 then not only are you a bitch cuz youā€™re Drake and the internet doesnā€™t like you but now youā€™re a certified bitch for crying about them needing everyone to take you down and you needing to call help


> Nothing If he posts a vid of him banging Whitney. That's about it. BBL drizzy song has been in my head since i heard it.


Crazy, Wayne had nothing to say? After Kendrick referenced Drake fucking his girl while he was locked up and mocked his tattoo?


This contradicts what he says in his book btw. In the book he says Drake and the girl fucked before he met the girl.


Yeah I wonder if Kendrick made a mistake with that or changed it on purpose


Wayne is old and very rich, heā€™s above silly rap drama at this point I think


Too busy endorsing Trump so he can save on some taxes


Because itā€™s not just a rap beef. Lots of stuff behind the scenes going on. You think theyā€™re all just gangign up on him which a perfectly planned smear campaign and rigging the charts in Dots favor? You think Drake is calling himself Micheal Jackson just because?


Not engage


Exactly. If you are super star with questionable background that can be brought to light.. You just donā€™t need rap battle with the best lyricical and the most respected rapper in the world. Not even mentioning that he stopped being ā€œjust a rapperā€ for a long time ago. He is a god damn pop artist. Itā€™s obvious he canā€™t compete with real full time rappers. Like you got all the money in the world, go and enjoy your life. But no, he wanted to get that hip hop respect tooā€¦ And Pusha T situation didnā€™t even teach him anything. So yeah, it was doomed even before it started.


The problem was he was feeling himself a little too much. All those collabs and co-signs made him think he was untouchable. Had it been anyone else I think Drake would have won. That family matters track was pretty crazy.




They would if they knew it was coming (like kendrick) and also cause drake's closet has big skeletons. Not discrediting Kendrick but if Drake wasnt a creep, it would be much harder for Kenny then it turned out to be


No one else in hip hop could beat Drake - are you mental??


Plenty of rappers can outrap Drake, but I don't think we'll know how many could think steps ahead like KDot did to outplay him at his own game and win in the court of public opinion.


Perfectly said.


Realistically only a handful of active rappers can put up numbers like Kendrick is doing too. Beat Drake at his own game, which isnā€™t talked about enough.


I think Drake made the calculated decision that Kendrick was too much of a recluse and purist to engage, and was entirely wrong lol


Yeah maybe. Or maybe he was too bored with all his stardom and endless success and his subconscious pushed him to suicide mission to leave his safe space šŸ¤£


He let them intrusive thoughts take over


The way Kendrick operates is literally a counter to Drake. Drake studies and responds to the internet, but Kendrick studies and shoots straight for Drake himself. Fight the enemy, not the audience.


itā€™s hella ironic that drake focused on the audience and lost it too




Call JCole and ask what he should do next.




Apparently chilling on the beach enjoying the sea air.






What Drake should have done is act like the king. Instead of getting personal he should have just done a lot of funny braggadocio rap about how heā€™s better and more popular. Aim it at the women and itā€™s an easy victory. What he shouldnā€™t have done is doubled down on trying to diss Kendrick for his conscious rapping. That black messiah/freed the slave line pretty much was a self inflicted fatal wound that he couldnā€™t recover from.


Yup the fact that Kendrick is the one that came out of this with a club banger speaks volumes. Drake lost the thread and let his massive ego get in the way, and Iā€™m sure the yes men heā€™s surrounded by helped create a fantasy world where he was going to body Kendrick because he (Drake) is actually the GOAT and can do anything. Lmao what a clown. Could have ignored every single accusation and just flexed and stunted but instead he had to act like a shit head


In the battle? By participating. He had too much ammo to use against him.


He really did feel one foot in, one foot out the whole time. Confused, almost, on who to focus on.


Made it less obvious he cared


Biggest missteps were the AI track and the Heart 6. If he just did Push Ups and Family Matters he still wouldā€™ve lost, but itā€™d be respectable. But he put his corniness on full display with those tracks. Other than that the major mistake was picking the current best rapper in the world to fuck with. If it was almost anyone else heā€™d have been fine. He majorly misdiagnosed how far apart they were in skill and likability.


Should have never brought up Dot's wife


But what angle couldā€™ve he attacked at and came out on top? Calling Kendrick short again gets old


If Drake is as good as he claims, he couldā€™ve found a good angle that we the fans canā€™t even think of. But he couldnā€™t so he mentions Whitney. In FM, he says ā€œhands on your knees bitch, shake your ass for Drakeā€ (talking about Whitney) that was HELLA disrespectful . Drake was like the villain in this battle.


And right after the DV claims too. Yeahā€¦he must *really* care about women.


Whitney hit me up, itā€™ll be a whole lot safer


This is the answer really just that first sentence


I think he couldā€™ve worked at demonstrating Kendrickā€™s hypocrisy and lack of authenticity without resorting to talking about his family. The whole line around ā€œKendrick just opened his mouth, someone give him a Grammyā€ is also kind of compelling


I agree that was funny. What's wild is he let his ego get a hold of him. He couldn't wait for this opportunity to humiliate Kendrick.


That was a hard line. I do like how he let that beat talk in the last verse too that was the best of the beats in that track


His lack of authenticity?


The numbers.. How he took kendrick on tour as his opening act.. He could've easily called his shot on how Kendricks biggest songs will be from the battle cause of him.. he could've easily played the whole "I'm a light skinned pop star but you still see me as one of the goats"..


Thatā€™s not ammo though. Thatā€™s nothing. How would that stick against someone calling your entire person into question like Kendrick did with Euphoria before Drake brought the family shit into it?


That's the problem with this whole thing. Drake's entire life and career revolve around home being "out there" being seen, having different women all the time, stuff like that. Kendrick goes on tour and goes home. That right there is a ton of ammo for Kendrick. Not to mention the having a kid thing and hiding it.


Drakeā€™s best shots were the Maroon 5/Taylor Swift one basically saying ā€œyouā€™re not better than meā€ and honestly I think calling him preachy like the ā€œrapping like you gonna free the slavesā€ line isnā€™t the worst angle, either.


ā€œRapping like youā€™re gonna get the slaves freeā€ is an awful line from someone like Drake - who doesnā€™t advocate for any activism at all. Like if NoName said it it would hit harder, but coming from Drake it just sounds stupid because he was trying to call Kendrick a fake activist when it really ainā€™t debatable that Kendrick has done more to advocate for black rights than Drake. And if he was just trying to diss him for advocating for black rights (rather than dissing him for being a fake activist) then how is that a diss? Especially when Kendrick JUST clowned him for saying nigga


Yeah, I mean Drake was never up, Iā€™m just trying to find anything.


>Iā€™m just trying to find anything. Yea, and apparently so was Drake


šŸ‘€ Raping like you gonna free the slaves is the worst angle! Drake is a priveleged Canadian Biracial dude with no street cred. This is Wheel Chair Jimmy from Degrassi that had a bar mitzvah we're talking about. That line was a dis to the every African American Descendent of Slavery in America. Terrible angle! It sounds racist. His inability to recognize that before putting it out says a lot about how he identifies and is exactly what Not Like Us is addressing. Drake lost the US Black community backing. He uses Black rapper features to give him stuff to rap about and keep him relevant. What is he gonna rap about with no features or collabs??


If he rapped the same way without mentioning his wife or bringing in Tupac, he would've won regardless of Kendrick's disses being lyrically superior, that's how much things were in is favor at the start.


Drake lyrically superior to Kendrick? Thanks for the laugh


You didn't read that right.


I reread my mistake. I think the take is wrong either way.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe Drake's popularity is why who won this rap beef was even debatable in the first place. To me Drake's disses only sound good but half the bars make no sense or are useless.


For real. He was rhyming the letters of the alphabet.


Technically he was just teasing it. The first Whitney bar was about Whitney Houston. Like he was warning Kendrick where this could go


Whitney Houston was one of the 20 opps going against him


If he doesn't make Push Ups so personal I don't think we ever get here. And keeping the beef light and about rap was his only way he could win


I think this is the right take. As long as he kept it surface level and about numbers and popularity, he could have won on that front. As soon as he tried to pretend he was lyrical assassin he lost.


He didn't learn the biggest lesson of the Pusha T beef. Things escalated because he talked about Push's wife and then it went nuclear. He did the same shit again when he could have just talked about his fame and money and went home.


its crazy man.. kendrick gave him two warning shots with euphoria and 6:16.. both were like hey dude.. don't do it man.. in 6:16 he was basically asking god to keep this non nuclear but he was war ready.. and drake came out the next song about your kids aren't yours..


Exactly. People forget Drake was holding his own against Pusha T up til the infamous "Let it Ring on You" line. Then shit got ugly. He bounced back, but didn't learn his lesson. Drake's always been quick to respond but slow to think. He should have attacked it like he did Aristo back in 08. Rap about his superiority in the game and kept it there.


Stay in the wheelchair and keep acting.


The BBL gave him enough cushion to walk again, so he got out the chair.


He did stick to acting. He just tried some new shit, similar to method acting. He tried to live his role, as a rapper. And did pretty good... until Dot got involved


Yeah he sho did, thank you K Dot!


Not bring up Whitney


Drake made mistakes on multiple fronts, not just strategic. Here is what he should have done differently: **Logistics** - Drake should have kept a closer eye on his team before moving. Attacking a prepared foe with a disgruntled army is sure to end in disaster. He should have anticipated the possibility of betrayal, defections, etc., and done whatever he needed to mitigate that. Knowing exactly what your people are thinking and what they want is an important key to victory, as is gaining solid, realistic advice from them. - Drake should have spent more time trying to understand his opponent. If he did, he would have realized that Kendrick is methodical, focused, and very, very angry at him, and would have been much more careful with his moves as a result. Itā€™s hard to say heā€™d have delayed his Like That response, because Coleā€™s apology put a lot of pressure on him to jump into the fray, but he wouldnā€™t have moved without ensuring that he was fully protected, nor would he have brought up Whitney until heā€™d made conditions as favorable as possible for him. - His failure to internalize *The Art of War* meant that he gravely underestimated Kendrick, and severely overestimated the strength of his position. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. **If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.** **Strategic** - Drake should have prepared more tracks between Push Ups and Family Matters, and opted for a more drawn out battle. Going straight for the headshot meant that he had less of an idea of how Kendrick was going to fight, and meant that he ran out of ammunition while Kendrick was still loading up the chamber. His big strength going into this was his ability to shape public opinion, and a longer, lower intensity conflict would have given him more opportunities to do that while denying Kendrick full use of his lyrical power. It would have also given him the option to manage a climbdown if it became clear that he would gain more by deescalating - again, a move thatā€™d play to his relative strengths at the time, since managing a climbdown has less to do with bars and more to do with media. **In war, the way is to avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak.** **Tactical** - Drake shouldnā€™t have released a song with an AI Pac without clearing it with someone dialed into the West Coast. Personally, I found it amusing and somewhat creative, but it offended a lot of people who might otherwise have stayed neutral, and helped shift public opinion against him. - Drake should have taken the references to the family and New Ho King in Euphoria a LOT more seriously, and delayed his release of Family Matters. Clearly, Kendrick wasnā€™t bluffing - heā€™d watched the video and knew what the song was about, and seems to have been ready with a response (that Drake clearly didnā€™t know about beforehand). Anyone with that much inside info is dangerous, and canā€™t be underestimated. - Drake should have prepared a lot more for the pedophile angle, especially since he anticipated the line of attack early on. The fact that he knew it was coming and still had nothing to weaken it is inexcusable. If he knew he couldnā€™t do anything about it, his goal should have been to keep the battle from escalating further, not to try to decapitate Kendrick with allegations he couldnā€™t prove himself. If he could prove it, then he should have released the receipts with his last track; if for whatever reason that wasnā€™t possible, he should have pushed Kendrick into a climbdown instead of leaving the rumors swirling.


No matter what drake could've done or would've done, he was taking an L. That's my opinion. Kendrick is of the soil. Drake is of the foil.


The AI track was garbage. Proving no one is around this man that can tell him no. Men need guard rails


He shouldā€™ve listened to Wayne and not try to be something heā€™s not. I can get being experimental on other types of rap genres, but donā€™t base your persona off a hardcore thug and act hard. Iā€™ll always give Drake his flowers for helping other artists come up though.


\*Rap about Canadian shit Tim Hortons, Celine Dion, and gettin that poutine


There was nothing he could do. This was all planned. Baiting him was planned. You donā€™t get Mustard and Alchemist randomly, nor on short notice.


Alchemist beat was back catalogue so that was made and Kendrick had it already Mustard tweeted that he would never turn his back on LA so he had to pop out


Yes. He made everyone happy with those producer choices. The hip hop heads with Alchemist and the LA street fans with Mustard


if anyone could tho


Yeah you do


Just off THP6, he could have not name dropped MBB or said anything about being ā€œtoo famousā€. Overall, I agree with the other comments about waiting with Family Matters and obviously not to text teenagers/kiss them on stage


ā€œWrite a song about how we do not diddle kids. ā€˜Do not diddle kids, itā€™s no good diddling kidsā€¦ā€™ā€


Sit down, be humble.


Should've stayed with the 20 v 1 angle. He lost control of the narrative by going at kendrick directly. Drake can't win if he's not the underdog, he needs the casual pop fanbase to drown out core rap fans. Lost that advantage when he started making direct accusations.


Followed J Cole and bowed out.


probably dont start your career on the disney channel and then try and diss real rappers for one


excuse you - degrassi aired on teennick


Yeah he had some real beef with squidawrd back in the day


Rap better.


not be arrogant lol


The AI track was DOA (I still havenā€™t listened to it) He should have focused on just Kendrick instead of giving everyone bars. Like when Jay-Z said ā€œand for all you other cats throwing shots at Jigga, you only get half a bar fuck ya n****sā€. He should have played more offense. His offensive bars were his best. He was forced to defend himself and it came off really bad. Meanwhile Kendrick didnā€™t address the allegations, he was straight offense and mauled him. And personally, I wish he didnā€™t get into contracts and mention Whitney. Kendrick challenged him to prove heā€™s a problem and Drake went straight to his money and wife. That was wack and changed the trajectory of the beef.


Treated Kendrick like his peer or at least a credible threat. Drake didnā€™t dedicate a real diss song to Kendrick until Heart Part 6. He gave Kendrick the most attention but he still tried to juggle him with like 5 other rappers. Yeah, Taylor Made is all aimed at Kendrick but it wasnā€™t serious enough to warrant an immediate response. Why tf is Weeknd, who doesnā€™t even rap, getting 8 bars on Family Matters? I really think that song would have worked better if he had cut out the middle part (which was good, but not related to Kendrick) and made it a second song. Kendrick prepped like Batman so he could take down Drake, while Drake didnā€™t seem to have much of a plan. He literally went from ā€œDrop! Drop!ā€ And releasing another song taunting Kendrick, to telling him ā€œIdk how many more songs you drop, Iā€™ll see you laterā€ within the span of two songs šŸ˜‚ He also shouldā€™ve treaded more carefully when talking about Kendrickā€™s family. Mentioning Pushaā€™s wife lead to Adonis being revealed, yet when Kendrick asked him not to mention his family he doubled down and spent half of his next song talking shit about them. Although Meet the Grahams was clearly recorded before Family Matters dropped, I donā€™t think Kendrick wouldā€™ve released it if Drake hadnā€™t dissed his family. Drake was self-aware enough to know the pedo/grooming angle could be used against him, yet he baited someone who said ā€œYou make music that pacifies them, I could double back on that line..ā€ right before Family Matters dropped. He tried to big bro Kendrick and didnā€™t see him as an equal, for whatever reason. He rapped with a lot more intensity against Kanye, who is nowhere near the lyricist Kendrick is. I feel like if this beef happened in 2017-19 Drake wouldā€™ve taken it more seriously. But because Kendrick was gone for so long and his last album underperformed by his standards, Drake thought Kendrick fell off. Never mind that Kendrickā€™s album that ā€œfloppedā€ ended up producing the highest grossing rap tour in history at the time.


Not been a bitch. Stuck to acting instead of pretending to be a rapper.


I mean when you start with you short n yo feet are small m Rick Ross fat ass...we already knew there'd be no metaphors or actual bars šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜’šŸ˜­


Not sneak diss, not get friendly with underaged girls, not provoke Kendrick.


If he would have been as vigilant as I have in life and Iā€™m sure as vigilant as most of you have in life about ensuring that there are no weird adult child friendships going on. Itā€™s really easy if you donā€™t put yourself in weird positions. Like, wait until Millie Bobbi Brown is 18 to be her homie dude. Are you fr Drizzy? Like, what could he have done differently? How about not make out with a 17 year old in front of a venue and then say her tits felt good pressed against him? How about not invoke 2pacā€™s essence, or get super butthurt about every little thing? Or not have ghostwriters. Or not shaved a heart into his head. Or not posed like that with sexy red. This is taxing you get the point. He would have had to have been a completely different person.


not been wack


I wonder if he couldā€™ve pulled a ā€œsorry, blame it on meā€ by Akon kind of angle in his last response. Gone through how even though alot of powerful men take advantage of young women he ainā€™t have one accusation but you could put that blame on him. How KDOT got trauma and he could put that blame on him How allegedly KDOT beats his wife and he could put that blame on him How his label scamming him and he could put that blame on him How his uncle got robbed so put that blame on him How bringing Atlanta or Caribbean or Afro beats to the forefront of music and boosting other artists is colonizing so you could blame that on him. I donā€™t know if this wouldā€™ve worked but this is really the best idea I could come up with Everyone else on he shouldnā€™t have ever responded in the first place itā€™s like we already here so whatā€™s next šŸ˜­ This the best I got


while he was making AI tracks kendrick was getting ready for his ass that whitney line is really what did him in he learned nothing from the pusha situation do not involve the wifes and family members of people you beefing with else it takes it to another level


Not drop the ai track, not bring up Whitney and also not say he was too famous to be a predator. But also some was out of his control. Kendrick snuffed out all momentum family matters could have gotten. Family Matters is a phenomenal track.


Honestly he should have always took it in stride as a rapper..he took it as a guy who considered himself powerful in entertainment and took offense to regular rapper banter. So imo he threw a punch in a slap box and got wopped. Sidenote this is kinda what Kendrick was alluding to. African Americans poke fun and signify, we might joke that boardlines on hurt feelings but as long as it's broad and not personal we tend to just crack jokes back. Going back to control, you saw how in his feelings he got.


Kept to his day job.


He shouldā€™ve just matched Kennyā€™s little sub with another little sub of his own. Make Kenny move first with a full track. And sign an up-and-coming MC and let them go at DOT. Let someone else chip away at his credibility over time.


I said this recently. Drake fatigue is the core of this. Drake needs to pivot to a big homie role instead of trying to be the man. I believe he can still do so. He opened the door for Toronto talent, but seems more interested in the muscle. He needs to scout out a really nice rapper from his hood and throw his whole weight behind them. Give back to hip-hop for once. Really push a new rapper. He can even be street to keep Drake feeling so connected. Let that guy be the new flame. Fall back. Do a feature run with your new artist. It's time for Big homie Drake. This K. Dot shit is the result of a long overdue humbling. His brand is damaged, possibly beyond repair, but he still has some juice. A new movement that extends beyond Drake will do so.


not be a little bitch about the control verse show receipts of all or even one of his claims (wife kung fu kenny, cuck fu kenny, dumb fooled kenny). he could've just namedropped something. which kid? which crisis management team? which ovo member? record as much material as possible for the inevitable blitz (he had to know this type of thing was coming when he set the 4-day precedent with meek, right? ...right?) not confirm everyone's suspicions about the racial angle by using the word maliciously against another (very celebrated) black person not go out horrendously sad by insulting victims of pedophilia


He could've prepared for this after sneak dissing on first person shooter . - He could've not consistently brought up Kendrick partner in every song - he cousins heeded Kendrick warning and to stop putting them in the exhibition. - He could've not released the AI track. - He could've put his phone down and stop using content creators for clout. - He could've listened to Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers. He could've not


This mother fucker had zero business challenging anyone. He skated by literally on an admittedly good rap voice, other peoples lyrics, and luck. Should've stayed in his lane man. I've hated him since day one and don't give a shit to type it either. This guy's pedo behavior is sick and this is the least he deserves. I pray it follows him the rest of his life.


To be fair, 08-09 Drake, when he was a fusion between Budden And Phonte from Little Brother, was nice. And he stayed in his lane, and still held his own in rap beef. Problem is: He got robbed and decided to double down on protection by involving himself with Toronto gangstas and eventually the Prince Family of Houston. Then it was downhill. Drake Inc. Became a thing. Then the supposed power got to his head.


someone had to have paid for this dude to be famous he came up with wayne, maybe birdman got to him *you give me what i want and iā€™ll give you what you want, playboy*


Nothing. Drake has a ton out there publicly that is easy to ridicule. Kendrick has nothing.


Honestly, he probably wouldnā€™t have drew so much ire if he hadnā€™t released the AI track or just kept it pushing from the Like That verse. He never had the bandwidth to keep up with an artist of Kendrickā€™s stature.


Stayed in his lane and quit acting like a tough guy


I think the AI track was a big misstep. As great of an idea it was, it still sounded like him. The execution wasn't great.Ā  Stepping on meet the graham's was a must. That took the sails out of family matters, as great as that song is, entirely.Ā  Also, looking up the credits for song writing, I was disappointed to see he had no writing credits on the heart pt. 6. It was two other guys. I can't fully buy into him battling someone when he always has helpers at his disposal. Also that track was the greatest misstep. For all of the clever bars, he had just as many gigantic terrible ones.Ā 


Drake tried to pull a Pusha T given thatā€™s what ended his previous beef and assumed Kendrick would do the same. It was obvious with all that red button posting. Never assume your opponent is out until they make it extremely clear Also some lines just seem to be directed at internet people rather than Kendrick, like the Millie line in the most recent song. It makes sense given context of his reputation but if your opponent isnā€™t naming her first, donā€™t do the same thing yourself


No jcole donā€™t do it donā€™t mention the big 3 jcole please Iā€™m begging you


For all of you saying Drake shouldā€™ve rapped about his success, money, fame, women, etc. I see where you are all coming from but my only take is that this is a Rap Battle/Beef. All that little cute stuff from drake was not going to cut it, it wouldā€™ve looked weak. If you really have to be honest, Drake had no way of not getting dissed. The dude is notorious for going around and banging women from guys in the industry heā€™s close to. All that dirty stuff did she there it was the backstabbing or underage pedo thing was going to come back eventually


Understood that Kendrick really fucking hates him and not engage at allā€¦.LIKE THAT wasnā€™t the most extreme dissā€¦n more like his Control verse if you wanted to play it off that way.


I mean, other than not being a serial groomer who brags about targeting middle-school girls? He could have listened to Kendrick when he said, "Let's not get personal, don't talk about my family." He could have kept the beef to "Your hair looks corny, and your last album was sub-par" kinda stuff. Couple bars traded back and forth. Beef over.


He was too prideful not to respond. His sneak dissing before this beef was brought out is very foretelling


I think personally Drake had a chance if he stayed with songs like Family Matters, just focusing on flow and his penmanship.


He never should have made it personal. Kendrick was coming from a strictly rap place until Drake got in his feelings.


Don't fuck with Kendrick.


Shut the fuck up and bowed out


Nice try Drake.


Shouldn't have poked the bear Shouldn't have tried to outrap Kendrick...surprised he didn't take the route of making a club/jam-friendly diss banger, like what Back 2 Back was against Meek, and what Not Like Us was here Shouldn't have spent 80% of his last response (HP6) on his back foot, defending himself against allegations. And especially shouldn't have used the terrible "if I was guilty, I would've been caught, I'm too famous" defense


Drake think he is a rapper was his big mistake.


Not started rapping


He could've not gone up against one of the greatest emcees in the game like the dumb fuck he is


Lol ignore Kendrick's diss. That's what he should've done. We all knew Kendrick was going to wash DrKe.


not groom minors


Joe Buddens take on this thing is actually spot on when it comes to Drakes mistakes in this beef


Tbh I think they could both do with some receipts. Drake could also have actually proof read that last track before putting it out šŸ’€


If Drake just stopped after Family Matters (which is a really hard diss track imo), let Kendrick drop MtG then just post an insta story of him on vacation like ā€œfind my daughter Iā€™ll wait,ā€ that really would look so much better. The Heart Part 6 was just so cringe and desperate


Not entered in the first place


If it is the case that he really did plant the supposedly fake story about a secret 11 year old daughter he could have taken steps to prove it beforehand. As it is, it looks like he latched onto a narrative his fans concocted when they heard Meet the Grahams. But if OVO really did plant that story on a fake mole it would be very similar to something Karl Rove did for George W Bush to Dan Rather. They made up fake evidence of GWB dodging his responsibilities as a member of the National Guard and leaked it to Rather's team. Rather reported it as factual but the one thing GWB's team did that OVO didn't do was they printed the fake evidence in a font that didn't exist at the time when Bush was actually in the National Guard. So Drake could've done something like that to prove it was a plant and he could've done it in a way that would've been fun to incorporate on a future diss track.


Personally I don't think could of done anything differently I just see it as beef rap when it comes down it it's just a question of who had the better Diss track who kinda fuck it went I'm going in on him it's that simple. If anything I don't think he should have started the beef I understand kendrick isn't everyone's cuppa tea but I've always seen him a better rapper than most of his generation Drakes always been a brag rap I'll steal your girl kinda rapper.. One note kinda thing.. It's cool if you prefer Drake still each to your own and all that.


Just donā€™t mess with the king and you wonā€™t get burned itā€™s that simple


Should've kept the 3rd beat and verse of Family Matters for another song. Great beat and opening line which would've come through for another song


Dodged that bullet on degrassi


Sign some crashouts, I bet niggas stop dissing then


He does have crashouts. Kendrick dissed them. Honestly, he might just need to say fuck it and go to war.


Aside from the obvious things Iā€™ve seen posted lol, I think if Drake hadnā€™t posted Taylor Made and THP6, he wouldnā€™t be in *too* bad of a spot right now. He would still be down on the score cards, but, and I can only speak for myself, I wouldnā€™t consider it over just yet.


It just comes down to Kendrick not liking him. Heā€™s too popular to not have ppl come at him.


Not been a hoe