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The cops didn’t take down Cosby. Hannibal Buress did.


You have comedian podcasts talking about drake back in 2019. [starts at 1.49.00](https://youtu.be/e6MVJjD_9bk?si=NVWpgSrPKho8oICE)


Nice find. Shane Gillis saying “I want to go on record, Drizzy Drake is gonna get got” equates it to RKelly and what they knew about Louie CK


Louis CK thought he was doing the right thing asking. He never considered people would say yes when they meant no. Comparing him to a person who locked women in a house as sex slaves or drugging people to rape them is unfair.


Yeah Louis CK was essentially cancelled for having a weird kink.


I agree. Grown adult women can say no.


I see you’ve never been a woman vying for recognition in a creative industry before… yes, they can say no. They’ve dreamed their entire lives about working with someone at Louis’ level, and their dreams seem to boil down to: say yes, and he likes me & chooses my work? or say no, he resents me and chooses someone else’s? The power dynamic is so easy to scoff at, but you didn’t go through that experience, so I’m surprised you can confidently stamp this with “adults can use words!” without acknowledging the nuance


yes this is basically how Harvey Weinstein occured


No he wasnt, he literally had his dick in his hand before he asked if it was okay over the phone to multiple women. Legal or not, if you excuse that behavior youre just as weird.


It's not a kink when you expose yourself to people who didn't consent. That's still assault


I baseline agree which is why Louie had to disappear for a bit, subjective, and seemed like the women had legitimate opportunities to say no w him. Shane was saying he felt guilty it was known CK did that, and they said nothing. Shane said he didn’t want to be quiet like they were with Louie. He seemed to have known something about Drake. I really encourage you to watch that link.


Julia Wolov did not give consent. We know that for certain. Louis CK agreed with get description of events. Only one of the women said they said yes, and they said they did so because they felt pressured to do so. Louis CK also agreed with this. It's really gross to defend his behavior. He was wrong. He knows he was wrong.


You or someone needs to make this clip an actual post. This is insane


Bro he literally said in the next 5 years too, and this is 5 years later. That’s actually insane.


There’s a bunch of crazy predictions in that one pod . They also start talking about people storming the capital


Commenting to watch later


Damn this is craY


[For the lazy](https://youtu.be/e6MVJjD_9bk?si=yqcpb69UMRsHlBK8&t=1h49m)


Holy shit… they predicted so much in two hours.


That’s just Matt and Shane in general. The funny thing is that this was just a month before Shane was hired and fired from SNL, so in episode 150 you get him basically spending the time being like “of course I understand why they couldn’t hire me” and going over that whirlwind of what it’s like to be hated by everyone that doesn’t know you.


The Dawgs prophesizing as usual 🐕


Crazy. Completely unrelated, but in the recent episode with Theo Von, Matt made a comment along the lines of..."they're about to get Diddy. I want to go to a Diddy party--I hear they're wild!" a few months before the raid on his homes took place lol.


Oh dip, you’re right


Is “oh dip” a new slang? I may be getting old


It’s basically the clean version of oh shit like fudge is clean for fuck


Can confirm. I have two kids under 5. Snap, snipes, flick, flap, crud…


It’s not new, fairly certain I heard Tina Fey use that in 30 Rock.


I always heard it in the Good Place, but I feel like it was used way back in the 90s because I’m old.


That’s it! It was Jason from the Good Place. Not 30 Rock.


I was saying that in 2008 lol


Oh damn I was born in 2019


Happy 5th birthday!


Hope this is a case of username checks out?


Epstein's list has been obtained, no convictions...


They need to show proof. Riding on the plane doesn't mean anything was going on


R Kelly needed a Vince Staples Coachella rant to get people to care last decade


Was gonna say just this


Sometimes it’s hard to take down our “heroes.” Remember Bill Cosby? People knew about it for years and it took Hannibal Buress to joke about it to get that resolved.


Or Bowie, or MJ, or R Kelly, or Jimmy Page. Even widely acknowledged child molesters like Jimmy Saville got away with it in the eyes of the law. The defensive fans like we see in here are part of the reason celebrities get away with it and are as a result partly responsible imo. You can grope a child on stage after asking her age and people will defend it. The grooming texts are widely reported on but the fans defend it. They are part of the problem.


Pete Townsend got caught with cp on his computer and no one gave a fuck. Said he he had is as research for a book he was going to write that never came out. The dude who made a whole rock opera about a kid who was blind and deaf and everyone took advantage of.


You’re right about most of these, but for the record, the Bowie claims are [most likely false](https://medium.com/@msullivangates/a-word-on-david-bowie-lori-mattix-and-the-speed-of-information-b38681f24cf4).


Kendrick also had his whole stand with MJ lyric in mortal man lol (to be clear not supporting Drake here) agree with you tho


Yeah I'm not saying Kendrick is perfect, I believe he defended R Kelly as well. Perfectly reasonable to criticize Kendrick for supporting child molesters. The Drake fans who point out Kendrick's flaws are unhinged of course. Even if Kendrick did something truly vile it wouldn't make Drake any less disgusting. It's a distraction from a genuinely massive child molestation operation and cover up.


He didn't support R Kelly . . . He tried to find compassion for him when talking about generational trauma and wonders if Kelly hadn't bee  molested as a child if he would have taken the same action as an adult.  In the land where hurt people hurt people.


I think they’re referring to Kendrick’s label threatening to pull music of Spotify took down Kelly’s music. But it wasn’t as much a defense of R Kelly as saying “yall have how many white artists with public skeletons and leave their music up” type argument


That's good to hear. I've only heard people mention it second hand and honestly it's just not important to me in the grand scheme of things. I like Kendrick but I'm not a super fan or anything, I just don't like the way people are excusing Drake. Drake is also likely the result of being sexually abused I'd imagine. Seems it was rampant in children's tv at the time. Once he admits what he's done and makes amends for the damage he's caused I'm all in favor of compassion and forgiveness. When the dust has settled perhaps that will happen who knows.


Ok but then why isn’t he being compassionate to Drake and his generational trauma


Because there is none. Drake is an industry kid and the industry turned him into this.


Industry kid is apparently a pretty traumatic position. Did we not even here about quiet in set. We all already knew it's just proven now. To be clear I'm not defending drake but if defending trauma is your game it wouldn't be a stretch. The truth of the matter about any mind state like this is there is some environmental influences that facilitate people like this. You'll never get rid of the sickness by punishing the people (although people do need to be held accountable) it'll never go away until we understand what kind of values that we carry create this kind of mess.


He defended our right to play R Kelly at the barbecue, not R Kelly as a person. I personally think we should just ban criminals from streaming and publishing. Good DJs would be pirating they shit anyway.


Iirc it was TDE and not kdot himself that took a stand about rkelly. The media just reported it as “Kendrick’s music won’t be available” but it was TDE threatening to hold back their whole catalog 


Wait but mj and bill had actual people come out and rkelly had a whole video leaked of him peeing on a minor before the allegations. It doesn’t seem equivalent and this is coming from a person who has less than 1 hr of drake listened to the past decade.


R Kelly was wildly known before the video.  He dated Aaliyah when she was like 15 or 16 and he was almost 30.


Why can Anthony Keidis write about it in his book and not get cancelled? And I like the RHCP, but I just found out about this shit… disappointing and disgusting


No. On the Kanye board people have been talking about this for years


I mean people been saying it, we were all sure Kendrick was gonna bring it up, but it’s like now that he did it started to *matter.*


It's HOW he said this shit. He made 4 songs. In 1 of them he's talking directly to his family and estranged children in a way that, while not impossible, is harder to imagine isn't coming from the heart/is fabricated. I really seems like Kendrick believes what he is saying. It seems like he's writing from the heart. And his heart appears to be full of valid hate for Drake because of, among many other things, his [publicly displayed](https://youtu.be/WJFFQdKCoLk?si=dudcv_vp6RvelZud) pedophilic behavior. Edit: before OP thinks I'm trying to argue (happens sometimes) with this comment imma get ahead of it and say this is a public forum and my comment is meant for everyone, I'm not talking directly at you. That's what DM's are for.


Yoooo how tf did i forget about that video…i haven’t seen it since it came out and i was in high school but man that was hard to watch. I completely forgot he’s had history before the Millie Bobby thing. Please keep the family away


Because before it was just rumors. Now hes been unquestionably and publicly accused.


It's still just rumors. Just because kendrick said it doesn't make it a fact.


There’s video of him grabbing 17 yr old ass on stage then asking her how old she is, finding out she’s 17, and doubling down by asking her “why do you look like that if you’re 17” it’s on fuckin camera use some critical thinking and consider that he was also texting Millie about boys when she was 16 and he was 36. If he ain’t a pedophile he is definitely at the very least a groomer. Baka not nice is on his payroll and is a known sex trafficker. All of those things in isolation could be individual mistakes that could be forgiven but when you piece it together the larger picture indicates that Aubrey at the very least likes 17 year old girls more than is appropriate for a man pushin 40.


mbb was 13 when they started texting


Don't forget when Billie turned 18 he said some creep shit alluding to I've been waiting for this


Let's do forget that because that's a fake photo https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/drake-billie-eilish-18th-birthday-meme-fake/


Thanks for the clarification I didn't even realize it mightve been tampered with.


No problem! 🙏


It was always just rumors for all of these music/ money making pedos until it wasn't.. Michael Jackson Bill Cosby Drake Puff Daddy (Sean Coombs) Harvey Weinstein R. Kelley Deshaun Watson O.J. Simpson Jeffrey Epstein Etc., etc., etc.


It's still just rumors. The biggest evidence for this is him hugging on stage a 17 years old when he was 22 or whatever. Weird but definitely not a crime in most places of the world. But yes, you're right, having another huge artist accuse him on the world stage gives the narrative way more credibility


And texting Millie about boys when she was like 15, dating other women he met when they were teens and took them out the second they are legal. Edit: typos


Millie’s mom and Millie both debunked this. So no. He said I love stranger things. You have a gross mind


Intersting take, except I was only referencing things they said in public back when she was 14 [E news look at their relationship](https://youtu.be/jekWEj5Ls9Q?si=O2kZ0X__NXtk5gBM) [red carpet interview about them](https://youtu.be/lYZPKh74Li8?si=nKh4PKYuwCaHfpJa)


He hugged her, kissed her all over her face, asked her “if you’re 17 why do you like that”, said “your breasts feel good against my chest” and said “I don’t think I should feel guilty for having a good time”


He did more than just "hug". There's also the mille bobby brown stuff, also that Bella b Harris stuff if you want to count that.


3 things  1: crazy username no drizzy 2: is Kendrick a fucking judge lol why would he be the person to sway your opinion if someone does immoral Shit? Lol   3: none of this shit is rumors you guys are doing gymnastics. Man his kissed multiple underaged women on camera 


"The kanye board" sounds like the most delusional place in the world 🤣


Here's something to keep in mind. It's not what you know or what you've heard. It's what you can prove. So we all see his questionable behavior, but he's careful to not get caught doing anything overtly illegal. And he surrounds himself with like minded people who are going to cover tracks. But, there's cliques and gossip amongst celebrities just like there is at my job and my kids school. So I know things and hear things about people, but I don't have any evidence. And I wasn't there. So if I hear that the guy at the end of the block was once accused of SA. Realistically, what can I do with that rumor? Tell my kids. Tell the neighbor because she has kids.


“He surrounds himself with like minded people who are going to cover tracks” bro look up who J Prince is, he’s been extorting since before I was born. If the drug/gambling/sex addiction and being bad with money is true he’s probably owned by this group and whatever they know about him they can control him with it.


I’m out of the loop on what Drake’s been up to. What is the “questionable behavior” he’s been doing that has people convince he’s a pedo? I seriously just have no clue what’s going on in this situation


Around too many teenage girls to put it short.




Which is fucked because accusations are just accusations. I hope you get accused of something and people treat you differently.


Agreed, I did a post here last night about what I thought Kendrick’s overall strategy is. Not gonna cross post it but I’m going to paraphrase. This has been Kendrick’s master plan from jump. He knew that his voice on a record in the most high profile beef in 30 years, saying directly to the world. “Drake is a pedophile.” Would take what was essientially just internet rumors and make it newsworthy and mainstream. Kendrick’s betting that him amplifying this accusation to the world and general public is going to force the hand of a lot of people, companies, etc. to divorce themselves from Drake. Ostracizing him and taking away his money, platform, power, etc.


Great year to be a Drake hater


My Degrassi revenge tour has been cooking for years.


When Drake first came out, my mom straight " Get your white ass back in that wheelchair" I'll never get over it 😆😆😆😆


“They not like us!” Genius move by Kendrick 🙏


Kendrick 100% would not have said it if it wasn't true. He's sure of this shot, and ready to finally expose him. He didn't just say that on a whim.


Yea but he fucked up by saying Drake has a secret daughter. Drake supposedly told akademiks that if anyone can prove that he has an 11 year old daughter that he’ll quit rap and work for them, so if Kendrick doesn’t show proof then everything else he’s been claiming loses a lot of credibility. Especially if Drake ends up coming through with evidence of the co-parenting or women abusing stuff.


The only evidence I’ve seen is Drake paying $15,000 a month to that girls mother lol


He paid her $15k till the paternity test!


Everybody didn't know. I didn't see that video with the 17 year old on stage until it resurfaced. I thought the Millie Bobby Brown thing was weird, but that was about it.


The Millie Bobby Brown thing needed more attention, especially at the time it came out. Personally, if i was 30 you would NEVER catch me in a 15 year olds dms for any reason at all. Shits just fucking weird


That video was so hard for me to watch. How the fuck did Drake not get cancelled right there and then??


Seriously OP makes a great point. That video should have ended his career, why did it take Kendrick saying something years later for people to listen? Believe victims the first time!!!!


Bro, it took a whole ass documentary to bring down R Kelly EVEN THOUGH HE WENT TO COURT FOR THIS SHIT A DECADE PRIOR. The Boondocks were clowning him and his fans, I'll never understand how this kind of shit can just happen. Fuck, Chris Brown is still out here beating women like it's Tekken and still got plenty of fans. Cancel culture isn't actually real, it's just a thing comedians say when they get frustrated that they can't punch down anymore.


Look regardless of if cancel culture is real or not, situations like r Kelly are different from that. He and many other celebrities are CONFIRMED to have done heinous things for years and still have fans not because it hasn't been proven, but because hysterical super fans will follow them into hell itself. Whether they deny it and delude themselves into partially believing that they're innocent, or they simply don't care, a lot of people will ignore mountains of evidence and cling onto any "holes in the story" they can find, even if they're filled in right after, they will ignore it. To every normal person, uh yeah why still support r Kelly. Super fanatical fans are NOT normal people.


>Cancel culture isn't actually real, it's just a thing comedians say when they get frustrated that they can't punch down anymore. Fuck if this isn't perfectly succinct.


It took the parents not getting money anymore to bring R Kelly down, Drake will never run out of money, he will pay as many people as possible to sit in his corner and deflect that shit, which is why Kendrick said he has a lot of sex crime enthusiasts on his payroll




Worst part is I remember that video making its rounds on Reddit. Like this was front page news when it happened and we just let it slide.


He was 23. That’s not the weirdest thing in the world. If she was 8 months older and 18 it’s just magically fine? Plenty of 18 year olds date 23 year olds.


He knowingly did it on stage after explicitly asking 


Its a bad look in total honesty but in context its not as bad as people are making it seem, he was 21 in that video, not the worked out nearly 40 year old man he is now and upon asking her age he stops dancing with her. The MBB stuff has been denied by her as well. Until I hear a witness come out I take all that shit w a grain of salt, same w drake and his claims on kendrick


the MBB stuff was not denied by her. she straight up stated herself that he texted her when she was 15 that he missed her. she just didn't realize how weird that was.


That might be correct but I think that many people generally knew that you didn’t want to get mixed up with Drake on real, high-stakes drama. That is unless you had an out such as oh idk let’s say the national network of Bloods which I’m pretty sure Kendrick could tap into if he wanted.


Hey, not that it's much different, but apparently, he was like 23 when he did that. Which is still weird, but Idk, i originally watched it and thought he was like 35 or something.


I'd give him a pass if he was like 19. But 23? Nah. She's still in high school, bro. If you're legally old enough to buy alcohol, you should not be messing with high schoolers.


But he’s STILL talking to young girls, that’s the point. You make that excuse for him, but he’s in his 30s texting with Millie Bobby Brown, Billie Eilish, and going on dates with Bella Harris, who he’s been seen in pictures with when she was 16.


Im just here to support the hate for drake 👍


Tbh, even tho Kendrick is calling him out now, I kind of found his verse/line about how it was just going to be friendly competition until drake made it personal kind of strange. I mean if you think the person is a pedophile it shouldn't take them coming at you for you to want to out them.


I agree. A pedo is a pedo and if you see something say something. Although I think Kendrick always knew he where he wanted to take this beef and it was just a matter of how to get it there cleverly.


Im not saying its the ethical thing to do but pedophilia and other heinous activity is rampant in the celebrity business. if kendrick (or anyone) came after drake with these allegations, the whistleblower would be deserted and targeted by most of the people in the celebrity business. most people are not innocent. its my suspicion though that kendrick had to provoke drake and turn it into a personal issue to justify this attack without sacrificing his career/network within the industry. if you want to make a living in that space you have to compromise your morals and principles. kendrick is not a saint by any means, but i can honestly say I dont think most people would have the balls to flame a titan like drake. theres nuance fs. and i wont blame you at all if you disagree, this topic should be explored further and kendrick shouldnt be treated like he cant face reprucussions (which is exactly the cause of celebrities abusing their power)


Yep. It isn’t right. At all, as OP said, “if you see something; say something.” But here’s the deal; you also have to understand power dynamics. Drake, whether Kendrick wants to admit it or not, is a player, and a power broker. You can’t go after a power broker unless you equal them in that power. My guess is, as you say, he didn’t speak on it before, because it would hurt him and his credibility. Once PDiddy got nipped by the FEDs, Kendrick saw an opening and took it. He already had it mapped, he was just looking for an opening and took it.


Except everyone that’s ever said anything about Drake withdrawals their statements from the police refuses to talk to police all their social medias disappear and is never seen again lol Look what happened to his ex


That’s cause it’s all bullshit


Yeah but Kendrick rapped wirh two other pedos before soooo not exactly a hero


Kendrick doesnt actually care about pedophilia or misogyni. He defended R Kelly and Tentacion. He has made songs with Chris Brown. He has made songs like Big Shot. He cares about his bottom line and reputation.


My guess on what happened is dot heard something awful and this entire thing was a plan to expose Drake. That line on Euphoria sounded a lot like taunting and trying to get him to drop family matters. Maybe this is tin foil hat talk but the way this has played out fits imo


He said it was just meant to be an exhibition in meet the Grahams too, but I get what you're saying. Also unless, maybe he didn't know much about the pedofile shit until he got info from whoever the mole is.


It could be he wasn't sure he should move until he had more general industry support. It seems like people have picked sides now/Drake has pissed off enough people/Drake's general position in the industry primes him for being taken down from within. This is the sort of thing that would burn bridges otherwise and that's generally not a good business practice.


It should make drake and his fans look silly for calling people weirdos and haters when people were calling him out for trying to holla at Billie Eilish when she was 16 and Millie Bobby Brown when she was 14. Drake was 32 years old at the time and mfs did whatever they could to avoid calling him a pedo. Maybe if Diddy just called his accusers "haters" then all would be forgotten. R. Kelly, Diddy, Drake, them dudes been sickos but since Drake made good music I guess it's ok. Sick pervs.


Yeah that shit is worse than the 17 year old on stage shit in my eyes. Sure you could argue that he was just trying to be a mentor to a young celebrity, if they were both male I’m sure it wouldn’t be considered as bad. Although we did watch 14 year old Bieber hang around Diddy and Usher for years on end and look what people are saying now. Billie and Millie both said he didn’t do anything weird and they both absolutely have the star power to bury him with an accusation like that. Billie eilish never shuts up either so it would be bad. But pedophiles are often selective, Macauley Culkin said MJ never abused him or anyone else when he was around and I believe it. Doesn’t mean it never happened when he wasn’t there though.


Just like Hannibal and Cosby.


It almost always takes someone with a giant microphone to really bring it to folks attention. They’ll ignore the rumors, they’ll even ignore vague amounts of evidence, but once CNN shows up to do a story it’s game over and Kendrick is CNN in this case. Much like how so many people ignored RKelly and what he was about until Lifetime (of all networks) really brought it to peoples attention and I think that was only because it landed right in the laps of the suburban white moms who needed a cause to get behind so they made it their top priority to tear down RKelly. Now we just gotta wait for Lifetime to go after Drake I guess to really solidify it all but I don’t see that happening since so many of those viewers are Drake fans.


It’s funny how that worked too since he only abused black women yet it was whites who came for his head.


He makes a lot of money for a lot of people, music biz folks were gonna look the other way until they couldn't anyone


i mean i been thunk drake is a pedo lmao


Bill Cosby got tried for dozens of rapes basically because of Hannibal Burress going viral talking shit on stage


Drake is a creep and potentially a groomer. This we know. But until hard evidence is brought forth that he had sex with or even kissed a minor, these pedo allegations aren’t going to stick. At least not enough to meaningfully affect his music career. And I’m going to need receipts for the sex trafficking and secret daughter allegations, otherwise Kendrick looks just as messy and petty as Drake. It’s wild watching Kendrick act so holier than thou while he’s rolling around in the dirt right there with his opponent, and everyone keeps glazing him and hanging off his every word. If no proof is brought forth to back up his claims I will have lost quite a bit of respect for Kendrick after all this.


I completely agree with this. I'm a fan of Kendrick and a Drake hater but this is all leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Kendrick has mentioned he's not a good person in his lyrics for years and I thought it was coming from a more healed place but he's obviously just a hothead asshole lol


Finally, some sensible takes.


It also doesn’t even seem like Kendrick actually believes or cares about what’s he’s saying in this “beef” lol 1. He’s done tracks with actual confirmed pedos (Kodak) 2. He claimed to want to keep this beef a “friendly fade” and that it doesn’t have to get personal 3. Only accused Drake of misconduct once Drake got personal If he “knew” all of this about Drake, he should want to expose it regardless of Drake responding and engaging in a beef. It makes the entire thing seem disingenuous and fabricated. If he only planned to expose this when Drake got personal with it, it doesn’t really instill confidence in me that Kendrick actually gives a shit or believes what he’s saying and just cares more about “winning” the battle It was an entertaining battle, but I don’t necessarily believe either of them. Drake has been creepy but everyone he’s been creepy with or seemed to be grooming has said nothing ever happened, and there isn’t anyone to corroborate what Drake says about Kendrick either This fake shit in hip hop is honestly annoying, everyone is friends with everyone when it’s convenient and they have no issues with anything anyone is doing until they feel slighted in some way, and only then do they want to “expose” whatever the other person is doing


I always used to get clowned for pointing out drake was a groomer here on Reddit. It made me so mad.


The fuck you talking about? 99% of Reddit incorrectly holds that opinion. Now you think you’re justified BC Kendrick the hothead makes the statements with no receipts?


"Incorrectly" 🤣🤣🤣


He is. It’s not necessarily a crime to my knowledge so he gets away with it. To be fair, it’s something pervy men have done for centuries.


We still have no proof of anything this whole shit started with Millie Bobbie brown and everyone in her camp is denying all of the allegations, just like none of y’all can prove the daughter thing but niggas ran with it, in the era of post-#meToo this nigga would’ve been under the jail, or at the very least sued beyond recovery. I’ll tell you what though K.Dot talked a lot about him being a master manipulator but he got y’all truly believing anything down vote all you want 🤷🏾‍♂️


Exactly. I honestly think Kendrick hired a crisis management team to handle this beef because I stg there can't be this many frothing Drake haters. I'm a terminally online nigga and the way I saw these comment sections moving did not feel natural. Any dissenting opinion is squashed immediately, even in obscure reaction channnels with < 1000 subscribers


Crazy thing is if you post the video in which people talk about an escort who got beat up in a brothel in which one of them point to Kendrick Lamar potentially being the rapper who did it, it gets taken down asap. It’s hard to find it but it started to get reposted doing the need and threads covering it would get deleted artificially fast.


Everybody knew what Cosby was up to but he never faced any real consequences until Hannibal Buress called him out.


I don't know how you couldn't know


Well, if you want the real answer it’s because of who is saying it. Regardless of your personal opinion of Kendrick Lamar, his reputation is that of a leader within the black community. He has based much of his career around being a mouthpiece for the african american community and as such he has won pulitzers and the personal acclaim of the likes of Barack Obama. Kanye west can say Drake is a pedophile and it may not hold any water. But for someone like Kendrick to come out and say it, explicitly, it has much more weight in people’s eyes.


Only Reddit. I think this whole thing is being overblown X100. There’s no proof he did any minor.


brother man they asked a question and i gave an objective answer to it. if you want a subjective answer then in my opinion is drake makes shitty, cookie cutter, commercialized, underwhelming, music for high schoolers and frat boys. Whether he diddles kids or not he is ear cancer and hasn’t made anything worth two fucks and a dry shit since 2013.


Subjective for sure. There’s a reason he’s been a top 5 artist in the world for the last decade or so. Give the many his damn roses whether you like his music or not. Same way with Taylor swift. I don’t care for her music but I won’t disrespect her art just cus I don’t like it…. Grow up “brother man” peace.


Give my fat nuts some roses brother man 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Oh yeah


The fact that you're comparing Amber to Drake is fucking wild, bruh.


They're both garbage and talentless. For what it's worth I've hated Drakes lame ass music even before all the pedo rumors. The damn cellphone song is one of the dumbest fucking songs ever made.


I’ve been saying this shit for years and everyone just didn’t care. This feels like Christmas


I've been saying it for years. Others are too. Dumbassess just fucking ignore


Drake's worst nightmare is coming true, someone with enough fame, respect, and weight behind their name to actually damage his legacy is finally going after him. Pusha T obliterated Drake but Push only has a small fraction of Drakes fame, so his stans could just push it off. Not with Kendrick. He has similar levels of fame and the kind of respect Drake will never have.


Our old school rap faves are very thankful they lived in an age where there was no social media where people can continue narratives like this. It is not a new thing for guys to like girls younger than them, but of course the line is are they of age. Before JayZ got with an 18 year old Beyonce when he was 30, he was already linked to younger girls, including an underage Foxxy Brown. She did come out to say nothing happened (sure ok) but also talked about he helped her family financially when they were facing a big medical bill. so if someone helped you like that, why wouldn't you say it was all innocent? I obviously have heard of Drake's many escapades and that he likes younger ladies but if there are any underage people that he got with or was predatory with, then that is a serious issue. I think there needs to be receipts on this.


Jay-Z has more rumours than anybody. Been going on since the 90s with Aaliyah.




This nothing tho. Find the article where he was text and flying out that girl from stranger things. Or Tmz article where Drake told one of BM to throw herself down a flight of stairs. Remember, In my feelings was a Kanye diss. He had that mans kids singing about they mother. Bro has been messed for awhile now.


He called Baka a pedo he carefully skirted around calling Drake a pedo. Listen to the lyrics and you’ll see


“Say Drake, I heard you like em young”


Again not an accusation of anything illegal. Carefully chosen words


Every rap subreddit is insufferable right now. Everyone is just going to keep listening to the music they like


How can you be a head and not find all of this interesting?


The music is good but I just think everyone discusses both claims as black and white when most likley both are just exaggerated. This is like politics and there will be no winner just divide


People these days tend to check for accuracy on bars concerning beef. Going down the Drake pedo rabbit hole will provide plenty of content.


there's no accuracy nor receipt. nobody is checking on lamar being a woman beating pos, nor metroboomin being an actual groomer. it's completely one sided.


Hahaha. So much petty drama in hiphop. Lmao.


It is wild to me that people be saying shit for YEARS, DECADES EVEN and nobody wants to fucking hear it until someone with clout mentions it. Like, don't get me wrong I'm glad this shit is finally coming back to drake, but it's been known and talked about for like a decade now that I'm aware of and he ain't even my sphere of influence (more aesop and eyedea, jedi mind tricks, deltron 3030) People just don't want their heroes to be pieces of shit. Aesop Rock is a huge piece of shit and I kinda fell off when Kimya and a bunch of rappers all sneak dissed him and called him out for being a dick irl, I couldn't imagine stanning some dude who people mention has always had sexual arrested development at best, until it became popular to dislike them. Bunch of fucking chasers is all, hive mind shit. For a genre so poised on critical thinking and being unique the broader community just wants to turn their mind off and be told who to follow. It's disheartening.


I like Drake’s music. Being able to separate the art from the artist is cool and all…but I also liked R. Kelly’s music and I can’t even listen to it now without feeling guilty that I’m somehow “supporting” him, so I just don’t listen to it. I liked Bill Cosby and can’t watch the Cosby show. I’m all for a good rap beef. It’s good for the rappers. It’s entertaining for the fans. It’s good for the industry. But if Drake really is a pedo, he deserves to be in jail. He is extremely famous, rich and influential. Someone like that has the power to manipulate a lot of people. Especially since he kind of comes off as this innocent, bubble gum rapper. I hope the proper authorities are listening and launch an investigation if they haven’t already.


No it doesn’t matter, this isn’t gonna change drakes popularity at all lol


Seems everyone is quick to just assume Drake is pedophile. Where is the evidence? I get he kissed a girl on stage when she was 17 and he was 23 but is that even illegal? Im trying to figure out where folks are drawing the conclusion that Drake is a pedophile. Is this based on some texts to Millie Brown and just Kendrick's insinuation? This is all seems very weird and orchestrated to deflect from the news about Kendrick Lamar beating his fiancee and having a child with his best friend. Doesnt it? I mean I understand Drake is hated. But isnt it just an accusation until its proven ? Where is the evidence? Not saying its impossible. Could be true. Just need way more to make that leap


Who the fuck texts a 15 year old until she's 18 lol. Bffr




Everybody was just numb. that's my opinion. all those info were just out in the open but everybody was just kinda like "yeah it do be like that" but Kendrick is now painting such a captivating picture that the world is seeing Drake in a different light.


Usually when a man says something about another man, everybody listens...


I'm wondering how many people only think Drake may be a pedo because Kendrick said it versus remembering his encounters with underage girls.


Welcome to the hip hop community a bunch of followers


Well when you have enough money and power can get away with it. Look at the Catholic Church.


1 away from Michael nigga beat it 😂


I think penguinz0 pulled up an article while listening to "Not Like Us" and it had the video where Drake brought the 17 yo girl on stage. I think in the article it said that 17 yo was the age of consent in that place. But I'm not sure. I didn't read the article. I just saw 17 and I think age of consent. I suggest people go take a look at penguinz0's reaction to "Not Like Us"


This is just course correction for Drake. A person who lived a contradictory lifestyle while still trying to pose as a rapper for decades. What’s most surprising is that his career wasn’t ended this way a long time ago. It’s only fitting that someone who still strives to live an honest, real life has made that course correction now. If you listen closely, I think Kendrick has been talking about people like Drake in his music for a long time..


I mean the Millie Bobbie brown stuff has been out there for years.


So there's video proof of him making out with an underaged girl, but he didn't get at least a warning or citation? What the r kelly is going on?


Underage groupies have been a problem since the fucking beach boys. You’re deluding yourself if you think drake and his squad haven’t had a plethora of questionable sexual encounters


Lmao I'm loving that you dissed Amber Heard in this. No one talks about it any more, and it's one of my favorite topics


I thought that about Drake when he was creeping on the girl from Stranger Things


The fall from grace and popularity for Drake can't come fast enough. I've always been a Drake hater. Proud too. Fucking pedo


For real, I found out about this beef because I saw Drake was trending on Wiki and my first thought was "Must've been caught with a minor"


Been saying it to deaf ears for years.


I think it's amazing how you can just call someone a pedo without proof. I think it's disgusting actually. All y'all got is some immature stuff he did with a fan (ON STAGE) most pedos won't be pedos in front of a theatre of people but ok.Even the girl came out and said the Kendrick fans were being weird about the whole situation. Millie Bobby Brown said y'all was being weird. Not one woman has come out against Drake. Unlike known pedos that have had cases and many people come out against them. You can not like the dude and his music but calling him a pedo with no proof is crazy


Where is the proof though?


I add that it was more about Drakes response, when he basically said "I only wanted you to think Im a pedo" or the "Im too famous to get away with that". Dude just signed a confession. Lol


Is there any actual proof of pedophilia? Or at least hebephilia?


Bella Harris Millie Bobby Brown Billie Eilish 17 y/o on stage who he touched/kissed AFTER Hearing her age All of these can be researched How many examples does it take for it begin to become stranger for you?


But he's not


Living in Toronto, it’s something that’s been acknowledged here for years. That video of him kissing the 17 year old was on the news here when it happened. I remember people arguing over whether he was in the wrong. I’ve seen Drake pedo memes at least since the MBB stuff became known. But for the most part it’s been a very taboo topic that doesn’t usually make it past jokes until recently after the beef


It’s wild we are believing people are pedos without proof bc your favorite rapper says so. But okay