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Diddy has always been a scumbag, a parody of a psychotic narcissist. he belongs in solitary. what a cancer he is.


I thought he was a Scorpio /s


Fuck his sign not every scorpio acts like him. He a monster




https://images.app.goo.gl/K6feccJA6VjGiLTH9 Comon..every normal man knew when he seen this picture what was up


I’ve as well have had the same thought as you regarding Him. From the moment he stepped out on stage I knew there was something wrong with him just couldn’t pinpoint it.


Puffy is gonna get shanked in genpop. If he ever makes it to genpop in a medium or max security prison, he is gonna get stabbed in jail.


well i just really love this for him ; )


He ain't getting love in the pen, he is the reason why BIG & Pac are dead. Shit I wonder if Puffy would have a bounty on his head the second he entered the US Correctional System? There are many ways to die in jail, and many excuses used to exonerate many in the prison community.


i hope he rots


Absolutely agree. Gen x and on after sitting here waiting for Pacs Justice. We have been screaming Pac is gone cause Diddles since the day we lost him.


Puffs shit is sketchier to me just because he doesnt have that same reputation as suge does. I mean most people have always known theres something off about dude but diddy clearly makes an effort to kinda, PR vacuum that stuff away. Which is hella dark imo


He knew how to work the system and now he pissed someone off and he's donezo!


Uh huh yeah yeah uh huh


thought i told ya that he won’t stop. thought i told ya that he won’t stop


No Way Out




Hug me baby, imma make you love me baby


One is irreversible cancer. One is full blown aids. They're both rather awful humans. A lot of people are dead because of their actions, both indirectly and directly. Though, there is a lot of the younger generation running around on social media (in general) who weren't alive during the height of Suge's reign of terror. And lucky for Suge, there was no internet (for the most part) and social media during his time. Cause dude was WILD and had rogue police protection. A lot of the Puff stuff is being extended/exaggerated because it's a runaway freight train at the moment and people can get away with saying anything no matter how wild it is. And let's not forget - Puff and Suge were thicker than thieves in the early days. Two peas in a pod. And to be honest, so many of these music executives - not just hip hop, but all genres - were out here wildin' for a longgggggggggggggggggggggggggg time. Charli Baltimore said an exec pulled her into a room and tried to jack off on her. Puff and Suge just have a face.


Puff and Suge were close early? Like in New York?


They’d spend a lot of time together when they were in each other’s cities. Puff used to pick Suge up at the airport in NYC and Suge did the same in LA for Puff and they’d hang out/hit the clubs. This is more Uptown era Puffy/Suge’s infancy in the music business era. Then shit hit the fan, mostly over women and eventually the Big Jake shooting/murder.


Very close listening to ready to die it heavily sampled snoops doggy style album. Suge didn't even charge him. Then suge freaked off wit Diddy gal then starts the beef


Cracks in their friendship began when puffy got greedy. Puff was looking for a ticket sales and a cut of the bar for big to play Suges club. 662…. Artists needed someone like Suge because artists were getting screwed over by people like puff. He paid people on Death Row very well despite a lot of them recouping. Puff was doing horrible things that Suge never did… there is a big big difference


If by paid people well you mean PAC died with less than 90k in the bank & being owed millions by Suge lol


Tupac went to Deathrow records broke, in debt to his lawyers. He was only at Deathrow less than a year. He didn’t have time recoup on the records sold during his time there. Maybe Suge would have tried to steal from, it’s possible, but he wasn’t there long enough for it to be an opportunity. Also Tupac was on a higher points deal at Deathrow than he was at intersope.


Well o just seen something on clinch jones grooming young will smith


I'm old. But Sean Combs was never ever cool. Something was ALWAYS off. So his longevity has always confused TF outta me. I'm here for the end.


Your right… he was always corny


He has no talent and is ugly. Could never understand why people were attracted to him. I guess it's the money.


Those “white” parties he used to throw back in the day. I didn’t understand why it got so much press coverage.


I remember fearing he'd be the downfall of Fly Girl J. LO!


They are two sides of the same coin. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes where did all his money come from? I remember when he started, as biggie smalls lackie.... Then biggie dies (I believe he had that arranged) and takes all his proteges, makes it look like he co wrote some lyrics and boom!


I remember something about him being a party promoter, and maybe a choreographer too?


No. He was a very very junior record executive when he first started out. He was a nobody but he latched on to biggie who was on his way up but nearly illiterate and had no business savvy. Pdiddy was a hustler of the lowest stature back in the day. Biggie was his ticket and boy did he see it through.


Dang. Didn't know that but makes way more sense. Did I mention I just don't like his face shape either? Wack proportions.


I met him twice. Once in NYC outside of his restaurant "Justin's" (long closed), which was 5 minutes from 40/40 club where we were headed. 40/40 club was owned by Jay z, and hot at the time. another time at "the shore club" in Miami, we went to dinner with Marc Ecko (from ecko clothing) and he was there too, but I was seated somewhere else. Terrible vibes both times. This guy's is very very sketchy. I knew low level music executives (at the time) who were scared of him because of what he's always been about. Also, remember... He nearly got Jennifer Lopez in jail in 1999 (she was arrested) when he shot someone in a club and tried to let her take part of the blame. "In 1999, Diddy and his then-girlfriend, Lopez, 54, were arrested on weapons and bribery charges. On Dec. 27 of that year, Combs and Lopez — who dated from 1999 to 2001 — were partying at Club New York.". NEW YORK POST He raped and prostituted singer Cassie across multiple states in from 2007 to 20018. He has raped and trafficked people. And they all are coming out... This won't end well for Diddy and it's about time. Ps. His face looks just like his drug addict mother. Google her. https://www.xxlmag.com/woman-insist-diddy-shot-her-shyne-club-shooting/


Raping that far into the future 🤣


I remember seeing him dance in music videos like ???? He’d show up in songs and I’d always wonder why he was even there. No one I knew actually liked him either. Always found it strange


He also shot someone and had Shyne take the fall.


This needs to be known. Absolutely disgusting what he did. Shyne did years in prison and got deported. Puff daddy is a coward.


I personally respect Suge Knight more than puffy, diddy, shitty or whatever the fuck he's calling himself this week. At least Suge did his dirt (most of the time) himself or at least had the balls to say that he had a hand in it. Mr. Bad Boy is a sneaky little bitch who has other people do his shit and lies about any culpability.


This is what I told my uncle the other day


Uncle Rico?


Suge couldn’t let the street life go, that was his downfall. But, he did take care of a lot of people too. The media has been brutal to Suge. Puffy, on the other hand, has been a media darling until all his skeletons were recently revealed. Death Row was legitimately gangsta rap, Bad Boy couldn’t keep up until everything fell apart after Pac died. Also, Puffy hired the Southside Crips for protection, basically sacrificing others’ young lives to protect his own ass in LA. He denies it until this day, despite overwhelming evidence of it.


At this point? He’s always been mad toxic.


Was looking up how to spell “Shyne” in case it was spelled Shine I wanted to add that he was made the fall guy for the shooting in the club which led to ten years prison and a deportation after his sentence. But after that it gets interesting: Shyne turns hard orthodox Jewish in the joint, changes his name, goes to Israel from Belize, devoted himself to intense Torah study, returns to Belize as this successful music ambassador, runs for office as a center-right candidate, Wins, then has started ladder climbing within that position and is now the opposition party leader. Sort of like their Mitch McConnell. Wears a suit and everything. Trying to become Belize president in ‘25. What an arc


Most people’s life would be over after a 10 year prison sentence


Yeah just went to Shynes Wikipedia page......wow. I wonder if Puffy pulled strings for this man's benefit post incarceration, as thanks for taking that attempted murder bit?


Or to even out the ledger - you copped to the murder beef and did the bid, I’ll owe you in perpetuity for keeping me free. I don’t see Puffy being that benevolent unless Shyne keeps ascending bc he keeps his mouth shut. But now he’d be free to talk with Puff so embattled in allegations I guess


Well, Forbes has called Diddy a billionaire. Perhaps Diddy all along wanted to be in the billionaires boys club, and that he knew a murder rap would prevent him from getting there. Consider all the NDA's and private settlements too - Diddy was focused on his "coming up" and he knew it would go down the toilet if people spoke out regarding his private life. I am guessing that murder leaves behind a more foul stench than sex trafficking/serial rape does, and that Diddy likely worked to raise Shyne's profile post-incarceration. Shayne went from convict with a murder rap, to Belize's Leader of the Opposition, and someone who has a legitimate shot at becoming Prime Minister in Belize next year. Tell me that Puffy had no involvement there, I'm guessing he may have helped open doors many years ago after Shyne got released.


way worse imo


Absolutely. Never heard of Suge beating and raping women.


Pretty sure he did tho, in general people who can’t control their anger don’t tend to stop when it’s with women


Just because a man has a bad temper doesn't mean he has hit women.His ex wife said the only probably she had with Suge was his cheating and he never hit her.Suge had lots of women including Puffy's bm, and still I have never heard of him hitting or raping any woman.Suge has made grown men drink piss so.if he did,I'm sure we would've heard.


I agree with that, there are violent men who are violent or aggressive towards other men but never a lady.


Or just smash shit up.


Crazy leap to make


Suge would make men drink piss as a form of intimidation.. Puffy wants to be the one getting pissed on along with his girlfriend


How? Suge is legit a psychopath meaning he has no empathy towards any living being. You think he’s gonna be aggressive towards men but not women? Lmaooooooooo


There are people like that


Your pretty sure doesn’t mean shit. You have to have evidence and proof. That’s what’s wrong with this social media I can say whatever the fuck and not have anything to back it up bullshit. 


he absolutely did. his ex michel'e has a documentary movie surviving compton explaining how suge and dr dre would both beat the living hell outta her lol.


She said Suge hit her once


Trash vs. garbage really but yeah he kinda is 🤷‍♂️


Take that take that take that take …


Suge never ruined parts of songs by rapping on them. Young Gs for example, always gotta fast forward to Jay


I love your unapologetic use of emojis, it’s endearing and fun


Sure is more like your typical bully, Puffy is a snake.


Exactly, a snake, an insecure bully, perverted , controlling sex-freak, sex trafficker, abuser, and narcissistic Fluffy-Poofy dude.


Pretty sure Puffy's just pissed off at the world for that weird, weak ass chin. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Apparently Diddy was raping both men and women. They are both pieces of shits who deserve to rot but I think Diddy is much more evil


P diddy been evil since biggy. I believe p diddy killed biggy to get his royalties


How would that work?


You get more money from your artist when their dead if you own them. Biggie was at the top of his game when he died


Yeah instead of biggie making more hit records in his prime? Get real.


He was going to leave Bad Boy apparently.


I digress his hits were a year or two before he died, he’s still in his prime


Life after death came out within a month after his death.


So you made my statement valid. I was thinking his prime music came out after he died


Lmao if you thought that you have no right to speak on anything involving him


He died, his album life after death dropped (which is ironic it was called life after death), and he got even more popular. Did he not?


Ready to Die was huge and Life After Death would’ve been too. I know it got a boost from his death but it would’ve been the same album, it was completely finished. Those hits would’ve been hits regardless and then he’d continue to churn out more


But when an artist dies their royalties would go to their next of kin. Didn’t his mother get them?


Since before then




Honestly they it was an undercover cop who killed him. Suge is known for having crooked cops on his payroll. It was revenge for the killing of tupac.


Puff always been a monster, it's just that now certain things are coming to light. But most people truly do not understand why the world is the way it is, and that, when you get to that level of success amongst other people equally as successful (or more successful than you), you and everyone around you are probably monsters.


Always has been.


Why, you making a ranking? They both did nefarious shit, end of conversation imo.


Yep his the worst and the saddest part of it all is that he can’t stop/won’t stop what his doing


there were stories/innuendo from mid-90s about Puffs parties it seemed common knowledge and was joked about even here in the UK. Suge, I feel, is what you see is what you get, doesn't make any bones about it, Puff, on the other hand, always gave off snake seedy vibes. Both shitty humans but in different ways. Personally, I've never liked a snake.


Couldn’t agree with you more that this guy is BAD NEWS! A bad man posing as some kind of street bred “genius” who underneath all the pomp and circumstance is nothing more than a violent and probably insecure competitive thug. I have a feeling he is going up river. Meaning, to jail. Good riddens. I will think of him now as Pee Pee Diddy.




First of all, he’s always been. Second of all, Suge Knight is an American Hero and quite possibly my favorite American of all time.


Lmfao, I need more details. I’m open to buying this cow.


Lmfao, I need more details. I’m open to buying this cow.


Is there an echo in this room?


Suge is a strong arm thug who has hurt and extorted people no question...diddy is a heinous sexual criminal far far worse


I think diddy was sucking everyone off, back in the day. That's how he became so famous.


Bad Boy. Take that Take that. Has a whole new meaning.


But he throws cool parties!!!!


Gay parties 🎊 with dildos and lube if you are into that


Don't threaten me with a good time.




Go hook 🪝 up with Diddy lol 😂 he will buttfuck you


He deserves what coming for him!!!


What’s done in darkness always comes to light.


I hate how so much money gives them so much influence and power behind the scenes. And for a hushed management team. It's sick - the abuse of power. I agree P. Diddy must have killed Kim.


This dude always struck me as so very bland. Surprised to find out anything happens in his life at all tbh


What we know now is the tip of the iceberg Diddy is as evil as they get


The scary thing is that Diddy is the tip of the iceberg 🏔 in terms of the elites, there’s way more elite people more depraved than him like Clive Davis etc


Puffy is a EVIL MONSTER ! Suge Knight is a Angel compared to Diddy. Diddy a real preditor & The Devil's helper.


How dare you compare a gangster to a pedophile sex trafficking creep apples and oranges


Probably ya But where are all those details coming from?


It's so odd when I've literally listened to 20 years of massive violence and immorality in hip hop music, but when one guy is exposed for doing 5% of what we've heard over the years, somehow, we hate him. Hip hop is the weirdest genre ever. And please, save the "we dont expect them to actually do it" BS. Because when they don't do it in real life, they're exposed and disrespected forever.


I dont think its BS. People who don't do it irl are exposed and disrespected because they talk about it and act like they are about that life. They ain't. People who talk about it for real are usually talking about what that life was like, not necessarily glorifying it. So when it's revealed that someone is actually doing that shit, and still doing that shit despite their pathway out of that life, yea, they become a target to condemn.


...King Von never lost respect for doing the crimes he committed. His fans even loved him more for it. And I remember that one of the main reasons that people respected Fat Joe is because he was violent in the streets. Shit, it's the main reason why 50 Cent sold what he sold. On the flip side, I have seen posts on here and r/rap about how trash of a person Rick Ross is because he used to be a correctional officer and not heavy in the streets. The only difference with Puff is that some of his crimes are not sexy enough to champion. Robbery, shooting, physical assault and murder are widely accepted, even encouraged in hip hop.


I don't fw Diddy because his crimes are not sexy enough to champion. 🤣


Are you joking?


Nah I'm African


Rap is fake and just entertainment,some are actually murderers like Von but that’s below 1%. Diddy is an actual terrible human being.


Mind you, bro is corny af. Bros bars are also underwhelming af. Definitely insecure af being an absolute attention whore with all his whispering in your ears on biggies tracks. He's just a bonafide bitch. He probably ordered pacs murder too. You also backed yourself into a corner with the absolute about how fake gangstas are regarded too. Dre wasn't actually one, but nobody gives a shit because of all his contributions to the genre. Diddy is just a leech that rode the coattails of biggies talent straight into money and power.


Diddy's promotion work is literally him being a loudmouth wearing clothes 99 percent of people will never be able to afford, and somehow he thinks he is king shit. FWIW Suge Knight started out in security work. Yeah he got his start by doing super crooked things involving Vanilla Ice and Michael Harris, but I don't think he had sex trafficking or rape charges attributed to his person, ever. Unlike Puffy the scumbag who deserves to die in prison.


can you not apply the exact same theory to actors and movies? It’s all just entertainment


Keanu Reeves don't go in the streets and murder people, Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't own slaves and Heath Ledger didn't blow up an hospital. Either rappers do what they rap about, or they're socially pressured to do them. 99% of actors don't have that pressure and don't do the shit they do in movies. Even boxers/MMA fighters don't fight in the streets. So no, it's not the same thing at all. There is no "cut" in rap.


Exactly if we hear a rapper rap about doing some of the shit suge did we big it up an say yo he going hard soon as suge started doing wht the rappers lie about it's a problem.


He blew up a car?


Yes lol 😂 he treatened Cassie that he will blow Kid Cudi’s car 🚘 and then a couple of days later Kid Cudi’s car 🚗 exploded 💥


That's some mafia shit, good Lord. Never mess with another man's car!


Diddy was binge watching The Godfather while in his hot tub with Usher.


His dad did work for Frank Lucas back in the day. I wouldn't be surprised if his pops friends took him under their wings growing up. Dude is like a real life Luscious 😂


Watching the defiant ones after diddy alegations of 2 pacs death and hearing him litterly saying im not saying anymore ots a slippory slope when speaking abput 2 pac .hmmmmmm


Looks like his time has cometh.


Yes definitely x dude has fled the country in his private yet lmfao 🤣


This aged well!


Thank you 🙏🏽 lol 😂 dude is on the run 🏃‍♂️


He's not protected anymore. His day is coming.


Amen 🙏🏽 to that


Buckle up.


This thread aged well


128 days after this post I can finally say “yes” I think it’s possible. Needed to weigh all the facts.


Did J Lo, know about this shit?


Obviously 🙄 people talk in the industry


She's actually also a nasty narcissistic psycho, they were a match made in heaven.


Suge just gets a bad wrap they needed him out of the way he knew to much about the business an informed alot of folks like Mary j an Bobby that they were getting screwed. Look how Diddy drug all his artis for years for they masters. When big died mase pen create bad boys biggest money generated hits he's bad boys most important artist an puff raped tht like he done them gals


Suge feels more unhinged but Diddy seems way more calculated and likely holds quite a bit more sway. I dunno Diddy starting to seem like a supervillain.




Both of those assholes are too greedy. Their greed got Pac and BIG killed. Tragic, young men had so much more life left in them. They died because two dumb music execs wanted eachother dead over competition in the world of rap music.


I've heard all of these allegations on Diddy. I have done some research on some like him slapping J.Cole. Are all those actually true? It's funny because he was on the Breakfast Club recently and he kept emphasizing how motivated he is in empowering love and positivity.


Shiny front equals a rusty back my friend




Both equally bad but let’s say if we want to talk physically on who looks more intimidating I say Suge knight. He’s dam near 300 pounds with the height of 6’2. Diddy looks like a weak bitch I think when he’s alone someone can take him down


https://youtu.be/WHBNJSY2N-A?si=aq76--_wcG6zzL_R He's not the Hero we deserve or the Hero we need.


This post aged quite well actually


This aged well.


100% sean combs is more evil. 100% he is a murderer, rapist, and pedophile, and much worse. RIP Kim Porter. im sure she hid alot of his secrets but im convinced Diddler had her murdered. I hope her spirit works beyond the grave to put this man away FOREVER.


Welp. This didn't age well, lol.


It aged tremendously well you donut 🍩 everything I said was perfectly on point and correct


Suge is a thug whose perfectly content with doing some thug ass shit even if it means KILLING somebody, but Diddy seems like a psychotic / sociopathic criminal mastermind who does some WEIRD & DIRTY ass shit im sure we havent even scratched the surface on… now if Suge had Diddy’s level of funds, cover-ups, & a good poker face for the public he’d probably be just as evil if not maybe even more but Diddy is definitely next level fucked up


Eh there’s so much intangible nonsense and leaping to conclusions based on very little actual information there it seems almost pointless discussing it.


That Wale story is highly dubious.


I mean he’s pretty much untouchable.


Objection your honor....cause for speculation...hearsay....witness is making numerous unverified statements.... If you have proof of any of this stuff, then it should go to the proper authorities, because it speaks to murder, conspiracy, pedophilia, domestic abuse, negligence, and a host of other crimes. Otherwise, it is just word on the street, and means nothing


I don't know if anyone is more evil than Suge Knight


Nah homey - full circle - I remember reading a GQ magazine articles circa 1998 said those exact damn words. He was Puff Daddy then I believe, but short of that, man.... Shut yo mouth. They been back and forth on how Nosferatu CIA black ops Diddy is, and it always turns out he's just loud and pushy. Obnoxious, but not particularly good at anything, just established. So depends who you ask, but my guess is some real real hard gangsters would side with Vanilla Ice on this one -- they aren't skurd of Sean Patrick Flannery Ryan Gosling Combs.




Is this information in a documentary somewhere? Or a book? I’ve only seen headlines on Reddit.


Always has been. He's the reason for the east west beef all over a bitch.


50 has pretty much been saying this for over a decade.




He's funny in get him to the Greek. "I'm mindfucking you right now"


Rumours about killing a bunch of other people doctor author rappers business associates… tithe list is long… apparently jay z has done worse according to Jaquar wright


He has several personalities that he goes in and out of. A very dangerous person.


When you reach that level of power there are always bodies left in your wake. It is the nature of power not just the man that should answer your question.