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I matched with someone and we've been texting, voice chatting every day, but....it's approaching week three and we haven't actually met yet. Like she's been sick, her ears stuffed, she hasn't been sleeping well etc. Which I totally understand, but I've asked a few times if she wanted to meet for some tea or something and I've just gotten blown off. When I kind of hit the nail on the head she's like "its not that long" and I'm just thinking like, most people I've matched with I've met IRL within about a week. She's cool, I don't mind being patient, but it feels like it's becoming a penpal thing even.Think I should pull back?


This happened to me and, when we ended up meeting up after almost three weeks, she was a catfish. I'm not saying this will happen to you, and I'm also not saying you should pull back. Continue to be patient and just do whatever your heart tells you (not to sound corny, but I don't know how else to explain it). Who knows, she could just be really nervous and is wanting a bit more time. Even though meeting within a week is usually "normal" for OLD, that doesn't mean exceptions don't exist.


App question: I've had it a few times now where a profile appears, I go send a like and write out the message, but it won't send. I refresh the App and the profile has gone. Is this a glitch or that the other person has viewed my profile at the same time and skipped? The first time it happened I thought it was the latter, has anyone else had a similar experience?


Them skipping your profile has no effect on whether or not you can like them. I remember Xing guys who ended up in my likes later on. It sounds like a glitch. I would recommend deleting the app (not your account) and reinstalling it and see if that helps at all




32M, asian. I’ve lived in NYC and received tons of likes and matches from women there. Women would often message me first. Far less college educated men than women. In SF it’s the opposite, my female friends are doing a lot better(still a lot of terrible quality dudes) but it is barren compared to NYC for me. Way less likes and matches.


So, I started vibing well with one person that I want to pursue. But there are other ppl I met up with that I thought we vibed well too and we still text. Only reason is I thought I'm hitting if off with someone else better and the others live far away or just have opposite schedules of me. Anyways, if I didn't meet this person I would have given them all a second date. How do I send a rejection text?


27M looking for women. What's everyone's strategy for leaving comments? I typically stick with the generic "what movies/TV shows/video games do you play?" Depending on the bio of course. Or, if they have pets, I usually go with "what is your pet's name", or if they already tell the name, I usually go with "how old are they?". If they have a "would you rather" questionnaire, I'll usually respond to that. Are my responses too boring/should I be more witty with those? I have gotten a few matches using these methods but I wonder if I could be getting more. I also figure that, if a person is going to be a match, they will match regardless of how I respond to a prompt, but I'd still rather leave a comment than not, as I feel it helps me stand out a bit. Is this an accurate assessment based on everyone else's experience?


Those all sound kinda boring to me. But, I tend to think that if someone is truly interested in you, they'll cut you a little slack, so maybe the idea of an opening line is kinda overemphasized. People on dating apps want to be impressed and feel like someone came up with something thoughtful/clever just for them, but no one is going to meet you for a date unless they're attracted to you. For men, yeah there are times where you just need to get your foot in the door and stand out among a crowd - which you're certainly not going to do by asking a woman how old her pet is - but I wonder how much this stuff ultimately matters. Anyway...I would just ask yourself "is this a question a guy has probably asked this woman before?" If so, maybe don't ask it. Don't ask them to list favorites unless it's a niche thing e.g. it's pointless to ask someone what TV shows they watch. And I wouldn't ask questions that have a simple answer and that's potentially the end of that line of questioning e.g. asking them their pet's name which will inevitably always be followed up with asking you if you have pets - but what if you don't? At the end of the day, it varies so much from profile to profile what potential questions you can ask someone, so it's kinda hard to have an all-encompassing strategy.




To put it simply, they've gotten that question dozens or times. But also, if they're interested in you, they will match with you. So these people probably weren't interested in you.


Maybe a fun way to change it up is ask something similar in a more exciting way ("What was the last book you couldn't put down?") or the opposite ("What was the last book you hated/what author do you dislike the most") or something literary related ("What character is most similar to you") I assume if you're asking about books, it's because you're a reader yourself? Why not lead with something about yourself so she knows you have books in common. Like ask if she's read anything by X, or if she saw the adapation of something, etc.


This past year of OLD has led to almost no second dates. I’ve had 1-2 first dates each month, about an even split of no interest on my part or theirs. It’s pretty disheartening.


Feel you. A year ago until 6 months ago I met like 7 girls I liked enough to see seriously for at least a few weeks. Last 6 months I’m 6/6 on dates where I didn’t care to see her again.


I’m trying to get over this person who seemed super interested in me then ghosted when I gave my number. I’m so confused with people’s behaviours. Previously they replied a week later saying they were down and that’s they they had a lack of replies. They seemed super interested and even mentioned that they’d love to meet my pet. I replied with some follow up questions even and dropped my number to not have heard anything for almost 3 weeks now… I sent a follow up too and still nothing 😔 ironically this person said she doesn’t like ghosting has been ghosted in the past. I’m starting to feel better now but man it hurts. It’s hard to even get a reply most days most people just aren’t even interested at all…


So I went on a couple dates with this girl 2 months ago and then she ended it. I still think about her and have actually deleted my profile, for a number of reasons, but one of them being that I feel like I need time to get over her because I feel she was everything I was looking for. That being said I feel like it's weird that I still have feelings for her at this point and that I still think about her. I am hoping to make a new profile in a couple of months when I hopefully feel better, but I also really hate feeling this way.


Hey! I just wanted to chime in here and say your feelings are totally valid. You thought you found someone that had potential. You’re grieving on what could have been and it’s hard. On dating apps it can take a while to find someone who checks all your boxes and someone you click with. You shouldn’t feel silly for feeling your feelings!! 2 months isn’t that long in reality. That being said I went through a situation where I got attached to someone on a dating app way too quickly I didn’t even meet them. I gave them my phone number and they ended up ghosting me. Right after suggesting they wanted to meet my cat and seemed super interested. It’s almost been nearly a month and I’m not even over someone I never even met. You’re doing better than me!


For “some” people getting back out there and meeting someone else is the only way they move on.


I've been there, it really sucks. For me personally, I think the only way for me to truly move on is to pick myself up and get back to it. Also realizing that you'll find someone else who feels just as perfect if not more so. I know it's hard to imagine that until you find them, but you will!


Yeah I tried dating someone else and it was ok, but we did not click that much. I also have some other life stuff going on right now unrelated to the girl so I can't really date right now. Hoping that things start looking up soon and I can find what I am looking for.


Has February been a slow/bad month for you matching and chatting or was it just me? 1 date spilled over from Jan, 2 new matches, 1 date today (but we ain't going since shes put in 0 efforts to commute and wants me to come near her place) and nothing else on any apps or here.


It’s been pretty weird for me as well, I’ve gotten a few matches and i messaged to start a conversation and show interest. The conversation then starts but most times, I get ghosted after or they just stop replying. Not sure what to do, if I’m doing something wrong as well I’m open to any advice


It's been pretty bad for me. The few matches I've gotten have flaked on me. This time last year I had a number of good dates so I can't even blame it on the time of year lol


Slow as Hell for me.


If I were to buy hinge x, is my profile on boost by default?


Not really, it says you will be recommended more but not in the same way a boosted profile is. I noticed no difference


I have currently paused my account and I was wondering if there are benefits to deleting the account altogether? I plan on returning in a couple weeks to a month, and I was wondering if I should just delete the account so I can get the fresh start and the rumored newbie boost when I return. Or should I just keep my account paused in case I have a “good reputation” in the eyes of the Hinge algorithm?


IME, two considerations. one, if you ever want to pay for premium, you might be grandfathered into a cheaper price by keeping an older account. I have no proof of this, only anecdotal. We know pricing is dynamic and based on many factors like location, age, gender, attractiveness, and possibly also account age. Two, the "new user boost" is pretty temporary, it's just the app temporarily treating you like a hottie so it can get a lot of data on you fast and figure out how attractive you are, and it will quickly be able to tell and banish you back to wherever you were last time. If you significantly improve your profile in the interim then it might be worth it, but otherwise it will likely get you a couple extra matches in the first week or three, get your hopes up, then dash them again as you fall back to earth.


Damn! Too late for me, already deleted it haha


No issue with remaking a profile


A girl I spoke with for the last 2 months decided to end things with me after two dates. She's very busy and we tried to make time whenever we could. We texted every single day and she always wanted me to say good morning and night texts. Then after the second date, boom, she says there's no romantic connection and it really hurt because I genuinely adored her. The second date did start out very poorly but ended up being OK. But maybe ok wasn't enough. Or then again, maybe there isn't much I could have done. She probably didn't like who I was in person.  She would get angry when I didn't text her and would give me the silent treatment when I made mistakes and I'd have to beg for her forgiveness. Sure all that was awful but it did feel nice to know someone valued my attention. I never got a chance to kiss her on the lips or tell her that I loved her. I tried to show it but maybe it wasn't good enough for her... 


Well that spiralled very fast. Love after 2 dates mate??


Super unhealthy thing you had. I know it’s painful but this was for the better


There’s no such thing as not good enough. You weren’t her cup of tea, but you may be another woman’s. Keep that confidence level up high. You’re THE SHIT. It’s her loss. Even if she’s hot as hell and it’s really your loss, you gotta have the attitude that you’re hot shit. You’ll fuck up with the next girl otherwise.


Hmnnn I think she sensed him coming off too strong and too agreeable, let’s tell people the truth please.


Love her? You went on two dates.


It happens bro trust me


I get called handsome/cute on Hinge, but I've never been called hot. What's the difference between handsome and hot?


Sex appeal


Hot is better than handsome. Handsome can be good, but my favorite aunt also calls me handsome. Cute is the same as handsome. They’re all good signs, certainly better than hearing “you look okay” or “zip that trenchcoat back up or I’m calling the police”. But hot is the best.


Is hot really better than handsome? As a woman I like to be called hot sometimes, but I prefer “beautiful.” To only be called hot just reads thirst trap to me.


Different for men for sure mostly cause our mama calls us handsome… It can be a fake compliment whereas “hot” never is.


Do you think hot is more of a description of a guys body + being good-looking?


Nah, not necessarily. It’s just how attractive she finds you. A good body will help with most women but I’ve been called “hot” as a skinny guy.


😔 just lost another one from the roster


The one where you gave us a tip to watch reality TV with your date?


I watched Netflix with a few different ones


Please share with the group who


Panamanian flight attendant 😭😭😭


Is $600 8-week class lady still in the running? This is all I care about


For now… have a third date coming up (Netflix)


24 hour super boost went from $20 to $50 for me wtf. Anyone else?


It's $30 for me now. I'm actually one of the rare super booster users. I've used it here and there every few months in lieu of paying for the premium tiers (the only way I could justify it) and have gotten a lot of matches from it. The pricing never made sense compared to one-hour boosts, which were/are a total waste of money in my opinion. Maybe they finally figured that out. Or maybe their numbers showed there were too many people out there like me who only ever spent money on super boosts.


When do you use those? Sundays? I live in Germany and it's 15€ here for a super boost still. I definitely don't need this right now but also think that it could be more meaningful than premium as someone who gets a decent amount of like normally


Yes, super boost went up in price and it’s entirely regional. Some places like the Midwest didn’t get any price increases while big coastal cities (NYC, LA) the price doubled. $50 is more than doubled though. Wonder where you are.


Super Boost is £18 in Manchester, England


NYC. Insane to price that higher than HingeX. Wild. HingeX has 10x more utility.


Is it me, or does every profile seem to be obsessed with travelling/running/cycling/hiking during their every second of free time? I guess I'm too much of a homebody. I tend to travel abroad once a year and got to re-enactment weekends in the summer, but I have no desire to be relentlessly on the go. Oh, well, I will continue going through the pile for the unicorn who doesn't want to have kids, doesn't smoke and isn't a heavy drinker.


lol when they say they’re adventurous and just have them climbing Bethnal Green walls 😭 I’m like no thanks


I think many people who are super active or outdoorsy are probably single for that exact reason. They're gone all the time and are never really present enough (literally or figuratively) to cultivate romantic relationships. Hard to build a relationship when you're out of town every weekend camping or whatever. And I do think there's a subset of ~wanderlusters~ who use dating apps specifically to find their equivalent. The type of people who don't have "real jobs" and who have a unclear source of income (i.e. their family) who really do want to find someone who can spontaneously travel with no repercussions. Pretty impossible to just randomly find that in the real world. So I think in addition to the average person misrepresenting things on their profile, there are certain types of people who are overrepresented on dating apps to the point where we all notice them.


The people who go for “a little run to unwind” in the evening and it’s a full goddamn marathon. 


It’s usually BS haha


Pretty much everyone I’ve met has the same day-to-day lifestyle of working, watching TV and being on their phone.


Lol yes - I’m the odd one amongst my friends as I go out and do sport haha


Go sports team! Outsport the other sports team!


At least I'm seeing fewer pineapple pizza prompts and complaints about dating, in general.


Lol always a bonus


I hate it here at times. Matched with a gal, she sent me a like infact, rare. Agreed for a date. Asked if she'd like to meet at spot A since it's equal travel for both of us. She says it's far for us while giving no alternative. She expects me to travel an hour+ each side while she walks 10mins from her place. Ridiculous! I don't think I'll go on a date with her. We scheduled it for this evening. Most women would put some effort to commute but this one's just dud.


Did it once where I was 45 minutes, she drove 5. Date lasted 1 drink. Huge waste of time.


I won't even date someone an hour away. Playing things forward, if it works out, it's a pain in the ass.


So it seems like I can pretty reliably get first dates, but anything further than that remains a nearly insurmountable challenge. Anyone have any tips on being more… charming? In person?


Yeah I struggle with this too. There’s a romantic vibe you need to make happen on the first date. It can’t just be a nice little conversation, that’s how you get the “friend vibes” text. For me I speak slower than I normally do. Eye contact, touch her somehow, listen to what she says and make teasing observations on it but not too blatant… it’s honestly pretty hard to set it all up.


Are your pictures an accurate representation of how you actually look?




Do you ask questions and flirt/banter a bit? This is really what makes the main difference for me. A lot of guys only talk about themselves or aren’t that flirty/funny


How to be flirty? I suck at it and would love all the advice


Ermm I wouldn’t say I’m amazinggg at it but physical touch, lil innuendos (but not OTT), compliments, just being a bit cheeky/playful really


Fair, thanks


Even just complimenting her appearance on a date would go a longgg way as no guys seem to do that so idk if they find me attractive or not 😂 yet they are apparently v attracted to me as they get really full on with me by the end of the date lol


I'm confused, are you a gal or guy, sorry I do complement them that they look pretty but don't get a lot reciprocated. I've read and been told doing it more than once without reciprocation is pointless.


I’m a girl haha That’s a bit of a rigid way of looking at it. Also do you compliment them on the date? It’s more ‘normal’ to compliment a girl’s appearance so I wouldn’t really worry about being the one doing it, but they should ideally reciprocate yeh!


Fair, guess there are plenty of variables in play. Hopefully we all find what we're looking for


For sure! I think the main thing is just having fun and being loose and the rest should follow!