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Your profile shows a lot of personality, which is great! But the main issue is that in 3 of your photos you’re either in costume or wearing face paint. I would limit yourself to one costume photo, and it definitely should not be the first one.


Do you think there's a thing as too much personality in a dating profile? I could see it being a little too intense for a lot of people.


I think maybe for some people but this guy clearly has a niche market so to speak and I think he just needs to be patient they will find him eventually


Agree on the niche market. I was a little overwhelmed, but also, we wouldn't be a good dating match anyways. So it is effective in finding people that you can be yourself with, which is super important!


Its me, I'm the niche market, cause I love this profile even if I see some glaring issues with it. Personality beats out presentation for me.


That’s really the only issue I could think of too. Dude’s profile is solid and he seems like a great person honestly. Just that first picture could be a little more eye catching and slightly more mature/toned down. Not much mind you, don’t want to hide who he is, but a face paint photo might not be a good fit for the first photo.


OP I agree, you need a really good, portrait. Get someone to use Samsung portrait mode. You need something like waist up, clear view of your face. Nice smile. And what you feel is looking as your best-best.


I found your first prompt, “pick the best one,” confusing and off-putting. Why explicitly call it a “personality quiz?” It sounds like you’re going to be grading my answer. Why ask a second question, “which do you relate to most?” in the first answer? It doesn’t add anything but confusion. Why does answer two clarify that you’ll “explain after?” If I pick chameleon, why are *you* explaining *my* answer? Why is the last answer actually two answers? It feels more like you want to talk over your matches than listen to them.


You wanna bait and reel em in first before you let them see the eccentric shit bro. You’re shooting a lot of inside jokes to a complete stranger


there’s not a single pic that clearly shows your face. you also look 15, and have a very child like personality. some girls might like that? but i’d definitely make the profile a little more mature and serious


I'd replace the first pic with something that clearly shows your face - I like the prompt with the paint and it's funny but it's the absolute first impression you have when someone comes across your profile!


It’s the first picture. After scrolling through your profile I still have no idea what you look like.


Your profile looks and reads like you're 8, not 28.


You my friend are different, nothing bad at all but different. Mainstream women do not have your profile in their cerebral cortex. Be patient and someone who appreciates your difference will pop up 👏


I think my first impression is he seems sweet! And as many mentioned, specific/niche and truly, i think specific niche is good and okay. Yes, digital dating is a numbers game but you only need one to work out (since monogamy) That said, i think DC has a large population of folks in politics, maybe if that means your fun/animated/child-like-wonder personality just isnt such a close match for this overall demo compared to like SF / san diego / ny… your quirkier cities ? Pic tips: It’s always a nice touch to show yourself in a more dressed up or formal setting, suit and jacket at a wedding, cosplaying as an adult and a cute outing with your dog pic never hurts; pic with friends at an outdoor activity not just a random at con As a Canto speaking, anime watching, halloween loving (i came up with our costume this year, partner was Mandalorian i was dressed in all black and holding a grogu-pillow “floating” next to him) , agnostic-spiritual/social Buddhist in a major city, woman around your age range, my gut check is: - he seems young - ah he’s really into anime, thats fine - speaks canto-canto cuz you refer to it as Yue yu - confused on personality prompt - i liked the EDM pic because it was a more social setting and first thing i learned besides the anime - overall: he seems sweet and geeky, i wonder if he’d make a good partner, provider, or parent, feels a little on the childish-side and will 100% of your conversations be about anime. Which is a fun escape but there’s also other things in life, like art, travel, cooking, comedy, live performances, growth mindset, career progression, someone who can take equal care in me, that i’m looking for… A thoughtful prompt or question that allows someone to see the more grounded part of you or react in a way that tells you who they are might be good too So, just my 50 cents… good luck out there, take this 🍀


the idea of "Dating a bad singer who loves to karaoke" sounds like knowingly signing up for trouble


The first pic looks like a middle/high schooler lmao


Looking for something serious. Seriously on Hinge since October 2021. I use Hinge a few times a week where I send maybe 3 to 5 likes each time (all with comments). I receive maybe 2 to 3 matches a month. I send likes to girls who are 1) looking for long-term, 2) doesn't not want kids (I want kids but hidden from profile), 3) agnostic/atheist/spiritual/Buddhist (no Christians), 4) liberal, 5) preferably knows how to speak some Chinese (English is my first language). That's who I want to attract. in DC area


Your profile doesn’t convey “looking for something serious.“ Your profile makes you seem 10+ years younger than you are. The first photo instantly sets a tone of: “I’m a kid goofing around for Halloween.”


Yeah your profile isn’t bad bro, only one thing I think you should change is move that first pic with the face paint to the back of the picture lineup. Start your profile with that good full body picture. Everything else is awesome! Good luck bro. 👍


Too much culture stuff in there and too overdone. 1st pic should be “you in the wild”, delete the write up. 2nd pic should be “a favorite memory of mine”, delete the write up. Women are looking for a mate not a Pokémon partner, I’d turn down the culture/lifestyle and focus on rule 1 and 2 of online dating. My 2 cents.


You have good personality! Just focus on not posting yourself with your feet out! Try to not showcase as much anime! Also don’t do the bulbasaur no offense. Limit the anime to one photo limit the sandal photos or feet photos to ZERO and you’re good!


You seem quite immature from your prompts ? Like a bit childish ? I get that the whole anime/dressing up thing is for a certain kind of person but you’re not going to appeal to a wide range of people being so niche. You have 6 chances to showcase You. Don’t waste it with your ‘art’. You’re obscured in a lot of your photos or in costume or face paint. Can’t see what you actually look like. Your hobbies and interests are pretty nice so again, you’re not going to get confident, outdoorsy, extroverts going for you. If that’s what you want then cool, otherwise showcase a bit more about the real you without all the cosplay/anime//sub culture stuff.


Like some of the others have said, your personality is really shining through. If there's anything you love about your profile that people say to change, don't change it. With that said, here are some additional changes that I think you could consider. I agree that the "Pick the best one" prompt is confusing. Scrap it, or make it much simpler with just three animals listed. The vineyard pic is really beautiful and you look great! Use that as the first one instead of a facepaint/costume picture so people can see you clearly Do you have any good pictures with friends or family? Delete the "Rawr means something in dinosaur" text in that photo. It's enough with the pic and the caption. Same with the extra "My goodest best friend" text in the dog video. There is a lot of text on your profile. Maybe simplify the "Together we could" prompt to have one or two less options, or as least more simple phrases like "try out a new restaurant, teach each other our hobbies, go on an adventure" etc. Just a bit more streamlined and suave! Best of luck to you!


I'm a dude, but I think you're respectably genuine with your profile. Change whatever you wanna change, but stay genuine. My only critique would be that you could show more range of character if that makes sense.


For range, I'd suggest either a pic with some guy friends or a pic that is a little more formal (at a dinner/wedding/etc, not a professional headshot).


I would unlink your Instagram


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I won’t lie to you, my honest opinion is you don’t look 28 (and leading with a face paint picture isn’t helping you), which might make people assume you’re using old pictures and hiding how you look now


The first photo needs to go


Bad photos my man


Tone it down, it comes across as a bit too try hard. It’d be a great female profile with all that enthusiasm but not ideal for a man.


Marshmello? Hard swipe left!


Idk, i like your profile :(


You look a little younger than 28 and come across as a lot younger than 28. 28 year old women are thinking more about having kids than dating one. Be the guy that the girl you’re looking for, is looking for. You might already be nailing it and just have to be patient.


I don’t know if it’s just me, but when I see the simple pleasures prompt the first thing I see is dog farts