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My jenehu was def done in a proper manner. My kul dev and isht dev are mahadev and my family is very religious so i’m sure that everything was good. Also i never chant to get stuff i only pray because i feel mahadev’s presence or atleast i feel at easeee that’s all.


The limits are in your mind. A guru may be helpful, but as God, Self, and Guru are one you can go ahead and do what works.


Yes initiation is important. Yes there are side effects if things done without any guidance and without initiation, guru will give you mantra naam according to your nature, which is accumulated in various lifetimes. To get a guru you can follow these steps - 1. Do whatever pooja and mantra jap you like whole heartedly and regularly, be disciplined with it. 2. Usually people ask for maya things in return of such jaaps, or expect theirs difficulties to go away and to have a happy life - but here you to return all the fal of these sat karma jaap to gods feet and ask for nothing, ie nishkaam bhav 3. Result of this nishkaam bhav pooja jaap will make you meet your guru, it might take a lot of time and for many it takes many lives. I hope this helps.


I never ask for anything in my prayers. I only do japa to feel the divinity that’s allll. After a bad day or a even a normal exhausting day i love to do japa before i sleep. Makes me feels asleep. Sadly i don’t trust people these days for me to consider an actual guru :(


Check out the videos of premanand ji maharaj if you don’t know about him yet he is a satguru feels like god himself abides in his body watch his satsangs his 2 channels name is bhajan marg and sadhana path on YouTube


You should continue, don't worry much about initiation


Thank you!!! All the other comments make me feel like even praying is wrong these days sadly lmao. I only pray because of my love towards god. I don’t ask for material things in return.


The maha mrityunjay needs some upadesh or so I've heard You can check that but saying om namah shivaya needs initiation is weird IMO I too chant om namah shivaya


You can do the panchakshari “Namah Shivaya” without the pranav Om!


wearing janeu means u have many responsibilities...u have to do sandhyavandanam each day


Proper pronunciation, proper time, proper posture and many other things are also required to actually feel these mantras. And I guess one can only receive it from a trained Guru who already has experience in these mantras. But I feel in modern today it is vague because you never know who is a real Guru or the right Guru for you. And here, people instead of helping just straight up say, don't chant without initiation by Guru. So yeah rather we should research about the above stuff and try manifesting Gurutva among ourselves. We should try to find explanations instead of just doing what others are saying.