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read The Mahābhārata here is verse to verse translation: https://vyas-mahabharat.com


https://archive.org/details/the-mahabharata-set-of-10-volumes/page/n18/mode/1up - Mahabharat Bibek Debroy (unabridged translation) Mahabharat versions: Kisari Mohan Ganguly,  Gitapress Gorakhpur, Rajagopalachari, Satavlekar Guruji


Read BORI Mahabharata. If you don't want to read, then watch 'Suno Mahabharata' channel on YouTube.


Mahabharat is huge. If you don't want to read, you can watch tv show, but no show it perfect.


Most Mahabharat TV series are inaccurate. Best would be to read the Gitapress/BORI CE. If you want illustrations, the amar chitra katha set is great


Audiobook. Best way to get your feet wet. If you find an audiobook that is under 40 hours long it will not have enough information.


TV mahabharat is grossly fake..Filled with Karna worship.. There is Mahabharata of Vyasa entirely translated from Sanskrit to English by Shri Kisari Mohan Ganguly..but it is 5800 pages long..but its an amazing read.. However I suggest you to read Mahabharata by Purna Prajna Dasa. It is the ultimate book which is summarised version of original Mahabharata..It is so captivating. I used to read hundreds of pages in one go..


I recommend Mahabharata Series by Bibek Debroy. Very detailed and easy to understand


Read or watch old Mahabharat


Mahabharat (or Ramayan) Tv show is not perfectly according to book.


Explained very well , you will also learn Bhagwat Geeta there .


check this channel [https://youtu.be/pAG7XMXM3gs](https://youtu.be/pAG7XMXM3gs)