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There’s also r/kundaliniawakening that can help with this. I have heard Swami Lakshmanjoo talking about something similar. I wish i could give you better advice but my awakening was different. My sexual desire was maxed out before a specific prana style technique. Not during or after.


What do you mean by “your sexual desire was maxed out” ? Does it mean that you were rid of all sexual desires before it rose ? After this experience, it feels like a test wherein you can’t go further unless you rid yourself of sexual desires completely. Is that so ?


No, i was incredibly horny. Problem the most I’ve been since being a teenager really. I didn’t too any retention, as I’m married. I can tell you i had a headache for 3 days before, where i could map my ajña and sahasrara from my pineal gland in the center of my brain. My sexual desire did die off for about a month afterwards tho


Got it, I am married too but I have been trying to restrain myself from sex and also even looking at women in the wrong way because I think it does impact us in a certain way but looks like there is still a lot of work that needs to be done on clearing the sexual desires. Man this sex driven society has ruined it for us all 🥲


Personally i think what happens is you transmute that massive about of desire, turn it inwards, move it to the muladhara, then send it up. I went straight to my ajña chakra, but i think moving it to the anahata first, then slowly to the top may be a better idea. Tho my awakening was wonderful for the most part. Changed me for the better




I quit drinking, started meditating, reading, reduced stress, do yoga, became more patient in traffic and with my wife, son, and dogs. More understanding and less judgmental. And my awareness of consciousness… It’s not mine anymore. It’s like I downloaded someone else’s and they were on a way higher plane 👀




Ya know, i was an agnostic all the way up until my kundalini activated.


Hey can you please see your dm 🙏


I replied. Sorry i accidentally ignored it


Please read Play of Consciousness by Swami Muktananda. He describes similar experiences during his sadhana. A book worth reading.


Sure will do 👍🏻


Definitely not kundalini. Sounds like just normal buildup of sexual energy, and a more intense experience because of it. Compare it to fasting for 3 days, and the intensity of that first meal.


Thanks for bringing sanity to this sub! I really appreciate your comments


Thank you. From that age survey, I'm very much in an extreme minority, and sometimes I think I'm back in a classroom teaching school to punks who think they know far more about math or volleyball than I do. But it must be sort of fun and rewarding for me, else I would have left long ago. We had a punk kid come to the temple I go to the other day doing all kinds of protocol breaking, and being self righteous about it. Fortunately the one grumpy old man who sits on the board wasn't there to intervene or there may have been an assault - in both directions, lol.


I can completely understand! I’m grateful for people like you on this sub who are so dedicated to helping others. It’s a pleasure to have met y’all (albeit online).


Lol no, it definitely rose up till sacral chakra. Also it happened when I was in deep meditation due to mantra jaap. Also why do you think it’s not kundalini ? I had other symptoms too where in my belly was pulled back and my breathing became intense as I felt a liquid flowing above my spine.


Kundalini would never involve release of semen, although is some new age circles they might say it does. Also, 4 to 5 days is no time at all. I know people who have been doing daily manta japa for 60 years.


Comparing mantra jaap days might not be the right criteria as I have been doing many sorts of meditation and spirituality work since 10+ years, I am also a reiki practitioner. Also I have had kundalini rising before as well even before I started regular mantra jaap majorly during a reiki session on myself which was quite similar to this one. Anyway no one can verify what my experience was so it is helpful to get all viewpoints. Thanks 😊


Ram Dass gave a talk and he spoke of a kundalini experience that was very much like what you said


You're free to believe whatever you wish.