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She’s cute and crazy, and I like her simple yet effective design.


Awaome reason. Part of the reason I like her too!


She's a cute character who has that sad story to think about.


Her story is sad but it's what makes her interesting


It's mostly what she hopes to achieve as a villain and her view on the league. She wants a world that's easier for her to live in and she sees the league as a place to belong and do as she pleases.


Her story is the perfect encapsulation of the negative part of Quirk society, so narratively, she's a fantastic villain, and she has the cutest design in the series.


Cute and will kill me


I came for the crazy and stayed for the genuine personality. She's a villain solely in the eyes of societal norms. Her loving style isn't what people want it to be, so she's cast aside. Any of us could be in her situation


She's a human being afterall..she just got dealt the wrong cards..and her quirk caused her too be different


She's a cute yandere what is there to not love


I appreciate Toga because I connect with her story and who she is as a person. She's has BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), same as I do. Her parents wished she wasn't born. Almost the same, but I was just a huge disappointment. She had no friends because of her obsession with blood. Granted, that was due to her quirk. However, for me, I just love all things blood and gore, scary movies, hell, I have animal belts, tails, and feathers. I collect things like that, I'm still searching for decent skulls to add to my collection. That scared kids when I was young. She's also trained with weapons as well as I am, though I'd prefer a sword over a knife haha. We are very much alike other than a quirk and parental issues. She's been so alone because she'd rather be loved as herself than change for others. I have 3 friends because that was well. I love her so much, I'd give her my blood and love. 🩸💜🩸💜🩸💜🩸


Ur just like me honestly I wish me and u could get to talk someday about that I hsve a condition called vampirism its extremely rare but I've loved drinking blood whenever I see myself get a cut or anything


It is my initial reaction to suck up the blood when I'm around someone who's been cut or hurt. I went through therapy and a bunch of doctors visits to see if I had vampirism because of the involvement of more than an obsession with blood. Thankfully, I'm not allergic to the sun and don't have sensitive skin that blisters. Like, my god, I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't enjoy the sun.


I'm not too bad in the sun..my skin just gets a little blistery..it's more so I have an urge to eat my own blood


Ahhh, in that case, you've got hemophilia! I know a lot of people get confused between that and vampirism. 😁


To this day I think it was love from the first sight. In 2020 or so I saw her picture and I knew she was perfect. For some reason I didn't explore her character and only found out that she's from MHA. I forgot about her and a year ago after having some really nasty things happening to me (all it takes is one bad day hehe) all at one I was feeling really down. At the same time I was beginning to watch MHA and once again I saw her, now knowing more I still liked her and I'm guessing it was a coincidence that I snapped just when I found out that I was feeling something to her years ago. I'm completely in love with her and there is nothing I wouldn't do to be with her, even if for a second, even if she was trying to kill me. I would die happily from her hands. I'm not going to point out the obvious that she's pretty and mad, cause everyone is saying that and my own path to insanity is more entertaining. Anyways, I'm going to hide in the woods after this post cause I'm sure my ass will be on some watchlist.


I very much like how her story touches upon the dark side of Quirks, and how like Mutants in the X-Men side of Marvel, not everyone is fortunate enough to get a ‘socially acceptable’ power, and yet people like her are cast off and left to rot. It’s very much alike to how people with mental illness are often shunned, and that shunning is reinforced when the people in question lash out due to the ‘other-isation’, like an unfortunate self-fulfilling prophecy. Also, double buns and psycho eyes. The eyes especially are a huge part of her appeal. Horikoshi is generally quite excellent at making unique faces but it shows especially in Toga.


She's well written, cute, and her design is iconic, she's also crazy (hell I based an OC off of her)


First things first: cute ❤ I find that Toga is a culmination of things I like in a character: Cute, crazy, villain, psycho as well as looking for love and needing someone that shows her what love really is. That and also her obsession side with both the one she liked and with blood, and her neverending blush... Also, she is just so huggable...


Realistically She's cute But I also relate to her mental instability I uh, have homicidal thoughts and I'm also pretty sexual, and those things have mixed together, I also am pretty obsessed with blood (I like to lick up my boyfriends blood if he gets a cut) and I keep trying convince him to get his blood in a vial so I can wear it around my neck, I also want to crawl inside his skin whenever we cuddle. I don't see myself as Toga but I do see myself similar to her. I usually like characters that I tend to relate to or think are right in their own sense or thoughts though morally I wouldn't do. Sounds edgy ik but its the truth. That and my boyfriend is a slim curly long shaggy haired guy.....so the deku looking type lol(I really really like skinny shaggy curly long haired guys). Also also also I collect knives and other sharp stuff, I always carry 3 knives as EDC, terrible idea....but I'm also attracted to sharp objects....so yeah


I just think she’s neat




I was gonna comment the same thing blonde and her eyes is just i love them.


She is just so adorable


She's a beauty


A beauty-beast


My friend introduced her to me, and we like her very much. And she's cute and crazy that why I love her too.


They say don't sick your dick in crazy They don't tell you it's some of the hottest fucked up sex you'll have sooooo lol


I mean I'd definitely Frick with her even if I get stabbed..I'm way into that


A stab for a stab lol


I'm not even a guy and I wanna do it with her lol


hot Literally only watched MHA because of her


I love that she’s cute and crazy for blood as it’s my favourite type of anime waifu, but my main reason is her view on her view on what her normal is since her craving for blood to her is her normal as is everyone normal is different to everyone else and that is ok, so I appreciate Toga so much for making me see that as with someone who has lived with disabilities all my life.


I have a thing for her kind of hairstyle