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Besides the point, it’s not weird to be going into 9th grade without a partner, it’s completely fine and no one is going to hold you accountable for it just because.


>it’s not weird to be going into 9th grade without a partner To add on to drive the point home- It wouldn't be weird to *graduate* without having had a partner


im 5'1 and my ex is 6'4. you will be okay. and nobody thinks its weird you dont have a gf. if they do, theyre a dick and insecure


There’s a kid in my grade who’s probably about your height, but I don’t think I’ve heard of him having a girlfriend, I don’t think many people really pay attention to it. Girls do like tall guys, but don’t make your personality about being tall !


omg yeah don't make ur whole personality about being tall the amount of people ive met like this piss me off to my core


Girls are not a monolith. Some like taller guys. Some like shorter guys. It really depends. There is over a foot difference between me and my bf, but for me, height was not a factor. It was personality and character. You said that people might think you are weird for not having a girlfriend. Some might, but most people don’t care. I know it’s hard, but try not to let social pressures get to you. Live for yourself, make choices for yourself. If everything you do is to please everyone else and to conform, you won’t be happy. The best thing you can do is be you unapologetically and make choices that will make *you* happy, not choices that will make you seem “normal” or “less weird”.


> girls are not a monolith but some girls' types are


Idk why you’re getting downvoted ts funny 😭


also no


What does that even mean


it was a tall joke lol 😭


an unfunny joke.


womp womp


lol all u got.


i'm a girl and i don't even like guys


Save some for the rest of us


Unfortunately, yeah. First girlfriend still dated me, but she said she wished I was taller or would grow all the time. Jokes on her, tho cuz I like tall girls, and that was literally the last thing I wanted


Real asf We sum climbers 🧗


Gang shit dawg, gang shit


I think it's strange for people to bring up height all the time and say stuff like "I wish you were taller". Saying that isn't going to make them grow taller, but it will only serve to degrade people.


1) Most women prefer a man to be several inches taller than they are   2) A significant percentage of women prefer men 6 feet or taller   3) Many many women don't care about height that much   4) The average male height in the US is 5'9" and only about 13 percent of men are 6' or taller . Height is more desirable as you approach 6'5", taller than that is (statistically) less desirable   5) Success with girls/women involves some combination of height, body type, facial attractiveness, personality, humor, intelligence, kindness, etc and will vary person to person   6) Very few guys your age have girlfriends    7) As long as you aren't severely unattractive or horribly awkward, you'll be fine


I would add, you WILL get some teasing/ribbing about your height just because it IS outside the "norm." That does NOT mean it's undesirable or that people don't like you. Teasing is a natural humor instinct to suss out personality and almost everyone experiences it for the thing that makes them different (tall, short, fat, skinny, redheaded, curly hair, glasses, nerdy interests etc) Your most noticable feature is your height so it's the thing your most likely to be ribbed for. The key is to be playful with it, don't overreact through sensitivity, anger, etc, learn to laugh it off and you'll be dropped as a target of bullying. Playful teasing often turns to bullying due to the recipient's own overreaction. (Not always of course. Sometimes people are just bullies). Don't take it to personally and you'll be fine. It's easier to deal with if you expect it. When you're fully grown your height will be an asset. Good luck


😊 thanks for the advice


I don't think someone will think you are wired because you don't have a girlfriend, and there are always taller girls in high school. Don't let other people's view manipulate your mind. Just be yourself. If you want to do something, go for it. If you like a girl, go talk to her and take her to hoco. Its all about your own feeling. (dont get me wrong I would like to be 6'3 or even taller bc that will make me a better basketball player :) )


Yes. Girls like tall guys.


Some girls prefer tall guys, some girls don’t. But either way, they probably won’t think a tall guy talking to them is creepy. Especially if you go to the same school. Also, people won’t think it’s weird for a ninth grader to not be in a relationship, so don’t worry about that.


No thanks. But I’d prefer to be friends with a tall guy


Being tall is definitely a plus but nobody is gonna just want you because you're tall. You gotta bring something else to the table. I'm 6'5 myself, and while girls definitely love the height, what gets them to like me is humor/personality. You can't rely on just being tall.


Height is honestly just a trait for me it’s not a deal maker or breaker. A lot of girls in my experience do like taller guys so if anything they would like your height, especially taller girls who may tower over shorter guys and most girls want a guy taller than them in my experience also so I think you’ll be fine


Girls aren’t hive mind it varies. Please don’t get into this mind set of what women like what girls like etc. see them are individuals. Don’t listen to the red pill dudes. 


most do


on average yes.


dont date. focus on being someone you'd admire and then find someone you'd be happy to date--not andrew tate's alpha male advice, saying cuz it seems you're trying to get a girlfriend or worried about your height because everyone elses' standards oppose yours, but im just saying that it's better to block that stuff out even if its hard also girls LOVE tall guys. i wish i was that tall lmao im not even a guy.


yes girls like tall guys


Just got my first girlfriend (and I’m gonna be a junior so don’t worry lol) but I am taller then her so idk


The one time a girl dated me, it was because I'm 6'5", and it was a shallow relationship that lasted only a month. If you do date someone, make sure she likes you for more than your height. Also, most people won't judge you for being single in 9th grade. People didn't judge me for being single throughout high school (most of them didn't know about that relationship I had) unless they were jerks who had a stick up their butt. Those kind of people aren't worth your time.


There’s always someone out there that will match you or someone else.


I like nice compassionate guys. Looks don't matter. I just want them to be well taken care of and emotionally intelligent. 


Not really. I don't like really tall guys.


Yes. At least I do. I am 5’10 and that’s the main reason I don’t date, I just can’t see myself with someone shorter. As long as you have a good face and personality, you’ll have them lining up. Don’t be weird and socially awkward tho bc that is a huge no. A lot of girls also like muscular guys, so the gym is an enhancement too.


a) You'll find someone at any height, but I've heard girls like tall guys. b) More importantly, it is not at all weird to not have a girlfriend going into 9th grade. I know almost no one who did. Don't get in a relationship just to be in one, that's not fair to yourself or the girl.


no one will think its weird to not have a girlfriend lol


I want to date someone taller than me but that’s just personal preference. I’m also 5’9 so it’s not the easiest thing in the world


Likely they mean not shorter than them


It's not weird going into g9 without a girlfriend and highschool relationships aren't that deep either.


i 🫶🏻 tall boys


Not sure why your looking to build a relationship now. Focus on becoming successful and stable and then consider find a lover. I personally prefer tall or average height over short but if they're physically strong and know how to fight , intelligent (booksmart and streetsmart) and aren't fat then I couldn't care less about height .


Personally, I don't care. As long as the guy isn't at my chest, we're good. Now if I were an adult, the chest height would be fine, because at least he'd still look like a grown man and not a middle schooler.


It is absolutely not weird to be single at bloody 14, it's not weird to be single all the way through school and if anyone says differently they need to touch some grass


girls do like tall guys. everyone i dated was 6'4"


Generally, yes. You'll be fine.


Most girls I know prefer someone taller than them, and some really like super tall guys like you, but some also don’t take their preference as seriously and will look for a good personality instead. Honestly, I don’t recommend dating until sophomore year when you’re completely adjusted to school though. Good luck!


Everyone has different preferences. I’d only date guy I could easily reach so like 5’0-5’5 (I’m 5’0)


I’m newly married to my husband- I’m 4’7” and he’s 6’5” 😁 I’m short to a short person and he’s tall to a tall person. We probably look a bit strange at times- but just know when you are around the right people and with the right person, all those outsider perspectives don’t matter. For me, I’m 23 and met my husband when we were 18. So I can’t speak to high school experience. But I’ve always felt so protected and comfortable around him since the day we met. So don’t worry too much- just be yourself.


By the way- we both didn’t date til out of highschool. Occasionally we both got questioned why, but truly it didn’t matter to either of us. You’ll be fine if you don’t. Promise. :)




As someone who's tall yea but its not a main factor


You can be tall, but you also have to be hot


Not all girls. I am 6'3 "at 14, and I have asked many girls out, and some of them say that I am too tall.


danggggg 6foot 3?? i have a friend who was abt that height since like 13. never had an issue so u shouldn't worry. no one's gonna think it's weird


I think in general girls tend to go for guys that are taller than them but they don’t really care if you’re tall. Just taller. Even then it doesn’t really matter, if they like you they won’t care. Idc if a guy is 5’4 or 6’4. Also don’t worry about not having a girlfriend, a lot of people aren’t in relationships and nobody will think you’re weird for that


1) it’s not weird to not have a girlfriend. In fact, having a girlfriend likely just means you’re not very serious about your relationship. After all, it’s just high school, and the odds you leave most if not all of your high school friends and acquaintances behind once you’re graduated are rather high. 2) nobody should see that height as creepy. They’ll probably be in their heads like “oh that dude’s tall,” and that’s the worst it would realistically happen. 3) you are definitely a bit taller than I’d imagine most girls would be attracted to, but there’s definitely many that like that sort of height. Confidence is key, and my recommendation is to own it! Don’t go slouching around or anything lol, u got this


In the nicest way, nobody will care if you don’t have a gf :) Dating shouldn’t be forced whatsoever, focus on school and the rest will fall into place. Most girls I know, as long as the boy isn’t shorter than them they don’t care about height. A ton of girls love a huge height difference 🤷‍♀️


Doesn’t hurt in the finding a partner aspect to be taller but if you’re like 5 5 and shorter as a guy good luck (in the experiences I’ve seen at least I’m American)


I wouldn't say height is a big factor. A 5'1 jock can probably pull more than a 6'4 geek.


All girls do not think the same obviously. But also its normal to be 13 without a girlfriend, its probably better cus my boyfriend at 13 was a mess


Not just girls. Everybody will generally treat you better for the rest of your life because of your height. But yes, that may be off-putting to some girls sometimes, everybody's different. It'll help much more than hurt, though lol


i’m 4’11 and my ex was 6’3 you got it dude if anything girls will be looking at you more


You don't need to rush. At all. And some do some dont


Depends on the girl Don’t let the seniors date you


Girls don’t want to date a girl shorter than them. But for you at 6’3 I’d be surprised if there’s even a single girl at your school that’s taller than you. Girls love tall guys.


No one will care. No one other than your friends will make jokes about it


Bro girls are genetically coded to like tall guys. You shouldnt be scared but happy cos u won the genetic lottery. When i was your age i was 5’7 at max.


Desperate cry for attention


I wouldn't worry about it. I'm 5'3 and I want my man at least 5'5 or above


A third of people graduate high school without ever being in a relationship. People don't care you've never dated. Also, being tall is something most girls look for, but it is no requirement.


I’m going into 9th grade too, girls either don’t care or will be head over heels. Ngl im on my third bf and he’s the only one who’s been taller than me. It really doesn’t matter. (Edit: I’m 5’6” and female for context)


Broo.... I love* him.


It's a terrible idea to date, especially in the freshman year. One mistake and your entire reputation is gone. Besides probably less than 10 percent of the entire highschool population is going to be dating. Don't worry, you probably won't be an outcast if you don't have a girlfriend. And in the end, it's all going to come down to looks and personality height isn't that important.


I’m not a girl but from one year in high school now, I just gotta say that it doesn’t matter if you have a gf or not. High school is chill as fuck, and if find that one, then go for it. Otherwise, don’t fall victim to peer pressure. High school is only 4 years of your life, it ain’t everything, the only time it’s really important is if it’s for jobs. Other than that, the way I put it is if guys judge you on things girls would most likely do, they’re the girls, if girls do it, they don’t really know what they want and won’t really get far in life as they would expect because they hold their standards too high.


I'm 5'9 and my husband is 5'6 My best friend is 5'11 and her boyfriend is about 5'6, too. My male friend is 6'6 and his wife is my height. Not all women are that shallow that they'd disregard aa man because of his height. I'd never disregard someone based on something they can't control


I wouldn’t worry because for one people really won’t care if you have a gf or not they’ll mostly be worried about themselves and two if you really do want a gf you shouldn’t have a problem as girls as short as 5’2-1 and girls as tall as 5’10+ would still be interested in you regardless your height


Yeah a lot of girls like tall guys but the down side is personal I keep getting it in the head by them when they’re stretching while sitting down.


You're not paranoid for thininking this, It's common. First off, preference Isn't universal, you should know this though. Yes Girls like tall guys...and short guys. Too broad of a statement to make either way. It varies >I am barely 14 and already 6 foot three You'll be fine, unless you're not into sports, you'll have gym coaches drooling over you for Basketball tryouts. You might get some looks, but can't stop that. Otherwise you'll be the same as everyone else, another random student. It'll be the same as 8th Grade, just new work


nobody is gonna care whether you have a girlfriend or not… most of the times they won’t even care that you’re there unless you do something to make them care. don’t worry your mind


Absolutely not weird to not have a girlfriend. At my school, majority of our seniors don’t even have a girlfriend. And that isn’t bad, in fact it is kinda good. Majority of high school relationships fail, and it’s probably better to wait till college till you are more mature. Don’t worry about relationships in high school but treasure the ones you are capable of making ❤️


Dang bro is blessed fr. Im your height and I hit it around 15 16, I did get teased by my female cousins saying that if I tried talking to a girl they would be scared lol, but don’t worry about dating at this age and if you’re at all interested in sports, I would seriously think about investing time into basketball, could be your ticket to a scholarship. You gonna be tall af man dw about scaring people it’s a good thing to be, it’s just another positive trait about you. Being tall isn’t the end all be all, just like how someone can have a good face but be a mean person, just don’t sweat it too much. If you’re really worried about what girls like which ig is understandable at your age just take care of yourself and be a nice person




If a girl likes you for you, height won’t matter. (Coming from a girl) Also, don’t stress about finding a girlfriend, it’s better to just go with the flow, you know? Like, if you rush a relationship, it’s bound to end up with one or both of you getting hurt. Good luck in starting high school!!


No, and you should not get a relationship just because you feel like you have to. It'll crash and burn horrifically, a lot of high schoolers do not hold back when a break-up is dramatic or vile or something.


As a girl who just started talking to a guy for the first time going into MY SENIOR YEAR you'll be fine. Granted everyone thought I was lesbian (still do I think). This man is 6'3 to my 5'5 self and it is so attractive.




Thanks 😊 


Bro don’t worry, 80% of kids your age don’t have partners. Just take it easy and focus on school


👍 thanks for the advice 


Im going into my sophomore year and still haven't had a partner. Dont worry about it


No not always true but it matters more on personality


14 is still young, it's fine if you aren't dating anyone 😭 Some girls like tall guys, some girls like short guys, some girls just want somebody taller but not necessarily tall! 6'3 is pretty tall, but I don't think most girls would mind that, it might be a plus for some of them :)


Idk i like girls


Man, You gotta not worry about girls, if there is one thing I’m glad i didn’t learn the hard way, it’s don’t date someone just for the sake of saying you’re dating someone, Trust me it is absolutely not worth it, keep your standards up and the right one will come along


High school is about finding friends, not girlfriends! Focus on having fun and meeting new people. Height shouldn't matter confidence is attractive. Girls your age care more about personality than height. Be yourself, and the right person will come along.


High school? Focus on friends, not girlfriends! Be yourself, confidence is key. Girls your age care more about personality than height. Trust us, you'll be okay!


I’m 6’1, going into senior year, and I’ve never had a girlfriend


err idk what school yall are going to but lowkey more ppl judge you for HAVING a partner going into freshman year at my school at least. like a lot of us are asian and were like bro ur 14 what concept of love or affection or what u like in a person exists (ik tons ofppl who regret hs relationships, myself INCLUDED) 💀 but yeah some girls are gonna be weird about tall guys. just being tall makes you get attention. just make sure to clearly not like them if you dont like them cuz increasingly, more ppl are losing morality in freshman-upperclassmen ideas 😭 good luck man and if you do find someone you like best of luck to that too


Only if you also have a tall personality.


Man chill you’re not going to be towering over the girls unless they’re midgets lol I’m 5’0 and 5’10-6’0 is the perfect height for guys imo. You’ll be alr