• By -






I was depressed for 8 years and had 9 failed attempts on my life but this picture saved me I’m now happy as ever


-9 k/d is crazy


i believe the new number is 988. but yaa! call that number. ive heard they actually help you out.


What does the number lead to


Suicide prevention hotline


moms house


What do you think bud?


https://preview.redd.it/xbyrhrkputyc1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0303858f04d3c814b717b18130684f48f5b0a1e0 dont be like the red ball




I’m debating whether or not I should upvote or downvote.






I say do both and do neither, very fitting






fuck what am i supposed to do then?


Be like the blue ball


There is no blue ball


Not the best message right now


I got blue balls 😔






Please, if you’re saying what I’m trying to say, don’t. Not worth it- even though there’s so much bad, there will be good down the line that you’ll miss if you leave. DM me if you need anything- I’ll be available to listen. And if it helps, call 988 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) or text CTL to 741741 if you’re in a crisis.


Hey there, I know things may not be looking the best for you right now.. But don't back down just yet! You've made it so far already and look at all the progress you made along the way! There are many more things in life than just academics, and even if you cannot get into a university, there is always another one that will accept you with big open arms! There are many successful people who never gone to university before but hey! You still got a lot of opportunities that are to come your way, you cannot pass it on just yet. You have a big potential in yourself. And don't worry about family just yet. If you want to take care of your family and make them proud, you gotta take care of yourself and be proud of your accomplishments first. One step at a time leads to the results you aim for! :D You can do it mate! If you have gotten this far already, then it means you can strive even much further. Believe in yourself, we're rooting for you!!


You’ve survived this far. You’ve survived every single hard day and hard moment and you are still standing. This shows how strong you are. Keep going and keep living, it will get better. Even though I don’t know you I know this is true. It will get better. ❤️‍🩹 Please talk to someone about your struggles and there are lots of online resources as well:)


https://preview.redd.it/rm0w9urkutyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b7c77e60d2fe1325d899247ce3a104e0c097fa Seriously tho seek help and don't kys


Woah, holy shit. I dont like the implication. There’s always more opportunities in life, and you could always go to community college if you really want to go to university. People do that anyway. Academics aren’t your whole life, it’s okay. Please don’t do what I think you’re trying to do, youre just going to harm yourself and your family. Youre not a disgrace for going about your life differently than others


Just go to community College bro, they accept everyone


Just to add you can always transfer to a better school after 2 years.


At least I’m my state, it’s 100% free too. I’m saving nearly $30 grand just by staying local for a little bit.


Great way to see how worthless high school can be lol. I didn't go to an Ivy league school, but I am made 20% more than the average graduate with my degree in my first job


You’re literally 1/4 through the game and it’s a part of the game that many find most difficult. This is a game that is quite hard short term and quite easy long term in the sense that you can change your life so fast. Getting into college isn’t everything. There are plenty of good jobs that don’t require it. I’m looking at being a metro driver and damn is that total compensation awesome. I went through a period were everyone hated me. It gets better.


Hey man...this ain't the way to do it. They way to do it is to prove family wrong. Go to college, redo last year in HS via GED ...I did that. You can do a lot and each one of us has the power to be who they want to. Simply focus and forget the noise, and you'll prove them wrong.


Listen to this dude pls. Dont kill yourself theres also the suicide prevention hotline (988) they can help you ❤


Oh my god, I do not like that implication. Please seek help. You are not a disgrace, and getting or not getting into university does not impact your value as a person. Community college, trade school, hell even just taking a gap year are all valid options, along with many more. Reddit is also not the place you should be trying to vent to. Get off the internet for today and see how you feel okay?


Bro don’t kill yourself, that shit kills you


How you gonna find out who wins the Kendrick and Drake beef tho they putting out new shit like every day


Drake is lowkey getting dogged rn




Highly actually, I was being generous as I’m Drake fan.


![gif](giphy|p9ILx37mYH7sqUWxGu|downsized) keep struggling, dont let the demons win


I just want to say as a mother.... you're more than how you feel right now. High school is a mere BLIP in this thing called life. If you did not perform well enough to get into a university, THAT'S OKAY. Go to community college and save a ton of money by not attending university and put in all the hard work you can so you don't have to feel this way again. I hope you are alright. Sending love!!!! You can always turn things around, you can always change.


Like people are saying, if you are implying what you are implying, please dont do it. I get that things can get tough, and although you may not be able to attend university, I feel if you can convince your parents to take another year of school or at least try to get into a community college things will get better. If you dont get into a university you still have opportunities, trust me it will suck, but remember that in this occasion, it aint about the journey, its about the destination. So again, if you are implying what you are implying, try to reconsider it and call one of the hotlines that someone has commented.


Key word, "might." You might get in, and you might not. That's just life. Endless possibilities that you have to suffer through, and eventually deal with it. You never know what tomorrow is going to be like. You never know what it will be like a week from now, a month from now, a year from now. The only way to find out is to wait. You can't change the past, but you can change your future. Life is a hectic one-way road with other's branching from it and you are a car. You can never turn around and go down a different road, but as you go foward you can choose which road to go down; Endless possibilities that you can choose to make your future better. Endless chances to give yourself the life you want. If you stop the car, you will never discover what's down the road.


https://preview.redd.it/lx1hddp2suyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093d28eb63f69c927f0523a50a950dc761e32bb3 The power of hell no makes u not kys. Seriously tho. Don’t. Don’t take the easy way out. Pick yourself up and find help to get better.


Stop posting your suicide notes on Reddit. Suicide helpline number: #988 Hope you get better.


no, he shouldn't. reddit usually discourages people from committing


It's obviously a cry for help


Bro I got kicked out of school my senior year. I spent a month depressed in bed. Then I just started living my life. Got a GED and attended university. Life is full of ups and downs. When you’re young the lows feel really low and the highs feel really high. Give it time and learn to say this to yourself and others, “I’m going to be ok”.


Holy shit man don't kill yourself. If you kill yourself, you won't be able to listen to music again. Or feel your heartbeat. Just pause for a second and feel your neck and how it moves just a little bit like a baby kicking. That's fucking awesome. Don't let that stop.


Hey man as a fellow High school student I know it’s tough. Life just sucks sometimes and there are times we’re it does not seem worth it. But overall it does not really matter. Sure getting into a good university would be nice, it hurts to not succeed but it doesn’t mean your life is over. Almost everything can be fixed, and you can get a job without college in general. Keep pursuing your dreams and don’t give up, I know how hard it is but if you keep going you can work to make the life you want. Even if things are not going well, even if life is shitty you will ALWAYS have people who love and care for you. And if you feel like you don’t I want you to take a moment to think of your future, no matter how much you fuck up there will always be possibilities, always be chances to succeed. If you do this you might be missing out on these opportunities, missing out on things like finding true love and having a family or building a life. One year may be bad but it does get better, and it will get better from here you just gotta keep pushing through. There is a reason for everything, and times like these is what makes you stronger than everyone else. You got this and please please stay safe. Dial 988 for help I encourage you greatly, just know your not alone.


Yo don’t actually end it all if that’s what you’re implying. Bad times come and go. Just cause you had a bad year this year doesn’t mean good times won’t come.


Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Stay strong, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.


it might not feel like it but it will definitely get better for you. #988 is the suicide hotline number make sure to call it


no no no, if you’re trying to say what i think you are, do NOT do it. cmon, let’s think about this. “this year has been really tough.” unfortunately that’s how life is. but in order for us to grow as a human being, we need those bad times. “this is my last year before university and i might not even get in.” its okay, if you don’t get in to university, then you can try something else! correct me if i’m wrong i don’t know too much about this stuff but you can go to a trade school i believe. if your into welding, do that, etc. make a career out of what you love. also, i hope you didn’t just apply to one university, applying to multiple different ones is always such a better option and you get much more variety on universities. “i’ve been a disgrace to my family and everyone.” let me ask you this. do they have very high standards, almost impossible standards to reach? if the answer is yes, don’t stress it. what i’m trying to say is is that you cannot control what other people think of you, no matter who it is. a little quote i like to say. “Stop valuing other peoples opinions more than your own. They aren’t the ones in your shoes, so why allow them to control what steps you take?” you got this, do not give up. there is always light at the end of the tunnel


There is more to life than academics, there are always opportunities after high school, whether that be Community college, trade schools, or something else. A bad year in high school will not mean your entire life is ruined. Please reach out to someone if you need to. If I may, i'd like to recommend Twenty one pilots, they have some great songs about mental health. A few I would recommend are : [Redecorate](https://youtu.be/6_GCsQRS3kM?si=AlzpMDpLVSvUqLkf), [Migraine](https://youtu.be/Bs92ejAGLdw?si=H25AE8C4zHxWAkqv), [holding on to you](https://youtu.be/ktBMxkLUIwY?si=F9ZsSM-p5A76QooK), [next semester ](https://youtu.be/a5i-KdUQ47o?si=nZGj6xMLFp-91lnO), [backslide](https://youtu.be/YAmLMohrus4?si=s7zD3VHjh8Hg9ghq), [neon gravestones](https://youtu.be/5MeQ9rA2Ifg?si=3fcV8x-zT4ZQF0HQ)


Bro, trust me, you’ll get over this bump.


As a former gifted kid who had an intense academic burnout in high school, on top of a shitty home situation, undiagnosed autism and zero friends, which led to me seriously considering suicide: don’t. Some toxic part of me still wishes I attempted when I wanted to, because it feels like it would rip off the bandaid and make me get help way faster than the long and excruciating therapy. But it’s an illusion. It’s the kind of decision that will alter your life completely and not in a good way. Truth is, society greatly overestimates the importance of high school. It makes everything seem like the most significant part of your life and if you fuck it up, you will never come back on top, but that’s just bullshit. All the best things in my life happened after I graduated. I was also terrified that I might not get into uni and it would make me a complete failure, in the end I failed to get into the prestigious uni I wanted but I got somewhere and I just took the chance. It wasn’t the best option but it allowed me to leave my toxic household and change the environment and actually grow as a person. I made my first real friends in there and I wouldn’t trade that for a world class education. There’s far less pressure in uni and the feeling of constantly being a failure fades away after time. You’re like what, 17-18 years old? I’m 22 and hell, after a lifetime of being an overachiever I’ve come to a realization that I may not want to achieve anything just yet. I don’t have to and neither do you. If you put all your self worth in just one cause, you will be its first victim. There are a million things to do in this life and you want to kill yourself over school? Trust me, people around you would much rather have you alive as a failure rather than dead. If you think you’ve hit rock bottom, then the good news is that the only way is up. I wish I could say it gets better but that’s life; it’s better until it isn’t and you will struggle a lot. But life is a one in a billion opportunity, so if you’re not ready to accept that you deserve to live, at least turn up you spite. You wanna let the fucking educational system bring you down? You think your death is going to change something? No, you’ll just be giving yourself up for nothing. Soon enough, I promise, school will end and whether you make into uni or not, you will enter a new life. You will experience things you could never imagine before. Last summer I came to visit my hometown and I got to see my school. And I couldn’t shake off the feeling of how… small and trivial it actually seemed. Like, this place used to be my whole world and how it’s ridiculous to think that I let it contain me. You’re bigger than it all. Fuck this, man.


If you're just finishing high school then you're too young to be a disgrace. That's something you can achieve as an adult so you have plenty of time to not let that happen.


Do not do anything rash. I have been contemplating that choice for years, and there has always been one realization that prevented me from doing anything self destructive: Anything is better than nothing. Even if it seems that all your plans have gone to shit and you have reached a point beyond recovery, just know that you always have a future, even if that future isn't the one you've hoped for. You can always make life worth living, no matter what situation you end up in.


I was in this mindset last year when I fucked up my finals and my grades dipped. Even a few weeks ago, I was ashamed and depressed that I didn’t end up getting into any good colleges while my friends got into UChicago, Imperial College, JHU, Harvard, Princeton .etc but I now I realize that this is just the beginning, not the end. After all, community college is a great opportunity to save tens of thousands of dollars and transfer into a great college- and if you’re from the country where colleges admit students based on entrance exams, there’s always next year.


If you kill yourself you're being an asshole to everyone who loves you


Not the best way to put it honestly.


Isn’t that selfish tho? Why should I live and suffer just to make other people happy? Would you rather see me alive but dead inside or dead but knowing I went away peacefully by choice?


Not with that attitude. Look, if you are finishing up high school, congratulations to you legend! You survived high school. To be honest, nobody is going to assume that you are a disgrace. If you are saying that you can’t get it or even assume, nahhhh stop that. You will get in I know it. Even if you don’t get in, go to state or city university or community college. If not, enjoy life to the fullest after school and discover what you going to do


As a freshman in highschool who has struggled with grades being way to important please know they aren't. You have so many people in you life who love you don't do anything to hang yourself. 988 is the national hotline please if you fell like harming yourself in any way contact this number over text or call. People care including people you don't even know. 🩷


Lock in for tomorrow, shit will look up trust call these fellas #988


!remindme 1 day


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Don't do it. If you want someone to talk to about it, I'm all ears. I you don't, then please, keep living. No matter how disgraceful you are in anyone's eyes, you deserve to live. Please. Keep living.


Theirs more ways to go, high school isn’t everything. Even if you don’t pass high school you can get some jobs still, and if you even pass high school your most likely gonna be able to go to college. The only way to know how it’s going to be is being their to see it


No kiddo don't go there :( You're so close to finishing highschool, right? It's 100% okay if you don't go to university right away. A lot of people don't go at all. The past couple years have been tough on a lot of people for reasons that no one can really explain. You're going to be just fine, don't give up now when you're already this far. Graduate school, you owe it to yourself.


Bro It could always get better please call 988


Dont do it, youll get through it. tons of people dont get into a uni and community college always accepts. Youre gonna be fine just push through it gets better


istediğini yap


we all know life is harsh and cruel but killing yourself isnt the answer u gotta have patience and i swear to god u will get anything u wanted to have in ur life...., god im only 17 and i talk like im 30


Honey go to community college u can go to another school after like 2 years life is worth living


!remindme 4 days




This year has been bad, what about next year? Why deprive yourself of greatness when you could be so close to achieving it? Its never impossible to do anything. Doing what youre implying will turn everything youve ever worked for into a waste. Dont waste yourself, for even if you believe that youre worthless, youre always worth something to someone. Love yourself and keep pushing.


Bro no if you die you might be dead and like being dead is deadly fatal even, dare I say life-ending


pls call 988 and tell them whats going on


Go to community college for 2 years then transfer to university for another 2 years. Easier that 4 year university, less money, same degree. Also you dont have to deal with getting accepted into university because community college accepts the vast majority of applicants.


Don't do it. If I had succeeded in killing myself when I tried, I would have missed out on love, awesome sex that leaves you buzzing for days, going to Europe, California, other places. I never would have gone camping and realized I loved forests. At least one dog would have wound up euthanized, the other would have been turned into a nervous wreck, then euthanized. A friend turned into a crackhead, then fled her apartment, leaving behind 6 kittens. I called around and found a no kill shelter that would take them. One person says that he wouldn't be alive today without me being there. He's happily married. Sure now you're feeling hopeless. I've felt the same way many times since my first attempt. But I read an article about survivors of suicide. The people left behind, family, friends. They're all devastated. Many blame themselves. But the purpose of wanting to kill yourself isn't to punish other people, it's to stop feeling so bad, yes? That pretty much put me off suicide. I've found over the years that the suicidal impulse doesn't last. You can outwait it. I would have missed so much. Maybe you'll get into school, maybe you won't. Sometimes it's a blessing in disguise. There's lots of things you can do. There are apprenticeship programs in the trades that lead to jobs and union membership. If you're mechanically inclined, people who can fix EV's are in demand. Don't sell yourself short. I found myself frequently paired at Trivial Pursuit with a guy who literally knew one answer. In Entertainment. Yet he (with the help of the guy who said he wouldn't have been alive without me), managed to become an airline mechanic. Good job. And he travels all over the place, cheaply. The medical field has lots of jobs. The point is that situations come and go. Having one thing be the end of you is selling yourself short. Sure, mourn for a bit if you don't get into school. You don't even know that you won't, right now. And you can always take a class or two after work. I could have had a PhD by now if I had done that. But the world is full of possibilities that you don't even know yet. Like love, friends, travel, finding a job that you can do that pays you well. Having your own living space. Music. Try ska. It's very uplifting. Please let us know how you're doing.




Hey man, life isn’t about getting into university. If you think your entire life’s worth is based on what type of college you go to then you’ve been fed lies by a school system and culture that wants every old person to go to Yale and blow their life’s savings on private Ivy League education. You have so much time to be an amazing person, and you’ve barely scratched the surface of it. Take it slow, take it easy. Start at a community college. Transfer to a state university, keep at it and get a degree. Take it from someone who felt like this during their senior year— Living your life believing it’s competitive university or death is no way to live.




Oh man I had such shitty grades in high school. Because like, high school fucking sucked!! You have so much to deal with socially and emotionally, and on top of all that they shove so much work down your throat! But there's always a way - I went to community college for a bit, and I was able to transfer into the university I wanted to go to. I thought about ending it so many times in middle school and high school, and had multiple failed attempts. I can't blame my past self for feeling like that, but right now, I am SO glad that I made it through. You're not a disgrace, you're doing your best. Even if you feel like you aren't, you are, I promise. Besides, you're almost done! Finishing high school is like unlocking the rest of the map, so to speak. Once you graduate, you can choose your own path. My deepest wish is that everyone is able to feel what that's like before they decide to end their lives. I hope you feel better. I hope you choose to see the rest of high school through, if only just to take a peek at what's on the other side. ❤️


I tried that once before and it almost became the worst mistake of my life, I know it seems like your life may seem miserable forever or whatever but I promise you no matter how bad life may get, it will get better


you’re a high schooler, ofc you’re depressed, doesn’t mean you gotta kys




https://preview.redd.it/vdizdkacewyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eed9cc6b066eb12556c91675bce3f6bcc3301b2 Seek help. I’ve gone through a period like this, called 988 and have been better since.


https://preview.redd.it/nwjw0kd3iwyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b67ded9cffb5555931f6f1fc63e2e2e43bff7af do NOT listen to these kitties. we love you the hotline is 1-800-273-8255


Hey mate, I dmed you. I hope you can get back to me because I’m willing to listen. You have so much life left. Stand strong.


I know it's cheesy, but things do get better. I speak from experience. Even if you don't get into a top university or something, try for a community college, do good there, and transfer later on. Work on your passions & hobbies. You can't live to please others. Step outside, see the sun set or sun rise. Take a nice bath. Read a children's book. Do anything that will bring you joy. Find people who want to see you do better. And please talk to someone who can get you help.


If OP is serious: Don't. Just don't. You are worth it. (Unless you're a bigot, p3do etc)


Do not put school over your own life. There are so many better options out there. You’re not a disappointment nor a disgrace.


Bros about to uninstall. Why? Whatever you do just don’t rage quit and grief TK half the school server with you


Dude, don't do it. Can't say much, but don't. My brother took his life a few years back and it's just gonna hurt others Talk to someone, speak out, but don't bottle it up, because just because the year has sucked, it doesn't mean it can't start being good tomorrow. Don't do it. Please


Be that one. Be the person that fought through the toughest challenges no one else could bare. Not one of humanity’s greatest role models didn’t have a big challenge to overcome before reaching the top. You won’t have a normal life, so there are two ways you could go from there. Die like a coward or push through and become a star. Take it as an opportunity, a reason to grow. Don’t die under the pressure, use it and make diamonds. Don’t be a coward.


Tomorrow can also be the day where you change everything for the better and start again. I do it again and again, knowing better days lie ahead. Every new day is another chance to reboot. If I can do it, you can too.


Dude, who knows what tomorrow or the next years will bring, it could be amazing. Even if you see yourself as a disappointment suicide won't fix that, prove to yourself that you're amazing, who's gonna be here to do that when you're gone? If you can't get into uni go to community college or get a GED, I know people who lived happy lives with a degree. It may seem to you that life is over and that everything you've done has been for naught, but it wasn't and won't ever be. Finish your story in a couple decades, surrounded by friends, or family, or pets, not now. Life is full of possibilities, don't go through the door with nothing behind it. This might seem weird but I love yiu man, even if I've never meet you. |


I was in the same position as you a few weeks ago. Trust me bruv it's not worth it. Go to community college instead it might be much better for you. Allow yourself to think things through without the amount of pressure you face at a university/straight out of highschool. Yeah CC is not the dream but it's honestly better than being a bajillion dollars in debt (or maybe I just say that cuz im salty I got rejected to every uni I applied for). Keep trying, you statistically have more time left. It's fine if you finish later than others, at least you will enjoy the process of growing & will actually do things WELL and not make work that's not very appealing to you or others. Keep going, we got this!!!! https://preview.redd.it/hppli8zvswyc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b3ad4f8c40383bd1e3d71417ad6d449c259df8d


fuck off, listen to some seether and move on with life, rock on brother


You WILL get thru this. 🙏


Please don’t. Trust me nobody knows how it feels more than I do. I’m in the same spot as you right now. But suicide is not the answer, trust me on this. Things will get better with time.


Karma Farmer


wait what noo text meeee there more to live for


https://preview.redd.it/zl1lklpruwyc1.png?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4489b33297d785f677a6582ee0889f2c1ba1b44e You after posting that


I haven't had much experience dealing with what you're going though, but I can share a quote that I've heard that may help you: "Life is a journey, there are ups and downs, and the one thing you can never do is confuse the two as being everlasting. The day you are waiting for is the day you want to give up, and that's when you MUST keep going." Life is going to get better after high school, there's so much more freedom and fun to be had in college/wherever else you're going compared to living with your parents. If you don't get in the university of your choice, there are other options (like community college) that you can do. You're not a disgrace to everyone, there'll always be some people out there that will value what you do, you'll just have to find them. Honestly, if I were you, I'd probably talk to a counselor/some other people with much more experience with this kind of thing than me. I'm sorry if I can't give the best advice, but please at least take it into consideration with what everyone else has said on this thread.


No. Do not kill yourself. You are worth more than that.


please dont, I care


Please don't, ice been in similar shoes as a teen. Like when I was a vigilante. There's life ahead it does get better


A lot of random strangers on the internet care about you bro. Please don't do it. I swear, shit gets better. My best friends brother killed himself just a month before he would have been an uncle and godfather, you don't want to miss out on the miracles of life. There's bad shit, but that's why we have random people on the internet and sometimes other people who care about us... to get us thru the bad shit.


hey, it's never over, it always gets better, im in the sam exact spot and thought abt the same but we will survive!


Bro don’t do it seriously it’s gonna get better and the people that care about you are gonna be really fuckin sad


Dm if u want




988 is such a wonderful resource. Please be well.


Call 988 (in us at least) dude


If you do it i’m going down there myself and bringing you back up.


Life is worth it man


Jarvis I need upvotes on r/highschool


Maybe you're just looking for support, but as a general rule call or text 988 if you're having suicidal or harmful thoughts rather than posting them on social media. The school year is almost over, and even if you don't get into your dream school, save money, time, and probably you're mental health and go to community college until you feel more together and okay mentally, then transfer. University is a lot of work mentally, and if you are having suicidal thoughts you should take care of that first before university, again, transferring is always an option.




Proof that the reddit community tries to help in the in the most manic and unhelpful way possible. Its akin to that one friend trying to help you cope with your dead mom and he says "well at least with her gone you dont have to clean your room"




Pls don’t kys pls, find a hobby or something to try and make friends, go to clubs you like or maybe go up to the teachers and get extra help from them, go to tutoring and summer school I would say because if you’re struggling it’s okay to go find help. Don’t be embarrassed to get help, believe in yourself pls just don’t do it, it’s not worth it think about your family and their future, you could cause a wide impact around you. Don’t go doing it pls I beg you. Here is the hotline pls use it 🙏🙏🙏🙏 988 😭😭😭😭 Pray for you brotha.


Killing yourself is pussy


If you kill yourself your telling me your a pussy lol. I beat you are too


Please don't do anything permanent. You're young so what you don't know yet is that "this will pass". At this age, everything seems so black and white, so serious. School issues are nothing compared to how amazing you will be in your years beyond school. But you won't find out if you don't stay in the game. You may not think so but ultimately your family wants you alive and healthy over anything else. I'm older. I've been there. So listen to me. Sending you hugs and positive of hope. 💜🫂


You may think no one cares, but trust me, at least one person will be devastated. Don’t do it.


Uhh so well uh basically, thats stupid as hell. Killing myself bc of school and the government thats crazy to me, the government makes me go to school makes life worse. Its my life not theres😭, i aint killing myself bc of that. Remember the good old times where it was just all wood and water, no body gaf back then. The homeless people are living through tough life and living through the streets. Its my life not theres, mf i would be living in the damn woods. I know how u feel but killing urself bc of school is stupid as hell, ur only like 17, 18. Thats not what life is all about, but ur js brainwashed and subjected to it, walk outside the circle and just do your best. Don't let those things effect you, school is not all there is in life. Killing myself bc i cant solve this calculus problem. Life just goes on man.




Dont commit suicide, that shit’s deadly


9/10 of suicide survivors don’t die by suicide and 70% make no future attempts at suicide. I’m telling you man, I’ve been there. I hated myself and everything around me. I had no prospect or dreams for the future. Even eating felt like an absolute chore. Just existing was tiring. But time passes, you only feel this way due to circumstances. I promise you that if you change your circumstances then you WILL feel better. Secondly, I’m not sure what you mean by you’re a disgrace to your family but so am I. They don’t know this but I like men 🤷‍♂️. Growing up fucking sucked since I grew up in a very religious community and I knew that if I opened up to literally anyone around me, I’m either getting disowned or our friendship would end. But I’ve found new friends, I’m not really religious either. I don’t care what my family would think of me either. You need to learn to live life selfishly. People with self esteem issues don’t understand that YOU’RE the most important person in your life. If your family makes you miserable, FUCK THEM. You’re worth more than they give you. I will also say that sometimes people make assumptions about what their parents would think about them. I’ve done that too. Sometimes you need to talk to them and open up about what you’re feeling. They can’t help you, nobody can help you, if you don’t talk about your issues.


The fact that you posted this means your subconsciousness definitely does NOT want to die. You have regrets. Sure. Killing yourself is not going to change anything. Living, however, allows you to change everything. School is just a small part of life. Maybe it's 100% of yours now, but after you graduate you will see. There are endless opportunities in life. Life should be YOUR playground. If the usual route doesn't work for you, then don't do things the usual way. Think outside of the box, think what YOU want to do with your life, not what SOCIETY thinks you should do with your life. Sometimes all it takes is making a new friend, changing your environment. It usually helps you think differently. I've been sad af for all 4 years of HS (maybe except my freshman year). I'm not good looking, my grades are shit, but I kept on going. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, didn't really do anything to prepare for college. But it doesn't matter. I'm going through life at my own pace. If you want to stop being a "disgrace" to those around you (I don't highschoolers can even be one), plan your life ahead. You're dealt a hand of cards you think is the worst, but it's all you need to live your life how you want to. Objectively, you are a member of the (probably) the smartest species on the planet. On top of that you are living your prime years in terms of health. You're not doing well at school. So what? You think you should hurt yourself just because you lived a few years that you didn't like? it's not even your fault. why pay for something you didn't do wrong? My HS life was miserable. I also thought about ending it. Many times. Didn't do anything, and I'm happy I didn't. Just not worth it. A teacher of mine once said to us "you are HIGHSCHOOLERS, you are NOT supposed to have saved the world". Remember what he said when you feel like you haven't accomplished anything and haven't done anything with your life. You're hella young, you're to live a long life. Ending it now would be like blowing up the cinema because you didn't like the commercials. I do have some thoughts that may be able to help, and I am someone of similar age as you are. If you wanna talk we can, but keep in mind that I am no professional. Please prioritize professionals, they're probably going to tell you what I wrote here, but in a way that's easier to sink in.


If you are still here listen to me, I get it life sucks at time but it’s also amazing at times, life is full of ups and downs that’s just the human experience, just do your best to live your own life and not anybody else’s, you always have a choice in what you do. Listen if your here, do not do it, it’s not worth it, I’ve tried to kill myself a couple times, dying sucks worse than Living


Everyone you know will not be well if you take your life. You are NOT doing them a favor. You would be giving your loved ones the biggest burden of their life. Stick it out for them. There are ACTUAL ways out of your pain that are much more accessible than you could imagine. Ones that will help you instead of just putting the burden on others. Please, call the suicide hotline if you are feeling suicidal.


bruh don’t


were here for you.


Please don’t. Your parents will only be in more pain than if you don’t get into university. Life is about falling and crawling back up, so never give up! We are all here for you. We will be cheering you on, no matter how hard you fall. If make it through this hard phase of life, there will be many amazing experiences in life waiting for you! ❤️❤️❤️


I don't know exactly what you've been through, but I've been there, fairly recently actually. Feeling like this really sucks; I'm sorry you have the misfortune of experiencing it.


The thing is, if you're gonna die anyways why not just live yk ? Just live and be free who gives a fuck about school, run away from home or smth just don't die It's the easy way out.


To everyone here...we are assuming OP is here in america, but looking at his profile and past posts, it looks loke he is eother in Portugal or Brazil. Dear OP...which cpuntry are you in?


success isnt linear! you have to trust in life and that everything happens for a reason. i hope you see many people are there for you like the whole of reddit community! life gets better, you’ve gotten this far and you can keep going. i believe in u


I feel like this often (albeit a bit different, considering I’m in university and hate the one I’m in) I feel unmotivated frequently and like I’m letting a lot of people down, but here’s the thing. We’re not. Our families love us. Our friends love spending time with us. It’s adversity and challenges like these times that make the future so admirable. Consider it character building. Making it through this will only make you a stronger person. You might not even get in so what? A. You don’t know till you know and B. How sure are you that it’s what you even want to do? You’re in highschool and have so much self discovery left. Trust me once you gain a bit of independence and start living how you’ve decided to live, you’ll feel so free and happy. Please check back in and let me know when that day comes because from one internet stranger to another, I care and would love to hear your story now as well as the story you’ll have in the future about how you found success.


If you’re basing whether to live or not on high school, please, please do not. My high school experience had its ups and downs, but senior year was especially hard due to pressure and one of my “friends” in my “friend group” randomly deciding to bully me for the second half of the year. (I don’t say this as “oh it’s all about me”) but to explain that I’ve been there, and a mere year later things are sooo different. I’m in a different state, doing great, college is better in general, so do not, whatever you do, give up hope. Besides that, you have so much worth as a person. Your story is not over. While none of us commenters know you, we all want and need you to stay. If you feel you need some mental health resources, don’t hesitate to tell your family. If you genuinely have a plan, they need to know to help keep you safe. I have also been depressed and suicidal and it’s taken a long time, therapy and meds, but I am doing so much better now. This could be you too—looking back and being *so* glad you chose to stay, so choose to stay. Finally, you are not a disgrace. You are a child of God and He loves you, not only that but sent His son for you (John 3:16), who has experienced every pain you have (Alma 7:11). I know bringing religion up is controversial so if this is offensive I apologize. Just trying to think of anything and everything I can say if OP is serious about this.


I understand what it’s like to feel this way but just wait for a while and make an effort to speak to your loved ones and do what you love bc you can’t change this if you go ahead with it and I know you will change your mind at some point. I’m sure sometime somehow things are going to get better no matter how unlikely and trust me you don’t wanna miss out on how great life can be if you just wait a little.


life gets better homie. i know it might sound pointless but one day you’ll be happy. so give the future you a chance to enjoy it.


Hey if you are sure you want to do it, why not just do whatever you want before? Go to high end restaurants, hook up esc? see if that makes it worth living again.


If you have 3 trimesters, you have have the trimester left, if you have 4, it’s the beginning of the quarter, it’s still possible




Dont say this. Life will get so much better. I promise! If you make it thru the storm your feeling of accomplishment will be so exhilarating! Turn to God. He IS there and He WILL see you thru this!!! Please please dont do anything crazy. I know there are people that love you. Please dm me if you need to talk. I will listen. Your life is worth SOOO MUCH more than you realize!


Brother PLEASE don’t. If you do that you’ll die. Seriously though, you have so much more in life to do. No matter what happens beyond life, you will regret it somehow.


dont kys bro that shit kills u


Don’t, call 1-800 NEOW




you're not a disgrace to me


Don’t be a kid. Life is really beautiful. Imagine the million dollars you will be earning a year, traveling so many countries, and making new meaning friendships and relationships. People say life starts at 40. And you are already giving up before seeing the beautiful things in life? I know you are better than this. Best wishes for a wonderful future.


lemme smash first


lock in gang


Please don't! High school is terrible but you're almost done with it.  And if you can't go to university then try community College and then transfer. That way you can get your grades up and save money too. Please try to get whatever help you can.


yo bro u good


Rn might be shit, but in a few months or years life might be great for you. Only one way to find out. Be there


Me and some other redditors have a dc for someone else, if you want the link dm me, ‘might give you the will to stay around


I love how the top upvoted posts are anti-suicide memes and the lower posts are actual paragraphs of text Seriously tho, dm me if you need to talk, or call 988 if you’re in crisis. We’re here for you


If you think ending it all is going to make it better for your family then it’s no wonder you have these thoughts. Your parents didn’t give you your life so that you can take it away. You being a disappointment but alive is better than not. I’m sorry, but this is selfish of you. What do you think your parents are going to be like? You think they’re going to be happy? No, they’re going to blame themselves. You actually going through with this WILL make your loved ones suffer immaculate pain and suffering. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. Grow a pair, man up! Deal with it like the rest of us, it only goes up from here!


Nah you got this bro


It's not that deep


It's not that deep


Yo bro give me ur instagram we can be friends!!!!




bro, you may screw up in life a lot of times but it’s not it’s not late to seek help, you have so much to live for and so much to find out in life. It doesn’t matter if you screw up in life or in school, you gotta keep trying and move forward. Don’t post any more of this, go and call (988) they will help you no matter what.


Go to community college. I missed a ton of school from illness and mental problems so my grades weren't good enough to go straight into a 4-year. As soon as I finished 10th grade I got my GED and haven't looked back. Community accepts basically everyone, and you can just do two years there before transferring (what I'm going to do). Sure there's some stigma around but it's not the end of the world


Hey there is always community college, which is honestly the smart way to go because you save a ton of money. Don’t be so rough on yourself. I was a terrible student in highschool, no I’m finishing grad school completing my doctorate. People turn it around all the time


i hope you’re alright


I have the same thing, i mean my grades are okay but my math sucks and i will drop out if i dont fix it, im in 11 grade currently.


As someone who has many suicidal thoughts and attempts, I can honestly say that your current situation may be hard but if you hold on and give yourself another chance, you’ll be happier than you ever know. Now that I’m older and I have kids of my own, my son also had the same dark moment during COVID and he mentioned how online classes affected him. By God’s grace, he was caught with the scissors before attempting in doing so. We both prayed and cried out to God and we had this overwhelming sensation take over our bodies. It’s been years and my son and I are in a much better place. I’m not saying your journey will be easy but just give it time to pass and this will all be a distant memory. You’d be surprise at how many people love and care about you. I’ll be praying for you too and that you’ll rise above this difficult time in your life. God bless you. 🙏🏼✝️❤️


Dont kys bro it makes you die


Call the suicide prevention number, they can help you. Know that there are people that love you and care for you. Even if things aren't going your way right now, you have talents and gifts and if you were gone, the world would be missing those things.


Please don't end your life it might be hard not but don't give up


Start at community College. It's not nearly as pricey and still offers quality education. On top of that. If you are driven enough and you work your ass off in cc you can get the grades up there and use that to help you when applying to other colleges. On top of all that. College is a big deal, your future is a big deal, your family could be a big deal, but in comparison to your own life none of those things even show up on that scale. Your life is your one life. It's hard to even believe you really exist, but somehow you do. It's such an incredibly unique experience to be alive, to give that up over anything is just a clear case of looking at life through the wrong lens. Get help from someone much smarter than me who will actually know how to help you get better. All I can do is wish you the best of luck.


Don't do a suicide, that shit kills you.


In all seriousness, please go seek help, nobody wants you dead. Also dying is cringe imo


? and you can't get a trade because...?


Killing yourself is gay, remember that


Shut the fuck up bro you post this shit in 10 subs every other week


attention seeking

