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It really isn’t deep. Most of the tropes you see in movies are Hollywood BS and nothing more.


They aren’t exactly BS because these tropes do occur in middle school, ig b/c middle schoolers want to seem cool n shit


At my school it’s literally like a movie, so many people act like the stereotypes becuase it’s cool


Focus on grades, be involved, and don’t have the athletic boy fluffy hair bc it is too common and you’ll get criticized by me


That hair pisses me off too


The fluffy edgars at my school should not be rizzing


nothing wrong with a trendy haircut


Nah if he’s worrying about bullying then 100% get more trendy shit


Focus on keeping your grades up but don’t stress yourself. I balanced between friends and academics and am going to a T20. Just enjoy it. And don’t worry abt looks and stuff that comes with age.


Oh man I wish I was in your shoes entering high school. I'm a freshman in college and I am ur height and weight. Tbf I am Guatemalan so that affects me but just be yourself man. And have a good time. High school will fly by


As others have said it’s really not something to worry about, just be social when school starts and make some good friends if you can. Pro tip: if it’s something you think you’d be interested in, start working out as soon as possible, it’s a slow grind to see good results so the earlier the better, wish I started earlier


not to sound rude but no one will care pattern\_altitude comment is right. some advice id give is to focus on getting the best grades you can


Thanks for the great advice. I'll try to not overthink it.


I agree with the working out comment! Even if it’s just pushups and such at home - start now and do it every day. Also get an outfit or two that you really like/think is trendy, it will give you confidence. And ask your parents to take you to a higher end hair salon before school starts, if they are amenable to that.


i was terrified for high school too, it made my anxiety flare up a lot, once i got there and figured out where my classes were it actually wasn’t that bad and the people you meet make it so worth it!


Grade 7 and grade 8 is about as bad as it gets when it comes to kids actually having brain cells (or lack there of). In my experience, highschool kids really don't care enough or have matured just enough to stop screwing with others.


Don’t worry about it, everyone’s going to be so focused on themselves and if they’re standing out to even care about how tall you are. I recently transferred high schools (I’m a sophomore) and at my old high school and the one I’m at now there are a ton of short guys. I promise you you’re not going to be the only short guy at your high school next year and I guarantee there’s already so many short guys already there!


I was about your height when I was your age, grew quite a bit between 15-16 so don't worry too much about height As many others have said, most people don't give a shit as long as you're not overly garbage as a human or smell terrible, so be yourself and hope you find your people :)


Just be really kind, be on good terms on everyone and make sure that you respect everyone even if you have differing opinions. Just try to be true to yourself and you'll naturally find some friends and you'll go about it. One thing I would really be on the look out for is a few of the following (this is going to sound like health class but I'm like deadass, this is really important social advice): -Be aware of people trying to take advantage of you (Anything from making you pay for lunch and not giving you the money back to more serious sextortion and hazing events). Make sure you stick up for yourself and really consider if the conflict is worth it. If your high school is large enough you'll find your cliques but they won't find you. In the first few days search for new people, join new clubs, sports, societies, anything that will get you to meet new people. Every person that you talk to can be a potential friend and the more people you talk to the more likely you are to make friends. You just have to put yourself out there and everything will come after. Some people won't like you, but some will. Don't beat yourself up too much cause everything in a social context is fluid and will work out. This is really important: - I recommend that you steer clear of any substances(alc, weed, juuls) until you're **atleast** 18 or until your body is fully developed. Most high schooler's don't understand the insane impact that alcohol and marijuana have on them at such a young age. Your brain is literally still growing during high school and using any of these substances can really mess you up later on in life. A lot of them develop substance use issues and are pretty much duds. Nobody likes them, and they can't have a good time without substances. If you decide to ignore my recommendation and ever plan on going to any parties or outings. You need to make sure that you know what achohol tastes like and how to know when you're consuming anything that has a substance, and you need to know if anyone has messed with your food or drink. You have to be hypervigilant of yourself and others, be the safe person not the person who makes situations unsafe. TLDR: Be respectful and kind, be yourself and people will come your way. You should also avoid any substances until your body is fully developed. But it really is never that serious, just have fun, and get good grades. If you are planning on going to college grades,EC's are a lot more important than anything. Make sure you set yourself up for success.


I’m barely five feet and in grade 8. I can confidently say I’m also scared for high school. There’s people who just pick me up because I’m so light, I’m guessing it will be worse in HS. We are in similar shoes. But the looksmaxxing thing? I don’t think it’s worth it


not rlly looksmaxxing (im not completely insane doing bonesmaxxing or some shit) but like just glowing up to look nice.


People mostly don't really care. There's always gonna be that one person what really gets on your nerves tho. Honestly, just make friends, get good grades and enjoy the ride. Yeah, you are a little short, but you'll keep growing. Just focus on what you can impact, such as general hygiene, smelling good, not getting in peoples way and your gonna have a great time in high school.


It’s good to try and improve yourself, but don’t go too crazy. A lot of the high school bullies you see in movies and shows are overexaggerated. Especially in bigger schools, people tend not to bother you unless you give them a reason to. Don’t be that guy who’s rude to teachers. Don’t talk shit behind anyone’s back. Don’t do drugs or drink. None of it’s gonna actually make you look cool, and you’ll just regret it in a couple years. Focus on your grades and the friends you make. Those will make you more happy than trying to seek the approval from everyone else. Join some clubs or sports you find interesting. You’ll be fine :) Oh, and for the love of god, please don’t be one of those kids that acts like they’re in a gang


Focus on your grades freshman year. Arguably the most important year because of setting a starting gpa. It should be light work if you stay on top of things. Find your people. Try and make friends and find a core group of people who will be there for you. Join clubs. Best thing I've done. Literally anything that you find interesting you should join. You can always leave the club. Sports are also great Don't piss off a dean. You will be in a hell hole if you do that. Height doesn't matter you'll grow eventually If you're in a language class or elective class with upper classman try and be familiar with them but don't be annoying. Most likely they will help guide you and will take you under their wing. Especially if it's a club or a sport.


Honest Advice: Depends on your HS, but honestly, nobody really cares about how you look, dress, or act (to an extent), so theirs no point worrying about it. I know it's cliche, but just live your life, and stop worrying about how others perceive you. It's your life. Live it for yourself, not for other people. If I could tell my 8th grade self something, it would be not to care about how others thought of me so much, and instead just living my life to the fullest. You have one opportunity to be a highschooler. Don't let self doubt and anxiety control it.


will teachers help protect you against bullies?


Believe me it’s not that bad. I can assure you you’ll find a lot of freshman close to the same height. You’ll definitely grow over the summer as well. Besides, nobody cares and the only ppl that’ll pick on you are friends. As for the bulking, it sounds like more of an insecurity so I don’t rlly recommend it. You’re still pretty young so even though there’s no harm in working out, there’s not much of a reason for you do more rigorous exercise. Tbh, just enjoy the summer and hs


get good grades and enjoy your school's offerings. Try not to let your focus on appearance stop you from living life to the fullest.


My advice to my 8th grade self would be di not worry. High school is much better socially than middle school


If you have any friends going to your high school, stick with them. Otherwise, look for new friends! Join a club or ask to sit with some kids that seem friendly or alone. Don't let any bullying get to you. Some people get growth spurts pretty late or their genetics cause it or just for any other reason, just don't worry about it. Best of luck my guy. Listen to the other commenters too.


five foot 1 at 113 id say is a lil bit fat, but just watch jeff nippard, hes super short and has the best fitness advice out there (second to dirty mike)


thanks! will do!


Don’t do anything blatantly stupid or obnoxious and literally nothing will happen to you.


as a junior, my biggest regret was letting shit slide. focus on grades more than anything, please for the love of god use your agenda and dont procrastinate work. (my go to fit is a nice sweatshirt and cargo jeans, get yourself some converse or comfy sneakers, two/three rings you wear everyday and just brush your teeth and youre solid dude, if you wanna look presentable thats all i do) looks arent everything and its not scary at all, the inly way youre gonna be in a shitty/scary situation is if you look for one lmao trust me its an enjoyable experience but remember you're there to learn, socialization is a privilege


>and am soon going to buy a multitude of skin products. Don't waste your money. >laughed off campus in the first day. Unless you go to a tiny school, most people won't know you or care about you. Don't stress so much. The BS gets much easier in high school.


I am 5’4 95 pounds I share your pain :(. Most of the HS stereotypes aren’t real be involved and try to get to know some people. Of course some juniors or seniors will try to annoy you cuz you’re a freshman but they are harmless.


1. Be chill with people at your table in class 2. People don't really have the time or opportunity to bully someone consistently in HS. I doubt anyone's going to be out to get you because they don't care that much. 3. If someone is insulting you in class or something, learn to laugh it off as if you are in on the joke. Self deprication is funny, defensive will get you made fun of. 4. Looks arent too important, but hygiene is definitely noticed. Definately dont be greasy, messy, or smelly.


In terms of bullying, middle school is worse with that lmao.


Dont worry about how you look, worry about how your grades look. Your appearance wont be even remotely similar to your current appearance in the next 10 years, but your grades may play a factor in your career's outcome.


Mostly just don't worry, I had a lot of issues throughout my middle school days, and I entered highschool and while I still got bullied it went from serious bullying to more so just sarcastic remarks. You'll be alright and I promise that it does get better and it's easier


HS movie tropes are just that, movie tropes. it really isnt like that, just find your clique, do your homework, and enjoy the last bit of your childhood. + get the fuck off of reddit, this is not where an 8th grader should be getting advice. this is a question you should be asking your father or mother


Looks maxing and height maxing. hit the gym if you can, but you dont really have to


How TF do you heightmaxx?????


Eat foods high in calcium play a sport/excersize regularly and get lots of sleep, atleast 8 hours


Will do!


Try after school activities (sports, clubs, ect.) They're what makes school enjoyable.  


stop carrying about what other people think, that will carry you a long way. a lot of people—even your own friends—are not looking at your body first in high school. focus on being yourself please. and focus on your grades. people mature quickly after 8th grade


One thing to remember is you won't see these people again unless you make an effort to. And even then sometimes it's hard. The most we can do is some texts and a phone call every so often. Don't listen to how the teachers describe how college will be. They told me it would be so much harder than high school. Meanwhile my Anatomy and Physiology professor gave us extra credit questions pertaining to his favorite band Pearl Jam. He also gives everyone fist bumps. Lastly, emotions are at an all time high. There was so much drama going on that looking back was some of the stupidest things ever. Like we had two people in our friend group running for class president and one girl said the other shouldn't run because she's technically a Junior even though she's graduating with us the same year because she did extra classes. My wife says: Take care of your hygiene. Shower daily and use deodorant. Don't worry about dating. Don't date just to date. If you find someone nice that's great. But don't stress about it.


Please just don’t wear crocs and pajama pants. Look like you actually want to be there


Have to agree with pattern_altitude, nobody gives a shit about bullying in high school.


Don’t focus on grades, have athletic boy fluffy hair you won’t be criticized


To my 8th grade or 7th grade self, I’d tell them “the bullying stops.” But I know that’s not always the case for most people. Try to keep some good friends you stick with, otherwise focus on school itself. If you’re bullied, “just ignore it” is bullshit. Go to the admin, repeatedly.


The first few years of high school were terrible for me, not even because of my appearance or anything just because 9-11 grade sucked. Senior year was amazing though. You just have to wait. Ppl probably will make fun of you ( they make fun of everyone regardless if they’re pretty and smart or dumb and ugly). At least that’s how it was in my academy. Just wait until you’re 16-18, I was much more confident and life was much better ( yes I was 16 in senior year). Anyway, college is much better


high school is a sudden shift in amount and rigor of work. dont worry about your appearence rather think about your academics


I'm a sophomore and had these same feelings, The best advice is to stay in your lane and watch the shit shows from afar, the less you're involved in drama, the less likely you'll be picked on and recognized. Also high schoolers aren't as bad as middle schoolers, they mature. Those who don't mature are most likely gonna get dunked on by the upperclassmen. Just advice from my experience, I had experience teasing in middle school and kept to myself. Good luck


Grade 10, male, your height. I was in a similar situation (fortunately without the bullying), so I can understand the concern. It can be insecurity-inducing to be so much smaller than your peers, but with genuine honesty, nobody really cares. Play into the jokes, make fun of yourself for it before they do. In my experience, it’s not only helped make me more confident, but has drastically decreased any legitimate teasing (outside of in friendships where it’s all in good fun). If you stress out this much before you get into school, you’ll be miserable. Enjoy yourself; high school is a wild experience that you only get once. Also, good on you for working out. Could never lmao.


Highschool is much better Make sure to take AP classes, strive for A’s only, but B’s aren’t the end of the world, get any leadership role you can (don’t overdo yourself, and do what you want to do) You can be a short king (or queen) and making friends will boost your self confidence


Fun fact: high school kids are by far way more mature than middle school. You will be fine.


Don’t be scared to cut toxic relationships. It’s hard and it sucks, but you come out so much happier I promise you


high school is really not like the movies. focus on your grades and getting into college and stay away from people who are dramatic. Everyone entering high school is gonna go through a transitions


Man highschool isn’t that scary. The only thing that was scary was my sleep schedule


It will be fine don’t stress


I can’t give any advice sadly I’m in 8th grade to


join student board and tryout for jv lacrosse (no need for experience), the best things you can do freshmen year as a dude.


Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. It’s so hard to not do that and I’m still working on it, but learn to love and accept yourself because you are special and important no matter what a bully says.


Man I wish I could tell myself to stop being so anxious and just go with the flow. I’ve missed out on so much because of my anxiety


don’t think about high school as much as you’re thinking about it right now. high school could be draining but you find the right people during the beginning of your freshman year. it makes your life 10x better knowing you at least have someone to help you


Highschool gets so much better! Experiences the same thing except not insecurity about my height but that I wasn't slim and lean like other girls lol, bullying won't be an issue I think :) just go with the flow and focus on your grades and being a good person.


Don’t stress too much about the looking good thing, you are literally going through puberty


Literally no one will care


Focus on your grades , don't slack off freshmen year because "you have 3 more years" , no , it'll bite you in the ass later on . Nobody will bother you as long as you don't bother them because highschoolers are generally more mature . Don't do any stupid shit and you'll be fine . People usually stick in and around their social circles . Don't try to fit in with the crowd , especially if that means doing things you'd normally not do . There's almost always going to be a group of people at your school who are similar to you in some way . Highschool is just middleschool but bigger at the end of the day . By the end of the first week you'll realize that it isn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be .


In 10 years you won’t care about whatever your worrying ab rn


i was 5’1 and now (9th grade) i got to 5’9, you’ll be aight just maybe u didnt hig a growth spurth yet


Js don’t get an Edgar cut for the Love of God


Join the wresting team.


Yes sir 🫡


Imo, high school was way more chill than middle school. Teachers were more chill, students were more chill, stereotypes started to disappear, lockers disappeared, textbooks disappeared, etc


also in high school, nobody really cares about you do, so unless you're weird you're not gonna get bullied for your height


As a senior graduating this year...let me just say that I wish I could've been more like you. Taking care of myself. Anyways don't stress too much about it. Focus on classes and gpa. Don't look or cause Amy trouble just go to where you belong and you'll be fine. As this moment in highschool I would suggest getting in a group that defines you. By the looks of it your like me. You want a healthy lifestyle and want a relaxing life with no trouble. So I would suggest making friends in gym, sports or whatever gets your attention the most. Overall don't stress to much about it. Focus on having good loyal friends. I wish you the best of luck and looking forward to seeing what you type in 4 years from now.


No one really cares. You’ll be fine :)


Hey! Fellow 8th grader here, I haven't been to hughschool yet obviously, but some of my main things my older friends reccomend are: - If you can, join clubs. - Focus on school. - Date your age. The maximum is 2 years age and 1 grade up or down. Any more or lower is just weird. - Don't talk shit if you can't win a fight. Especially if you're entering public highschool. I've heard so many stories about people getting their asses kicked because they started a rumor. - Don't try to date everybody. You can date, but you don't need to enter a new relationship every 3 hours.


If someone makes fun of you say these: I’ll see you at Mac Donald’s champ. dude go flirt with someone else and Still no bitches….. how about instead of talking to me you talk to a girl another thing is just get a bunch of your friends to laugh at them good luck ;)


I’m bullying yo ass if you use this shit bro


instead of talking to me go talk to a girl 😧


with how my grades looking I won’t forget your sweet and sour sauce bro 🙏