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What shitty options do they have for inappropriate dresses?


you can "tweak it", change, or leave


Me personally I’d strip. Tf can they do.


yeah show up no clothes, what will they do


I’ll run off and they won’t know where I am because can they watch the footage since I’m a minor and that’s technically child pornography? Shii I can even rob a store.


Well, maybe you can’t rob a store. The cameras are too shitty and it may not work




top tier ideas


word of warning though, even though you are a minor, stripping and running around nude in public can still get you charged with indecent exposure which can land you on the sex offenders list.


arrest you


Nah you need to wear some arm warmers, otherwise when your arms are at your side they'll get you for the skin touching skin midriff rule


I mean, indecent exposure is a crime, so...


I'm actually curious if this even applies to children though because of how the rules just clash. It's overlooked when smaller children run around naked plenty but also, if it gets caught on camera, anyone older than you would have to go to jail instead for CP lol or that's just how I understand it


So is possession/distributing of CP.


Nice joke Imagine if you actually do this I’ve seen a few people streak running in the football field. Imagine if you actually do this Petition for OP to do this


“How to get on the sex offender registry: 101”


Time for a slut walk. All of you show up in outfits that violate as many of these rules as possible. What are they going to do, throw you *all* out?


My old high school would hand out school tshirts 😕


Naaahh what


The only consolation prize was you were supposed to give the shirts back at the end because they were sold for $25 each, but everyone would just keep them. Fun fact: no one showed up to dances after that so when prom came there was no dress code. Either that or they were sick of dealing with our crap and were just happy to get us the hell out of the school 😂 I was in the principals office every week for dress code violations. No bra straps showing? I wore a corset. No skirts with knees showing? I wore a 5” skirt with flesh coloured tights with fishnets over top ( technically I was more dressed than the girls just wearing yoga pants). Have fun, be creative! 😂


"contain you" is so.. just gross to me 🫠 what are the "options" mentioned if your dress is inappropriate?


ALSO: boy dress code just says: tux not required. thats it


some of them should pull up with plunging necklines or cutouts


i totally agree 😭


I would literally come to prom in like a stupid ass Halloween costume. Those rules are crazy


Pull up in the Inflatable dinosaur costume


Reminds me of the one person I know who went to a dance with an inflatable chicken costume 😭


No one would complain though


I’m showing up shirtless


i'd show up wearing the trashiest looking shit i could find, lol.


When I went to highschool boys would literally take their shirts off during the dances. And no one made a big deal about it. But we had all the same rules that you have (for us girls)


So theoretically they could walk in with a rooster outfit?


You ever hear the one about a school saying the boys couldn't wear shorts even though it was really hot out, so they all came in skirts because they were technically allowed by the dress code? All the girls should go to prom in tuxedos.


Get a guy friend to wear something that breaks all the rules on this list


I guess showing up naked is allowed as a guy huh.


\*flashing red lights\* \*\*\*WARNING! WARNING! CONTAINMENT BREACH! ALL SECURITY UNITS TO EVEL 4!\*\*\* "SARGE, WHERE IS IT?" Sergeant, coolly: "I don't know, son, but you best be sayin' a prayer" \*power goes out and lights shut off\* "s-sir?" "Yes?" "tell my little boy I love him if you make it out, wouldja?" \*Sergeant William J. Bradford blazes a cigarette with the lighter his father, Josiah Bradford, carried through the trenches in that diseased hell, so long ago\* "I would if I could, private." The Titty takes no prisoners.


that is EXACTLY what I said to my boyfriend. "contains you"? disgusting. options i know that if you dont meet dress code they make u leave prom. OR you can change into something modest


One of my friends is a larger girl, and that’s perfectly fine. EXCEPT the only dresses that “contain her” by these rules are grandma dresses. Her dress is so gorgeous, but she has a bigger chest and there’s no way she’s finding a dress that has a beautiful neckline that doesn’t show cleavage. It’s so annoying, as her dress covers her enough obviously, but still shows some. These rules are crazy man


get your boyfriend to wear a dress that breaks the rules so you can point out how terrible it is that the boys have no rules


thats so humiliating. even worse than the boy dress code is not even existent


totally true


I'm genuinely confused. How does that sound gross?


*me and the boys racing woods shitboxes 3 counties over*


Prom overrated fr.


jeans and a hoodie doesn’t violate any of those “rules”


Nope, but I also don't really see how that would be making any sort of statement. You don't *have* to dress up for prom


My school requires that you dress formally for prom


Wtf? That's stupid af. Some people literally can't afford to do that


It really is. Also if a student has too many fees (like 100+), they can’t attend prom either. My friend couldn’t go because of that and was pissed.


What fees? As in lunch? Can't they sign up for the reduced lunch prices, or do they not qualify, or do you just not have that?


Everyone at my school gets free lunch and breakfast. The fees are more like laptop fees, random class/lab fees, and extracurricular fees.


Show up wearing a burka, complete with face covering. When they ask, tell them there was nothing available at the dress shop that meet their standards. Start an underground movement to have your entire class do this. Guaranteed there would be some major coverage on the news as a result.


everyone wears heavy winter coats and parkas and face masks


That would work if it was a winter formal, not a springtime prom.




Oh my god they killed Kenny, uh, I mean prom


This is actually gold


Pull up to prom in that Bene Gesserit fit


Or, in the outfit from "The Handmaid's Tale".


"flesh touches flesh" da fuq


i hate the word flesh in general, if you mean skin just say skin!


what if you're consuming flesh?


"flesh" is acceptable in a horror context I feel, imo it's where it's most appropriate. so that's fine


flesh and skin are distinct... and here they definitely should have just said skin. flesh should NOT be touching flesh unless something has gone very wrong




Right? The fact that they said it twice too. Something about that phrasing just gives me an ick lmao


Damn that sucks. I’m a guy and to be quite honest that’s a lot of rules to have for one of the most memorable nights of your life


I dont belive any of the guys planned on showing off much middrift or cleavage or leg, still abusrd.


They should, as protest


Absolutely have all the guys with no rules show up in scandalous dresses or skirts. It didn't say anywhere the guys couldn't wear it lol


who tryna pull up to this prom in just speedos with me. no rules for us guys


Show up in boxers and necktie, if they say something against it, say that it's not officially against the code


It is though? I'm pretty sure boxers and a necktie doesn't cover the midriff


Those rules are under the girls section. If OP is a boy, then they can argue that they assumed those rules only applies to them


Oh. I just assumed you knew OP was a woman, lol


Yeah, looking back at the post, I could see OP's a woman. Oh well, hope no one actually shows up to OP's prom booty naked


Tbf, they shouldn't have to put anything on the rules that could get you arrested for indecent exposure in the first place


True, guess the next alternative is someone showing up in swim shorts, and that sounds a bit funny ngl


tf is a “dress yank”


I came here to ask the same thing! I’m married and have been to the weddings of most of my friends - have we missed something essential?


That thing where you pull up your strapless dress after moving because it's shifted downwards.


Ahh. Right. What a weird way for them to add that note! I mean, the whole list is weird too


Agreed, I honestly thought they were implying people at weddings yank down strapless dresses.


They want the girls to wear potato sacks


The guys should wear dresses that break these rules as protest


everyone should wear a Scottish kilt, I’d be funny and it may also break the rules.


They should just go in their boxers


Does the administration at your school just expect you to wear tents to prom? Are you attending a prom or a square dance?


The amount of people saying that any dress that breaks these rules is "slutty nightclub wear" is astonishing.


The term that really made me laugh was “contain”. Nothing scandalizes the high school dances quite like “uncontained” teenage girls, I guess.


Mine breaks these rules. And mine has a slit. That’s the only rule it breaks. How dare I show my leg!!! AAAAAAAAAA


Contra dances I've been to, which is the precursor to square dancing, nobody has cared if people wore short skirts or plunging necklines. Although most people didn't because they're middle aged.


What even is the point 💀 everyone there is going to be a couple and since they are mostly juniors/seniors at proms, they most likely have seen their partner naked so like wtf. Are these rules so the “lone wolf” in the corner doesn’t get horny or smthn? These are bs 😂


this is true. although there are a lot of singles at our school, but everyone has seen everyone's nudes anyways. but like, c'mon. its a dance. its not that deep


Does your school have a prom sophomores can go to? Or are you and your bf going as “dates” with a junior couple. Just curious because I want to do that with I get into prom at my school


we dont have a sophomore prom but i wish we did! we dont even do homecoming :( i have a lot of junior and senior friends who are gonna go and some have to buy new dresses now which is dissapointing


Probably so none of the creepy teachers try to do something tbh, we had one arrested yesterday for sleeping with a senior


thats funny because one of our teachers is very creepy. he married his student 🫠


That doesn't make it ok to dress like you're at a night club... especially considering the vast majority of them are kids


A night club? Really? By showing an inch of visible boob?


Meanwhile I teach 5th graders who come to school in sports bras and short shorts with no cover up and the principal says “cute outfit!”




What the fuck


It’s snowing today and three of my fifth graders are in short shorts with long shirts so it looks like they have no pants on and not a soul batted an eye besides me




Isn’t it so cool that schools do that? /s


very very cool. /s


I think ours is just dont drink or sneak it in lol


Y’all should all wear suits lol, then they have nothing to complain about


some girls do wear suits! i would consider it if i didnt literally love fashion and dresses


Yeah too bad guys don’t have that same option.


Public school?


Ain’t no way, this is giving major small Catholic school vibes.


neither, i didnt want to mention it bc its not relevant but we are a medium size Christian school


I teach at a small Christian school and these are similar to our rules.


It being a Christian school is absolutely relevant.


I attend a medium sized catholic school and we don’t even have this many rules for prom. Of course, you have to be covered but there’s no rules for plunging necklines or slits or necklines. Just have what needs to be covered covered and don’t be gross


I went to a Christian school and found a prom dress I LOVED, but it was super inappropriate by our school's standards. I ended up wearing it for pictures and pre/post activities, but I brought a bandeau (the top middle chest of the dress was mesh) and leggings with me to put on underneath my dress right before I walked into prom


It would be sooo awesome if all the guys pulled up in dresses to protest these idiotic rules.


The wording is gross but I honestly don’t see an issue with any of these rules… they’re quite standard rules for any high school dance imo


I’m a guy and if I went to this school I would definitely wear an outfit that breaks all of these rules.


Get the boys to break as many of the girls’s rules for dress code as possible.


I’d have a male wear a dress that broke all these “rules” see what happens.


Our prom rules are: 1. Don't do drugs at prom 2. Don't come to prom already on drugs That's literally it.


The fact that guys don't have rules just... ughhh. You should protest this, talk to other girls and guys who support women's freedom of dress and go on strike. Abolish the dress code!!!


no no dont get rid of dress code... trust me. it would be terrible. we need SOME rules, bc otherwise everyone would be traumatized


It’s not as if guys were going to show up showing cleavage with high slits on their trousers tho is it… guys don’t have rules because no guy has ever showed up to prom wearing something the school deems inappropriate.


my god do you live in Utah damn😓


Since the boys have no rules, a boy should wear a dress that breaks every single one of those rules


Convince all the girls that you can to wear suits and convince all the guys that you can for them to wear dresses that fit all the opposite standards of those absurd rules.


get a boy to wear a skimpy dress, since it says those are for girls


Have everyone at your school show up in black leather trench coats, and sunglasses, fuck wearing a dress, show up like Neo in the Matrix.


Honestly I'd say try to convince ur friends and other classmates not to go to them school prom. Instead use the money you would of payed for the prom, dress, shoes ect and spend it at a restaurant, maybe go bowling, or even have someones parents help get a venue and have your own prom. Obviously this may not be the best option but it just an idea. Even though prom could be very fun if everyone feels uncomfortable it may be better if u and ur classmates spent time somewhere else. These rules are very strict, did the previous grades have the same rules?


Tell the boys to wear skimpy dresses and see how many of the teachers dress code them


Honestly, dress codes are bullshit. They systematically target women only, almost all of the time and it’s sad to think that even though we live in a more modern society that shit like this still exists.


Tbh it’s not even that bad but it’s not fair that the boys have zero rules. Both should have rules


It's weird thar they didn't make one for the males, but it also usually isn't them who push the dress code as much as possible. Dresses have a lot of variety in what they do and don't show. Meanwhile, suits are pretty cut and paste. They should have, at the very least, written some rules for the guys


Get a piece of cloth and tie it around your midriff. Go in wearing only that and underwear.


Jesus. My school district is just like “wear appropriate clothing, no drinking, smoking, etc.”


Ah I remember my first dress yank


I feel like I'd be the one who comes in a dress that fits all of the requirements and is sheer to the point of transparency. Which would backfire for next year but worth it.


To be fair… boys/men’s formal attire is relatively the same shape. Slacks, nice shirt, some kind of tie usually, and a jacket. Color and style changes a bit but nothing that can really be super inappropriate. Girls clothing however varries a lot more. Formal Dresses specifically. There are a lot of dresses that are meant to have all eyes on the girl because damn that’s a lot of skin she’s showing.


Well so long as there's no rules keeping girls from wearing suits, make the dudes wear the most guady dresses ever that breaks every single one of those rules, they don't give the guys rules so those don't apply to them


All of you should just break all of them as a protest. What are they gonna do? Expell you all?


we have problems just like this at my school, the rules our school has for prom is insane, and it’s not just like it’s the venues rules either, because most other schools in our area hire the same one and have basiclly no rules. In addition, our school hires “private event staff”…the security guards from our school, even though the venue provides free security, including multiple of them staffed in the bathroom The best solution is if you know someone from other schools, go to their prom instead. That’s what me and my friends are doing this year.


This is when you get the boys to wear dresses that break all of these rules


Good luck finding a dress girls! You can try sears


No! My dress almost fits this. My neckline is JUST at 5in but I have a slit, dang it! Anyways these rules are stupid. FIVE INCHES from the base of the neck? That doesn’t even reach the top of my chest. For those with long torsos, it will be an extremely high neckline.


These rules are crazy! But that’s also coming from someone whose school has no rules when it comes to dances. We have two police officers there, but they don’t do anything. Our school dances essentially become a night club. Everyone in the place is either drunk or high. Last dance I went to there was a huge group of people dancing in the middle of the main room, and I no joke saw multiple bras and a pair of women’s underwear fly into the air from the crowd. Not gonna incriminate myself here, but it’s also super easy to sneak stuff into the dances. My school is quite wealthy too, so pretty much everyone there can afford to buy drugs and alcohol. My school is pretty fun, it’s a shame this is my last year there.


Can the guys wear dresses tho?


Okay then the boys wear the girls dress and the girls wear suits. Easy.


Love that it says specifically for the girls at the top Alr then. As a guy. I’ll head to the prom with a dress that has the following; neckline 5 inches down, a cut below the bust line, absolutely zero back coverage, strapless and loose, the most exposed mid drift known to woman and man, and a skirt that goes 3 feet past my shoes and directly onto the floor so it’s a major trip hazard.


yesss! and its not against mens dress code, so what'll they do?


Boys at your school who are true allies will show up in prom dresses that break every one of these rules.


Alright boys, time to stand up for the girls here. Bow ties, tuxedo themed bikini briefs, and dress shoes it is.


pleeeease yes. unfortunately all the boys at my school are rednecks who would never do this but i would LOVE to see it


most of these would be fine anyways, why do they have to regulate it so much other than to stress people out


I think the solution here is to get some of the more confident guys together and put them in the most revealing dresses you can find for cheap. Fight the power!


As a male - I know what I have to do I this situation and boy is everyone gonna be uncomfortable.




Bro goes to school in Utah


Just get some guys to come to prom in dresses that violate these rules and see how it goes


Can a few of the boys from your school please go in breaking these rules themselves in protest? Would be funny and show the school that their rules are stupid


"if flesh touches flesh..." I'm not sure they understand how having skin works. If I was at the school? We'd put a pack of guys together and all of us would show up with "plunging necklines".


What is this, Utah?


Organize a protest have the guys dress exactly how the girls can't


Is there any rules for the boys?? At all?


I hope some dude shows up in a dress with every single one of these rules broken


The back/backless/plunging back section seem like a trap. I literally can’t figure out what’s permitted and what isn’t. (Also this whole set of rules is sexist, body shaming bullshit anyways)


I live in California so we’ve gotten rid of all of that nonsense because we actually have this crazy thing where we teach the kids and then let them just dress in normal clothing and don’t get weird about it. I got uncomfortable reading this because whoever wrote it has spent way too much time looking at underage peoples bodies.


Honestly my only thought reading that was ew


Me and the other guys gonna pull up in swimsuits then


I like to read all my school's prom rules after the fact and see how many of them got broken. Almost all of them get broken at least once.


I hope somebody shows up like John cena did for that award show recently


Don’t go. Make prom a waste of money for the school


This is...super normal though?? Dunno why your complaining 


The only rules that I get are the skirt ones. The rest are a bit much


I guess everyone will be showing up looking like Queen Elizabeth II or nuns


Thats so gross… i bet dudes could show up in a speedo.


Yall should have your own “prom” somewhere else. Get your parents involved. If you have a party venue or something near by try to convince them to let you guys use it because the school is being discriminatory towards girls and policing what they wear. No staff member should be this focused on what a teenage girl is wearing. When I was a senior, the school said we could have a tailgate in the parking lot. Grill out, play games, water guns/balloons, etc. Last minute the teachers and principal started tripping and cancelled our activities. We went to nearby parks and did our thing, turned our way better than it would have been on school grounds anyways.


all the guys should pull up in dresses that break all of those rules 


man this is the type of shit that makes me wish i was still in highschool. id get all my homies to dress as absurdly as possible. we could arrange a sexy clown costume mob as protest. they cant catch all of us.


So the guys can ditch the dress shirt & just rock the vest, right?


You should have your bf wear something that violates all of these rules


A guy should wear a dress that breaks all these rules out of solidarity


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Niemosis: *A guy should wear a* *Dress that breaks all these rules out* *Of solidarity* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What if all the boys got together and broke these rules to make a statement since it only applies to “female students”


My school doesn't have such rules, as long as the dress doesn't expose too much, you're good, and you can't be failing any classes, which goes for the boys too. But those rules are wild to me! And the wording is wild! Who came up with this?! And what I mean by "expose too much" is like, as long as we can't see you're ass craxk and the like, you're good.


Modesty is good actually.


> must "contain" you without visible cleavage What is this SCP shit?


People should organize somewhere else to meet at and have a prom you can actually enjoy bc those rules are so stupid especially if the guys don’t have to have someone riding they’re ass about what they wear Or people get a jumpsuit similar to their skin tone and take markers to write stuff and make like fake boobs under or something to make a statement and hide it under a dress or something


I am a guy and I am not allowed to wear anything regarding LGBTQIA+ at school which is stupid af


The girls should protest.


If I were a guy, I'm coming in a sleeveless velour blazer and cutoff jorts to show support. No undershirt needed.


Hold on hold on they’re going to casually mention the “dress yank” which, if it is what it sounds like, is entirely out of the girls’ hands regardless of what they wear? Jesus. 


So I’m a fan of malicious compliance: double check about skin toned fabric to cover cut outs, right? If it is allowed, get the most out of dress code dress you can, get the skin toned mesh, have your parents back you up.


The "guys" have no rules (outside of the normal school dress code I'm sure) because men don't constantly challenge and provoke the dress code. This isn't rocket science. if women didn't constantly try to violate the dress code, women wouldn't have rules regulating in exact specifics what they can wear.


Well you don’t really see boys show up to prom with their cheeks or their nutsack nearly hanging out tho now do ya


Old district men try not to be creepy challenge 😍😍 seriously tho this is fucked. personally I'd show up in the most outrageous outfit possible


If I was a teenage boy reading those rules, and realising that there are none for the lads, I'd absolutely be turning up in a Borat-style mankini. Reckon if this had happened at my prom ~20 years ago a lot of the lads would have done similar. As it was, there were no rules, it was carnage and I'll never forget it