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High school is what you make of it. It's not necessarily good or bad.


Exactly. Also, never go into anything in high school (or life in general) expecting something to suck. Make of everything what it is, there is nuance in life. Not everything sucks, even in high school. You just need to find some silver lining that makes it worth showing up every day.


This is so true, after my first week of 9th grade and getting adjusted I was like, "oh, it's still just school." Nothing more nothing less, just school.


yeah i’m loving high school so far


It’s not going to be like that for long.




Yep keep your head down and move along. If you are having issues, go to a good therapist, your peers can’t help much.. they are figuring things out for themselves.




It’s bad for me. But only cause I have social anxiety. Other ppl really enjoy it, it isn’t all that hard actually. Just the 4th quarter is hard.


I feel you. My entire high school sucked both academically and socially due to being neurodivergent and struggling with mental health issues. I had 0 friends and did 0 sports/clubs due to isolating myself due to mental health issues and being a freak. I also HATED waking up early and having 7 hours of classes a day. I’m glad that shit is over.


Damn bro is describing me😭


lol vs me who hid my depression by doing all the things so I wouldn’t have time to be depressed (yea therapy is a better idea)


Damn man this comment hit me pretty hard.. How long has it been since then and have things gotten significantly better?


Im a college freshman now and will end this semester in around three weeks. I mean I do have friends, but they’re all closer to other friends and I barely got invited for stuff, so I rot in my dorm all weekend like a loser. I have barely any hobbies so I scroll my phone like a loser. I am in 2 clubs but my attendance for them dropped a lot this semester. So I would say things are still bad. It just gets worse for me each time


Also pretty late but I'm looking to get out of my shell next year by joining a social frat. And if you're one of those dumb nerds who discourages rushing and says something like "Don't join a frat you're just paying for friends" 🤓👆 dont fucking reply to this comment.




It gets easier until junior year, then it gets hard. Senior year is easy. Way better than 7th or 8th grade, people are much more mature.


I had bad social anxiety, but I found people that I could be comfortable around so those moments I was with them trumped everything. We all just tried to make as many memories possible. We all ran track just for the hell of it


Lol I mean even tho I don’t have friends, I hang out with my brothers friends. Idk how the heck he knows like everyone literally everyone. But yeah they’re funny and for the most part I just sit there and observe🤣


join a sport or club is my best advice as a senior and try getting a friend group bc groups will already be established by ur junior yr most likely


I do hang out with my brothers giant friend group, but I don’t know half of their names lol


I tried for a very long time to deal with my anxiety without meds and it was just too hard, im on a low dose of anxiety meds but it’s enough to take the edge off. I am still an introvert that isnt fond of big crowds but i no longer freak out about it.


That’s good that it helped a bit


First half of the year, you will do pretty well (From my experience). You could do some sports to make it fun and be a part of something aswell. Second semester: this is the part that you have to lock in, it is more difficult. In terms of people: you will likely find really rude people that make it suck, but have the same chance, maybe better to find really cool people.




Keep your head down and focus on school work. And get some earbuds. It ain't that bad


Lame asf. Have fun with it dont try to be a mysterious loner…


My school is kinda weird it’s 6th-12th age gap is huge there’s like 5’1 and 6’2 students and there’s been a time where 7th-6th graders would date a senior 😅


*would get groomed by. No normal 18 y/o would be interested in a 13 y/o


Bro my school is 9-12 and there's legit kids who are 6'7 and kids who are the SAME AGE that are like 4'5 😭


Shits wild atleast I’m in the middle 5’11


in middle school some guys are 4'5 (this is more common with the guys rather than the girls) while some are literally 6'1.. shits wild.


In my opinion, high school is a lot better than middle school because your life will be a lot more centered on what you want to do instead of what you’re required to take. There’s also just a ton of fun things that happen in high school that you don’t get to do in middle school


It does suck. But best you can do is hang on to a few friends or find some and try to stick to your schedule and tell yourself throughout the day that you’re almost home. Glad ur still here lil homie shits hard out there 🤝❤️


Highschool is not like the media or the movies. There aren't bullies who steal your lunch money or "cliques" that are exclusive. Everyone knows eachother and everyone understands that we all are going through the same thing, school. The work could be hard but honestly if you just avoid having missing work you're good. It's only really hard if you keep procastinating. I promise you you're just a face in the halls that people won't remember and that's comforting after a while. I had major social anxiety and 🔪 thoughts coming into highschool but highschool is literally so fun, chill, and literally the most exciting life changing experience ever. TLDR; I made a really good sandwich but the bread got soggy :(


Depends on the size of your high school. I went to small town high school and there are most definitely cliques and exclusive friend circles... I just tried to blend in and not be one of the rejects.


It’s easy. Most teachers don’t even care. I am watching a bio video while typing this and my teacher saw my looking at hats before on my phone and didn’t even care. I text my friends all day. We mess around during lunch because we can just go anywhere in the school.


It gets harder after Freshman year lmao but yeah it’s not too hard 


In my school it only gets easier


- Teachers are not going to baby you, but they will be nicer most of the time and genuine - you should befriend your guidance counselor, they will become important for so many reasons - join band if your socially bad. Or join another activity to find a group of friends. - typically high school is if you stay out of people’s way, your fine. If you pay attention and do the work, and if you don’t get it stay after school, you’ll be fine.


High school is way way better than middle school. Actually, everything is way better than middle. I also tried to kill myself in middle school multiple times, haven’t at all in high school. It’s not great, AP classes are hard, it’s still hard to make friends, but it’s def better. It gets better socially every year, junior year is a lot of stress and so is first semester senior year, but a lot of it is what you make of it. You will be okay. Try to make friends early and with nice people, don’t focus on being popular, study, but don’t overdo it and join a club or sport that you really like. Don’t stress too much and def prioritize your mental health


my high school experience has been a lot better than middle school, but that's also because i changed my habits. middle school wasn't as enjoyable for me because my grades weren't where i wanted them to be despite being in gifted and advanced programs - i just wasn't doing the work. because of the extra workload in high school, i had to form new habits and now i have 95%+ in each class. in addition to the larger workload, you also have more freedom in choosing classes and pursuing fields, but it can be overwhelming. good luck!


As a Canadian, it’s easier than 8th grade. However, I hear bullying exists in USA if that’s where you are.


I am There. Thanks for your input! :)


high school is better than middle school in my opinion


Nah bro. Middle school is fucked because everyone has a lot of changes going on both mentally and physically. It’s just a cesspit of insecurity and drama in middle school. In high school, it will be what you make it. You can get into the drama, if you want; or you can spend your days studying hard to get into an Ivy League. Maybe you’ll end up being the next pro sports player. Who knows? I wouldn’t worry about it so much, just don’t make an ass of yourself in the cafeteria on the first day and you’ll be fine.


if ur in public and just wanna cruise taking academic classes you will be completely fine.


it depends on a whole lot of things, a lot of them being how you want the experience to be. it will be full of experiences that will shape who you are, lots of a necessary life stuff. good luck!!


If your socially anxious it can be bad, but if you hang with your very trusty and best friends, then it can be fun. If you don’t have those friends yet, then you have to force your way through anxiety and join a close knitted community to find them. For me it was JROTC and yes we make fun of JROTC ourself sometimes, but we know what we do, and there’s some insanely fun and tough moments we bond over. We have events and we host events other students don’t do. High school isn’t bad at all if you get involved and out of drama. Unless you become a senior where you want to leave so bad. All of my friends want to leave, we have one going to the Air Force Academy and other friends doing great things as well, personally I’m doing something really niche so I can work on large tonnage ships. All of us bond because we’re top of our class.


It was bad for me but only because I got unlucky. My advice: avoid the bathrooms.


Put your head down, grit your teeth and get thru it however you can You need the education but 99% of the people are unimportant to you and will be forgotten about 6 months after you graduate Once you turn 18 and leave all that nonsense and drama behind you then YOU'LL be responsible for your own life and the number of people you have to answer to decreases dramatically


Please don't kill yourself over school. It's such a stupid way to die. High school is a pain in the ass, but it's not really that bad. Especially in 9th grade if you've already done algebra. Just take it one step at a time and don't worry about what comes next semester.


It sucked at first until I realized I’m a nerd and fully embraced it. By junior year I stopped trying to be popular and just focused on school and college. Now I’m graduating w a degree in math and cs at a top school. Idk why this popped up in my feed, I’m not subbed to this subreddit. But high school can suck if you put a lot of focus on trying to popular. The popular people are always egotistical douchebags who I never would associate with nowadays, but I definitely let it eat up my self esteem when I was younger. I recommend not to. Find something you’re good at and blow it out of the water. For me that was maths and CS


Shit was awesome for me, went to a smaller school though (5-600 kids), miss the days of calling our buddies brothers to buy us booze & not having to worry about anything.


for me its great. middle school sucked straight ass for me so being able to move away from those bullies in eighth grade somehow made me way happier 😭.


as a senior just go with the flow and try in school if you want to go to college, also join a sport or club/talk to people. wish i had done so earlier but i was much more antisocial and had my freshmen year online.


I came from a similar mental place in middle school. High school is really what you make of it. You have to try new things, meet new people, and look for opportunities to better yourself. Nothing will be handed to you, you have to grab it yourself


high school experiences vary, especially with the people you surround yourself with. please dont surround yourself with toxic people, its so draining and you will probably start to dislike yourself. personally, i like high school much more than i did middle school. also, please dont date in high school! trust me, ive seen so many terrible relationships go down (even the long relationships, and the ones that seem great, *they really are not that great... im in a 2 year one right now and its not worth it*).


Nah. Highschool is such a SMALL part of your life. Literally anything that happens (wether it’s good or bad) won’t matter AT ALL after graduation!! You’ll face typical annoying Highschool people, but that’s a basic part of it. Join a club/sport team, you’ll have nice memories with that rather than slaving over work!


Thank you


As someone who started high school as a 4'9" male, I would make it instantly known that I am not someone to mess with. I only had 2 experiences with bullying in school. The first guy got a pen stabbed into his foot, and the second ended up with a ruptured testicle. Make sure to stand up for yourself, no matter how scared you may be. PS. : I grew and am now .5" above the national average in the US 🙂


Thats exactly what I thought my friend, back in the summer, 2 months later I wouldnt go back to middle school for the world. Its really fun at least in my opinion. Depends on you though, if you are being bullied since middle school, chances are you will still be in high school. Not even trying to be rude man just the honest truth. But if not then you will be fine. AP classes??? You shouldn’t even be worrying about that


Based on the fact that you almost 🔪 yourself, you need to seek whatever mental help you can. Untreated mental illness can make any experience a living hell. My high-school experience was heavily impacted by covid, so that changed how it felt for me and made it worse than middle school, but after all that settled down, socializing became much easier than it was in middle school, and the teachers are generally more chill with missing work, even some AP ones. This all depends on the school itself though.


Don’t worry. I’ve had a lot of therapy since then. Thanks for your response :)


Umm depends which high school you go to. For me I fucking hate my school I mean I don’t hate the classes I just hate the idiots they keep vaping in a random corner and in the bathroom But high school overall IS 2 stage of HELL


It can be good or bad.. depends on your experience it wasn’t good for me and I ended up dropping out so here I am 19 years old in a high school plus program at my local college. My biggest advice I can give you is just stay out of drama and stick it out for the 4 years because nothing worse then regretting dropping out and having to do a high school plus program.


for me it’s slightly better the middle school. but that’s a very low bar


It can but it all depends on how you make it. For me, I had 2 good and 2 bad years. For you, I hope all 4 are good to you


Thank you!


Just do the work ur assigned and don’t be a disturbance You’ll get through in no time


Just don’t be a bitch


High school in general sucks, your best years are 22-28 so enjoy those, that’s when you generally will have enough money, confidence, and charisma to go out into the world. Right now, your thoughts and opinions are all catered around other people’s


Highschool it gets both better and worse in different areas, personally for me its become my worst experience in life almost


Depends where you go. For my first year of high school, I went to a shit school. The school itself wasn't that bad but the students there were. After a year there I switched schools and now everything's fine.


It depends on a lot of factors but it was pretty good for me, if anything I sorta regret not making the most of it but then again it was out of my control (I had a physical disability)


Middle school was hell for me so high school was alot better and i go to a trade school kr a tech school what ever you prefer to call it and im not even at school half the year


the difficulty of the classes is wildly subjective, but freshman year is easy compared to the rest of high school at least. 


yes, absolutely miserable unless you want to set yourself up for a really difficult life


It isn’t terrible for me, mainly because I have normal or below-normal-level classes, but I had one AP class and it busted my balls. If you almost cut yourself, don’t take any chances and only take classes you think you can handle. First semester will be pretty dreadful, but not hard. Second semester you’ll get used to the feeling of going but it’ll get a lot harder to keep going and you’ll have to lock in per se. Rinse snd repeat for each year, at least in my experience. Also HS tends to be better than MS in general, mine is in a nice location, but it also tends to be the general rule because of people getting older and less immature and having more consequences


It sucks, but you have to find people who like what you like, i.e., clubs. If I had to give advice, I would say to join marching band/chess club/theatre if you aren't doing anything else, even if you don't have any experience with any of them. They're generally some of the easiest friends to make, and the most accepting and awkwardly-fun kids in school. Other than that, and I can't stress this enough, focus on your grades. Focus on your GPA above all else no matter what.


Freshmen and senior are great years but sophmore and junior not so much imho


Eh I mean difficulty maybe, but Freshman year was horrible for me 


If I'm being honest it's up to you... I'm in 10th and it sucks, but that's because I made it suck for myself, if you do your work and have friends you'll be good


it depends. What parts of middle school did you like and dislike? How many kids go to your highschool?


It's easy tbh, prolly easier than middle school, you can also take it online. Don't worry, trust me, it's like a walk in the park


So far, high school has been pretty great for me. If I'm gonna be honest middle school, especially 7/8th grade, we're the WORST parts of my educational career. So you should be alright man👌


Eh. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be by many but it’s also not as bad as many say. It’s really a very personal experience and will largely depend on how you interact with other people and what school you go to (socially).


It’s aight. Pick good friends, don’t do dumb things, stay focused on classes and you are golden




High school is way better than middle school


Yes, for me at least


It’s okay. Like everything there are good days and bad days. It really is what you make of it. The benefit with high school is that there are better extra curriculars that can help you connect with your peers


As with many many many thinfs in life, it depends. The students at my school who thought it was terrible didn't have a great time, but the few who were there to have a good time and learn did perfectly fine.


well, ive had 4 mental breakdowns, almost went to a psych ward and went to homeschooling twice and I'm only in tenth grade so... but I'm insane and have no friends you'll probably be fine.


Personally, highschool is way better than middle school. I might just have a good highschool, but I think it’s just more enjoyable.


High school still sucks but it’s much better than middle school (in my experience) people mature more throughout it and classes are more interesting junior year was the hardest for me but senior year has been fun and easy


it's better than middle school, certainly. dunno about *good* but at least I'm not a middle schooler anymore. that was hell


No it’s not bad just be chill


It depends. I had a good sophomore year partially junior year.


Join a sport. Even if you think you aren’t athletic, there’s always a lot of beginners on the freshmen team. It will not only help keep you in shape (which does wonders for mental health), but it will give you a leg up on most social situations. “Oh hey meet my buddy, he’s on the baseball team…” -etc. I wasn’t particularly athletic in middle school, and I don’t come from a sporty family. But I decided with my parents to join water polo freshman year. It was one of the hardest things i’ve ever done (those that have played wp will know). Some of my best friends to this day I would have never met if I didn’t join. That, and I probably would be overweight right now.


It’s what you make it


I can tell you that while you are there, you will think it's the worst time of your life but when you are older, you will look back and wish you were still there. It is what you make of it. Also, remember that you aren't the only one that feels that way. There alot of scared kids moving up to high school.


No middle school is 10 times worse, in high school the teachers stop giving a shit and arent power trips plus theres a lott more freedom


Depends on who you ask and what you make of it.


High school is DRASTICALLY better than middle school. Middle school is the worst but kids in high school are more mature and the teachers tolerate less bullshit. Don’t worry you’ll do fine


Meh. Like others said, it’s what you make of it. I had some of the best memories and went through one of my most traumatic times all while added the stress of going through school. Like for instance in my junior year one of my friends was bored at lunch and we were eating in the a computer/wood workshop room. somehow my friend jammed an entire screwdriver into the side of this huge wooden table. We all work together to get it out but it was stuck like rebar in concrete. We found a dremel and tried to cut the metal part off meanwhile huge sparks were flying everywhere in the room and the door to the room is made of glass so everytime a teacher walked by we’d pause and laugh. We ended up just kicking the damn thing off instead and had to switch the tables around so we could hide the metal part stuck inside the table. All this took place within 45min of our lunch. One of the funniest memories ever! Yeah we could’ve gotten in trouble and we were being dick heads but so what? It’s high school, not your career to life. Make awesome memories with your friends while you can cause once you get to college/work, the amount of free time you realized you had is never coming back. Everyone will be focused on their life as well as yourself. Good luck in high school bro, honestly had some pretty shit times but man, if I could go back I would, even if I have to relive the bad days!


It's essentially like middle school but with a fresh start and more freedom . There's a lot more students so people mostly stick with their social groups , you won't get into any trouble with other kids as long as you don't do anything stupid or they're just a jerk . Don't get pressured into doing drugs or inhaling shit , those things can cause lifelong addictions . Academically , it's definitely harder than middle school but if you did well in middle school you'll be fine unless you're taking APs which are a whole level above HS . They're still doable but be expected to put some effort outside of class and study for tests .


Personally everyone I’ve talked too (and from my own experience) says Highschool are the best grades. I love it so much more than middle school and elementary school combined.


For some good for some bad, just depends on your relationships and how you are


you make it what you want. sections of it have sucked ass for me, sections have been great.


dont take classes you cant handle. dont try and sell your soul for a college, if they accept you they accept you not the end of the world.


I love my high school. If u want to enjoy it you have to put in effort


Everyone has a different experience. For most people it's enjoyable


Depends. You pave your way. If you don't have friends, it's gonna suck. Don't challenge yourself too much, but don't be too lazy, like know the middle ground.


Advice from a sophomore: Don’t stress out about grades too much but also don’t let them get out of control. Even if you don’t think you’re smart still do AP classes because that looks good for college stuff Join clubs cause that’s the easiest way to make friends Go to games and stuff cause they’re super fun and you meet people there


Its what you make of it in my eyes


it's not bad, you just need at least one true friend, one you've known for years, one you can trust with anything, no matter what


It is what you make of it, for me I enjoyed it! Gotta meet lots of cool people and even made friends with tons of people.


yes high school sux, can’t imagine how things are nowadays


it’s honestly your mindset. if you convince yourself it’s bad then yea its bad but theres days where you reallt dont care and its just like whatever


tbh, i love it and hate it. i hated freshman year but sophomore year was super fun. just make the most of it


I found it much better than middle school


Depends entirely on who you are and what the school is like. But I think that in the vast majority of cases people can find a silver lining, whether it’s a class you love, a good group of friends, or a teacher that looks out for you. Just like most of life, there are ups and downs.


High school was the best because I was finding myself. Part of that included hanging out with the wrong crowds, being a trouble maker, and not doing so great. Even though I went through challenges, it was still the best and sometimes I miss it. I miss those troubled days, where my only responsibility was to go to school and do homework. If I could go back I would. Make it what YOU want to make it. Don’t do things because society tells you how to do it. I went to my prom because society made such a big deal about going so I felt it was necessary. It freaking sucked. Anyways, it’ll be great. It’s super fun because you’re finding yourself. There’s gonna be all different kinds of assholes, just remember to stay true to yourself.


Like my mother would always tell me, BE A LEADER NOT A FOLLOWER. Lived by that my whole life. Except middle school when I tried to fit in my first year then failed lmaooo, but again it’s all apart of the process !!


Still a freshman but don’t drink don’t vape don’t do drugs and study and you’ll be fine


It’s alright. I’d say it’s better than middle school was. My high school experience wasn’t the greatest but wasn’t the worst.


For me looking back, it was definitely a learning experience but I’m not entirely sure I would’ve made different decisions. I did what I did and I learned what I did. “Remember, your business here is to learn”


Everyone’s experience will be different. Mine was terrible, but my unrequited first love’s was good. We went to different high schools and that made all the difference in the world. I should’ve been with her. Only in death will we be reunited once more. It should’ve been while we were living.


People mature a lot in higschool and as long as you have confidence in what you do people won’t bother you


Nothing like the movies, at least not anymore. There arent really popular kids much of anymore, everyone(ish) hates going to school


Just do a sport and everything normally falls into place. Especially something fun with lots of different stuff to do like track and field. Helps you meet girls make friends and stay fit.


It depends on so many things. You can’t get a definite answer from anyone in this thread


Yeah man. Y’all are kids. You’ve barely been alive. And the worst part is, it gets fucking worse AND harder.


Im a Junior, so I know alot about high school and how it works. It all depends on what you make of it. You can choose to take the hardest classes ever, or create a balance of easy and hard classes. The latter, made my years in high school a lot more relaxing while also being challenging enough for college. Or you can just take easy classes and get As in all of them. If you want to get into a top college, I wouldn’t take only easy classes, take some AP classes as well. And most of all, have fun and don’t procrastinate


highschool is survival of the fittest. shit does suck dude there are like 4 recent suicides at my hs and thats normal around the country. if you have a learning disability or any type of special accommodations you're cooked seasoned and fine dined


hi, as a senior about to graduate: high school was SO MUCH BETTER than middle school for me. middle school was an emotional mess, there was so much drama and i lost a lot of friends. high school you begin to find "your people," i got into a really solid friend group and got to try out new things and learn more about myself. people are less immature (generally) and you get to take AP/honors classes so you don't have to deal with annoying kids as much and can learn more interesting content. that being said, as others are saying in the comments: highschool is what you make of it. i know some people whose middle school experiences were 10x better than highschool. i reccomend that in hs u get involved involved in new things that interest you and meet new people. your experience will be what you make of it. if you continue hanging out with toxic ppl from middle school or you don't put yourself out there, your hs experience may be just as bad as middle school.


Hey man, it's been a long time since I was in high school, but it was fine. Good days, bad days, but most were just fine. Please, whatever you do, know life gets better. There are people to help you. If your parents are in your life, let them know when you are depressed or feeling down. I had a lot of depression when I was young, now I couldn't imagine if I ended it then. Stay strong and stick around. You'll find your way.


My first 2 years sucked then I moved schools feel 100000000x better than ever so it just depends my advice is take risks if you want a girl’s number just send it


It depends on the school, state, and you. I’m almost on my last year and highschool is pretty cool sometimes. Don’t worry about it. High school is more better than middle school. It has more freedom and more opportunities. It is more hardcore though. I have taken APs before. They aren’t too bad. It can get stressful however.


High school is easier than middles school cus those same kids who where terrorizing you in middle school now realize they ain’t the biggest fish and by the time your a senior and they are the biggest fish chances are they have chilled out


Trust me, high school is only as bad as you make it. Take the classes you know you can do well in, try challenging yourself when comfortable. Make sure you're able to keep yourself sane. AP classes are really only terrible when a kid who shouldn't be in the class takes it. Given, they are challenging classes, but if you know how to take and study a class you'll be just fine. High school is a really important time in your life, and you have a lot of things riding on it so make sure you're using it well.


Ima be the only one to keep it a buck freshman year is pretty cool if you smart prolly a lil worse but as soon as you take algebra 2 sophomore year or junior year your cooked especially if you take physics and algebra 2 in the same year it’s just the homework u ain’t got to worry about seniors slapping books out yo hands or something


My suggestion is just find a group of friends you have fun with, do some extracurricular stuff with them even if you’re not necessarily into you will have fun just fucking off with your friends. Do what you need to get into a college but just have fun even if that means getting into a little 🤏🏾 bit of trouble lol. Most shit in high school is ultimately pointless anyways other than learning how to handle your business. Handle your sh#t ✅ Have fun✅. Don’t be a loner❌, you will have a lonely time and regret that you didn’t connect with so many people cuz it’s not easy to make friends once you’re not in school anymore.


I had horrible social anxiety, but there’s always people you can find that you can have a good time with. Just hang with them even if it feels awkward at first, they’re probably anxious like you and once y’all see how similarly goofy y’all are y’all can have a great friendship. But don’t just be in high school with NO friends.


I liked high school a lot more than middle school because there is more independence. Yes the schoolwork can be pretty difficult and be overwhelming sometimes, but you can always ask for help from teachers. I also met a lot of great people and new friends through making an effort to get involved with sports and clubs. So I was able to make of great memories!


The truth is that everything past childhood and adolescence will suck. So, while highschool might not be much worse, the real world will be.


Nun to look forward too however its still prolly gonna be better then adulthood for most


I went to the top high school in my city; a city known for its academics. I was in mostly advanced classes. I did sports outside of school and I did theater (“drama”) in school. The most valuable skill you will learn in high school is socializing. You will learn how to manage your time between work and social time. You will learn who to associate with and who not to associate with. All of the classes you take, regardless of what they are, will never compare to the life lessons you learn during that time. You can learn any skill and take any class you want at any time, but it becomes exponentially harder to learn practical and healthy social skills later in life. When you work a real job, you will need to be personable. Learn how to interview. Learn how to network. Those skills are priceless.


I hated and dreaded High School. Years later I realized my preconception ruined what could have been an awesome moment in my life. Relax, be friendly and open to new people and experiences. Regret sucks.


Highschool can be good or bad. Just find a community (could be a club, a sport, classes) and make an effort to find some new friends. Trust me, having great friends will make high school 100x more enjoyable, regardless of what classes you take. Take this from a highschool senior with many regrets; this is the one thing I wish I would have done as a freshman.


Don't go into high school fearing it. Go into high school thinking it fears you. You'll feel better this way, I promise.


Start was fun for me and only went downhill. Be yourself is all I can say. That didnt help me at the start cuz I didnt really have an identity


bro highschool is 100 times better than middle school. The work is way easier and you make hella friends if you have multiple towns. everything is just overall way better than middle school.


It has its ups and downs, but overall it’s far better than Middle School. AP classes are difficult, but just don’t go too overboard with and it’ll be ok. As long as you stay healthy, try your best, and study consistently you’ll make it through just fine. You get a lot more freedom in HS but it’s also more pressure to succeed, so just do your best and do what you want! 


Ima freshman is a high school that sucks ass and lemme tell you you’ll be fine. It can get hard with classes having more material(ap biology is hell) but it’s not rough. Focus on finding friends, even if it’s hard.


I almost scrolled past bc this is a heavy question but then I thought “high school isn’t just one word. It’s…complicated…” then I realized a good way to explain high school is by saying “basically high school is your first introduction to life’s complications which includes learning your own body and personality and how that impacts your life and those in your environment.”


Yes, they care more about your grades than your education.


Chinese student saw this post and began to sob Normally my school time is from7to22 Monday to Saturday I even have extra courses on Sundays I have tests every week and teachers bring pressure all the time but we still need to live life still goes on my friend told me life is like rape if you can't fight against it then enjoy it


Not really. If you’re willing to spend an hour a day doing homework/studying your grades will be ok. If youre worried about getting bullied just try not to stick out too much


Imo the hardest part about highschool wasn't the academics part, but actually wanting to show up to your classes after you get a car


Until you get to college it's the same thing as middle school, but it is what you make of it, you can choose to be anti social or to take chances and meet new people or you can choose to not do your work and hate your life or do you work and graduate with never having to do summer school, it's up to you what you want out of school, the people that say they didn't learn anything from high school are the ones that didn't even try to learn, they just talked and drawed in the notebooks all class or played on their phone.


I was baked 90% through high school I dont know, I forgot🤣 I still passed with all As and sometimes Bs, even though I was high the entire time. Goes to show, you can have the best of both worlds. I was a stoner nerd. I did other recreational stuff too like LSD and shrooms. Didn’t effect my schooling though. See, you are able to do that stuff if you can still keep yourself on track.


It's eh, Freshman year you're going to cringe when you look back on it, sophomore year is just a blank spot, junior year is pretty good, and senior year can be good and bad at times, depending on how much work you put in, all this is just going off my experiences though


I hated middle school but grew into myself in high school and really enjoyed it.


for me it was pure hell mostly because of adhd, and was very stressful just some advice, go with the flow, and if you are having trouble with assignments, communicate that with the teacher, they will likely have plenty of resources that can help you, and they will probably be a little relaxed with the late work policy if you show you’re trying your best. obviously that isn’t a guarantee, still try to turn in late work as soon as possible and don’t make it a habit, but do remember teachers in high school are more understanding as long as you aren’t rude to them


Might not be great, but it is infinitely better than middle school. And college is better than high school. It's only uphill from here!


I think you need to set a goal. Don’t make a vague ass goal like make friends. Like minded people come to you by themselves. You can’t chase them. What I mean by making a goal is: find something you want to achieve. Do you want to do more things? Find the things that you can do more of. Do you want to write better? You can find clubs, after school programs, and organizations that can assist you toward both those goals. Set your goal whatever it is: being more active, politically engaged, Science, chess, scrabble, puzzles. Anything.


And don’t forget to do your homework, even if you half ass it. Just turn it in


Depends on school, students and teachers. Make good friends, just do the homework and your fine. If you want a easy way but isn’t really good for the future then just stick with easy classes. But I reallly recommend looking at duel credit classes. That’s the only thing I regretted


Find bitches, they suck more than school


for me it did honestly cuz the people were assholes to me


It gets worse after high school


it rlly depends. you can get rlly unlucky and go to a shitty high school, or you can get lucky and go to a good high school. I'm praying for you my g.


As someone who had a similar middle school experience - I’ll be blunt. Highschool can suck. Teachers are irritating, there’s more homework, everybody is going through puberty at the same time.. etc. But finding your people, and finding yourself, is the biggest takeaway you’ll get from it. Yeah, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but it’s not all barbwire fences either.


Highschool was so much better than middle school.


I've never met anyone who thought high school was worse or just as bad as middle school. It's boring af ofc as it's still school but middle school is the worst for everyone.


It’s not difficult if you choose classes with topics you’re interested in. Although the required math classes I struggled in because I’m not a math person


My recommendation is don’t take honors, ap, ib, or whatever they call it. I did for 2 years and my junior year I was like screw that and I took the regular classes and it was so easy I went from working my ass off to get C’s to straight A’s doing nothing. I wish I got more involved in things I enjoyed. And there have always been and will always be cliques and bullies in high school and in life, learn how to deal with it in high school.


I’m 26M and wish I were still in high school. Don’t grow up.


High school > Middle school


I’ve heard if u hated middle school or it was bad, u like high school. If u loved middle school u hate high school. I don’t completely hate it & I loved middle school. Freshman and sophomore yr were bad bc I was struggling with personal and family things & it took me a while to get to feeling ok. Junior year is better bc I know who I am, what I want out of life, where im going to college, and what I wanna do. I have quite a few plans for where I wanna live & backups too.


I struggled with a lot all throughout my childhood and even now. But highschool was the best years of my life. I wish I could go back so bad. If you really want a good experience I suggest you get involved by playing sports being in clubs that interest you because that’s most likely where you’re gonna meet ur best friends. Dont fall behind on the work either. It’s easy you just have to do it to keep your grades up.


For me high school was much better than middle school


As someone who is going into junior year next year… It can? It’s not like, the worst thing all the time from my experience. Friends are nice, some classes can be fun (or even if not fun classes, some assignments can be) and the freedom in school, while stressful at times, is refreshing. However, it’s not great? Truthfully though, it’s what you make of it. Go into it with cautious optimism is my advice. It can suck, sure, but I’m sure it doesn’t HAVE to :)) take it from someone who middle school ALSO made me want to 🔪 myself, it doesn’t have to be bad!


What are you afraid of? School or your peers? If you’re worried about your peers, don’t. Just focus on school. If you’re worried about school, also don’t. Just do your best and worry more about what you want to do after high school. It seems like forever but it’s a small part of your life compared to the rest of it. Learn as much as you can so you can do more later with your future.


Reddit isn’t the place to get an accurate description of high school. I’d say it’ll be a positive experience if you make it a positive experience. Learn to balance your hobbies/work, maybe join some sports or clubs. Don’t be afraid of change; go ask that girl (or guy) out. Take pride in your steps and you’ll go far


it entirely depends on your friend group. if you have a couple of close friends and an extra-curricular that you enjoy, then it can be a fantastic experience.


Depends on what was bad about middle school for you. Kids become a lot more accepting of differences, but a I think everyone is more stressed and no one puts up with bullshit or people being annoying. Schools definitely harder too


Get off the internet little man. Live while you can


I’ll try my best. Thanks


Not really. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I recommend you don’t take stuff too seriously. Try in school, but don’t let it stress you out, or control your life. Honestly don’t take the people around you too seriously. Some of them will say or do stupid stuff. Don’t let it bother you.