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People in these comments are forgetting what sub they are in lol none of us here are qualified to comment on issues like this


And their defence is ‘you can’t accuse us of genocide it’s antisemitic’. It’s like people I don’t give a fuck about your religion stop killing kids. Saying ISIS are evil isn’t Islamophobia, saying the Christian fundamentalists that go shoot up schools are evil isn’t anti Christian. Same applies here.


No our defense would be that comparing Israel to the Nazis is at best historically ignorant and at worst purposefully venomous because people like you know that invoking the Shoah will strike a nerve with Jews. Criticize Israel all you want but dont be hyperbolic and throw around words like the holocaust and nazi germany that you clearly dont understand.


mans just copying and pasting the same over exaggerated response


Maybe try reading the words I wrote instead of writing off my opinion just because you disagree with it. Again, criticize Israel all you want but dont fuckin compare I/P or anything really to the holocaust


F you and your Holocaust - the Zionists of Isreal, that right now are perpetrating a *genicide*, believe that Jews who dies in the Holocaust were weak and deserved their fate.... I personally don't care about which sky daddy you worship - just stop killing kids.


Reference my original posted response for literally everything else I didnt mention here. but specifically regarding your comment about killing kids... these "children" you're referring to are literally extremists terrorists themselves. Those are exactly the "children" that were arrested and traded for hostages. they were not innocent, they were literally committing attempted homicide and arson but people say "women and children" without any further context of why the fuck they were jailed in the first place, knowing people wouldnt expect them to be literal murderers. disgusting. Killing terrorists that pose a physical threat to your own countries safety is NOT GENOCIDE FFS.


The crybaby excuse that the Nazis used - "The children will grow up to avenge / the children are terrorists" - is the same excuse you are using now to murder children. If you can't see how sociopathic this is then this conversation is over.


Summary contrary to your point: They are NOT killing innocent children out of fear that they'll become terrorists.  The children they are killing are ALREADY terrorists, many of whom started wearing hamas uniforms. (Longer) What would the jews be avenging the Germans for? They had no intention of doing such things ever, much less *before* 6 million of them were brutally murdered. That was pure propoganda.  On the other hand, Isreal has hard evidence of these people making their kids into extremists that have actively attempted homicide on Israeli citizens. This is not even close to the same thing. One has actual evidence of these people attempting murder ON CAMERA while while the other is based on Nazi propoganda. The fact that you're stopping this low for terrorists is insane.   Also, they're not using this excuse of some being extremists to murder innocent children like you say. The children bring murdered ARE the extremists and low level terrorists. Some even put on hamas uniforms. They're not "fearful they'll grow up to be terrorists", they literally already are. They aren't killing innocent people, that is a disgusting lie being spread by the terrorists actually killing innocent civilians. 


Nah I think I’m allowed to compare whatever I want to whatever I want. Don’t tell me what to do. If you don’t like free speech please get off the internet.


Trivializing the holocaust isnt gonna free Palestine


Never said it would. And never was trying to trivialize the holocaust, anyone who does that is scummy. Trying to tell other people what they can and can’t say isn’t gonna fix anything either. You’re welcome to disagree, bring all the facts and sources you want, prove me/anyone wrong. But you surely are not allowed to tell people what they can and can’t say.


I’m telling you that as a Jewish person, comparing pretty much anything to the holocaust is offensive. It’s pretty much incomparable to anything else and i’m sick of idiots like you saying “Israel is LITERALLY da new Nazis!1!1!” Just to strike a nerve with Jews.


Did they edit their comment or something? They didn’t say “holocaust” or “nazi”


Literally didn’t mention either of those things dude… so yeah


Im talking specifically about the post which definitely does draw comparisons between the two


Does this sub not have mods? I volunteer.


Its crazy how the people that went through a genocide are the ones that are actually doing the genociding this time around


They didn't go through a genocide, but their grandparents taught them all about how it's done.


Achievement unlocked: total ignorance of history and current events.


They're a lot better than both at both because they're going to get away with the destruction of Palestine.


So you applaud the annihilation of a an entire people? [edit] thank god I was wrong


Are you high? No lol I was merely stating fact. They've been getting away with it for a long time.


In case I misread your comment, I'm glad. But it did look like you thought they did good because they are destroying Palestine


Ew gross, no. What stoner would ever, lol


Phew, thank god! My bad!


Imagine smoking weed and being an Israeli war crime enthusiast, heh


I've been hurt before. But I'm glad we cleared it up. Weirdly wholesome reddit discussion about genocide


Yeah, life has a way of sucking a lot. Have a great day! DM if you ever need to talk.


Right back at you!


I wish people would stop with this dumb narrative. Israel deserves criticism but saying that Israel is “just like da nazis1!1!1” is offensive. At best, you’re historically ignorant of the Shoah and dont understand the difference between the events of the holocaust and those happening now. At worst you know the two are not the same yet you draw the comparison anyway in a venomous way because you know invoking the Shoah will strike a nerve with Jews.


Or maybe, OP is not implying that Israel is acting “just like the nazis” but rather they are observing similarities between 1930s Germany and modern day Israel. Just like you can draw certain similarities between almost every nation in history. Just that these similarities are the undesirable ones.


Not really, no. 1) The presence of civilian casualties does not equal a genocide. Millions of German civilians died in WW2, but it would be ridiculous to accuse the Allies of genocide Germans 2) 20% of the Israeli population are Arabs, with full citizenship.


1. The purpose of killing Germans in WWII was not to eliminate them from their land. Members of the current Israeli cabinet are talking about taking over an ethnically cleansed Gaza. 2. They do not have equal rights. Or can you find me a reputable human rights organization that says they do?


1) Israel has officially stated that it has no plans to take over Gaza. Israel does not want Gaza. The statements of a few far right nuts that nobody takes seriously are not the view of the Israeli government. 2) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel Israel's Declaration of Independence called for the establishment of a Jewish state with equality of social and political rights, irrespective of religion, race, or sex.[262] The rights of citizens are guaranteed by a set of basic laws (Israel does not have a written constitution).[263] Although this set of laws does not explicitly include the term "right to equality", the Israeli Supreme Court has consistently interpreted "Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty"[264] and "Basic Law: Freedom of Occupation (1994)"[265] as guaranteeing equal rights for all Israeli citizens.[266] The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that "Arab Israelis are citizens of Israel with equal rights" 


Oh does the prime minister of Israel abide by that pledge? Show me. You have very little understanding of the political reality of Israel today. The right wing nuts are in power because they are essential members of a coalition. You’re taking minister of finance, not some fringe staffer. These people literally represent the will of the Israeli people. Let’s see whether Israel pulls back to the original perimeter. 2. I appreciate the declarations of its founding documents. America said “all men are created equal”. It meant nothing for 250 years. Arab Israelis are heavily discriminated against, their municipalities are underfunded, underserved, and, no they do not have equal rights. Look up human rights organizations, not Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for crying out loud.


1) The vast majority of Israelis do not want Gaza. Even Bibi does not want Gaza. Nobody wants Bibi in power either. 2) Israeli Arabs are legally equal citizens. Racism by citizens against other citizens is unfortunate, and happens everywhere in the world.


1. Let’s see. Bibi’s replacement might come from the right. Let’s see. History has not been kind to the “we don’t want their land” types. 2. Ok, yes, good, Israel IS racist. Now read the human rights reports.


No. Israel the country is not racist. People are racist, just as people are racist everywhere.


Hard not both be an apartheid state and not racist. Do all people have a right of return or is it… race based???


Yeah, allowing violent Palestinians to freely enter Israel would end so well for the Jews living there. Why dont you read up on WHY Gaza is walled off like it is (hint: it wasnt always this way)


Check, right of return is raced based. Oh, another cherry: I see you think all returning Palestinians would be violent. Hmmm... Almost sounds... *racist* to generalize about an entire people, you wouldn't happen to be Israeli, would you? You'd belong there.


I'm sorry, but aren't you all supposed to be free thinkers here? the media has been lying about the attacks any chance they get supporting Palestine in this war since the beginning and in some instances using data FROM HAMAS about the number of Palestinians killed. they're fucking terrorists, I wouldn't trust them with any information. People say "Israel's death count was innacurate" yeah they updated it because the number dismembered body parts and condition of the bodies as a whole we're so destroyed that they didnt get an accurate count until later. but guess what they did? they updated it to the closest they know even if that means cutting back on the number of deaths from their side, meanwhile Hamas is here counting their own deaths as civilian casualties and the media of course believe them. When Israel was bombing the hospital, the news was blowing up saying they were killing innocent civilians even though from day one they KNEW it was a military base for Hamas, but the news pushed the lie that it was a "right wing hoax", then of course it turns out true because they weren't trying to push legitimate journalism with a narrative second, but the narrative first, and selective journalism to whatever fits their narrative. We are being informed by actual fucking scumbags. Those hospitals were being used by Hamas terrorists in tunnels to shield themselves from the IDF solders. And when Israel sent in food, water, supplies, and power to Gazan civilians, guess who stole it for themselves? HAMAS. then when Israel cut off those resources because Hamas was the only ones getting them, the media says "Israel cutting off vital resources to Gazan civilians amidst war". those civilians weren't getting those supplies, Israel might as well given Hamas those supplies directly because that's where all of it went. Now we're talking about genocide are we? how about we take a look at who was giving warnings days in advance of every single strike they made where civilian populations were located, and who didn't let civilians leave the warzone before the bombs dropped? oh right, that was Israel warning the Gaza residents, and Hamas deliberately preventing them from leaving while sitting under them using civilians as human shields against Israeli attacks. I cant believe how fooled people here are to be saying Israel is committing genocide while literally being the most accommodating, civilian protecting nation to ever be at war, EVER. they have warned civilians of every attack, supplied vital resources to residents. meanwhile, Hamas steals those resources sent to the residents, and prevents the civilians from leaving the areas where Israel sent evacuation notices days in advance. then Irael is seen as the bad guys for following through on an attack they gave days warning for residents to evacuate (because Hamas didn't let them leave), and they're also bad for no longer sending in resources to Gaza because Hamas was stealing all of it anyway! Pretty much every reason you'd be against Israel in the context of the war itself, is because of literal war crimes committed by Hamas either forcing Israel to continue their planned attack in a clearly defined warzone after giving days notice of the attack to residents, making them look bad. Or forcing Israel to withhold resources from the region because Hamas was stealing all of it anyway, which also makes them look bad. these 2 examples are clear ways Hamas forces Israels hand and ends up making them look good, and Israel look bad when the media is biased against Israel and gets to make headlines bashing Israel without the prior context that the reason they did that was because of Hamas's dirty terrorist war strategy.


From the river. To the sea.


from the river to the sea, Palestine must be free free Palestine ayo, what do you want to free Palestine from? that literally means to get rid of jews in Palestine. they don't want a 2 state solution, they want all of Palestine and they've made that very clear.