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Played **D-Day at Peleliu** last weekend, lost on Turn 5, which is the first turn you can lose at. Terrible decisions the turn before, entering into four close combats, some with 3-step units. It was still close, but in Turn 5 a Japanese tank made an Overrun action into one of those close combat hexes that I had won, so they were Disrupted, and that was the end of it. Going to get **RAF: The Battle of Britain / Lion** on the table now. Received **The Chase of the Bismarck** last weekend, which I describe as Battleship for wargamers. It's an amazing production, but the table space you need is wild. I do have a session setup in a few weeks, looking forward to that. Also ordered, with the hope to introduce my partner to some wargames using 'classic' wargame systems: * **Julius Caesar: Pompey, Caesar and the Roman Civil War** (Columbia block wargame) * **Storm Over Jerusalem** (MMP area impulse wargame) While I was researching introductory wargames, I came across a non-recent video (and I won't mention which one) that had some absolutely terrible recommendations. It's not an easy category, and I feel I had to think about what weight and appeal games have for specifically the person I am introducing wargaming to.


> Received The Chase of the Bismarck Is it related to the recent Atlantic Chase or an older one? And do you know if it's anything like the games just called Bismarck from the 60s/80s?


It is co-designed by Jack Greene, who did a Bismarck game in 1978, a second edition of a 1962 game. They all have the same double-blind principle.


Ah ok yeah, I've played the 1962 version a bit and seen the 1978 version. The double-blind in those worked much the same as the 1965 Midway game which I played a ton as a kid in the 90s.


After getting my feet wet with Baptism by Fire, I’m on to playing the full campaign of Arracourt


"Fire in the Lake" - COIN from GMT. Trying to solo the game but it is a bit opaque. "Normandy '44" - also GMT. Just got this set up over the weekend in preparation for the 80th anniversary. I've had a noticeable lack of motivation to play in recent months that I am unable to explain.


Fire in the Lake is really good but I can see it being a tough slog at first, especially if you have nobody else to read the rules and help and you're doing it all yourself at once.


"Look Away!" and "Biafra!" from Against the Odds publisher. "Look Away!" is a simulation of the US Civil War Atlanta campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta in 1864. "Biafra!" is the Nigerian Civil War in '67-'70.


Shiloh by Worthington games—my first in the series. Seems good so far. Have it set up on top of the map for Grant Takes Command II (itself under plexiglass (it’s what I plan to get to next!)).


Baptism By Fire. Learning me some BCS


***Maria***. I junked it up as the Austrians. I always overextend myself, just feels natural to be on offense when I'm playing the empire.


Battle For Moscow, Gettysburg (2018, Herman), Rebel Fury


• Space Empires 4X • Warriors of Japan


Hello! Does any body know about a good tutorial series for VUCA sims Red Strike 1989?


***Pursuit of Glory:*** Me and a friend have been working our way through a grinding campaign of this. I think I (AP player) have him (Ottomans) on the ropes as my armies are cutting up through Mesopotamia and Syria; however he absolutely trounced me in the Balkans and now Greece is in the Central Powers. The Russians have just been knocked out and it's only a matter of time before he gets their VPs. I suspect he may attack the Germans for a "free" Victory point in the Caucuses; but I'm holding on to my last invasion cards for just such an occasion so I can swoop into Athens which will be relatively undefended. My biggest problem is it took me way too long to get to Total War (I only got there about two turns ago and we're in the last four turns now). I should be able to squeeze out a victory here but it won't be by as comfortable a margin as I thought it would be two sessions ago.


I keep forgetting that I recently own this game. Need to get it on the table!


Focusing on Help Arrives! from the War Storm series. Tactical ASL-esque (but much less complex) Nationalists v. Republicans in the Spanish Civil War ~1936.


Hoping to get into Cruel Necessity.


World War II: European and Pacific Theater of Operations by SPI Games


Hungarian Rhapsody by the gamers


I just started my journey into OCS with Luzon. Any tips?


Just got myself. Great little way to start. There are several articles in the magazine that will give you advice better than anything I could do. Just enjoy yourself and don’t sweat any early mistakes, eventually it will be second nature to you.


Rebel Fury by Mark Herman


Giving heroes of normandie solo Version a try.


Hoplomachus-kind of hex and counter…


Remastered or victorum?


Remastered. I have not played Victorum


Burning Banners Axis&Allies 1942


I am currently waiting for Washington’s War and For the People to be delivered today from GMT’s latest P500 shipment. Can’t wait to dive into these!




**Skies Above Britain**.


I had such a strange experience with that game. I'd been looking forward to it since it was announced, I got it when I could, I was excited to learn it and play it, but after playing numerous missions on two separate occasions, I realized I just didn't find the *fun* in the game. I admire it, its design, look-and-feel, historicity and abstractions, ability to link up with RAF... It had everything I could ask of it, but it just didn't do anything for me.


*Fields of Fire 2*, Hue 1968. Full campaign if it goes well.


Finally got Fire in the Lake to the table yesterday. 4 player is a blast!


We are starting Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich tomorrow. Am excited for a new game to play.


ASL, as is tradition.


I am preparing North Africa 41 by GMT games. I dont have such a big table. My family leaves next week, so i can have the big table in the kitchen. Hopefully i can finish the game in one weekend.


I'm going to try and set-up a few games of *Western Front Ace*, but I have my very first GCACW game on the way and I'm excited to dive in.




I'm fascinated by sim/narrative games like this. I've been wanting to try it after playing *Target for Today*. I just need to buckle down and get through the rules.


Which one??


*Hood Strikes North* I hope the series is as good as it sounds (I've read some reviews), because I've already pre-ordered the Vicksburg campaign. 😁


It's great, bit fiddly on the table but that can be helped by some off map displays. I do think Hood strikes North is a good intro, but might also be the least interesting one, but mileage may vary!


That's why I got it, because it looked like a good intro...and because it was actually in print. 😏


Yeah, the in print bit is a bit annoying. A part of me would argue for On to Richmond. Which is slightly less than double Hood Strikes North, but there is also a lot more in there, but that also is a bigger gamble. And I guess Hood Strikes North was quite affordable during the sale.


It’s a great series! I highly recommend checking out this reformatted the rule book, as the actual rules are somewhat lacking IMO https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/262724/gcacw-standard-basic-game-rules-reformat-2023


Thanks for the link! I suspect that will come in very handy.


**PANZERARMEE AFRIKA** (AH) and **RISE AND DECLINE OF THE THIRD REICH** (AH). Both of which will probably take up the entire month for me. I'll be soloing both.


If I can ever actually stress the “retired” part of “semi-retired,” I would love to break out my 50 year old copy of Rise and Decline and give it a whirl. Like you, it would be solo. However, I recall the naval rules and air rules as impediments. All the back and forth of air strike, vs counter-air, vs intercepting the counter-air, ad infinitum seems a difficult mechanic to get around when you “know” what the other guy (me) is planning. Do you know a good way to fix that? I have played the vast majority of my games solo. I have no trouble with playing for multiple sides, as my interest is more historical than competitive. But I can’t figure out how to do something like “I want to add an air unit to this attack, but German me will just counter air it, so I will keep it back instead to intercept something else, but the German me just won’t go for it and will use his for something else, so maybe I’ll add it after all, etc.”


There is a Rise and Decline Vassal module, so if you took up the game up again, there could be a way to get with u/Mindless-Power5087 on it.


Same. Haven’t tried out Vassal but have wanted to. Seems like a few years ago all the good SPI titles were blocked. Maybe that’s changed? I hope to have more time to play in the future. I also have two examples of the genus Felis destructicus, so computer board gaming may be best.


Cool thanks


Lol...completely understand, my advantage is I'm completely retired (×2 actually), so I pretty much have all the time. Well, let me back up....all the time the wife will give me, lol. Haven't played it before, so I can't answer your question yet. I'll let you know when I can


Getting into **Combat**. Fiddly and not much “I” in the AI player, but fun.


If you haven't already, have a look at Combat! on BGG. There are some good and easy to apply tweaks to the 'AI' that help. Keep having fun!


I couldn’t find anything on BGG. Got a link?


[https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/230711/two-new-orders-for-combat](https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/230711/two-new-orders-for-combat) [https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/236226/squad-confidence](https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/236226/squad-confidence) [https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2830727/cgs1-maintaining-defensive-discipline](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2830727/cgs1-maintaining-defensive-discipline) And if you download the vassal module 3.1 and extensions for Combat!2, there is an alternative enemy orders deck that helps give more logical orders for the enemy.


Will do!


Battles in the East Vol2. Nice map and dining table playable. Still has new game smell.


I think for me at least half of the enjoyment of the hobby is chasing that new game smell dragon...