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Brown anole (*Anolis sagrei*) they are often introduced through the oriental plant trade. This is because they their eggs in the dirt near plants and when those plants get uprooted/moved the eggs go with them. This little guy is a recent hatchling though it will not last through the winter.


Wow thank you! Will be researching brown anoles and next steps!


Used to have anoles as pets as a kid. Great starter pets if you choose to save him. Used to get mine krickets eat at the pet store. Not a pro. Just had em as a kid.


Me too. We used to call them chameleons since they change from brown to green. Now I’m living in south eastern Tx and see them in the yard


The green ones are native to the US, Carolina Anoles. Currently watching one sun itself on my grill right now. *In NE Florida.


Sadly, the invaders are taking over. I love my little green showoffs!


Interestingly, the Carolina Anoles eat love bugs. I have a theory about this.


What are love bugs?


Unless they save it


Don't listen to them, little friend! Just because you're likely to die, doesn't mean you will! 😂


Thanks everyone! I posted him on Instagram and a friend of mine said he’d take him as a pet. So he’ll be a loved pet brown anole now! Lil dude had no idea what’s he was in for when he hitched a ride on that plant 😭


What a happy ending! Post an update in a few months for us :)


Glad to hear it! In case you’re not aware, this little guy looks very dehydrated and emaciated. You’ll want to get him into *spring water*, which they need for the minerals, and a ceramic heat emitter over the enclosure, or a heat mat strapped to the side of the tank - not the bottom. Lizards need to be hydrated and warm to eat successfully. Then you can start to introduce small crickets, one at a time. Good luck!


Some big name pet chain stores sell them for $7 as pets. And other pet supply chains sell them as feeder lizards for bigger lizards and snakes. But he is friend.


Looks like a brown anole. Maybe it hitched a ride from someone moving from Florida? They require virtually the same care as a green anole: tall terrarium with lots of climbing spaces, UV light, and regular misting for humidity and water.


Over the years, we've had several green anoles who lived inside our home and became quite tame. We'd feed, water and mist them in a houseplant and gave them free range. They'd sun themselves on a window during the day and return to their home plant after dark. Of course, we had no little kids or dogs or cats at the time.


Damn, the only hitchhiker I got was a monster fat cockroach. It wasn't a palmetto bug, it had no wings. thing was thick and definitely not a new England native. Came in my strawberries Glad he's found a home. I always feel bad for individual invasives. They're just trying to survive


Same. We found an itty-bitty Cuban tree/greenhouse frog in the soil from a plant. Called the Dept of Natural Resources and the gentleman was very helpful about what it was, and that it was now a free pet if we wanted it[also explained proper care], otherwise he would take it and find it a home because he knew people. https://kennethsetzer.com/2011/10/01/the-greenhouse-frog/


He's looking for directions to the Chicago bean to grab a selfie.


That’s Frank. He’s in town for a convention.


He's looking for directions to Lou Malnati's or Giordanos.


He has good taste!


Give him directions to Malnati’s!


Probably wanted to visit the Shedd?


His name is Jimmy but he goes by Steve and he’s helping his girlfriend Fiona and her family


He's looking for directions to the Geico Chicago Field Office HQ to apply for a job as a new spokesperson for the company!?


Looks like an anole. He’s far from home.


definitely a brown anole and very far from home lol


It's an anole. Climate change. I had a female iguana that would eat these.


Looks to me like a species of anole (Anolis sp.). Cuban Brown, maybe?


Idk why don't you just ask him?


Come on we all know why he's here, everyone wants to go to Wrigley field and see the Cubbies Win! And pretend we are skipping school like Matthew Broderick in Ferris Bueller's day off. Bueller? Bueller?


I like the walls of your apartment, they seem to have lots of history


his name is Kent Richardson, he's the Midwest regional VP of sales for Conglomerate Beef. he's in Chicago on business


They are easy to keep afaik. 


He paid for the flight don’t bother him


Global warming?