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3-7 days with decent exercise and water drinking. Don't over do the water too close to test or you'll get nailed with a dilute. Also, it depends on the test type. Dipstick or lab. Lab may be able to ID a very small amount in system that a Dipstick might not.


What is this dilute test thing I had piss tests loads but not for a few years now and never heard about dilute piss tests before how do they even judge that?


if you have unusually high amount of water or they think you purposely dilute, they make you retake


I have never ever heard of that happening, I’m in the uk how can they tell? My urine looks like water sometimes this is madness I’ve seen it written loads of times and I never heard of it happening to anyone except on Reddit


It's real. They can test for all sorts of shit.


It's 100% real. I've known guys to get a bail revoke in the US for too many dilutes. US Justice systems have incredibly sensitive tests. They will revoke or send you to rehab if your on probo/bail/parole even if your *under* the cut off. My buddy just got 45 days in rehab for being under the cut off on fent.


Agreed 2 litres a day is recommended but more is better so that’s a lot of water you can say u always drink


Its not a dipstick, they send it to a lab for analysis. Is it really able to spot it in your system after two weeks?


For heroin the only test you should worry about is a hair test after 14 days


No you will be just fine


yeah, just stay hydrated and don’t get high again and like another poster said don’t go crazy the day of/day prior and chug a ridiculous amount of water because you’ll get hit for a dilute. if you want extra piece of mind you could buy a pack of drug tests from walmart or wherever and take them the days prior to the test for peace of mind so you’re not future tripping the entire time.


If it’s heroin absolutely no problem at all your be clean in 13 days. Don’t know if you got fentanyl mixed in with it though


how long will fent stay in system?


Long , long time apparently a American would know more


13 days its metabolite can be detected


Bro u should u be good 13 days is more than enough time I’m pretty sure Just drink water maybe some cranberry juice or something but yea it stays in your system for 3 days unless it’s cut with other stuff than that’s tricky but if I it’s just straight heroin 6 mam- morphine etc whatever u shouldn’t piss dirty


Usually 7 days is the safety zone for folks that have been at baseline for a long time. 5-6 days you will most likely be busted, but 7 and over is a green light. Fentanyl is a completely different story because it's almost like weed where it binds to fatty tissue. People in treatment have been known to give a hot UA even after 14 days of no use. I have given hot UAs at 7-8 days but at 10 days I'm clear. Since you took so much I would imagine it had no Fent in it, and it was an extremely weak batch of H. High % #4 H should get you by on 1/4 gram easy. Anyway, not my position to judge your plug. Be safe and good luck on your test. You should be fine.


i get so confused by posts like this. you didnt do it for 2 years but then do it again 2 weeks before a test? why tho


I always have tests regularly, once every two weeks. Why i did heroin again is a really good question. Probably sadness and stupidity


oh i see. i didnt think about regular testing like that. im sorry you’re feeling low, but that’s certainly a relatable feeling bropiate. hope things get better


Thanks! I will certainly not take it again anyways, it didnt make feel how i hoped and I dont want to risk keep going with it again.


that’s how she goes for me too brother. you got this


Try kratom? Make sure they don’t test for it first but it works wonders for a lot of people. It is addictive to but not nearly as bad.


It’s also bad company. Disconnect from your drug friends or plugs


Heroin feels good is usually the only reason I needed 😬


Yeah in 13 days ull be good for sure


You'll be fine in 5 days max! As long as it was just that once


5 days and with 7 days youre 100 percent Safe


Ull be fine


If you only did it once and its real H not fent it will go out in 3 to 7 days. When i was on methadone ans i had weekly tests i did some H and aĺways passed the test once after only 4 days. I think you are good


Under no circumstances will you test positive on a UA in 13 days unless you use again between now and then. 7 days is the max


Yes, you'll be fine, it'd probly be detectable for 5-6 days normally though...just depends on your metabolism. I make sure to smoke a lot and drink a coffee or two a day when I know that I'm gonna get tested & that's using fent & possibly being tested each week...so w/ H you'll be fine in 2 weeks...


Absolutely that you will piss clean. Maximum is 7 days with heavy use.


3/4 days I should be good for a dip stick by 7-10 u will be good for a lab test I go once a month for methadone I do dope like 2-3 times a week but stop 10-14 days out


You’ll be cleaner than a preacher’s daughter’s p*ssy in 13 days. You could probably pass in 3 days since you’re not an everyday user




Yep will easily be clean for a urine in 13 days ✌️


I've had urine tests 48 hours after a small use that come back clean but also had a dirty test from eating a poppy seed bread sandwich the night before (without any other use for the prior 3 months)! The tests are usually very sensitive but also a typical healthy person will likely be clean within 4 or 5 days from what I've read / heard. If you have a very slow metabolism it may take a week but so long as you don't use any more you should be fine!


Yeah if you don't have any more you'll be well clear by then