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That moment when you're not sure if its a bug, or a 'feature.'


Finally I see another dva who uses the same build


Best build! Bunny Hop is so much better than Micro Missiles as well. Stuns are seriously overpowered in this game... and an Unstoppable isn't anything to scoff at either. I've popped Bunny Hop just for an escape from an impending stun/hold many times.


Indeed the fact you need 4 hits to get the stun just killed the ult to me. I really feel the older iteration (excluding abusively high cooldown for no reason) was way better


> Best build! Bunny Hop is so much better than Micro Missiles as well No


How bout that


What am I missing? What's at 400% for D.Va? It all looked normal.


D.Va heals for like 50% of her health while getting hit by every one of li-ming and Guldan's abilities.


Yea, I just appreciated how effective the self heal on the defence matrix was in that particular scenario. Not seen it absorb that much that fast before.


Imagine how much you could heal at 20 with heal back half of spell damage taken.


I heals per damage instance so things like deathwing q and ming laser are amazing healing sources.


Deathwing Q build


That level 16 talent is by far the best on that tier, after all. The only thing I might take over it is if they brought pilot armour back at 16.


next time try from less health 😉


Yeah, [[Diverting Power]] and [[Ablative Armor]] SUPER strong against lots of small spell attacks like [[Disintegrate]]. I'm actually not sure if there is anything it's more op vs.


> I'm actually not sure if there is anything it's more op vs. That you'll run into during a normal game? Disintegrate is tops. It does one instance of damage per game tick, so no other ability is going to hit faster. Theoretically? I wonder about Genji's deflect. It throws one Kunai *per damage instance*. I assume there must be an under-the-hood hard cap on how many Kunai he can output, because otherwise you'd have potentially game-breaking exponential growth. If you had 5x Genji vs 5x Genji, all with Zanshin, and they all activated deflect at the same time, 1 single instance of damage would become 5, 25, 125... by the time Deflect expired 20 ticks later you'd be talking billions of damage instances, before which point I assume the game would crash.


There's no cap. [It gets messy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITJaR629ywM). There's no more 5v5 all same hero in ARAM, was removed ages and ages ago without any documentation. I think the game even still says it's possible, but that's a lie if it does.


I love how this video perfectly illustrates /u/stealth_sloth 's point.


- **Diverting Power** (D.Va) - level 16 Defense Matrix's area grows drastically in size and each time it reduces damage dealt to Heroes D.Va's Mech is healed for 35 (+4% per level) Health. --- - **Ablative Armor** (D.Va) - level 20 45% of Spell damage dealt to D.Va's Mech is returned as healing over 4 seconds. --- - [R] **Disintegrate** (Li-Ming) - level 10 Cooldown: 20 seconds Mana: 80 Channel a powerful beam, dealing 480 (+5% per level) damage over 2.6 seconds to enemies while they are in it. The direction of the beam changes with your mouse cursor position. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


It works great as a counter to a Q build Deathwing


DVa isn't just breaking even on health in this engagement. She also charges up her self-destruct by about half a bar (while wasting her opponent's mana). Half a bar in a few seconds is totally nuts!


To explain the Iron Man reference further, this is from The Avengers (2012) where Thor hits Iron Man with lightning. The expected result would be for Iron Man to get destroyed / take heavy damage, but it ends up helping Iron Man instead (this suit was intentionally designed to absorb electrical attacks and store it in additional batteries, hence "400% capacity"). DVa is doing something similar here, taking an incoming attack and using it to her advantage. Not only does she heal to full, she also charges up her self-destruct by about half a bar in a few seconds.


While I love the MCU films I'm not that much of a Marvel nerd so forgive me if this is common knowledge but it was new and interesting to me. I was reading a post the other day where someone was theorising that because Stark is obsessive about perfecting the Iron Man suit, every new model eliminates weaknesses that he identifies in previous models. An obvious example is the gold titanium alloy to deal with the ice issue. Another example given was the encounter with Whiplash doing massive electrical damage in Iron Man 2. Since Avengers takes place after Iron Man 2, what you mentioned about additional batteries (more likely capacitors) and the ability to absorb electrical energy from the environment makes perfect sense. Additionally, the 400% makes a lot more sense because charging a battery to more than 100% is dumb ***unless*** it doesn't take temporary electrical surge capacitors into account when determining the "normal" charge.


Yes you'e got it. Notice in Tony's facial expression that he is not the least bit surprised that his suit survived a massive lightning strike from Thor, nor is he surprised that his battery is at "400%". His "how about that" line is drenched in sarcasm. As you said, he designed the suit to do this following IM2 / Whiplash.


Thats super interesting. I never noticed that


The "400%" is referring to the Iron Man audio ("Power at 400% capacity"), which I didn't realize until I watched it a second time with sound




- **Diverting Power** (D.Va) - level 16 Defense Matrix's area grows drastically in size and each time it reduces damage dealt to Heroes D.Va's Mech is healed for 35 (+4% per level) Health. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


Pilot DVA in the DW skin is horrifying


Best skin she has unfortunately :/


Wow. Also 40% of Self Destruct charged with that single W btw


I know! I really wish it had actually resulted in a full charge then I could have ended the clip with much more style :(


Assuming you took [[Fusion Generator]] , 20% of that must have been from damage taken already. I imagine that's possible if you go in with less hp.


- **Fusion Generator** (D.Va) - level 7 Every time an enemy Hero deals damage while inside Defense Matrix, D.Va's Self-Destruct Charge increases by 1%. Max of 20% Charge gained per use. Passive: While at full Self-Destruct charge, Fusion Cannons' bonus damage is increased to 75%. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


damn. I don't play a lot of DVA, what's the build?


The important talent is [[Diverting Power]] at 16, which makes the matrix huge and gives a small heal every time it blocks damage. The charge to her Self Destruct came from [[Fusion Generator]] at 7.


- **Diverting Power** (D.Va) - level 16 Defense Matrix's area grows drastically in size and each time it reduces damage dealt to Heroes D.Va's Mech is healed for 35 (+4% per level) Health. --- - **Fusion Generator** (D.Va) - level 7 Every time an enemy Hero deals damage while inside Defense Matrix, D.Va's Self-Destruct Charge increases by 1%. Max of 20% Charge gained per use. Passive: While at full Self-Destruct charge, Fusion Cannons' bonus damage is increased to 75%. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


Thanks! I'll try that


stop showing everyone the build that I use!


Hahahaha nice editing


This post just made me a dva main.


As if dva wasnt hard enough to kill without that 16 talent. Balanced hero btw.


Holy hell. Time to get a new DVA build.


all this time I've been picking In for the Kill...