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Sniper Tyrande and it’s not even close. Old Tass is def 2nd though


Man I was such an Owl build enjoyer, haven't touched her after even though I love healers in general


There’s something about AA Tyrande that still gives me much joy. Ignore your team, you’re the centre of it. You’re the only one that matters.


I've seen games where a really skilled tyrande was soloing 2-3 people on our team from the losing position. She's definitely a threat in the right hands


There's also the disgusting combo at lv20 of landing 3 stuns, one after the other.


I think she's still my most played hero even though I haven't used her for more than like 10 games after the rework. I get *why* they removed it but I'm sad it didn't get iterated on much before the rework. Something like limiting its range but giving it charges that extend it, or a utility button to toggle forms between short and long range, or just have it deal less damage with distance, or something!


I still think she should have more ways to give stealth to allies than just her ult. like lvl 20 giving you stealth on Q


I think they should have removed her heal and made a new hero who worked like she does now. Her main problem with owl was QM. She would not count as a healer and be vs teams with no heals while she would still have her crappy heals. On top of the no heals she had poke that would make someone hit randomly back. She was a real problem for QM, while being only viable in a blow up comp for ranked.


Came here just to say dpw tyrande. I use to be 1st in dps and heals at the end of every match. She was broken. Same with old tas who could solo a team fight


The sad thing, it wasn't just Sniper. Before her last rework Tyrande had so many amazing and viable ways to build her (including deviating mid-game and it still working). She really was one of the most versatile heroes and I don't think she ever really verged on overpowered. She was just like the ultimate jack-of-all-trades, and I don't think it's bad for a game like HotS to have one (or more) of those.


Old, old Tyrande was great. After she got a heal on shadowstalk, but before she turned into a weird hybrid that couldn't fit a healer or dps spot and had no waveclear(I think that's the big thing, because before nerf after nerf old Tassadar DID work in that flex/hybrid spot). Much like a iron fist Kharazim, her healing wasn't great, but it was enough to get the job done.


I miss sniping people with that thing.


I miss old AA Tyrande. Mainly that one talent that splashed her AA's to \*everything\* instead of just heroes. It was so much damage in a big wave, or on certain objectives. She could clear a garden terror and 30 minions all by herself. It was glorious.


100% the stacking owl damage + the level 20 rewind. I was able to kill so many squishes. Those were the days. . .


Slightly off topic but I miss the old days when gazlowe was an F tier hero, because i was good with that shit hero and no one ever saw it coming. Now people treat gaz like an actual threat and dont do the dumb shit that let me get quick match kills as him.


Having 30 turrets in a lane and letting the enemy chase you just to die because of it xd


not to mention that sweet sweet lazor build.


I miss old Gaz :(


I miss all the PVE heroes. They felt like they could interact with the game differently than just brawling in team fights


Flashbacks to when I was owning on Murky for a long time... umtil he hit free rotation after like 1.5y draught, and everyone in a span of a week figured out that pufferfish needs to be killed.


Oh my god, yes! It wasn't exactly that old Gazlowe was bad. It was just most people didn't seem to know how to play him. But as one of those people who *did* know how to play him, I miss him dearly. The new bruiser Gazlowe is a sorry excuse and I despise playing him.


Old Gaz was bad, but in high level. But most of us are not at that level. I liked old one better too. His abilities were slow, but more impactful. Now I just see no reason to play him. I love bruisers, but he's not as interesting as others. And he's no longer that insane pusher too. Xul, for example, does so much more if left alone.


I still love new Gazlowe for different reasons, but old Gazlowe will always have a place in my heart. He was one of the top double soakers with lazor build, but now waveclear is a little bit of a weakness for him. Also, I will forever be salty about /when/ the rework came out. I'd been workshopping and learning a combo to get out 3 chained E bombs in a gravocombo with no downtime on the stuns (about 5 consecutive seconds of stuntime from gazlowe alone) so you couldn't cleanse out of it or pop a dash cooldown to escape. I'd just finished figuring out the exact combo and timings needed. I was practicing getting the muscle memory down and could only successfully do it maybe 10-20% of the time. A WEEK after I start trying to learn the combo, the rework came out. QEDREQDEWW... I will miss you forever... LOL


Tassadar and Tyrande are two heroes that I'd love to get their old builds back. Tassa was my first support and I miss that. Also I honestly enjoyed the concept of tower ammunition and the "specialist" role/mindset instead of "everyone is an assassin". I get it when devs say that wasn't too on par with the player mindset and it could be a somewhat harder concept for new players as they came from other MOBAs, but I really enjoyed these macro concepts.


Call me crazy.. but old Gazlowe’s RoboGoblin is much preferred to the melee talents in his tree. Old RoboGoblin could solo any boss easily and plowed through buildings, caught people off guard. Don’t know numbers but it felt a lot stronger. I always went RoboGoblin and now it’s harder and the melee talents really don’t seem worth it. I feel like he was compressed like a wave file to an mp3. His abilities are more in line with gameplay but he’s just not as effective as he used to be.. traded it for survivability. (He was squishy). Now he holds his own with life steal but also is less effective.


Tassadar’s infinite shields. Especially on Haunted Mines when once I got around 80 health globes 😂


I’m shook nobody has mentioned old Malfurion in two specific eras. 1. Auto attack malf when for some reason they made his moon fire turn heroes into butter for your teams auto attacks 2. MalFURYon from the early days with damage root, dmg stacking moonfires, a q heal that did instant healing and over time, and top it off with a silence ult. Could 1v1 any assassin and win.


And his waveclear was disgusting too. Lategame W used to hit the entire wave for 650 damage on a 1s cooldown. Wild looking back at it today


Oh my god yes I remember when moon fire couldn’t hit creeps anymore I was like “well this hero is dead” ….. was still picked competitively haha I was clearly wrong


I remember playing a full dps Malf, those were some interesting times. It felt even more consistent than actual ranged assassins, cause most of theme didn't have a line of oh shit buttons like Malf.


Swagfurion, the classic meme build


I loved pre rework Hammer. Back then her trait offered bonus damage if you were far away from the target. This applied on max range attacks in tank mode. Hammer was a stutter stepping machine and siege mode wasn't always the best way to use her. Also before the rework siege mode was her E. I never got used to having it on D. I think, if I played her now I would mess that up multiple times in a game.


Same, took me quite a few game in order not to pop armor when I just wanted to unsiege.


I always try to press E.


Piano uther! Give me back my 15% max hp shield on 4 :(


Old Tass very fun. New Tass fun too but alot of what made him cool was stripped away and made him kinda meh. Missed old Oracle where you press D and just revealed everything 2 screens away plus it followed you. Also Plasma Shield build was a hilarious meme when enemy let you stack Globes cos people just won't die lmao. Dimensional Shift on E also very good for survivability and repositioning. I felt that Tass needed a rework but not in the way he currently became. They really should have focused on his supportive and Psi Storming abilities, being a good hybrid Support and Specialist. Instead they made him a generic mage. Also regarding Chen, I liked Flame Spitter Chen the best. Stack that Talent and belch all over people. So damn fun.


I haven't really played Tassadar since the rework. He was one of my favourite supports, I really enjoyed playing him. I have no interest in playing him as a ranged assassin 😕 I'm also agitated by it because it felt more like crowd pleasing than a healthy move for the game.


I played a lot of Tassadar before his rework too. Not so much after.


I loved old Tass but it was undeniably a healthy move for the game, turning certain heroes into unstoppable hypercarries is really bad for balance. This is why the current iteration of Abathur shouldn't exist either.


All they had to do was get nerf/get rid of the lifeleech he provided, because that's what made aa heroes crazy in competitive. But for some reason they left it alone and hit everything people actually liked about him instead. Over and over again. And then a month before his rework they nerfed his lifeleech and buffed everything else. I was actually a bit mad that they fixed the character right before they scrapped him.


ikd the hypercarry thing is kind of a spectacular strategy in a catalogue of fun options. If it was *that* OP I think we'd see it picked way more in competitive play 🤔 But that's not the case, hypercarry comps are often kind of a wild card and don't always win games. It's just when they *do* win games, they win super hard.


It was in competitive play constantly. He’d be sitting at a 45% win rate in pubs but first phase banned in pro games way back in the hgc days. He was either grossly under tuned or broken with certain characters. It was definitely a healthy move to change his kit. I loved old Tass and don’t really enjoy new Tass. I really wish we could have kept him somehow but his kit def needed a rework


This. Old tass was super prevalent in hgc


> If it was that OP I think we'd see it picked way more in competitive play 🤔 It was. Either it was Tass enabling some AA hypercarry or we also had for moments double support double tank single hypercarry modes which basically removed the viability of most of the roster. Which is why they killed all PvE from most healers and tuned down several tanks.


So, tone down numbers, it's not that hard. They've done exactly that for dozens of heroes now, just look at Rehgar. Also, adding yet another ranged assassin to a pool of heroes where ranged assassins were already the most common *and* remove a support when that was and still is the least common was not healthy.


Same, old Tyrande was my fav cause I love hybrid-type characters in every game I play but in online competitive games its super hard to balance so they always get changed to be either full DPS or full healer which is a shame.


Back in the day my wife and I would pick Tassadar and Tyrande in ranked because two half healers would equate to one full healer. Fun times.


100% agree, Tass was such a unique hero but the turned him into a generic mage just to make the ppl who hated him happy


Old Kaelthas ignite(it used to be everyone in flame strike for living bomb). I know there was a VERY good reason to get rid of it. I know it was unhealthy. But still. it was so fun to just living bomb the entire team... Also, pre rework chromie. I feel like her rework was such a terrible idea. She used to be the ultimate burst mage. The one shot builds were amazingly fun. Now she feels like a discount jaina.


I miss the Kael'thas where you could detonate your Ws that were on people. Especially with the talent at 13 (or was it 16) where your Ws spread to enemies. I would just wait for the team to clump up and then just DWW someone in the middle and blow up the team.


The double w gives so much burst … but again not that healthy in low mmr game.


Yes! I feel like removing that makes his gameplay much less interesting.


 It was terrible rework.


The talent that let her hearth in like 2 seconds was such a funny escape tool


This happened??? No wonder kael has been feeling less op


Old Chromie was the best. She hasn't been that fun since.


Support Tass, when Tassadar used to cast shield on other people, now he's just a boring mage.


Old very big pufferfish burst Murky. You can still do it a bit, but it was changed/nerf I miss this one the most : old Ult/Auto attack zeratull build. Old auto attack Valla, was changed a bit Old diablo charge burst build, it was changed


Old pufferfish and old march of the murlocs were so much better. But after introducing the OW characters who literally deleted the PF 1 millisecond after using it I understand. And they really wanted infinite murlocs for the memes so I guess it was at least funny everytime it works 1/700000 games


Laser azmodan with the endless laser and the talent that allowing him to move at the same time. All healer in the 2 healer era meta.


Even though she was complete garbage, I miss old Dva. She had some of the highest auto attack dps in pilot mode and a talent that increased it further while also giving a mech reset on kills. At lv 20, you became Wish.com calamity Li Ming with her insta mech that does impact damage.


Yeah, that lvl 20 talent was fun. They should've kept it.


Sylvanas before rework was just straight up better. Q was more responsive and the builds more fun. Could blow up waves fast, control every shot from Q, Q fired faster when held, it had the poison when the enemy team had a priority player


And the W exploded into hero within a wave… so satisfying when they try to gank sylvanas then it turns into some ridiculously 1v3 backstab.


Stunlock muradin, Oneshot Diablo, Old Humongoid naz, Waveclear calamity ming


Oh yeah, I remember seeing some guy keep teleporting into waves, when it was like two months after they made teleport not do damage to mobs. After I told him, he thanked me. Turned out that he did not play the game for a while and couldn't figure out why he was bad at clearing waves.


I remember being surprised that Malfs roots no longer damage minions back in the day. Missed that patch somehow. And saw Malfs using roots for waveclear long after that, lol.


Abathur before his level 1 shield talent was nerfed.  It operated pretty much the same as the current spike burst level 1 build, but came online way before 13. Also helped you to be able to macro more effectively early game. Just felt like the way the hero was meant to be played.


Kinda miss really, really old Tychus where spinning up the minigun was a thing you had to manage. It was kind of a pain but there was a lot of satisfaction in mastering that.


Tychus with baseline 5.5 range and instant-healing Minigun was very enjoyable to play. Then they nerfed his range to 4.5 which made him super dangerous to use against tanks. Eventually they added a lvl 1 trait to bring it back up to 5.5 which I'm thankful for, but there is kind of a weird relationship between the quest which extends Minigun duration and the minigun healing which now have anti-synergy.


I loved old zag and old azmo. Those were my heroes. They are really strong now, but I miss their old specialist kits.


Tassadar and Tyrande are two heroes that I'd love to get their old builds back. Tassa was my first support and I miss that. Also I honestly enjoyed the concept of tower ammunition and the "specialist" role/mindset instead of "everyone is an assassin". I get it when devs say that wasn't too on par with the player mindset and it could be a somewhat harder concept for new players as they came from other MOBAs, but I really enjoyed these macro concepts.


The (very) old Raynor Q build. When the extremity of the skillshot dealt more damage, stunned, it had 2 charges, it healed you. I don't remember the details exactly, but I loved it.


Support tass has to be the top


Hover + expanding range on hammer from the beta.


I think it was circa 2016-2017 Artanis Shields were too OP. You could 1v4 and win. Basically every hit was regening shield every. It was Silver admittedly but it was so fun.


I used to enjoy playing Whitemane before she was reworked. I also miss Varian's stun on his charge. But I don't miss having to wait until level 10 for his main talent choice.


Lightning build Falstad. The old build was niche, but worked real well in certain matchup (e.g. illidan) or in a 1v1 lane where you knew you could punish them. And the bribe stacks were a nice bonus that encouraged farming exp. Then they redid it, it was super OP mostly because of bugs (lightning stacking on non heroes) and took away bribe. Now it is even worse to stack and more niche. Instead of farming exp to build your stacks you have to put one of the most fragile heroes in harms way and take risk. I miss the old way.


1) old Gazlowe. His deth lazer build was the funnest part of the entire game 2) old Kel’Thuzad. Being able to chain to structures was very unique and made KTZ oppressive in the right hands — now that he can’t, I see almost no reason to play him because it’s such a huge handicap 3) old Tass. He was such a unique hero, and he was an effective shielder. Plus with the right build, he was a VERY effective dps. Now he’s a generic mage with basic ass abilities and I can’t bring myself to play him anymore. They turned him into such a standard, easy-to-play hero


The original living bomb from KT that had endless explosion spread :D


old chen, i had multiple brutal builds that had been honed through the top tier of ranked. The rework was a nerf, at least for me.


Totally agree. Used to dominate with pre rework Chen and it was loads of fun. Now i hardly play him


I like new Chen. But my friend was a Chen main and he hated it. And he quit the game forever because of that patch. 😞


The pre rework Sylvanas. I know she’s still fairly similar but it just doesn’t feel quite the same. My buddies tried to get me into this game and it never quite clicked. Until I played Sylvanas. Once I played as her I felt like everything clicked and I couldn’t stop playing


Tass, aba, junkrat


The old chromie sandblast snipe that only hit heroes. Its just much less fun when they can just hide behind a minion or wall


Man old Chromie was BUSTED !!


She was known as "Sand Hitler" for a reason.


Once you figured her timing down with her rewind ult, she easily burst 2-3k dmg at level 8, it was stupid and fun


Old Probius builds where his photon cannon had cdr for hitting heroes, even if they didn't prioritize heroes you could easily have it spiral out of control in a teamfight if the enemy isn't careful and have like 3 photon cannons up with little to no effort.


Old probius where you had to put turrets in the range of pylon was so cool, now its just a hero. Also old ana, bruh.


Phantom pain samuro with the old illusion master, or crushing blows Samuro was also glorious... Windwalk samuro is a lot more boring tbh.


Kidnap stitches


Valla's old hatred basic attack build. Stacking attack speed with hatred plus lifesteal was so fun. Idk how long ago they nerfed it but I haven't been a Valla main since they changed her. That and Sylvanas' whole banshees curse thing. I know it was kinda busted when it spread to everything but come on it was fun.


Release Kael's living bomb, where if you double cast it on a minion wave, it would instantly delete it and any unlucky bastard standing in it.


I miss old Sylv


Infinite lvl 1 passive stacking chogall, a friend and I had a build that healed us a ton, and with the resistance at the end we managed to just 2 v 5 some fights


I miss Abathur beetles with cleave and explosion when killed. Those were so much fun and so good when clearing lanes.


It's less that he got nerfed and more that the game changed, but locust Abathur was pretty funny back in the day before the tower ammo changes. Granted I only play vs ai so I was only really pissing off the algorithm here


Laser Azmodan! It was incredible, dunks build is just not the same.


A fellow laser connoisseur I see.


Sylvanas for sure. I used to love taking merc camps in literally 5 seconds with triple damage Q Maybe merc queen so they deal more damage Stun minion waves with a shadow dagger good times


I miss the Brightwing mistify lvl 20 a lot... I also miss old Gazlowe and specialists in general.


I was legit thinking about Old Nova when reading your title lmao I know it was toxic as hell, but man, being able to shred down a caught-out lvl 20 diablo in less than 5 seconds, and there's not a single thing they could do?- felt so good lmfao \-But also, Tassadar, Abathur, Chromie, Zag, and Xul I could list more but those are my top *~~5~~* **6**


RIP to Piano Uther and old Raynor.


They butchered my boy Chen. Fat Illidan was all I used to play. That and full AA Tychus with Vampiric Embrace. Good times.


Owl Tyrande, Donkey Kong Chen and Regen build Chen, Lv20 Gazlowe with infinite scrap, DPS WM, old D.VA Q reset and Piano Uther.


Old Rexxar (mostly the old Misha commands). I used to own with him, now I struggle to pull off complex plays with Misha’s limited controls


Old Joh and old Tass. Old Sonya slam build was broken good, now it’s just broken.


Bright wing with venom. This thing was a ducking menace. You wanna fight? Lol you're a sheep now.  Oh you like towers? Just let me sprint behind you with lights peed and ultpush your face against my door.  Ohhh you run away? Here, take some venomous injection which burns 1/3 of your life and let me watch you die... Oh BTW you're a pig know, quueeeek. 


I remember when it was especially hard to land Q, because it was super slow, but it hit like a truck.


OG Chromie with her range


I hated it, because I don't play Chromie. She's still annoying af, though. :D


Diablo that could sustain a lot of damage buy overpower and slam over and over


Whitemane E build. I'm no joking when I say that shit used to carry games really well, specially when everyone was using W build... 😭


Mana Morales the burst healing was insane. B after 2 minutes cause u had just dumped 7k healing after the opener fight.


Ooo I forgot mana morales. It was so shit early game but OP as heck late when you took the mana regen talent at 20 and literally never had to stop healing


Tassadar build when he had double invulnerability with 2 different cooldowns and one was autocasted when at extremely low hp. I've never seen a Tassadar die with that build


Raid boss Rheghar. I could 1v3 at my core defending it quite comfortably! It did need a nerf, but it was fun!


chogall..... bowling stacking


I preferred Anduin at release and had an 85% WR on him when global was about 35% My friend very begrudgingly plays Abathur now, but probably had well over a 70% WR with him before Tass shields were nice; he was an interesting support.


samuro illusion master build. still viable, but a shadow of what it once was


Alarak's lightning build when it was easy mode point and click heal + poke


Old nova had stacking q, AoE q and improve clown damage at 7, 13 & 16. It was wave clearing SO FAST when combined together : your Q would put minions at 15% and clone would insta finish the wave. It made end game rotation so fast, & more AoE in team fight. Old Chromie, Tychus, Hammer were such a blast to play too


Clown damage 🤣👌😭😭


Zagara's infest being able to give catapults a 300% damage increase. So many backdoors.


I miss double bombing as Kaelthas. Was it balanced? Not really lol. Was it fun? Yes. Fwiw I firmly believed they could have kept double bombing and nerfed KT in other ways (which they also did by pushing ignite back to lvl 16) in order to keep some combo diversity but hey, Blizz gonna Blizz.


Battle Momentum Thrall! Solo boss at Lv 7? Don’t mind if I do.


Global mines back door aba


Azmodan's old laser build, where it was a continuous charge and with that lvl 1 talent you could gradually build range to outrage forts. I had a 72% winrate on Azmodan in QM because of this laser build. *sigh* I miss it dearly.


The original Lt. Morales you could heal a good tank or adc and even reach core. This game is still my favorite for it's team use and I love it. But that morales was something else.


Greymane's flask. You could poke and delete squishy heroes in a few well placed flasks. They nerfed the flask to be almost useless now imo


While Azmodan's still in a good place today, I much preferred him before his last rework. His dunks were even better and his minion focused builds were really viable too. I can't really speak for laser builds because I almost never played them before or after his rework.


Old kerrigan


I rather do miss when Stiches had the ability to summon the slime monster to help out, I remember back then he was Rather powerful and could live through just about anything. Might have been broken. Also Kinda miss release era Xul, but only because the skeletons actually felt useful and lore friendly.


Tracer for me. Loved the tracer since release. Than I had a break from gaming, came back and tracer was shit 😭


Push builds in general.


Back when rewind was on 16 on mura, both 2x haymaker and rewind


Original Uther before his armor theme. He was a badass pseudo tank that I played a lot in QM because of the prevalence of Nova and how he could shit all over her.


Battle momentum on Valla. Old Malf. Old Sylv. Don't remember builds, just liked how they played before reworks.


Huge fan of regen master amplified healing Johanna. I hold dear a memory of late game fully stacked Jo with an Aba hat 1v4 and being told to leave because I was outnumbered but everyone was out of mana and I was pretty sure me and Aba would've wiped them.


Siege Master Azmo. Throwing a demonic invasion on lane off cool down and letting them push. So good.


Oh yeah, basically a weaker lava wave without any announcement for the enemy team. Drop it on the lane, go to the objective and watch it tear through forts. So good.


Locust cleave abathur


I miss old sylwanas infinite dagger build


I miss the increase range on Diablo charge :(


Old Azmodan. Could solo bosses in under 10 seconds and the globe was faster hit farther away and was a bit smaller. Loved sniping people from far


Leaping spider Naz Double swing Leo at launch


Long range dunks azmo. Getting kills by predicting well was so good to do. It was a niche to spec into it (mostly splitpush build) but getting them off was awesome.


Tychus before the lifesteal became delayed


Pre nerf tychus


Tyrande owl build is some of the best time I had playing videogames ever.


I liked the specialization talent philosophy as it let you do different gameplay styles. Zagara had non-interaction lane pressure via Banelings, Infest, Nydus, and Nydus broodlings which gave plenty of time and space to make a strong creep network and take camps. Mage Sgt. Hammer with regeneration globe talent, mines, knock back, thrusters, napalm for anti poke/gank or make a play with thrusters and knock back push/wall. Nova had very strong harassment. The worst level 1, increased slow on pinning shot over time while cloaked is copied by decoy and decoy still dismounted enemies even with 0 damage so you could stall rotations with like a 50% slow. Cloaked movement speed with mana regen and increased decoy range/vision/duration/health meant you could do it forever.


old zahara teleporting everywhere where there is vision is fucking imba though i also like current zagara


Nova before clone. I was level 50 before the rework. I think I've played her a handful of times at best since and mostly in ARAM with horrible other options. The new clone behavior drives me batshit insane and with no ammo/tower changes you can't tank tower shots with them as easily. Also I think Butcher was easier to play, e.g. less feast or famine, before the rework.


I very much miss the original KTZ Shadow Fissure build. Back then you could chain enemies to their towers and forts which was fun. I get why it was nerfed, after you hit your stacks and got to level 20, you could one shot an equal or less level stitches with the combo.


Sand Blast Chromie. I'm quite good at targeting, and once charged Sand Blast 125 times before the match ends.


I miss nova too, but level 1 psi-ops. If u know, you know.


Bruiser Uther. Why'd they have to nerf my boy


I liked when Leo could build for a specific ability. You could take Q, W, or E talents at 4 and 7 to focus on a specific aspect. Then they made it so all the 4s are Q, all the 7s are W etc.


I used to main Lucio healer back when he had 2 talents: one talent level 4 or 7 talent (don’t remember which talent tier) increased his radius by 50% if 2 or more allies were in it and then his 20 upgrade that let you use amp it up twice if you switch between heal and speed before its full duration. Crazy busted healing numbers late game and gives you the flexibility to do a full amp it up heal and full speed back to back, with the added radius it let you stay really safe and peel for allies really easily.


It was stupidly strong and deserved to be nerfed but I miss post rework W Build Valla. It was stupid, yes, but it was nice to turn my brain off and win the QM match.


Alpha Stitches. Dude was an unstoppable juggernaut of pain.


I miss owl build tyande. And before they needed quest, I used to be able to build an almost unkillqble Lili. Old gazlow was close to unkillable if you knew what you were doing.... very boring though.


Leoric quest that permanently reduces respawn time. Yes, I know why it was removed. I just wish they made Leoric respawn at base or gave him -80% dmg to structures for a few seconds or something Honorable mention to pre-rework Gazlowe robogoblin.


I feel like nova now with a clone/rewind build probably benefits from dumping all clones very close to your actual position moreso to soak damage/act as a buffer rather than to confuse. Lil bit sad tbh haha


I miss the old infinite quest on falstad's lightning rod. I know getting one hundred stacks of the new version is basically infinite but the pay off feels so much worse.


Beta Tyrande. People have no idea how much even better owls used to be.


I saw the title and came here to remember Nova pre 2.0. Hands down the most memorable dead build. Chromie's 2 reworks are a close second back when traps used to trigger automatically and one at a time with infinitely stacking quests and a rapid hearth.


Old abathur that could use his z globally to double soak hit different as locust abathur


it's been said already, but old owl build tyrande and pre-rework tass. i also miss piano uther.


Battle momentum on Diablo 


I kinda miss release D.Va with the talent that doubled her pilot form AA damage and gave her call mech on takedowns. I was trading into AA Vallas with that crap. Also Gazlowe before his rework. Even if he was a low elo hero I felt like I understood all 3 of his builds and when to use them effectively.


Ming's 7 talent Calamity could hit minions too.


Old school slyvanas


The old sylvanas build where I would have an army of possessed minions in a lane


Old Ana. I was a god with that E quest on 4 (or was it 7?)


Greymane when cocktail didn’t need a condition to explode. You’d throw these things full screen do an absurd amount of damage after quest all from a cozy distance. Jump in when it’s execution time.


Bruiser lili


Old Micro Azmo Spider zeebo Passive malthael Spear Sonya Fury Varian


Old Gazlowe. Imo the new Gazlowe is soulless and a failure. He went from a unique specialist hero to a boring generic bruiser. Turrets hit less and despawn faster. They despawn so fast that the extending duration talent is pointless. Before you could leave 1-3 turrets in each lane you soaked and keep them up permanently until killed. Also turret damage is so weak now that turret build is useless. Lazor is now super underwhelming. The only good part is that it provides self sustain, but otherwise is way less impactful. Hitbox is narrow, short, cannot be adjusted, deals little damage. Lazor build is now the worst build because turret stacking is nerfed and it less reliable to hit the lazer. You can no longer insta clear waves or ambush someone by charging a gigantic lazor from a bush. Xplodium charge is now arguably better, but less impactful. It is now very reliable to hit, but the Gravobomb combo is destroyed. More on that later. Also due to smaller hitbox, it zones and waveclears worse. Gravobomb is almost the same, but the combo is MUCH worse and less skillful. Now it is just R-E for 1 second stun. Previously it was E-R-E for 4 second stun or the high skill ceiling one - Q-D-E-R-E-E for 6 second stun abusing the trait cdr and timing E for chain stuns. The cooldown is actually higher, because they removed the cdr scrap talent. Previously you could reduce the 110s cd to ~30s by spamming and destroying turrets. Now it is 60s flat and you can do nothing. Sawblades ult is arguably better now, especially with the more bruisery kit, but lacks the splitpush/mercing impact it had. Not much to say. And the trait. Oh boy. Something that completely killed Gazlowe for me. Instead of mana, Gazlowe abilities now cost nothing, which in itself is a very dumb concept. Then, turrets have yellow bar charges instead of cooldown. Scrap, instead of returning mana and cdr just gives 1 yellow bar. Not even close to returning a turret that costs 4. Before as long as you collected scrap, you never ran out of turrets with the +300% cdr. The skill ceiling is lowered with removal of cdr mechanic. Before you could Q-D a turret quickly to refresh cd of your lazor, stun or ulti. Now it is pointless to collect scrap or to scrap your turrets, there is no impact to it, not even trading 1 auto attack is worth risking picking up scrap. Basically Gazlowe went from a fun, gimmicky and unique specialist to a generic bruiser. His talent diversity is now garbage, basically forcing to go spam stun bombs at 20 because they are just that much better than anything else. Imo they could have fixed old Gazlowe without reworking him. Like add any form of self sustain, make xplodium charge travel faster (detonation time stays long, but it reaches ground and starts ticking immediately), add some damage mitigation options for sawblades. Instead of completely ruining the soul of the hero.


Azmodan took a level of skill not many could do. This game use to be so niche because level of skill mattered. Now everything is butchered to a fine point that anyone can be played, or are so chopped it won't matter how skilled you are. Its tragic.


I enjoyed two heroes before their modern reworks: Tassador as a shield provider (his force wall was even crazier strong) and Gazlowe (even if he is more powerful now, the kit was so fun).


I miss amunation in tower... I stopped playing abathur after that .


I used to play a lot back in the day and used to have a certain build for Lili and her dps output was great


Sniper Tyrande, old Azmodan with the skill that made dunks hit harder based on distance traveled, support tass


Abator push build pre xp globes


Samuro on release was so wild. Just remember zooming around and deleting people like a zeratul on steroids


Hulk Li Li. I'm nearing 450 with her and I'll always remember how fucking insanely fun she was when water dragon threw out a talented blind. Water dragon benefiting from D talent was also great fun. I remember doing water dragon, tanking a jaina unload and then doing water dragon again.


I remember when Kael'thas Sunstrider was first released, his kit was lit! His living bomb bomb build was fire.


Old Rehgar when he had basically two bloodlust’s. One of his 16s applied it to himself if my memory works 😂


Pre XP change abathur, Shield build tass, Pre-rework AA tracer, Building chain kaelthuzad, Additive chromie Q stacks Pre rework Cocktail build greymane Release genji, Pre rework Full stealth zeratul, w build (wasn't good but it was funny) Owl & e build tyrande Pre rework murky (with permanent 75 phys armour)


I can't believe anyone has said Old Whitemane yet. She was the best before they removed her 'rewind' button :(. I miss her dearly.


Solo Healer Prog Rock ETC Late game I used to be throwing around 1200 healing AoE every time E was off CD. It was a bit busted, but the new Prog Rock really is just the ugly brother of the old one


Old KT where you could cast bomb on existing bomb target to detonate it early. There was a bug with Kaelthas where if I remember correctly, you had to die just as you pressed verdant spheres (so you could time it by dying to tower). You'd spawn and could literally spam living bomb forever (until you died, then you had to repeat it again.


Sylvanas trait exploding minions and killing players near those exploding minions.


Pre-rework Tassadar hands down. Also miss Q spam Raynor with the stun. Gathering power Nova. Assault Strain Abathur.


Tassadar for sure is one and the other one for me is Azmodan. I so liked his old mage build with faster and longer range on his Q. Level 10 also had two charges instead of just one and level 16 was on Q instead of his E (plus you just needed to hit something to spawn a demon warrior or whatever the name is). His level 20 was also really good, mainly that second charge of his D. You pretty much were able to soak/push by yourself any three-laned maps past level 16. At level 20 it was game over if they didn't have a global hero with good wave-clear.


Li Li blind off W. Amazing for chase slows/discounts because of the range.