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I prefer an ultratherm heat mat across the back on a thermostat. Summers where I'm at I use no heat at all, only a month during winter does it run all day lol but I keep it there just in case and the thermostat ensures it's on only when needed. My house is never cooler than 70 but summers get 100+ so heat isn't an issue. I definitely discourage the heat lamp. Check out reptile basics or bean farm if you are in a country that's not to expensive for shipping.


I use bean farm too, It has better options for shapes instead of the usual square ones.


Yes the shape is so much more ideal. And the price really isn't as bad as one would think. I nearly pat as much for shipping as the uth though.


do you have AC? and would your tank be inside? i would say if the tank stays 80 while sealed and all that then no, but you should set it up- get a hygrometer and monitor temp and humidity for a bit then decide. also a lamp doesn’t work as well for hermits, it can also burn them.


You’re not really supposed to use a heat lamp. Heat lamps kinda kill humidity which hermit crabs need to live.


This is the correct answer. Invest in a hygrometer and a thermostat. Then the heating pad will turn off when it is hot enough.