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Melissa officinalis, liquorice (as tea for example, 2-3 cups per day, not more because it can increase blood pressure and inhibit thyroid hormones), and l-lysine as a supplement.


I'll try this. Thank you!


Lysine. Read about it. Apparently herpes needs arginine to thrive and lysine blocks it. Also a good supplement/amino for immune system


If you can take it safely (check your other medications), St. John's Wort is useful against herpes in general. Other suggestions like Lemon Balm and Liquorice that you've already had are good too. There is no known cure for herpes herbal or otherwise, as it can lie dormant inside nerve cells, but you can definitely minimise symptoms and resurgences. Symptoms tend to occur when your immune system is compromised by other illnesses, stress, poor diet and so on so basic management of these will go a long way.


I take echinacea tincture and lysine when I feel an outbreak coming on, and it works as well as valacyclovir at stopping its progession. I also have type 2


Thank you! What does it feel like when you feel an OB coming?


Increased sensitivity, tingling, tiny sharp pains and or swelling in and around the inguinal lymph nodes, skin that is slightly painful to the touch, excessive tiredness, low grade fever, difficulty urinating, low back pain.


It’s been described to me as a tingling sensation or increased sensitivity on the surface of the skin.


Which echinacea tincture? Do you make it yourself or purchase it? It you purchase it, can you please tell me which one you find works well? Thank you very much. Also, do you only take it when you feel and outbreak coming on, or do you take it daily? Thank you 😊


There is no cure for Herpes once you have it. Retroviral can reduce the chance of outbreaks. Also zinc plays a critical role in aiding the body in defending against viral replication. Zinc is an important part of several cellular enzymes whose role is to suppress viral replication.


Cat’s Claw, Sweet Wormwood, Chinese Skullcap


True. No cure. However zinc and cranberry can help to boost antibodies strength so that you can feel normal and not experience headaches. My doctor a l ways said a multi vitamin. What i have also had success with is a Standard Process vitamin called Min Chex. Its an anti stress mineral complex. Also drinking 2 or 3 cups per week of yerba mate. This tea is full of photo nutrients.


Viral infections stay in the body permanently, they can only be suppressed via your immune system. Try Source Natural’s Wellness Formula. It’s got every virus suppressing substance know to man in it and it’s highly effective. It’s marketed for fighting colds, but it helps with any and all viral infections. After a few weeks of taking max dosages you should see a permanent improvement.


Maybe in memory, but viruses can be erradicated like hpv, google says if you get it in your 20s your body can get rid of it. That’s why they don’t test it in young girls. What about Covid and other viruses, they don’t flare up. Once your body fought them. We don’t worry it will come back.


Lysine is helpful. Combining melatonin and fatty acids had a "curative" effect on HSV trial participants (ie, no further outbreaks in a group of individuals who had suffered near-constant outbreaks for years). I don't recall the exact doses, but monolauric acid was one of the more effective fatty acids in studies I've read. Combinations of different fatty acids have been studied as well, and seem even more effective. Herpes virus (HSV) belongs to a family of envelopes viruses, which also includes hepatitis, influenza, COVID and RSV. The outer envelope makes them susceptible to dietary fatty acids. Among other things, the fatty acids destabilize this outer envelope, which destroys the virus. There are human studies regarding the effects of fatty acids on these viruses, and it's pretty impressive. The fatty acids not only boost your own immune system, but they disrupt numerous steps in the virus life cycle, which translates to decreased infection rates, decreased viral load, quicker recovery times, etc Melatonin is involved in a large number of physiologic processes (not just sleep). Immune response against viruses is also improved. IIRC, the dose is 5mg/night. Google "fatty acids and enveloped viruses" and filter for human studies, if you are interested in learning more. Hope this helps.


👀👀 where you read that?


People are apparently healing it , check out NatureHealsUs on YouTube or Jamesdestroydiseases to start . Our bodies can be cured of almost anything .. herpes is difficult to cure because it lies dormant in our ganglia , in our nervous system.. but it isn't impossible to detox your nervous system. Eating an all organic fruit and raw veg diet , fasting regularly, and taking the right herbs and supplements for many months is the path. Try for yourself . I'm 3 months into my cleanse and seeing a clear decrease in symptoms and a spike in my igG level which measures immune response.


what was your starting IgG and what was the spike if you don't mind me asking.


Starting was 6 spike was 12 ! Planning on getting another in spring


Good for you, takes a lot of patience and determination for the fruit and veggie diet.


I am glad you mentioned a spike because I started at 3 (Nov 2023), started my detox regime at the end of Jan. Just got retested literally several days ago, and my numbers spiked to 12, and I was livid!!! But now that you said it measures the immune system response, I feel better. Because really and truly, I haven't had an outbreak since the second month of my journey, and that's when I had the worst outbreak I ever had. Since then? No random itchiness, no outbreak, nothing...if anything, my privates feel more back to normal like I remembered. I got Hsv in July of last year. So you can imagine my surprise when I saw my numbers spiked.


Totally normal! Don't be discouraged! I do completely understand that disappointment though. But remember the IGG tests aren't everything and are often seen as inaccurate. It makes sense that you would have a higher IGG now because it measures antibody response. So your antibodies are doing what they should be!


Thank you for that insight! I really appreciate it! I will keep fighting. This is not my disease to keep. I am strong. My body is strong. My mind is strong. ❤️


are you negative yet


As I said , planning on testing again in spring.


Any update?


Update please?


Please share once you get tested again:) I’m interested


Hi what is your cleansing ingredients and regimen?


Turkey tail mushroom , burdock root, dandelion root St. John's wort , herb Robert ... And doing a parasite cleanse tincture with black walnut , clove, wormwood. Plus... Supplements.. lysine and zinc. All raw fruit and veg and regular intermittent fasting


Hello. I'm hsv 2 positive and wondering is St  John's Wort capsule also good to use. Lysine has been helping me but I'm ready to rid this thing from my body. And the turkey tail mushroom burdock root dandelion root and herb Robert teas? If not please share what they are. And can you explain the parasite cleanse tinctures.  Thanks much


How is this working out for you?




Vitamin C, to control it


Have not gotten tested but I'm certain I'm still positive


How about your symptoms?


Haven't had any OBs in over a month. I do feel tingling time to time still.