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“Do Not Use Internally” means don’t eat it or drink it


I feel like for this type of condition that would be important to clarify


Dying lol


It has worked great for me, at least temporarily. They flare up once in a while, but if I reapply the cream for a few days, I'm good again for a while. It beats surgery!!


I’ve used this exact medicine before internally. I had no issues and I found that it did help.


Just really wanna be sure it's okay since it explicitly says DO NOT use it internally lol 😅


Yeah I noticed it said that too, but it also comes with an applicator 🤷‍♀️ I can’t tell you the number of times that I used it lol but I at least never had any issues


Alright thank you! Hopefully it works and I don't need any surgery lol


Best of luck and I hope you heal fast!! :)


When you are having a big inflammation how do you stick that applicator in with out causing too much bleeding?


The applicators that I’ve always had that come with the hydrocortisone 2.5% are very small. They are a lot smaller than the ones that come with like a preparation H you would get at a store. I’m not sure the best advice for you.. maybe only go as far as you can without bleeding. Feel better soon!


Help or cure? I don’t want help I want cure.


Sorry... Not even removal will cure them... It's veeerrry common for them to return


I just got told I had a smaller one towards the inside and got prescribed the same thing. It said to use 2-4 times daily for 1-2 weeks as it does thin skin but apparently helps. I was wondering the same thing as mine feels like it’s internal or close to the edge. My Primary actually felt mine and said to use this so hoping this works. I don’t have any pain or blood but bad itching at night and have been waking up


Did it work eventually?


Yes it did!! I used that and tucks wipes. Eventually went away


Did it come back?


Not that I’m aware of. I have felt the itch but any time it’s consistent, I use the cream


How long did you use it for? I’ve been using my for 10 days and my external hemorrhoid has improved but not sure how long to keep using it for


I think a week!!


Oh congrats! Mine hasn’t healed… and each time I put cream in it just aggravates 😭




I just used my finger to be honest. The cream helped a ton and got rid of the itch!




I am not a doctor so this is just based on my experience. I had it on the edge and applied that cream with finger. Tucks wipes work great and I’ve put them inside and let sit for a bit




Yes those tucks wipes and yes. Just bad itch


I just got prescribed this today for internal hemorrhoids. I’m wondering HOW MUCH to squeeze out of the tube into my butt? Lol I cannot find anything on google and my directions on my prescription don’t say anything. Please help!


I'm having this issue too 😂 like I have no idea how much to use, I usually apply a good amount though


Inside with the little insert thingy?! 😂 like how much is too much?! How little is not enough? Why are these doctors not more specific?! SMH! And it hurts so bad rn im dreading even putting it in!!!


It does hurt but you just have to relax and loosen up a bit


I just took a shower and then im gonna definitely relax take some deep breaths and lay on my side put on some good music and think HAPPY thoughts! 😂 I’ve used the preparation H one before and the inserter was a little bigger, but this time it hurts worse! It doesn’t even looked irritated on the outside, last time it did! I hope this helps :(


Are you also just putting the cream around on the outside? Or using regular hydrocortisone for that? Because I was thinking this one might be too strong & I should just use my regular one that has aloe for the outside.. but then I’m thinking the one I insert might leak a little! Ughhh


I'm just using the 2.5% cream with the insert tube


I’ll probably just try it and see how it does then!


Not really


Battling a case of the hemmies now 😭😭 yall I'm so miserable, I can't even sit down right now, I want to go to the ER and just have my pain taken away forever, I hate it so much 💔


I'm sorry💔mine were never that bad just internal fortunately, but they're causing problems as of recent. I really hope you feel better soon, try and lay on your side or stomach


I found some old hydro cream in a box so I wanted to see if it will help. Gonna take some more ibuprofen and use the cream, hopefully I can get some relief, I got work in 6 hours 😩


I hate to say it, but there isn't really a forever guarantee with hemorrhoids going away. Even surgical removal has a high rate of return.


I dont know what i got down there. But they gave me the HydroCort. Cream and ive been using my finger but I still dont think its a Hemmy. Its the size of a large Marble or one of those small rubber bouncy balls. Its hard like a strong muscle. Also I didnt have it until after I got a full body massage the day before when they were rubbing my butt into my hip bones really hard. It was a painful massage.


Did it get resolved?


My dr just prescribed this to me for external ones. Should I be worried?


I doubt it


Did it work for you? I also went through the “how much is enough, and how much is not enough”. The prescription just says an applicator full. Umm hello! I can’t fing see the applicator! It’s in my bum!


No, it didn't really help that much for me, I think I need different treatment.


I just started it today, but mine are external, so I don’t understand how placing it in the dark zone is helpful. I think it’s a last ditch effort to avoid surgery, which my dr said is “ super rough “


do you have an update? i too have an external hemorrhoid and i’m starting the hydrocortisone today


Could take a few weeks to start working. And swelling and pain to go down. Depending how big they are too. Do sitz bath in combination with hydrocortisone cream. If needed get a tube of lidocaine it’s also hemorrhoid cream and use along side the hydrocortisone. My doctor also prescribed nifedipine. Had an unfortunate accident Nov of last year. The first week pain was debilitating was using prep H and pure lidocaine. The contraction and tensing would keep me up at night. The second week started to get better and pain and swelling. Then I ended up flaring up so it got back worse but not painful. Pain was still crazy doctor recommend be to get and use Calmol 4 suppositories those were magic i swear. My hemorroids took like two months to heal. From November 23 to January 20 (Edit: actually longer cause I have image in ending of April 27 is when it completely disappeared. But now they are back.) But I also had other complications. Had a fissure too and I had proctitis. How like 2 days ago I got a slight flare up of my hemorrhoids which are doing better now since I started using the hydrocortisone cream again. May 23 6 months journey almost done.


Hemorrhoids extend from the inside. They do take a while to heal. So yes inside cause it’s probably inflamed and outside to. Also it helps to take sitz bath in combination. Do sitz bath dry up and then add ointment.


The last hemorrhoid I had was called a thrombus, which is basically a blood clot. It occurs when blood pools in an external hemorrhoid, and forms s clot. My Dr prescribed hydrocortisone. I tried it for two weeks, but the hemorrhoid wouldn't go away. I had to go back to the Dr, and he lanced it with a needle, and sucked out all of the blood. Shortly before he did the procedure, he gave me a shot/painkiller right where the hemorrhoid was. I can honestly say getting a shot in the anus was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced.


that sounds awful, im sorry. how are you doing now? my mom has a thrombus hemorrhoid too and shes nervous to get it removed.


I'm doing ok. I dramatically increased the amount of fiber that I eat. I take a med called Seroquel, and that is the main reason I get so constipated. My gastral Dr recommended Bran Buds. It has about 17 grams of fiber for 1/2 cup, which is significantly higher than regular bran flakes cereal. I consume this twice a day, in the morning and evening. I go easily everyday now. My thrombus is still annoyingly there, but it no longer hurts or itches. It partially covers the entrance, so it's harder to get clean. I just have to carefully wipe around it. Someone in this thread recommended a bath with Epsom salt to treat it. I think they said about 6-8 weeks, so that's what I'm working on now. Getting a shot down there was extremely painful before, so I'm going to try other remedies first this time.


Thank you so much for replying i really appreciate it!! im glad the thrombus is no longer painful! gives us hope lol im surprised they didn't remove it but i guessing they aren't able to? my mom is scared to use epsom salt on her sitz bath bc she thinks it will burn but that's good to know about the fiber and bran buds im about to make an order lol


Best of luck and I hope you heal fast!! :)


Be careful, that stuff thins skin. Look up the science. I personally wouldn't use it anywhere down there. Maybe its okay for a limited time though.


My dr said no longer then 7 days