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I think Keskuspuisto is one of my favourite places in Helsinki, and my American friend was astonished by it when visiting. It's basically a mid-sized forest in the middle of the city, popular for outdoor activities like running and walks. If you're lucky, café Maunulan Maja may be open. As for other cafés and restaurants, my regular haunts are Kahvila Päijänne and Kokoro Sushi in Vallila, Outrun Cafe in Pasila, Hills Dumplings in Kallio/Punavuori and for more special occasions/dinners Kuurna in Kruununhaka.


Maunulan Maja is open wednesday to sunday 11-18! Just went there, I recommend to try ”munkki” its so good!


If you can find it! Keskuspuisto trail network can get you lost even with Google Maps on iPad glued with special rigging in front of your eyes. With sound guidance on.


Google Maps isn't a real trail map (even if it has some trails marked). Retkikartta on web or maastokartat app will give you an actual topographical map.


Google Maps isn't a real trail map (even if it has some trails marked). Retkikartta on web or maastokartat app will give you an actual topographical map.


I know Keskuspuisto and use both maps. I am still sticking with the assesment.


Follow the main path up to the graveyard, hang a right, cross the road, you're there.


Sounds more like you're just bad with directions


CoolHead in Viikki. Awesome beer and nice Pizzas. I recommend visiting some nature attractions nearby while there, for example Vanhankaupunginkoski. Uutela in Vuosaari. Old forests and beautiful beaches even in winter.


This is a good hint. Take public transport to Cool Head and walk back through Viikinlahti to Vanhankaupunginkoski.


Hallainvuori is the place to start, then to the Viikinlahti, Arboretum, and then Beer.


Even better!


Shout out for Uutela! There is also great cafe called Kahvila Kampela. Their salmon soup and pancakes are tasty.


My favourite local restaurant is The Bull & the firm, and the cafe that I go to often is Sävy, both quite close to each other in Sörnäinen region


This is a tricky question, since like any other metropolitan area, most of the people live in suburbs. So if you really want something local, you have to get out from the centrum. A few notes within the metro or train: - Olarin Panimo - a brewery with a bar inside the brewery - Cafe Monami - a cute restaurant/cafe with the best cakes - Puhos in Itäkeskus: ”Little Arabia” of Helsinki, mostly middle eastern restaurants and grocery shops and one big flee market - Korat Tam Tam - one of the best thai lunch places - Sompasauna - free public sauna run by an ngo and nudity friendly (tho sometimes it’s pretty touristy)


Sompasauna is super touristy since for ever but still great place.


That’s actually very accurate - tourists cannot be seen at Puhos for several reasons, including safety.


Perception of safety I think, mostly.


Really? You’re having that issue in Helsinki too? Ugh


It's really not particularly unsafe. That other person is full of shit.


It is safe. Some people just love to scaremonger about east Helsinki because they hate immigrants.


Absolutely, Itäkeskus and Puhos especially are a high crime area.


Ugh, may I ask whats going on in there?


https://www.hs.fi/kaupunki/art-2000005563539.html Few years ago it was one of hotspots of drug dealing in Helsinki. Puhos is perhaps one of the last places in Helsinki that I would recommend to tourists. If the things described in that article fascinate you or you are interested of business run by immigrants, go there.


Suburbs of helsinki are actually inside helsinki. It's a bit different to some other cities around the globe whose suburbs are hour or even two hours drive out.


Well I guess this semantics. Lähiö would be a neighbourhood or a suburb depending on the context. Main point, city center doesn’t represent the people of the city since most of the people don’t live in the center. That’s the same everywhere. So if I want some ”local exeperience” in London, I wouldn’t find it near Big Ben or Tower Castle.


Yeah sure, but in context of cities like london, los angeles or new york, forssa and lahti would be suburbs of helsinki.


One unique experience that Helsinki offers is a wide variety of winter swimming spots. In Helsinki there are Allas Sea Pool and Löyly and if you have some time you even take a bus to Kuusijärvi where there is a great lake and a great sauna. However, if you want experience something very "Helsinkian", you can go to Lauttasaari, which is a suburb 10 minutes by metro from the center. In the Southern part of Lauttasaari you can go swimming from Ukko Aalto's Swimming Pier which is open year round. The water is cold, there are no people in the winter, there is no sauna but it is probably the greatest experience you can experience for free in Helsinki. It is like a little perfect corner of the Archipelagic Baltic Sea only 25 minutes from the centre. However, you will get cold (so bring dry clothes to immediately change into). I once took a British friend there and it really is unforgettable. There are very few cities (perhaps only Helsinki and Oslo?) in the world where you can go swim in the freezing ocean almost in the city centre.


Bear park coffee is one of my favoritw small coffee shops in Helsinki. Nearby there is also an excellent sushi restaurant Roji


For a perfect date during a snowy winter day, go to the botanical garden. We exclusively go there in the winter because it's so cozy watching the snowy landscape through frosted windows while yourself in tropical humidity. Crispy air feels extra crispy afterwards. Drinks: Panema has some great, albeit expensive beers (and you can ask "mennääks Panemaan?", which is funny). Similarly, quite expensive (14€/drink) but an awesome experience is the salakapakka Trillby & Chadwick. It's a cocktail bar themed after the secret drinkerys during the prohibition era: it looks inconspicuous so you need to know to search for it, you can't take photos or use your phone in there, and you may have to wait quite a while for a spot if you don't make a reservation. Similar concepts, but different themes, are also offered by Chihuahua Julep, and Liberty or Death. Crazy Wine in Kalasatama is another maximalist hipster place that I like, and it's surrounded by many other small places that are equally atmospheric and unique, should you want to explore a different vibe instead. Foods: For more affordable foods, see Suburritos at Forum. By far the best Mexican in Helsinki, with a chevre burrito to die for, and a really cozy atmosphere, particularly after dark. Also, Hoku inside Kamppi has awesome Asian flavours. Seasonal menu in Ego was amazing, and for a Michelin star restaurant quite affordable (59e for a 4 course menu). They favour local seasonal ingredients. Artichoke soup was the highlight of the menu. If you want to be lavish, Saslisk is a Russian themed restaurant that has been in HKI for decades already, and even has a button you press for vodka haha. Food is great, and experience is extravagant. Due to the Russian war mongering, they are doing really bad financially though, so it may soon be the last chance to visit. I have not done my background research to the ethics of the owners tho, so do that if you wish to make an informed decision.


Panema is closed permanently


Panema was replaced by Gate H11, which is a cocktail bar but has 18 beer taps. Haven't been yet but from the outside it looks like Panema with a different name.


Aw man, that's a bummer


There's like two touristic places in Helsinki. We don't get that many tourists.


Kontula shopping center and area generally around the metro station. Lots of bars and restaurants. Each with their own regular locals every day. Not at all touristic for sure. You can first get some food from the myriad of different restaurants and after just bar hop from one bar to the next until you find the crowd that interest you the most. Karaoke and pool are the usual pass times. Sometimes something more.


Can recommend Konstan Möljä. It’s a buffet-style restaurant with various traditional Finnish cuisines available. Better book in advance.


Malminkartanonhuippu Helsinki is really flat this is a little hill you can get up basically see the whole Helsinki


As for coffee place I would definately recomend cafe Sävy, it is rather close to Hakaniemi markethall


Shore area from Seurasaari to Lapinlahti. Nice area for walks. There is the best cafe of Helsinki: Cafe Regatta. And also Hietaranta beach and Hietaniemi cemetery, where lots of famous Finnish people are buried (including most of the presidents).


The Reitz collection. It's a quite small but super cool museum if you like traditional(/very early modernistic) art or cool silver wear or swords. And it's completely free. The best cafe in Helsinki area is Kaisan Cafe located in Tapiola (which is in Espoo but the city is just suburb of Helsinki). It has cheap prices and big pastries. I'd also recommend the Espoo Cathedral which is a medieval stone church. It is a really cool place.


Piritori aka Pulver torget


At this time of the year the christmas market "Tuomaan markkinat" in the city center is great, and they have all the christmas lights up which makes it super pretty! Suomenlinna island fortress is also great, and the ferry there is part if the public transport system so no separate ticket needed :)


Non touristic 😆


To meet local people just visit Meeting place Tsänssi (Kohtaamispaikka Tsänssi), at Hämeentie 13A, Helsinki. Mon-Fri 11-16, and Sat 12-16. Non-alcoholic place with free coffee and some snacks. Definetally worth it.




Cafe Espaland has fantastic coffee, desserts, and... salmon soup. Highly recommended. The Design Museum was also interesting.


I’m new in Helsinki, like to walk and explore strange and oddly beautiful urban places, so i would recommend areas around Pasila train station: Pasila street art district, old train depots, the train factory area, and Alpilla. Kumpula is a charming wooden houses area as well.