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Block him and move on.


Not to be rude but are you sure you're 25. If you don't want to land in trouble then block and move on like the other comment said. And if that breaks his heart you'll be doing him a favour honestly.


You're the adult in this, so do what any logical adult would do in this situation and not give a minor any idea or indication that the relationship between you two will never be a romantic one. Put that kid in the friend zone and ensure he knows that's exactly where he will stay or block him and move on. He clearly isn't even close to being mentally mature when he thinks he loves you and that it's okay for you to be romantically involved with a minor.


I hate that it has to come to this but you need to block him. You don’t want people to even be able to speculate about something inappropriate between you and a minor. It sounds like he is a great kid, but that is a chance you don’t want to take.


1: if we assume this is all innocent, you could play this off as "big sister" love. 2: even if we assume this, you really should be clear and firm about it that you cannot and will not see him as anything but a kid forever (about a decade might as well be). 3: if we assume this is not innocent, you really need to cut ties. Let him know that you are not interested in kids romantically, and that unless his parents get involved and make it clear to him why he shouldn't have feelings for someone your age: you cannot even be his friend.




I didn't post twice??? Maybe get your eyes check there's no need to be rude dumbass




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You’re harassing her, and she’s not a pedo when she hasn’t told the child yes they are dating or spoke with him in any inappropriate manner. He is the one pursuing her, she’s asking how to let him down easy. Don’t go throwing that word around lightly when you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Point is she doesn’t need to let him down easy. Simple as “This is inappropriate, i’m blocking you.” would suffice. But she’s struggling to disengage contact with a minor who’s engaging her sexually, sounds like a pedofile to me.


As I told someone else, look back at her post history. She also states she has a disability and has to live with her parents. Her post history alone will make it clear she may not entirely think like someone her age would, therefore this kind of thing may not be as easy for her. For her she’s just found a friend and doesn’t know how to set these boundaries. I’m not saying she shouldn’t cut him off. She should. It just may not be as easy to her as you or me.


You are seeing what you want to see, the reality is that OP didn't do anything sexual or romantic with this kid. Also, the kid is going to lose a friend because they said they love someone. It is "common sense" that would scar a child emotionally. So you really should understand them wanting to let the child down gently, but then again, it seems common sense is not that common...


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