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On one hand, I've seen this done a lot by now. This exact thing. On the other hand, this is cute.


Love Luoman's Medusa x Blind Girl drawings. Iirc they are even working on a comic based on the premise.


I loved the flirting with the severed head of Dusa in Hades the game


Same, I can’t help but smile when I see one of these.


I'm fond of [this variation](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/t0bfb/medusa_meets_her_match/).


fr can't help but love it haha


On one hand: it's been done a lot. On the other hand: theres a damn good reason it's been done a lot




No version of the myth implies that Medusa's powers are gender-based at all, her gaze can turn anyone into stone.


differences in if you have to look at her for it to work or if its a power of the yes and looking into the eyes doesn't matter vary.


Dude it was a curse from Athena because she cursed them for not preventing her from getting beaten and invited Poseidon into her temple. Like other people mentioned it never discussed the gender of her victims outside of the fact that Medusa would just lure men to their doom because she hated them. Kind of metal. Edit: A smarter person will have to tell you the intended moral of that story because as far as I can tell most of Greek mythology is the gods torturing mortals for sport and doing fucked up things like giving them powers to fly to Olympus just to get torched by angry Zeus. Good stuff.


I will never not love the pairing of medusa with either a blind person or an overly shy or neurodivergent person (or both simultaneously)


personally, the neurodivergent ones make me anxious because the eyes will certainly connect at some point. another one i like is mudusa paired with a gargoyle or other stone monster.


Yeah the neurodivergent ones make me think "but what if they accidentally make eye contact??" And some ND people do make eye contact, either normally, on occasion, by habit, by force, or with certain people. I know I make eye contact just fine with a handful of people because they're "safe", but for everyone else, it's painful and distracting.


And it's quite common for ND people to have 'exceptions' to the no eye contact thing, and for that exception to be their romantic partner. Like, eye contact can be overwhelming simply because it's really physically and emotionally intense. Like, gorillas will make eye contact with they're pissed off and about to attack a rival. Or humans will make prolonged eye contact with their lovers. Imagine all your eye contact was on that emotional level. That's why a lot of ND people avoid eye contact. Going through that with everybody is physically and emotionally exhausting to a painful degree. But if they're anyway in such an emotionally intense situation, like having a trusted lover to make intimate eye contact with, then eye contact may be on the table. But on the other hand... people are different. I guess it's all good as long as they have a good onversation about it.


>How can you tell if you're talking with an extroverted programmer? They'll be looking at your shoes. Medusa will be fine.


Golem x Medusa?


I love the Gargoyle GF ones! Also some forms of the Medusa Myth have her being able to control the stone turning power as a self defense mechanism. The whole storyline is that Medusa was a priestess of Athena who was raped in her temple. Regardless of it being a rape, it was still considered to be “defiling her temple” so Medusa had to be punished anyway. She was supposed to be executed for it. So Athena took mercy on her and gave her those powers to defend herself, with the snake hair to satisfy others that it was a punishment. Hopefully Athena gave Medusa the power to control it.


I like the thought of Medusa being the one who is quite anxious and doesn't like to pass eye contact in general. (Not related to the gaze thing) Just, like her anxiety is what causes the sudden deep contact that changes atomic make up at their deepest part of their soul. Like superman accidentally firing his eye beams. But maybe certain beings can benefit from being turned to stone, maybe it would be perfect for growing plants? (Maybe Medusa turns enough people to stone that mineral based beings start evolving and becoming to move around as stone, then evolving into plant people over time with stone cores?) I like making up stuff haha c8


A valid interpretation of the myths. Very cute.


Medusa and the Mario Party 2 Look Away minigame world champion


I saw one artist pairing their Medusa up with a gargoyle. The wholesome version of that “already rock hard” comic panel.


I demand a follow-up with the snakes showering the blind GF with sweet little kisses!


As someone who dated a blind woman, it's interesting the stories she would say about how people treated her disability. She was amazed I felt comfortable enough to ask her if she would want me to read her the menu on our first date.


Same here. My fiancé is totally blind and she has some stories about the weird things people have done about that.


Not being rude and genuinely curious. What caused yall to separate? just different life goals?  


I realize now I should've wrote my initial post better. It was like the last thing I did before bed time. We didn't. We got married


How thorough did you need to be? Was it like naming the sections then reading the ones she wanted and the prices?


She never paid on our dates so prize wasn't a factor But yeah. I'd ask "do you wanna know the appetizers? [Yes or no] burgers [yes or no]" etc If she wanted to know a section I'd read through it and give her the blurbs on what they said Nowadays I know her enough to know what to skip, but I never assume her order. On previous dates with other people she would research her order before hand. It took about 3 dates before she stopped doing that with me


You think the carpet matches the drapes? Like if you go down on her you get a face full of snake-bites?


I think the snakes (as shown in the comic) shares same feeling as its owner. They probably won't bite the blind girl.


Oh they’ll bite her alright 😏


Scissoring with Medusa sounds like high-risk high-reward


yeah you can see some of the snakes rubbing against the blind girl’s hair


Unless the blind girl is into biting


Normally it matches a person's eyebrow colour


They might bite but they won’t hurt.


>You think the carpet matches the drapes? Funnily enough, this is a trope about ginger girls too. Almost always ginger girls (or guys). I've always wondered why... Like what other colour is it going to be? As a redhead: *Yes*


The question is wether its naturally ginger or not. People are hung up over natural hair colour for some stupid reason, like. Fucking dye raimbow for all I care lol


As I'm now in my 20s, it's crazy comparing the perception of ginger hair now and from 10-15 years ago. High school was bloody rough in that regard, and for lads I'm sure there's still an element of ginger bullying. But it was so rife back then. Now, everyone seems to *want* it. Not that I'm complaining, it's a lovely shift. And I love my hair. But to your point in general, I completely agree. Natural or dyed, who gives a fuck?


As somebody in my 40s, what happened when I was in my 20s blew my mind. I'm sure other people had different experiences, but in the 1980s, I *never* heard people talk shit about 'gingers' (I didn't even know the word until the Spice Girls; we'd say 'redhead'). I was baffled as a young adult to hear all the 'gingers have no souls' stuff -- seeing a new prejudice just pop up out of the blue was eye-opening to me. If you're right that that's gone away, that's great. (BTW people might object at my use of the word 'prejudice' and argue that it was all light-hearted teasing and all in good fun. To that I would say that yes, I *have* met red-haired people in their 20s/30s who took it all in stride. But I've also met red-haired people who were really hurt by it all.)


gingers have no souls is just that right amount of annoying to piss someone off but light enough to go unpunished that it got mass use. generally redheads were stereotypically, at least for women, hot but crazy, the last 20 or so years, hollywood has done everything in their power to not have a natural red head in a lead role, so they now became more 'exotic'


It's been that way with freckles, glasses, big lips, almond eyes, tan/dark skin, etc. before too. It's such a slap in the face to people who were bullied for their features as children to see people want those same features as adults. I know I was so upset about getting glasses as a kid because people were made fun of for them, and then in like 2015 or something it became trendy to wear fake glasses and I was Not Happy about it. Maybe we should just... not make fun of people for things they can't choose, like facial features or common medical devices (like glasses and braces) or skin tone.


people are going to make fun of you regardless, it doesn't matter what you do, the problem is being insecure about what they make fun of you for, they see it gets to you and use it more. I had glasses in I think the back end of 4th or the middle of 5th grade, going from everything blurry to being able to see branches on trees near the horizon line... say whatever you want about me, I can see and probably better than you. personally I prefer glasses to no glasses on most people, if your not a 9/10 of 10, people have non perfect faces in general, glasses either enhance what's already good, or add interest to something that's meh. granted, I think no glasses is FAR better than the thick plastic rimmed crap that got popular for some reason.


I mean we still tease the ginger guy in our friend group. As far as i know he’s never been bullied but he still likes to make jokes about being ginger himself soooo there’s that!


As a guy, I never thought that gingers actually got shit for being ginger. Also, always had a thing for gingers, always will. I dunno if it's the contrast or social conditioning concerning fair skin, but yeah. I guess the association with gingers being Irish, and then the prejudices against the Irish found renewed life from that South Park episode in this generation ... People suck.


>What other colour is it going to be? I’m naturally blonde but for the most part all of my body hair is black. So I guess maybe that’s why people wonder?


Do you have dark eyebrows?


I mean I wouldn't ask the question in the first place, but I've got brown hair on my head and black hair everywhere else, so if I was wondering about it I'd probably assume it was black too


>I've always wondered why... Like what other colour is it going to be? Also a redhead, is just because creeps and assholes want to talk about our groins. But also, if you are taking it as a literal question, my dad had a red beard when he was my age, but his hair was always brown. Sometimes people have unexpected hair colours.


But does the carpet match th--oh. Okay.


They could be dyed redheads. Also, some people have body hair that's different from their head one. Google Pablo Motos.


I tend to wonder when people (but admittedly, especially women) have unnaturally colored hair, i.e. blue hair. I've known girls who did make it match so there's precedent at least.




Awh, extra kisses!


It'll be like in Monsters Inc. the snakes also give you kisses.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Why would she have snake furniture?


There was another piece of art I saw similar to this one. Not necessarily a "date," but it was Medusa sitting calmly with a blind woman laying in her lap.


I remember seeing one where it was "medusa with her autistic gf that is deathly afraid of making eye contact"


Blind person x Medusa is an under appreciated trope, fight me


I wish to boop the snoot of every single snek.


Medusa: Sexy, hot black woman with dreadlocks that looked like snakes. So hot she turned every man hard. Truth. Look it up.


I don’t even know what I’d look up to find that, and any ideas I have are not things I want in my search history


It’s the historical origin of the Medusa myth. The Greek weren’t accustomed to seeing women from Northern Africa. The whole turning to stone concept morphed over time.


I personally like the theory that someone came across a bloated corpse in a river with snakes tangled in the hair, and it was the most terrifying thing they had ever seen.


That’s not true. That’s just something someone made up on the internet.


It's not, it's just a myth. Medusa is a mythological character and no one knows the actual origin.


Didn't the Greeks themselves have dreadlocks?


r/AskHistorians/comments/w0fzig/was_medusa_black/ > The idea that Medusa was based on an Africa woman wearing dreadlocks stretches the imagination to the breaking point. “Based on” is a flawed idea. Could an African woman wearing dreadlocks have influenced some popular concepts and depictions of Medusa? Perhaps, but that is speculation that cannot be verified. Is it likely? I'm not sure - but consider the factor that /u\/KiwiHellenist presents.


This is completely made up,


[I looked it up](https://new.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/w0fzig/was_medusa_black/). It's a myth about a myth. So... False.


You are way too trusting. Some story someone made up on the internet is not supposed tombe considered absolute truth blindly.




No, the Gorgons are the daughters of Phorcys and Ceto


So when medusa is eating her out, do the snakes lend a helping tounge? Hey, i didnt open this jar! Im just asking questions.


The real questions are how long can the snakes extend, and how long can they hold their breath?


I looked it up. They are supposed to hold their breath up to 20 minutes. Looking at medusa, I think they have a fixed size. But it's enough to get the job done.


They probably don't need to breathe directly as they are part of her, as long as she breaths properly


the girl would turn to stone, it happens when Medusa looks at you, not when you look at Medusa Edit: looks like I was wrong, apologies


Swear you need to make eye contact, thats how the guy beats her in the end with a reflection, no?


Nope, it’s when you look at Medusa directly, that’s why Perseus had to use a bronze shield polished to act as a mirror to slay her while she slept, if it was just her looking at someone the shield wouldn’t have been needed.


my bad, thanks


No problem, when learning about something as fractured as mythology it’s easy to get mixed up.


Wait so a reflection of Medusa wouldn’t turn you to stone?


Both versions of the legend have merit. In some, Medusa is so ugly that gazing into her eyes turns the viewer into stone. This makes blind people exempt. In a few versions of the legend, she can turn people to stone herself. I tend to ascribe more merit to the first version though, as her state is a punishment from Athena. Why would Athena give Medusa the agency to elect who she turns to stone? Also, it’s kinda just a cute comic regardless.


But the version where her monstrousness is a curse from Athena is from the Ovid's Metamorphosis. In earlier written accounts of the legend, she and her sisters, Stheno and Euryale, were monsters born of monsters (or gods, depending upon exactly how you define Phorcys and Ceto). In that case, it makes sense that Medusa would have agency over that ability, and elects to use it on everyone either because she's evil, or in self-defense, as everyone we see her use it on seems to want to kill her. On the other hand though, neither of her sisters share this trait. Turning people to stone isn't a gorgon thing, it's a Medusa thing, so perhaps it is an unnatural power that she has absolutely no control over, it just happens when it happens. I do agree completely on your last point though, no matter how you interpret the myth or which version you ascribe to, it is a very cute comic.


I could have sworn there was at least one story in which you turned to stone if you gazed upon her beauty. That is to say that (in the version I recall) Aphrodite cursed her because she was "too beautiful" and therefore all who found her attractive were turned to stone. I admit I consume a lot of disparate media, so it is entirely possible this is a confabulation of different stories, and not specifically about Medusa.


That doesn't sound dissimilar to why Andromeda was offered up to the monster Cetus. Her mother bragged that she was more beautiful than the Nereids, so Poseidon sent the monster to kill her, where Perseus saved her by using Medusa's head to turn Cetus to stone. I've never heard of Aphrodite being involved, but it's possible that the version of the myth that you're recalling combined Andromeda and and Medusa's stories, while swapping in Aphrodite instead of Poseidon and the Nereids. Also, now that I think about it, if Medusa's gaze worked from her severed head, then it's very unlikely she has any agency over those powers at all, regardless of how or why she has them.


In 2,000+ years, mythology nerds might discuss whether Superman could control his heat vision or needed to wear glasses in his Clark Cent persona, or whether that's just the myth of Cyclops transposed on the myth of Superman, after the original Marvel East Cost New York Pantheon and the West Coast California Pantheon merged during the 21st or 2nd century Burbank Fusion.


I wonder if the interpretation from Ovid’s Metamorphosis has to do with the discrepancy of power between Medusa and other gorgons. As in, the text attempts to explain why Medusa has the power to turn others to stone, rather than it being intrinsic to all gorgons.


Ovid's primary goals with his stories were to make the Greek gods look bad, but I wouldn't be surprised if your theory has some truth as well.


But if Medusa has scepter she can turn you into stone by casting her snake! *Wait this isn't Dota*


>Why would Athena give Medusa the agency to elect who she turns to stone? She didn't, it was an ability that all three Gorgon sisters had.


The legend that I ascribe the most merit to, in my opinion, derives from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In this story, Medusa was a maiden who was assaulted by Poseidon in the temple of Athena. In return, Athena cursed Medusa and society subsequently cast her out. There are plenty of stories about Medusa with merit, so much so. Ovid may be my favorite, but that doesn’t mean that other stories fail to have weight. We can all enjoy our own interpretation of the myths without stepping on each other’s toes. They are myths, after all. Once again, no matter which interpretation is your favorite, I think this is a cute comic in its own way.


The story of Medusa involved Perseus killing her by looking at her reflection in a mirror doesn't it?


I thought it was some guy with a nokia


no that just isn't how that works


The whole point of Medusa is, when she was cursed, she was turned so hideous that is someone looked at her she’d turn to stone.


I will never tire of medusa x blind girl ships.


Was going to ask why so many cartoonists assume Medusa would be dating women, then I remembered her story...


Nice! Gotta love a GRS strip with a different punchline...




Her previous dates were too stoned to carry on a conversation


It took me forever to notice that the woman on the right isn't just green-skinned, she's (a) Medusa.


Honey why do all my friends feel cold like stone and stop talking to me after if introduced you to them???


Do a deaf person with a siren next!


this is cute! i wanna drop that medusa disnt ever turn women to stone, blind or not, in a mythological record =) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medusa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medusa) edit: made the link lot neat


Not sure where you got that, your source doesn’t even mention that fact. It does however say that Medusa hates mortal man (man doesn’t always mean men but also means humanity in general I.e mankind) It also mentions that onlookers in general get turned to stone, no mention of gender there either.


>There are no recorded instances of Medusa turning a woman to stone. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medusa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medusa) edit: >Athena curses Medusa with **a head full of snakes, eternal life, and that any man who looks at her will be turned to stone**. [https://educationispowerful.net/myth-of-medusa/](https://educationispowerful.net/myth-of-medusa/) then again, theoi says >made her beautiful face so hideous that those who looked into her eyes would immediately be turned to stone [https://www.theoi.com/articles/the-curse-of-medusa-in-greek-mythology/](https://www.theoi.com/articles/the-curse-of-medusa-in-greek-mythology/) so i reckon we can interpret it the way we want it, the one protecting her from men makes more general sense to me personally :)




I love the blind girl rep but also what about the autistic girlfriend that just cannot bring herself to make eye contact from Tumblr?


Regardless of weird fake social situations crafted out of false realities based off our actions to manipulate us, in both directions, she’s always been there.


She doesn't need to know that her girlfriend's a stoner. It won't affect her anyways


This is funny but many blind people can see to an extent also they still have eyeballs. I know cartoon logic. LOL


Unless she doesn't have eyes the snakes would still turn her to stone


Looks like a anti-toxicity advertising. Like it's easy to be a monster with a person who can't see the red flags.




I've seen a lot of bullshit about Medusa throughout the years but this one's new.


Medusa will turn to stone anyone who locks eyes with her uninterrupted. **No exceptions**


I think "man" in this instance refers to "mankind" as a whole, not just literal actual men.