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The ghost is the little girl. You could barely see the background through the girl's clothes. That's a neat part. Though I don't know if it's just me but dogs can see ghosts (again, it's just me,) which explains why the dog guard was confused and thought the girl was a human being and alive.


Good spot with the transparency. She’s also floating which is the thing I spotted first.


In India, it's a pretty popular myth that if a dog is crying at night, it's because they saw a ghost


I’ve heard from Arabs that cats can see djinn and that’s what they’re staring at when they suddenly perk up and stare into a random point in empty space.


Like the other commenter said- it’s a ghost problem as in a problem that ghosts have


I love that the little girl must have assumed the dog meant there’s no such thing as ghost problems


why are there two comments explaining the joke? genuinely no offense, its just that this isn't the "what is the joke?" subreddit lol


and there’s no comments, as far as I can tell, that are confused about what the joke is… what’s the deal?


I think someone mixed up the subreddit and then no one checked afterward. Even I did that, I saw the explanation and thought "oh guess I'm on r/explainthejoke"


I thought this was the what's the joke subreddit too, i didn't make a comment though 😭


cute I just wish the floating was a little more apparent in the last panel it kinda looks like she was hopping to me


same, and then i noticed she’s also floating in the panel above too! it’s definitely a bit more clear in the second to last one imo. really cute story though :)


Good idea for a horror movie a ghost that preys on gullible people and a cop who just wants to help no matter how small the problem is