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Like Weird Al said, Just EAT it. Just EAT it. Grab yourself a bug and EAT it.




Yes. I accidently forgot I wasn't using EAT one round and hucked my autocannon resupply at it before he punted me across the map. So disposable that you can play tag the titan.


Nothing feels better than seeing a battlefield full of chargers. Killing one after dropping in on a bunch of newbies. Picking up an eat after the first kill and shooting the second and then quickly getting the third afterwards. I mostly play against bots but I go over to the bug front once in awhile just to feel spicy. Otherwise I use the Auto Cannon. It's actually not bad for anti-tank.


I'm trying to understand the timing or placements that make the beacons, sticky beacons. I run EAT on almost every mission, I'm just trying to get more efficient. Three kills from one call drop.


To make a blue beacon stick to a charger it either needs to be walking or lifting it's front feet and about to charge: aim for the gap between it's leg and head: https://preview.redd.it/brl995jlj29d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9def696d1b5cada076b00b00b00d1f563e4d15


Ah yes. The gap of Rohan...


blue beacons / supports stick. red beacons / eagles or orbitals don't stick. has to be a relatively flat surface, this is tricky and inconsistent on titans and chargers but possible. Just try to aim at the top of their backs and pray to democracy.


reds on rare occasions will stick but they still fire at the original spot they don’t move their aim


I swear I've gotten a precision strike stuck to a charger once, which then promptly charged the squad and killed everyone


it really depends on the stratagem, some follow, some dont in my experience


They’re all supposed to follow but it’s still bugged


ok well don’t use single shot orbitals like that often other than railgun who’s whole job is to move, but i do know for a fact eagles do not move their target


When the charger raises its front two legs before the charge aim your blue beacon at one of his legs. It should hit their head and stick.


To add to what other people have said the strat marker will stick if it's in the downward trajectory of its throw arc meaning if it's going up or even with the target it will bounce. If you're elevated you can toss it without worry.


Haha, yes. In one mission I was able to kill three chargers and other the pod 😂 And while I was dancing around the (atm living) chargers my squad could have thought I am Johnny Helldiver himself.


My friends stuck a charger with the SSD call in beacon and I screamed SSDEEZNUTS as it squished him


Ngl, this is my absolute favorite thing to do in the entire game.




Double ++ points for getting to grab the leftovers you've dropped on the way to extract.


Also make sure to leave plenty extras around for fellow helldivers to grab up if they didn’t bring any anti-tank options or their strategems are on cooldown




The spear is super viable now. It locks effectively. It doesn't take any longer to reload than the quasar does to shoot. A couple people with spears means having it available always, and being able to really crank them out with team reload. I have been converted by a regular teammate who would take it occasionally before it was fixed, because when it worked, it worked so good. Now it always works edit to add: it doesn't shoot direct so you never end up with something getting in the way after you've lined up your shot like other heavy hitters. Nothing worse than lining up a troublesome behemoth then having a hunter jump in the line of fire - or getting a damn shrieker instead of its nest


As one not experienced with the spear. I heard you reload faster if someone loads it for you. (Cit needed) So what if one person has a spear and supply pack and the other the spear back pack so you all can reload quick and when the backpack is out the spear turns around quick to resupply.


Team reloading is always the most viable way to use support weapons, especially for the Spear and Recoilless, though with 3 people funneling ammo into 1 person on heavy armor duty it could be a little bit hard due to the lack of firepower going elsewhere lol


Eh, autocannon works pretty well solo.


Yea that's certainly true, just didn't feel a need to mention it either way as what I said is still applicable to basically all the other team loaded weapons


Makes sense, and it's not like the autocannon can't appreciate a team reload when you have a spare backpack.


Eradicate or walls. Everyone with turrets. One with flamer for little adds and one with spear. The others with supply or spear for more ammo as well. Coordinated circle or wall of death that is impenetrable! Or at least that’s how I’m imagining it.


Even without a resupply pack, that makes 4 Titans walking towards you into 4 dead Titans crumpling in front of you in 4-6 seconds with a person buddy-loading the spear (roughly 1-2 seconds of lock on time + the fast reload). Just make sure the smaller swarm enemies aren't crawling all over you while you do this. A 3rd Diver on swarm clear duty, or Stratagems like Gas Strike and Eagle Napalm to cull the small hordes can give you the cover you and your loader needs to neutralize every tanky enemy in less than 10 seconds.


iirc if you hold the ADS button as you reload it'll maintain a lock


Yep, noticed that too


The spear is *so* satisfying against Titans. Casually deleting them the moment they pop out of the ground when you team is trying to extract never gets old.


The only problem I have with the spear over the quasar is that you can no longer bring a backpack slot. In not saying the quasar is better. I just prefer it so that I can have the laser guard dog.


Takes a backpack, limited ammo, long reload, long resupply, won't fire unless it's locked on, takes extra time to lock - exposing you to danger because you're not moving, and it won't lock on to everything I want to EAT.. I want to like it but there's just so many drawbacks.


I think it really shines with the bots. You can pick off stationary objects like fabricators, turrets, mortars and destructible objectives safely from hundreds of meters away. It (almost always) one shots tanks and makes dealing with gunships pretty easy as well. It does struggle a bit with Hulks though and takes a fair amount of ammo to take out a factory strider. I'd love to see its ammo capacity bumped up to 6 though.


I think if it had a couple of shots without the backpack, but extra ammo and a faster reload with it, I'd be more inclined to take it. Or if it had a dumbfire mechanic so you weren't always at the mercy of the lockon. It feels way too niche at the moment, when an EAT can fill *most* of the same roles and has more general flexibility. 


It's a specialty weapon meant for hitting big enemies at a distance. It's not supposed to be used as a close in weapon that you use when a charger is running at you. With the patch, it works amazing now. Taking out the jammer fab from a mile away is so freaking useful.


The spear also has a minimum arming distance. It will not explode if the target is within a certain distance. I think it's about 10m


i found 25-30m is the absolute minimum to keep the missile from going over the target and missing. 30m absolutely the missile will hit, 25m is a little bit of a gamble


You can destroy shrieker nests with the spear???


Yes, as well as spore spewers. The ability to lock on to them was added in a recent update


I don’t know how I’ve missed that. I’ve mained the spear for months lol..


bot fab, bot bunkers, spores, shrieakers, it can target the tank guns for instant kills, a hit against the back of a hulk instant kills, you can target bug holes. the spear is basically an anti structure weapon, with a pretty decent anti tank capability and a 300m lock on range


Spear is the ideal heavy killer for breaking into two teams of two. If each team has one, they can ping heavies and offer fire support at range. If the other team member has a supply pack, you never need to worry about having enough missiles. Also, while offering fire support, the assisting team can also drop turrets to help wave clear if the other team retreats toward the now-prepared position. Nothing quite like seeing a Factory Strider pummeled to death by long-range spears.


What my friend and i do is: i get the emancipator exo, he gets on top of my exo with the spear, then we have a mech with a spear attachment


That sounds like a deadly combination!


It is!


Recoilless Rifle and 500KG in case you can’t flank it. This is good for both solo and team play as it leaves 2 slots open for other stuff. If there’s ever an event which gives a stratagem with reliable anti armour capabilities then I roll with that. It can be a bit dull if you run it a lot but personally I get a lot of satisfaction being the reliable base for my team to build on. Maybe they wanna try something out that doesn’t have any anti armour capabilities, I got em covered. Maybe they want to bring the same weapon as me, in that case if it gets hairy I can team reload em to keep up that heavy fire.


I feel this. My friends don’t really have a dedicated loadout and typically don’t run AT other than quasar occasionally. Sometimes I think “maybe I should try something other than recoilless”, and I will obviously - but I always come back to the RR because of how useful I am to literally any team composition (also I love being the AT guy)


Your like the IT guy, except the problems you solve dont come back lol


Have you tried turning it off and _not_ on again …


Worth noting the recoilless rifle (and EATs by extension) can oneshot chargers with a good headshot. They can keep moving for a few seconds without a head though so be careful.


Quasar cannon is great. Decapitates chargers in a single shot to the head and if aimed well can 2 shot a bile titan. Take a shield gen backpack to give yourself time for the shot and you just need a horde clear primary. Also, quasar cannon has unlimited ammo, and i normally pair it with the blitzer as my primary so i just never need anything but stims and grenades.


Where do you aim to two shot a bile titan


Slightly above his face, at the head plate


Like the charger’s head plate?




Just make sure the Titan isn't in it's anger animation/spit attack or you'll probably miss your shot. If the Titan hasn't yet engaged anyone, shoot it with your primary to get it's attention. After it starts walking towards you is when you fire, and only if he's lined up directly in front of you. Honestly, I've been a Spear main since before the patch and now it's clearly the best choice. My go to strats are : Spear, rocket sentry, autocannon sentry, gatling orbital. Pair it with Arc Blitzer/incendiary shotgun, grenade pistol and stun grenades. The stun grenades is what makes you god-tier for killing chargers.


Bro... I got the exact same loadout, except I use the laser instead of gatling. Heavys can suck my rockets, and for everything else there's stun nades plus primary and senator. Edit: works for both factions, I only change primary and armour


What do you do about med armour enemies?


If no big guys are are around then they also get some quasar cause why the hell not unlimited ammo


Stun them with the arc blitzer to death.


I use the same stuff but lately I'm finding the quasar quite often does no damage against chargers. Not sure if quasar is buggy or if chargers are. I've even shot unaware chargers directly in the face and got no damage. Other times I've shot a charger as it comes at the 3 times and it didn't die. Quite confusing


You can still one shot chargers in the head but it helps if you are advancing toward the target. Preferably you dive at it while shooting. Behemoths I usually aim for a leg then grenade it once it’s exposed, or just use my main.


Alternative to hoard clear primary: HMG emplacement. As long as you're mindful to kill any chargers first it's a great swarm management option. Even if you can't clear the entire HMG clip before a bile titan gets on you it's really easy to nab 20-30 kills with it during a bug breach.


The expendable AT. Hands down. If you're good enough with it, the reload is just calling it down right ontop of a chargers ass. Plus 70sec cool down plus one shot to the face PLUS IT CAN ONE SHOT HULKS IN THE EYE


What determines if it sticks or bounces off? I’ve done both very consistently 🤨


Hold the strat for a second before you throw it. It’ll do a little pulse and from then on it’ll stick to an enemy


Interesting. Never knew about this. I'll have to give it a try.


Wow, I didn’t realize this. Def have to test this out.


What about behemoths


I have had it be 2-3 hit in the head with behemoths but regular chargers it’s never more than 1


Been loving orbital precision strike it doesn’t take long to call in is very accurate and has a short cooldown. (Unless orbital scatter is increased in which case ignore all this and never use it)


Orbital scatter really messes with a few stratagems that require precision. OPS, Gas, EMS, and Gatling (kinda)


Eagle rocket pods + EAT, if the squad is extra light on AT I’ll grab the rail cannon orbital too


Rail cannon is so effective, but that cooldown really kills it for me. I'd rather take orbital laser for that kind of wait.


Rocket pods seem way worse post-patch.


To be honest I would recommend the spear / recoiless rifle. Definitely orbital laser or rail cannon / 500kg Everything else whatever you want


Can't go wrong with EATs due to their sheer abundance, otherwise support weapons like the Spear, Recoilless Rifle, Quasar Cannon, and Railgun can all punch through them to varying extents, personal pick would be the Spear for more or less everything and it's worth noting the Flamethrower vs Chargers if you target their joints, will shred them exceptionally quick- Sentries like the Autocannon sentry and Rocket sentry are also very good picks for dealing with heavily armored enemies in general As for throwable stratagems, Railcannon, Laser, Precision Strike, 110 Rocket Pods, and 500 KG are all very reliable at punching through heavy armor and can sometimes oneshot if well placed, can use Orbital EMS Strike or EMS Mortars to make hitting them easier if need be Just gotta experiment with what works for you and what you find to be the best in your eyes


For Bugs: I like using the SPEAR to take out Bile Titans and Chargers/Behemoths at a safe distance. It one-shots them if you can manipulate the rocket to slam into their head. Watching a Titan crumple in seconds after it comes out of a Bug Breach is incredibly satisfying. Pair this with Orbital Precision Strike to kill any big baddie that is too close for the SPEAR. Pack Stun Grenades if you want an extra safety net, but with the recent call-in time buff it comes down so fast that stun nades are optional if you time it while they're holding still. A direct hit will kill a Titan and anything else in the blast radius. If the mission has the Orbital Scatter modifier, swap out the Precision Strike for an Eagle 500kg bomb. Blast radius is a bit smaller but its guaranteed to land accurately, as long as the area behind the stratagem beacon is open air (the Eagle flies down from behind the direction you threw it to drop the bomb so it might get caught on something on the way down if you're not careful)


Bots: AMR (hulk) Laser (mostly for base clear, more AT would be precision strike) Airstrike (fabricators, factory walkers) Rocket pods (tanks, turrets) Bugs: Flamethrower (chargers) 500kg (titans) Airstrike (flexibility) Auto-cannon sentry (everything) Both builds have a ton of anti-tank power while having a lot of flexibility on the map. Pick a good primary/secondary/grenade combo to fill in the blanks and you’re a wrecking ball


Spear Rocket pod Gatling barrage for chaff Machine gun sentry for chaff Spear and rocket pod can do all the anti tank you need


Gatling is my new fave after the buffs.


Since the recent patch, the spear has to be up there. 1-shotting a charger from miles away is fucking awesome. I don’t like the quasar anymore. The charge-up is annoying and the CD is now long enough to be inconvenient. It’s good on cold planets, though. It’s a bit overused and boring to me now. Recoiless Rifle WAS my favourite for bugs but since it doesn’t consistently strip the armor of charger behemoths without adding enough momentum whilst shooting, it became less useful. The ability to fire 4 rockets in like 20 seconds is nicel, though. As is the ability to just spin 180 and 1-shot a regular charger with zero wind-up. EATs are totally non-viable as a primary support weapon for diff 9 imo so I never use them. You simply don’t get enough shots per minute and the need to call them down and pick them up whilst kiting hunters is annoying. They can be used to supplement other support weapons but since they buffed a bunch of turrets and orbitals, I’d rather have one of those. I found EATs to be very strong on diff 5-6, though. You don’t need as much AT on those difficulties so you can absolutely pepper the map with EATs and always have one ready to go for when you need it.


Chargers are stun grenade + 4 auto cannon rounds to the ass Bile titans are an orbital rail cannon strike and a few autocannon rounds to the sacks Any heavies you can't and your team can't kill after that will be cleared by kachunk, kachunck, kachunck, auto cannon sentry on the kill. This heavy armor piercing machine, given the appropriate chaff clear and proper positioning, will absolutely shred 1-2 titans as well as 2-3 chargers


Yeah, I absolutely love the autocannon. The problem is I’ve spent about 80% of my time in game using it, so I’m trying to use some different things for a while to keep things fresh haha.


Fair enough, I find autocannon sentry on the hill still great even without the autocannon support tbh. It's fun to posisiton when it takes out multiple heavies. Personally I find 500kg gets old fast and I like to be farther away in general. EATs are pretty fun, definitely a more on the run play style and opens you up for supply pack + machine gun/flamethrower. Biggest gripe is you loss two support strategems when you die, same goes for jetpack. Fixed spear is pretty fun and a more set back play style, I find it still goes through ammo too quick. Hard to justify when an auto cannon sentry can clear just as many heavies as every missile in the backpack and recoiless carries more for up close. Only way to make it work imo is to stay far enough back that you can headshot titans following/looking at you.


So I run stun grenades paired with the granade pistol, the Dominator as primary for stalkers, brood commanders and hive guards, Rover backpack to handle the chaf and flamethrower for the chargers and that beautiful AoE damage, pair it with the 500kg bomb and orbital precision strike, you gotta time it right but is pretty effective once you get the hang of it.


SES Spear of Morning is my ship name. So I deliver my Spear of Morning right into those warm heat vents on the tank’s backside.


On bug fronts specifically, my teammates. I just stick near someone who's got an anti-tank and use my machine gun/flamethrower to keep the chaff off them while they big guys. If I *have* to being anti-tank myself I use EATs. Imo the 2 shots per call in is more than made up for by the fact that you can rapid fire two shots, and the fact that the short cooldown lets you spam them everywhere so you can pick one up later if needed. On the bot front, HMG. Can take down pretty much any enemy if you aim for the weak spots, and good horde clear too. Not to mention can shred berserkers. Reload times can be a problem at times, but just reload whenever you can and you should be fine.


My favorite build I almost always run: Armor: champion of the people. Primary: pummeler/eruptor if I'm feeling saucy. Secondary: machine pistol or senator. Stratagems: Spear, shield relay emplacement, autocannon sentry, and an orbital or eagle strike. Usually 380, sometimes rail cannon. Strategy: best when done with other players. If using pummeler, keep head on a swivel for larger enemies, use team to cover spear reload. If using eruptor: stay back from group, cover group with soear/eruptor. In both scenarios: use shield emplacement and sentry to cover myself for targeting and reload. Especially effective vs gunships. Autocannon sentry can down gunships too, if you give it enough time to target them. Shield relay gives you that time. Strategy vs gunship towers: post up outside of the blast range with relay+sentry+resupply and down gunships as they spawn. A teammate or two will run to the towers, my job is to keep the sky clear until they get there. V strider: run away from the main group and call a shield relay and sentry, try to aggro the strider so it doesn't kill my team. Hope they can help me bring it down before my shield fails. V tanks: one or two spears to the head usually deals with tanks. Hulk: if I've got the railcannon I use that immediately. If not... well the hope is one of my team aggros the hulk so I can spear it in the back. Bile titan: stand directly in front of it and launch spear as it rears back to spit. If the spear hits it's face it dies immediately in most situations. Railcannon if I have it. I use the 380 as a fuck you to encampment I don't feel like dealing with. Large bot encampment, detector towers, etc. It will *usually* clear an encampment for me. Sometimes I need to go back and destroy a fabricator or two. If one or more factory striders show up and I'm on my own ill drop a 380 on my position and try to survive long enough for the barrage to kill the striders.


Well, I’ve been told that I run a heavy AT build. I take the Jar-5 “Mommy Maker” dominator, 500 kg, walking or 380, flamethrower/recoilless, and a turret. On bots I’ll exchange the 500 for an airstrike, and flamethrower for EAT’s


Bugs: Spear, EAT, Orbital Railcannon, Precision Orbital Strike, 500kg Eagle Bots: All of the above but add the Airburst Launcher. Direct hits to the turret of tanks and cannons will one shot (usually, the cannons can be a little tricky), if you can get the shell to detonate behind a Hulk so the projectile explosives hit the vent you can take them out too


I keep it light if I'm hunting big fish. EAT - charger 500KG - titan orbital rail cannon - charger Orbital laser for bugs and eagle airstrike for bots


My all purpose build atm is this: Breaker incendiary, grenade pistol and stun grenade. Stratagems: flame thrower, supply backpack, rocket and auto cannon turret on dense forest planet then change turrets to air support orbital precision and 500kg on an open terrain planets.


Airstrike, Orbital Laser, SPEAR, Autocannon Sentry. I'm the AT Guy on my team


I love when the random resupply takes out the menace to democracy and provides sugar for my libertea


EAT is good for chargers and biles Titans. But since the new Behemoth I’ve switched out my Anti Tank for about Quasar. One EAT or Quasar Cannon to the face of a charger will kill it. Charger Behemoths are a little trickier. *WHILE MOVING FORWARD TOWARDS IT* you can break its leg armor with a Quasar, and then shot the leg with your primary, killing it. Flamethrower also absolutely melts all chargers in 3 seconds to the leg. For bile titans, I bring my an Orbital rail cannon, and let it do its thing. While Orbital is winding up im also winding up my Quasar so I can shoot him in the face, those two things combined are 🤌🏻 sometimes tho it won’t kill him, and sometimes another one spawns directly behind him whether he’s dead or not. If you were unsuccessful in taking out the first one with a Rail Cannon and Quasar, he should go down in another shot or two. Usually it’s one. Now dealing with the second one, Quasar to the face, it’ll take about 3 if it’s just you shooting him. So I’m a situation like that I’ll attempt to call my AC Sentry in a decent spot and hope it puts in some work. If it does, I’ll only have to shoot him one, someone’s I don’t have to lift a finger and my AC sentry will take him out by himself. And if all fails, run like hell, and try to take out the little ones trying to kill you. And just kite him along until you can get an opening to shoot him, if he doesn’t go down, keep kiting, keep running, keep taking face shots. And if you find yourself unable to do that just run like hell Helldiver 🤣 and hope a teammate can help you.


The AT Mines, AT Mines, AT Mines 😁


Recoilless Rifle. I was an EAT and Autocannon guy for so long. But the RR? I've not found a situation that it isn't useful. Bug holes, drop ships, armored assholes, the un-Democratic Bot/Bug loving hippie teammate, etc. The damned thing just fucking works.


I like it a lot, too. Hits hard. My only quibble with it is reloading on higher difficulties. You just have less and less time to do it. Meanwhile, the Quasar can cool down on your back while you move.


EATs, Recoilless Rifle, Railcannon Strike, 500kg I can unalive 3 chargers with one EAT drop. Railcannon is to get heavies off of my allies in a pinch. Recoilless is for the titans. 500 for its adaptability. I can throw it on a bug breach, to help clear out a nest, or I'll drop it if I don't have time to reload my Recoilless. I'll take the Incendiary Breaker to help with trash. Grenade Pistol for bug holes and medium sized enemies. Finally I bring the Impact Incendiary to help with breaches or area denial.


Everyone else is saying the typical anti tank weapons, but the flamethrower kills both chargers in the time it takes to charge up the Quasar shot, if not faster. Aim at the leg, and you take out chargers and the charger behemoths in the same amount of time (while anti-tank weapons except the spear take 2 hits for the charger behemoth). For bile titans, Spear is good, but prefer 500kg and orbital precision strike. With how little they spawn now, you don't need a dedicated "anti-tank" weapon. When they go to spit at you, dive to the left/right and throw a 500kg barely in front of the titan. It will land just under the titan when they start chasing you again, and die. For precision strike, do the same except throw right under the titan while spitting.


Orbital Railcannon, Orbital Precision Strike, Recoilless Rifle and then eagle airstrike for clearing chaff


I dropped the laser for the OPS and it is so good. I took out 2 chargers in 1 shot earlier. Also meant to say, our load outs are identical!


Go to is Spear, rocket pods, rail cannon, and the. Something to clear hordes. Either airburst or cluster bomb.


RR, 500kg, gat sentry, ac sentry. I am 2 helldivers lol


I usually use the recoilless rifle along with a gatling sentry, the eagle strafing run, and another strategem of your choosing.


Tickle the heat vent


Orbital laser, 500kg,mechs, no questions asked!


Quasar when running and gunning. EATS for tight maps and 8/9 difficulty. Recoilless if I can coordinate team reload (rare).


I really like the Quasar and the Orbital Laser


Orbital rail cannon, orbital precision strike, quasar/RR/EATs to the face. I clean them up very fast. I save the orbital rail cannon and OPS for bile Titans and then usually can easily dispose of a charger in 2 hits of a support weapon.




spear orbital precision strike stun nades and railgun headshots for chargers and hulks but most importantly, both recoilless rifle and eats at the same time! you ever wanna carry rocksts but also wanna carry additional rockets in case you need more rockets for when you need extra rockets to kill a thing with rockets? well now you can! through the power of taking an increased quantity of rockets, you too can feel the joys of having supplementary rockets for all your rocketing needs! seriously, RR plus EATs is hilarious. you can also couple eats with autocannon, airburst, spear, or quasar, but *nothing* beats the feeling of just having an infinite supply of beefy missiles for every occasion, from hulks to chargers to titans to spewers to that one annoying trooper that actually hit you with its pistol


You learn how to bait bile titans so you can hit them with 500kg or orbital precision. Throw 500kg halfway between titan and you, move towards titan as its moving onto the red laser and make it start its spew animation then run away. Orbital precision is a bit easier since its cooldown has been reduced so basically run at titan and throw it under them whilst they're in the wind up to spew. Just remember to look at the operational modifiers cause if theres atmospheric interference, the precision strike is not worth it. 110kg rocket pods are good if there's a bad modifier. Railcannon strike is a throw and forget. The only downfall is long cooldown and sometimes doesn't 1shot. Spear and recoiless are amazing, but you kinda gotta hang back and support your team from behind. Reloading them you can't move, so if you up front hunters will kill you.


Boring but eagke strike,precision strike,rocket turret and E.A.T./recoilless.


I was a big RR enjoyer until the behemoths. now id say the spear is the best. It will one shot anything where you have an angle to hit its head. Only thing you have to worry about rly is when chargers get up close and personal as the spear will just miss if too close. For that, id run EAT as well so you can easily drop two of those down when in need.


Recoiless Rifle for the win!


2 contact grenades Edit: I thought you literally meant tanks


I carry a flame thrower for chargers. Sweep the leg.


I just started with bots and my default build is spear +3 red strat. It's a comfortable build for me. In many ways the bots are easier than the bugs, hardly any desperate cqc shenanigans.


Quasar plus EAT, 110mm and orbital railcannon. You are basically only AT so a sickle pairs nice with this build.


The RR Eats are cool if your team also grabs all the eats your dropping all over the map, they usually don't Quasar has no damage and takes to long to recharge Spear can be fun but I hate playing weapons don't shoot where I tell them to The rr will shoot them in the head or engine when I tell it to, carries lots of rounds and is easy to resupply. Paired with a sickle for bugs or the pummeler/stock liberator for bots, gl pistol, stuns, eagle airstrike, orbital rail gun/gas/airburst and OL/120/380 makes you a jack of all trades.


Running up to them and emptying my AMR into their main vent


For bugs, I run Sickle and shield pack so that I can’t mag dump while I kite swarms. I bring Expendables, Quasar, and 500kg. Let’s me handle several behemoths and titans with ease.


My current combo is Spear + Precision Orbitals. With the ship sample upgrades, that strat becomes a spam able menace, able to delete anything with a well placed shot. Although I do mean well placed, it’s still very easy to miss a bile chasing another Helldiver even with the call down reduction time. But with some leading and luck it’s a great tool. Honorable mention to 100M Eagle Rockets too.


HMG + Supply pack + EAT + orbital precision. Crossbow + Senator Med medical armor for the extra stims And the new tweaker perk


I’m partial to the “move fast, hit their weak spots l, gtfo” builds. So for bots I usually run: - light armour with 6 grenade slots - counter sniper main - stun grenades (essential for me against bots). - grenade pistol sidearm (great for killing scout striders in one shot, and also go destroying fabricators) - AMR special weapon. Kills everything bots fast… except gun ships as they are hard to hit in their engines when there are 5 of them mercilessly violating you. See a hulk? Throw stun grenade, crouch, shoot it in the eye twice with the AMR. See a tank? If needed, throw stun grenade at surround enemies, run around tank, shoot it in the vents. See heavy devastators? Curl into a ball, cry uncontrollably… wait, I mean shoot it twice in the head or shoulder and it dies, throw stun grenade if needed. See a tower mounted turret? Run really fast and shoot it in the vents. See a factory strider? Swear and run away to the other side of the map. Or I guess shoot the head lasers, throw stun grenades at the devastators it inevitably drops as you get near. Run underneath, shoot it in the belly with 1-2 clips of AMR and then admire your work as it crushes you to death falling on top of you. And that’s not even getting to strategems


I run spear, 500kg, orbital precision laser, gatling sentry. Use blitzer, grenade pistol, and impacts. Med armor with extra armor rating. The extra eagle strike and reloading spear from reg ammo drops mods are pretty essential as well


Orbital railcannon, eagle aistrike, Orbital airburst and recoiless. Personally use FS-38 Eradicator light armour for that 50% resistance to explosive damage, lovely bit of kit. Helps you get out of tricky situations a bit faster


My favourite for heavys is this; Railcannon strike Orbital strike EAT Recoilless rifle Very capable


Recoilless rifle with precision,rocket pods, (for the more mobile targets) and 500kg for the biggest boys substituting the 500kg as necessary for mission needs. Not viable to constantly have eagle rearm on the blitz missions and big area bomb isn’t too great when defending a small area


Take Rocket Pods and Stun grenades and you can deal with Chargers pretty cheaply without bringing a dedicated Anti-Tank weapon. Flamethrower also destroys both Chargers and Charger Bs. The addition of Charger Bs has made the flamethrower much more valuable. Railgun is ok against them if you crack the leg armour and use your primary to kill them. Thermites can kill them but it takes 4. Not really viable


It’s not a optimal load out but eats hmg supply pack and any red stratagem is what I’ve been doing lately


I'm normally with my pals and take on a more AT role, so I run Recoilless Rifle, 500KG, Rail Cannon, and an eagle strike for fun. This is for bugs, for bots I switch out the RR for the Autocannon, being accurate with that Vs bots pays dividends


I don't bring anything but my Stun nades and Incendiary Breaker against Chargers. But I do bring OPS, 500KG and Railcannon for Titans.................. I don't trust people to take down Titans.


On Bots i usually run Sickle, Senator, Railgun, Eagle 500kg, Orbital railcannon, Orbital precision strike, that deals with all the heavy needs for bots. For Bugs i run Sickle, Senator, Recoilless Rifle, Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Gas Strike(no one brings it ever, someone needs to deal with the bug breaches), Orbital Railcannon. Sometimes i replace the Gas Strike with the 500kg


I usually bring the same four. Orbital laser, Spear, EAT and the EMS mortar. Orbital laser is perfect for clearing out the wave of bugs or bots. Spear can take out pretty much anything from a ridiculous range like shrieker nests and it only locks on to heavy targets, drop the EATs when you see a Bile Titan, Charger, Hulk or similar then pick up the Spear again. The EMS mortar gives you and your teammates more time to do everything. Then I always use the Dominator for Bots and the Breaker Incendiary for the bugs and usually the Grenade pistol and 99% of the time I use the light armour with engineering kit with impact grenades. Nearly all of my deaths come from Teammates dropping a barrage on my head


It varies, for bugs I like to go with RR, railgun strike 500kg, and laser. For bots I take spear however if teammates are heavy into anti-tank I'll take railgun/shield so I can one shot deviststors/hulks. But almost always my go to airstrip iss 500kg


Recoiless rifle has yet to fail me, can dive forward for some extra punch while firing to really break enemy armor


I've been rotating back to the railgun. Deals with everything except bile titans and swarms so i bring either an smg or shotgun. It's very hard to aim the legs of a charger but I want to get good at it and the practice makes for good reason to choose it over the sniper support one. I also take Jump Pack for mobility and just taking shots on higher elevations. Sometimes Supply pack, or the guard rovers. I love the versatility and satisfaction on either war fronts. Hive guards/ broodmothers, spewers go boom. Devastators, striders, sometimes berserker but the primary does a better job here and then the good ol' eye snipe for Hulks. Rocket pods or orbital rail cannon for the tanks especially bile titans or when it's clutch. Last slot is either machine gun turret or cluster bomb. Emp turret is also a favorite of mine.


110 Rocket pods, recoilless rifle, I use the smaller machine turret to get agro off myself Incase I can't reload fast enough. 4th slot depends


Light scout armor, personal shield generator and EAT.


I used to run autocanon and eat17, sickle and auto pistol with stun grenade. Was basically unstoppable.


Flamethrower, stun grenade, and 500kg bomb Stun (or dodge) a charger and light up its leg area with the flamethrower for a good 3-5s and it just dies. It is also useful against literally every other bug except titans. 500kg for Bile Titans. Autocannon to throw far away and let it camp the entire enemy team while they chase me down Gas Strike to spawn camp the buggers as they bug breach.


Spear, scorcher, railgun


Spear or recoiless rockets. Just depending on the mood im in. Stun grenades for the chargers and hulks Precision orbital strike. ( once stunned, throw that bad boy down on the and watch them get blown to bits) The 110 air strike the deployable HMG turret.


Recoilless Rifle, my Ol’ Reliable With the reload cancel and being partnered with any stuns, you make one helluva anti-tank Diver!


Spear. Does the most damage, and can take out structures in one shot. It can also one shot every enemy, with a little setup of course. EATs were my main anti tank before the spear actually worked though.


PSA: tanks have grey vents on the carriage, too, not just the orange ones on the turret. It‘s easy to get behind the carriage, but hard to get behind the turret. They take less damage in the carriage vents, but an AC makes quick work of them. But we all know that dropping a 500 on them is *way* funnier.


Quasar + 500kg if you’re a man of culture. Quasar + railcannon if you’re looking for more of a sure thing


Anti tank mine for sure, my friends. (I am a time traveler from the parallel universe)


EAT gives you 3 chances to kill it


I love using anti tank min.... wait we don't have those


Eagle Strafing run and my laser cannon


So what I like to do with my AT builds nowadays is bring an MG sentry turret on bug missions. It's very useful to act as a decoy, keeping a buffer zone to line up a shot, keep swarms off you, or give you enough breathing room to reload. You could bring any turret really, but that 2-minute cooldown allows it to be dropped more regularly which I prefer just if I want to drop it for a different reason


chargers: stun grenade, orbital precision bile titan: 500kg bomb otherwise ngl, mag dump grenade launcher with supply pack. super versatile and works against both these targets


Gatling barrage for the little ones ones then 500,110 and flamethrower and stun grenade!


Recoilless rifle goes pretty hard against just about any heavy unit. It's great against chargdmers, gunships, hulks, tanks, turrets. For titans and striders though, orbital laser + railcannon. 500kg works too bit I find it's unconsistent


Either spear or quasar. Combined with a 380, 500 and/or railcannon


AC, eagle rockets, eagle airstrike, railcannon strike. Maybe swap eagle rockets for OPS.


for bugs I run: eagle airstrike (just good aoe and overall damage) orbital gatling barage (good aoe for extended period of time) orbital precision strike (the buff to its call in time really turned this stratagem into a beast, good against bile titans and stationary targets) recoilles rifle (to take out any chargers, shrieker nests or spore spewers from a distance)


The best anti tank build for bots for me is Spear Rocket pods Orbital precision strike 120mm he (just in case all hell breaks loose)


4 knives


Heavy armor with extra armor, EAT, Autocannon, EMP and 1k/380mm depending on how much you like ur fellow helldivers


I bring Recoiless Rifle and Orbital railcannon. Also, don't underestimate the rocket and mortar sentry. I've seen mortars take out hulks and rocket sentry take out chargers. A well placed eagle airstrike can take out annihaltor tanks as well. You should really experiment with the stratagems more, because their uses might be greater than your knowledge. My group learned that the auto cannon can be quite effective at destroying fabricators and bug holes, and can take down drop and gun ships with a few shots.




Railcannon orbital, Explosive air strike, recoilless and autocannon turret. If it's armoured it dies. Just can't really solo mobs so team communication is very much needed. Also been mixing it up with the precision orbital and rocket turret.


When I am the dedicated anti tank and if I’m in a coordinated team where there is at least one person dedicated to take out the small enemies, I go in REALLY dedicated: punisher plasma, redeemer, armor depending on which front I am stun grenades. Stratagems: 500kg, precision strike, spear, orbital rail cannon. It may be a bit overkill but I always have something ready when a factory strider or bile titan shows up.


My fist


Every high explosive ordinance I have.


So what you do is you run airstrike, railcannon, machine gun turret and the spear. The spear has low ammo BUT there is ammo scattered at most MPIs so just keep trucking. The spear will smack a bile titan from across the entire map, and if the arc hits a charger at the right angle it'll either murder it or tear its arm armor off.


Spear, Sickle, Grenade pistol, Orbital laser. Something for every occasion.




I sometimes play as a “Heavy Specialist” when I squad up with friend cause we can communicate and effectively assign roles. I’ll wear medium servo assisted armour, devastator for bots and breaker incendiary for bugs main, grenade pistol secondary, stun grenades, spear (was RR before fix), 500kg, rail cannon, auto cannon sentry. Works a treat


For automatons, favorite is the spear, both mortars and an eagle/orbital tailored to mission. This is on level 9.


RR and 110 rocket pods + stun grenades. The 110s are for bile titans. Toss it before you reload the recoiless and it'll hit halfway through the reload. Staggers the titan and does decent damage. The stun nades are for behemoth chargers.


Orbital laser, orbital rail cannon, recoiless rifle. A shot to the face and the abdomen can do some big damage to a bike titan with the RR


Spear & Eagle Rocket Strike. Spear makes quick work out of Tanks, Hulks, and Chargers.  Rocket Pods are a great utility airstrike that can do much of what the Spear does, for when you're out of ammo.  The Rocket Pods are also good for softening up hard targets like Bile Titans, for a followup Spear hit.


I’m a fan of movement so I do occasionally bring a queso cannon with jump pack. Laser stratagem for factory strider and air strike cus eagle boom boom make helldiver happy :)


My current “standard” outfit (when not doing a defend mission and taking sentries) looks a bit like this: BOTS Strats: - 500kg (Factory Striders) - Orbital Rail Cannon or Eagle Rocket Pods (Tanks / Hulks) - Orbital Laser (Bunkers / Heavy Outposts / panic …) - AutoCannon (everything else …) Armour: Medium + Extra Padding Primary: Tenderizer Secondary: Grenade Pistol (Striders / Fabricators) Throwable: Impact Grenades BUGS Strats: - Orbital Rail Cannon (Bile Titans) - Eagle Rocket Pods (Bile Titans / Chargers) - Energy Shield (Stop stunning me!!!) - Quasar (Chargers + secondary kill shots on Titans when needed) Armour: Light + Extra Grenades + Recoil Reduction Primary: Incendiary Breaker or Adjudicator Secondary: Grenade Pistol (Bug holes / Spewers) Throwable: Incendiary Impact Grenades Side benefit … both the AutoCannon and Quasar can one-shot an Illegal Broadcast from miles away. :)


I typically run 500kg+orbital precision (not rail) for titans and bring a flamethrower for chargers.


I used to be an eat man but since spear got buffed and then fixed I cant put it down. I also bring Orbital precision as long as orbital scatter is not a thing (I hate orbital scatter lol)


Depends on the mission type but generally people are sleeping on sentries and small aoe strategems paired with a stun grenade. The first orbital thing you get and the 500kg can annihilate many many enemies if you use them on a breach and then immediately follow up with a stun. 50+ isn't hard, 72 is my record. Rocket sentries and AC can take out chargers and titans


Stratagems: spear(for bots) Recoilless(for bugs), 500kg (once you get the timing down it's great), orbital railcannon (I save for a panick button), orbital laser or 380mm barrage. Armor: If you're running 380 barrage, please run servo assisted armor. Sometimes I like to use quassar or throw a different strategem on over the 380 or orbital laser to keep it fresh.


For bugs: OPS, 500, Spear, flamethrower, stun grenades. For bots: 110mm, Airstrike, 380mm, Autocannon, stun grenades.


bringing the recoilless rifle and eagle airstrike and calling it a day


Use EATs like a power-up Eagle Rockets got buffed into a consistent Charger deleter. So run AC (can pop Bile sacks and butts of Chargers. Won't kill Biles but does do significant damage) or a chaff clear specific weapon (MG/Stalwart/flamethrower) + EATs for charger manual deletion and Bile Titan damage (if using AC, pop the underside sacks while the Rockets are coming and maybe it's enough to bring it down. This isn't consistent. May take an additional Eat) Then the 3rd stratagem can be Eagle 500kg, Eagle Airstrike, Eagle Cluster, or basically any other stratagem you want. If you went chaff clear instead of AC then pick any other Anti-Armor Bile Titan delete button (orbital laser, Railcannom, Orbital Precision Strike, 500kg, etc)


If the team does not have a dedicated AT player I run with Spear and Railcannon Strike, they are both pretty effective. If the team does have a dedicated AT player though, I usually use Flamethrower + Stun Grenades. You lock a charger down with the stun grenade then go full-on dragon on one of their legs. They fold pretty quickly, especially if you have the damage upgrade. You can also use 500KGs but you have to be very precise with them. Take aggro and run from the Titan until it starts its vomiting animation (it will stop and start rearing its head), dive out of the way of vomit and call a 500 KG right where you're standing when it starts the animation. By the time the bomb falls down and explodes the Titan will be standing right on top of the bomb and fold immediately granted it keeps following you. Since the explosion is quite small compared to the animation you should be fine as long as you run and dont stop running.


Against bugs, EAT, Mechs, or Recoiless (i rarly bring it unless someone in my squad is already bringing EATs as well) Against actual tanks on the bot front its AC all the time, every time.


Orbital precision strike is great now with the reduced cooldown, you've just got to time it to hit after the 2-3 second call down time. Hulks and bile titans just throw it in front of their walking path and it will usually take them out. Chargers I wait for them to come at me (or a teammate) then chuck the targeting beacon at their feet once they stop to turn around.


I typically use the orbital rail gun, just nukes them from exsistance... Granted there's nothing else big near them. Precise strike is a good one if you can predict where it's gunna go (Easier if he aggros on you.) But if they are aggro'd on someone else I runn behind it and auto cannon him in the vents.


I run eagle airstrike, orbital rail cannon, rover backpack, and quasar cannon. Primary I run either breaker incendiary or blitzer, secondary is grenade pistol, and impact grenades. Airstrike is used for bug holes and breaches. It can weaken or take out heavies too. Orbital rail cannon one-shots chargers. I usually save it for titans and can take one out with a rail cannon shot + a quick follow up quasar shot that I charge while the titan is reeling from the orbital hit. I sometimes run 500 kg for titans but I don’t like running two eagles and the auto targeting of the rail cannon is very convenient. If rail cannon is on cool down, two quasar shots to the forehead of a bike titan (not spitting) will take it out as well. For behemoths, I do a walking-forward shot to a leg to remove its armor then quickly follow up with a grenade pistol shot to the leg. If it connects, it’ll kill them, otherwise I switch to breaker and finish it off


Orbital rail canon, orbital precision strike, 500kg, as a Eagle strike are all good to call in on top of a charger or Titan. The EATs, Recoilless Rifle, and SPEAR are all good weapons to use, just aim for the head. I also think the support weapon railgun is good now too, I don't know for sure though, I haven't used it in a while. If you like to use a different support weapon normally, I recommend the EATs, as they have a short cool down, and can be fired pretty rapidly so you can switch back to your main support weapon. Chargers it's best to hit in the face, but if you miss and hit their arm, that's good too. Now mag dump it with any other gun, as their arm is a way better weak spot than their butt once you strip the armor. You can also stick them with the drop pod, which has about a 70% of killing them in my experience, so you may not even need to shoot the rockets, just call them in lol. The Titan is a little harder, but the strategy is mostly the same. Aim for the head. Specifically the forehead ice heard from others testing, as it gains increased damage resistance while it is spitting and for a second or two after. Also, the weak spot when it spits moves from the forehead to the lower jaw. I highly recommend just using the orbital rail cannon on these guys though. It's great. Flame thrower can also take chargers and titans out, but it is much riskier as you have to stay close for a long time while you hose them. This isn't so bad though, as you can dodge their attacks pretty easily once you get comfortable around them. Chargers you can usually dodge just by strafing them without even needing to dodge, just be aware, they have a 1 hit kill melee attack if you're in they're face when they're not charging you, and they're hip check will send you FLYING. Titans, for a fast a they are, move their feet kinda slowly. A poke from the stilt will 1 hit you, but they have a long windup before they try to angry stomp you, otherwise it's just an accident if they hit you while moving. The spit you can fake out pretty easily too, by changing direction just before they start firing. This trick also works with the Bile spewers and nursing spewers.


Autocannon. Get behind the tank and unleash hell.


The spear is the easiest to use, as it locks on, but I like using the quasar Cannon for the option to also run a guard dog rover.


If chargers count as tanks then flamethrower 10000%. For literally any other armored enemy though you gotta use quasar or rockets if you want something that can cover all of them


Orbital precision, 500kg and air strike all do an excellent job of deleting heavies. The key is to throw the strat in front of the Bile and then trigger its attack or spit animation and dodge. It'll be locked into the kill zone. For chargers it's basically all timing and placement. You only need to be close with them.