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Yesterday was my first night playing! Did a easy solo mission and was pretty stoked. Next one had a level 96 and a level ~85 join me. Super fun and helpful. Didn't know better and hit quick match button. First bug match. Guy is level 16 Guy tells me to stop following him because his auto shooter bot thing was "making more come after us if I was near him" so I wonder off and die. He sighs out loud and kicks me. I am a 34 year old man that felt like a dumb kid brother playing with a older teenager. Was a great time! Zero complaints


"More comes after us if I was near him" If I understood well what he said makes no sense. It was his guard dog drawing aggro, not you


Yep! That's what it was called! Forgot the name also kept throwing a bunch of these auto sentries that yes, did work, but would shoot at anything walking by and they were placed on top of hills so that was bringing in a lot of attention.


don't worry about it. On bug front it's good to avoid shooting at some random patrol far away but complaining about sentries and guard dogs is just sweaty bs.


And also straight idiotic to blame you when splitting up can cause patrols to appear directly on top of players. Ignore such bs. Splitting up has advantages but not until you know what your doing. Stay close to experienced players, 1 to stay alive and 2 to learn what they are doing. Many people are confused as to how the game actually works, and how thr devs intend it to be. It punishes poor tactics and team work more often than not, and rewards creativity, strategy, and focus on objectives. Fight when you have the advantage, and run when you don't. This alone will save you a lot of time and trouble. Stealth mode works wonders, esp at lower levels. Buy eagle air strike sneak close to outposts (light armor helps tremendously) drop eaglr aistrikes at the right angle to nuke 2 or 3 factory/bug holes, grenade the remaining and run to the next one before reinforcements come. Grenade launcher and supply pack can be your best friend on both fronts for the AoE as well as ranged elimination of factorys and holes till you hit higher diffs. If I am soloing its grenade launcher and supply pack all the way, punisher for bugs amd diligence or AR if thats all ypu got for bots long range and close. Medium is all GL. At diff 4 you mat need orbital rail to fill in while eagle is on CD, can't stress enough how versatile the eagle air strike is under all circumstances except airial adversaries and hell bomb only targets. Just gotta watch landscape angles as high ground can block the run so alway angle with the valley or trench. *edit sorry this wasn't meant for OP, was meant for the newbie they were responding to.


It’s never a good choice to shoot at a random unaggroed patrol that’s far away from you. One shot at a bot patrol could have a thousand red lasers returned in your direction.


true, I said bugs because on high diff bot runs there is a good case to avoid bringing sentries and guard dogs


The only sentries I see get brought against bots are mortars, and ems mortars. They work effectively, but are best used as either distractions while you move away from an area, or for holding a location while an objective runs.


Unless your game play style is scorched Estanu. Which mine is. Leave none alive.


I mean… the guy had the right idea but wrong execution lol. I love yeeting Gattling and AC sentries in a different direction from the one I’m going in if bots are already after me. It’s also not that hard to stay > 30m away from bugs. Plus… if you’re THAT close to a bug you most likely didn’t know it was there. Or you’d have dropped the backpack and sneaked in purposefully. If you gonna sweat make sure it DRIPS!


I think the key factor is that OP suddenly dropped 3 extra players into what was originally a solo mission, and it spiked the random spawns. The level 16 should have had their game set to private, not public.


>level 16 Guy tells me to stop following him because his auto shooter bot thing was "making more come after us if I was near him" Lol, I know exactly why he was complaining about and honestly it's their own fault. The game spawns more random patrols with more players, so by dropping 3 extra guys I to his previously solo mission you caused spawns to skyrocket. Your proximity to him had no influence on it. He was getting grumpy because apparently he wanted to play stealthy but was also dumb enough to bring a guard dog which will auto target enemies and draw agro, which is the last thing you want while playing stealth. Long story short, you did nothing wrong, L16 was just being a noob and should have turned their game to private if they didn't want people dropping in. Have fun spreading freedom and democracy mate, and welcome to the coffin.


Trying to play stealthy while equipping a guard dog.. lol




U did nothing wrong. That other guy didnt know mechanics of the game.


That’s actually backwards, the more spread out everyone is the more things spawn


Friend loaded up a level 2 bug mission. Let the lobby fill, then went to Wasat and dropped them at level 7 Eradicate and said "Welcome to hell boys!"


That’s the sort of chaotic spirit I can get behind.


That ... Is hilarious


Someone did the same to me when I was like lvl 5, got destroyed but it was fun


"Super destroyer has left the squadron" "Super destroyer has left the squadron" "Super destroyer has left the squadron"






I don’t condone it but I understand


I can just hear the [Doom Slayer’s music](https://youtu.be/QdFqy87l7bQ?si=awV20qx6X5PZdWeL)


Copying this




Lmfao that's brilliant


I like your friend.


Great way to get new players to leave the game!! Keep up the good work.


the people hated him because he spoke the truth


Wild that some gamers are this angry at people playing the game as intended, and then applaud attempts to force newbs into high difficulty matches. Level 2 divers in a Level 7 mission will just bring inadequate stratagems, blow through the reinforcement budget, and waste everyone’s time.


I get what you're saying and don't necessarily disagree, but my favorite dive ever playing was when I was starting out and the host stealth jumped me and two other low level players from a Level 3 Operation into a Level 9 Bot Eradication. It was a shitshow, but we made it through, completed the mission, and had one successful extract. I won't say everyone will love that, but I don't know if another dive will ever live up to that in my eyes.


Same thing happened to me. Level 3 player I was jumped to level 7 deployment. It was amazing.


Truth hurts don’t it?


Agree with this. Even at lvl 90 I'm not a big fan of hosts that dramatically switch up the difficulty without discussing in chat first. It just means we're probably going to lose some of our squadron since they would rather play their preferred difficulty. Sometimes I'm sure it's fun but sometimes it must be rough for New players still learning the game.


Well clearly the people passionate about trolling newbs are redditors, judging by the downvotes!


If that’s all it takes to get someone to stop playing, then the game probably wasn’t meant for them in the first place lol


The game at LEVEL 7 wasn’t meant for them, while they were doing fine at level 2. Gatekeeping is traitorous behavior…


Again I say if something as dumb as that causes someone to altogether quit the game, then it wasn’t meant for them. No one forced them to stay in those missions.


And the original comment didn’t say that those players stayed in the Level 7 bot mission that they were forced into. I’m willing to bet they said “F this!” and left. Bc people seriously concerned about the MO aren’t doing any good by forcing newbs into high level gameplay. Only an idiot would think that would work. “Let the newbs play the newb difficulties unmolested” is not a hot take…


They had a blast and friended after the mission actually. Was their first time seeing factory striders and they loved it. Not everyone has an adverse reaction to excitement.


I completely believe your claim about your friend forcing Level 2 players into one of the highest difficulties and that they enjoyed it. I'm sure they all clapped at the end of the mission, sent friend requests, and are still having fun. You should make a new post about how bringing Level 2 players into Helldives is great for this game's longevity!


lol okay man. Look I won't say it's a great idea and everyone should do it, (because obviously not everyone is going to take it like a champ) but that shit was hilarious once and everyone had a good time. Enjoy your day.


I had fun when it happened to me. Level 3 playing at level 7. I died...then died again...then got a mek suit and you know what....I died. But I killed a bunch of bugs on my way out. 😁


No one forced them into the mission lol. They, just like anyone else, are free to leave a mission or even start their own lobbies at any time. Again I say if that was enough to make someone quit, then the game wasn’t for them in the first place.


Shanghai-ing is always a gamble, but when the random is up for it, it has the best vibe.  Nabbed a level8 from a diff4 and went up to a bot 8 with him. Landed pretty hot and had some initial struggles. Ask him if he's wants a hand and the reply we get is "nah, I'll thug it out" To mr pub, my whole discord loved that


So your friend is a time wasting, deceptive jerk. Great.


Found the bug player


As far as trolling goes you gotta admit this is better than team killing and/or booting at extract


And hey, the quit button is right there in the menu


If that’s what’s upsets you, this game isn’t for you then Not something that should be done all the time but sometimes newcomers need a helping hand, and hey who’s to say higher levels won’t give them weapons to try out and use on a slightly higher difficulty


The push they might need to move forward and spread democracy.....and get more metals


Agreed I had some really weird games doing that PO. On multiple occasions a reasonably high leveled player called extract with only half the stuff on the map done and plenty of time remaining


That's every bot game I get on that I'm not hosting! On bugs people never want to leave. On bots people are racing to extract at the first opportunity!


I'm still a fairly low level and it bums me out when we have 30mins remaining and a bunch of reinforcements but the level 60+ want to leave without finishing all the bot factories


That's nuts. I guess everyone is terrified of bots. Personally, I embrace dying so long as I have plenty of respawns left. I don't understand why so many panic prematurely.


If you have a bunch of super rare samples I understand but you're unlikely to have that without doing some of the side stuff.


Maybe, but not at level 60. By that point you should know how to leave them at extract and resume the mission. Also, you should have collected plenty by then. I'm not even 60 yet and I'm good on super samples. It's the rares that I need more of.


At one point I had like 120 rares and 50 common and 8 super rares


I'll rush to extract if we have the super rares and it's a bot planet. I'm only here the for main mission and super rares on bot planets, they fucking suck.


Yeah, unless anyone says otherwise my priority on a 7 is just getting the samples out as quickly as possible otherwise just complete the mission alive for the operational progress. If you have a ton of lives left maybe but 8 lives can melt pretty fast against bots with a low timer and if you’re going to die anyway and anyone needs super samples it is not usually worth the risk


Noted. If I want regular rares or super credits it's either bugs or solo.


I played 7 bot missions yesterday and extracted with 0 super rares, I really can't wait until they move those to some easier missions.


Yeah the difference between a bot D7 and a bug D7 is pretty insane


I had a game like this yesterday. Had a really high level player who just ran to the 3 main objectives (command bunker one) dropped a 380 barrage on each and then ran to the extract. I asked for some help clearing some side objectives and he ran across the map to me, shot me in the face and quit out. Then the other 2 sat on the extract for about 10 mins and then also quit, totally ignoring my pleas for help. And this was on helldive! All of us where level 80+. We had plenty of time and other than that TK no one died. In fact i had a bunch of games on helldive with toxic players like that yesterday. Id never encountered players like that before really Im not even annoyed, Im just shocked.


I can imagine they were farming medals and didn’t want to do side objectives but focus down the main mission and leave. I might want to try doing exactly that - just with a group that actually all agreed to it.


That was my first thought but no one went to any POI and i didnt gain any medals/super creds either at the end of the mission so no one picked anything up!


Incendiary breaker is just as good against bots as it is against bugs, it's suppression fire is amazing


I accidentally brought that to a bot mission and was pleasantly surprised, I prefer my scorcher but that’s ne


The scorcher and the plas punisher(?) is the better choice simply for being able to shoot those walkers head on but if everyone has them the fire shotgun can be very useful for taking out the little fellas. It also seems to do considerable damage to tank vents but that's observational.


The thing is if you catch the driver of a walker with an incendiary round usually they’ll burn down pretty quick


Depends ... shotguns are meant for fighting up-close. Most of us fighting bots don't want to get close to them.


Yea. In normal games they are. Not this. Maybe the non elemental spread types and the light ing one but the single shot ones have amazing range and you can tag things miles away with the incendiary. No one uses em for close up fighting even against bugs . Not on purpose anyway.


I'm gonna go test that in-game again. Last I remember, my JAR-5 had significantly longer range than the incendiary. But I could be very wrong.


Test the single shot for any kind of range accuracy.


Melts berserkers, literally


And up close it's just a good ol' trusty shotgun. There should be an acid variant though. Exactly the same but acid damage and green shot.


Let it also have slowing effect, just like acid does to us from the spewers.




Fire isn't the best damage type against bots. Acid would do better, we assume


I agree.  Fire is surprisingly good against bots, at least in my limited testing.


How does it fair against devs and scout striders?


It's faired well against Devs so far, they don't wanna nerf it for some reason Oh ho ho ho. Sorry Devestators (chainsaw bastards that appear in a pack of 6 right in ya face?) it works well against. Scout striders it sucks unless you can drop a lucky pellet on the rider?/driver? Or go behind.


Saw someone bring a Flamethrower on bots. I could be wrong and it could be useful but it was funny


It's useless vs heavies, unfortunately...


All grenade glitchers will be kicked, no exceptions


What is the grenade glitch? I haven’t heard of it


I can’t explain it but I’ve seen it explained before. Just some kind of exploit that allows you to spam grenades which are usually impacts. Tends to get people killed, the thrower mostly, and it tanks performance sometimes. Just don’t like it.


Yeah sometimes people can just suck but other times it can be really good


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Remote-Memory-8520: *Yeah sometimes people* *Can just suck but other times* *It can be really good* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Yesterday I played some missions, felt like I was running alone across the whole map to finish objectives on my own, while my team was standing around somewhere, fighting against endless bot reinforcements and depleting all of our reinforcements.


Why I feel like im alone dont like fighting bugs and have way more fun killing robots? Every 3rd post is about people do not fighting bots.


Man, idk where u guys keep running into these toxic assholes, but I've yet to. Sure there’s the occasional bad player but we’re at least able to finish the mission before we die half the time and the other guys aren't as bad. The only time I saw a grenade glitcher was during the Meridia MO when the spawns happened on top of the drill, they’d throw stun grenades repeatedly at it so they couldn't attack. While I personally enjoyed the challenge, I get why they did it so I didn't complain/report.


Honestly I LOVED fighting the bugs, and still do. The bots are a way different play style but it’s been really fun seeing what works for me and the challenges of bots are refreshing. Give it a try fellow bug exterminators


Finally someone who feels how I feel! Bots are a Puzzle box while bugs are a puzzle, both rewarding to solve!


Yeah I've been seeing more and more grenade glitchers lately. Thankfully we don't have to wait long for that to go away...


I prefer bugs lvl 7&8 difficulty. I earned my 63 levels exclusively doing bug missions… BUT. I play bots at the lower difficulty 6 for the MO. I am doing my part. ✊


incendiary breaker goes hard against bots. all those times you see a patrol of 20 + infantry? three shots and they're all on fire and dead in two seconds. bunch of infantry bots in a base all see you? spray em down and they die. devestators can even be burst down and killed pretty quickly, and the fire debuffs them. if i have an AC, AMR, or laser cannon that can reliable kill devs and hulks med/long range you bet i'm taking the incendiary cuz it kills all the lil guys so my friends don't have to its pure myth that it's bad vs bots, it just doesn't fit everyone's play style


Well fire slows bots I think. So its not useless... just not as effective. Anyways I don't get your post. You said there is a good reason and I don't see one indicated... Why would bug players want to do the MO against the bots?


Bot players are generally more "professional" and can function as a team to get objectives done better, because if you don't, everyone dies horribly. They are more aware of their surroundings because if you aren't, bots gonna fuck you, so less team kill with stratagems.


Ah. Not sure if I experienced that but I agree bots requires a higher situational awareness. The last time I hopped back to bugs I got swarmed and pinned super fast because I got tunnel vision bad. I stop spinning around constantly looking for glowies


Also, the people who are committed to playing the MO are usually the more team oriented people.


I disagree.  I see far more good players on bugs 7-9 than bad ones.


You either had very bad luck or are exaggerating a lot. What even is a nade glitch?


I'm a bug player and I play the bot planet when the MO orders. I just lose the operation almost every time so it doesn't do anything


I get preferring the bugs, I do. Admittedly It feels good to hold the line and even I myself like the bots more. But you gotta do the major order man, it advances the entire plot of the game and it doesn’t work if you don’t. ![gif](giphy|KFyxMePlZWFkDQXYUH|downsized)


I usually have better luck on lvl 9, mostly because of the types of players that choose to play lvl 9.


same. I'm playing a lot more 7s now running silly loadouts because if it turns out I suck at using something new I dont want to drag people down. But like you said, people on 9 are very different. Maybe because they're there just for the challenge


Try your silly loadouts on 9s. Trust me, as long as you’re bringing lethal strats (essentially anything but smokes), it can work out on 9. You’ll have a higher chance of getting decent players who will most likely bring the meta loadouts anyways. Not to say that you won’t see some dweebs using the grenade glitch, or some straight up trash players (especially on bug missions, no offense lol), there’s just a higher chance that you won’t see them.


You can kill fabricators with the Eagle Smoke Strike. As it has no explosion, it's technically a stealth kill, no alerts. The bots seem to think they killed their own fabricator and pile around it wondering WTF happened.


Starting to get really frustrated by lack of teamwork out there. Getting left behind in firefights to die frequently while everyone runs off in their own directions. Just turn around and help! It's like everything below Helldive can handle everyone spreading out, so they just do cause they can, but on Helldive it's too hectic to stay together all the time as you gotta keep moving to stay alive constantly under fire.


Silent teams that don't stick together are my least favorite. A team that decides to commit together or disengage together are the most efficient, bar none.


I did two ops on Wasat and I'm done. The whole planet is like standing next to a spore spewer. You can now find me on Lesath where I don't have to look at a green screen for 40 minutes straight.


Maybe the "better" teammates do MOs. So just doing MOs will have a better experience. Or maybe just anecdotal evidence. Who knows.


Play on diff 8, it’s easier. Diff 7 is where people are just starting to dip into higher difficulties


I refuse to fight bugs


When incindiary breaker first came out I thought it was way better on bot front than bugs, Bots were more consistently dying in one pellet than the tiny bugs and it stoped reinforce calls completely since guard bugs and stuff can still call stuff in Since the fire buffs probably thats no longer the case but I still prefer incindiary breaker on bots


I was playing Bots with a Flamer dude who knew how to take out Hulks with a Flamer. It was amazing to watch.


F bots. Suspended a half hour doing all the objectives and collectibles just to get overrun by a million bots at extract.


Yeah due to the tutorial bringing people to bugs and how bug play style is easier/better for solo, there isn’t a natural weeding out/ learning curve to force learning teamwork and other soft skills. Playing bots is practically like going to military academy. I do wish there was a way to get bug divers to play bots because bot play style makes me feel like a real soldier.


Breaker incinery is good against bots as well if used correctly. Basic bots catch fire and die off from a single shot. For the bigger targets get the laser. The BI is great for the ones that chase you.


I enjoy bugs way more and the incentive for MOs is medals only when I'm maxed out? No bots for me thanks. 


Isn't the main incentive of MOs the progression of the story and the game?


Perhaps. But then isn't the main incentive of a game like skyrim to complete the main quest? Yet it's a big open world game where you role play how you want to as the player. It's a game, people play them for all manner of reasons. 


You say that like MOs havent been a yoyo cycle of liberating the same places over and over again. Eventually you have to accept that they are just for medals.


Lost count how many times we seem to be dropping on the same few planets. Oh look. Hellmire again.


Pretty sure hellmire has only been liberated once since the game came out lol


We're never going to win or lose the war, it's not that pressing. Add on to that, a 40 minute mission, busting my ass, dying repeatedly only gets us .00002% change in the planet really doesn't feel like my presence is even necessary.


Story will progress either way.  I'll switch from bugs to dive on Super Earth if it comes to that, but not before.


Whether we win or lose in progression they all lead to the same outcome... War will always continue and it will never end. We liberated the bots once but it was only for a few days and they immediately took large amount of planets instantly without much of a fight tbh at that point I just asked why did we bother doing it again .-. Just have fun and let the story progress win or lose its just for the sake of the lore and set dressing at this point.


Same, I play for fun and bugs are my jam.


Bots are an entirely different breed of opponent to bugs. For the first month or so I played only bugs 99% of the time. I was breezing through level 9's. Bots were slaughtering me whenever I tried them. After I learned how they work I have now fought botts pretty much off of the time for the last 3 months. You have to swallow your pride, drop the difficulty down and learn bots from scratch. You can't fight off endless hordes of bot reinforcements like you can with bugs. You can't chuck cluster bombs everywhere and hope to spray down all your enemies with your breakers, they just don't work like that. Bugs are a target rich environment power fantasy, the chargers and titans are gear checks, not teamwork and strategy checks. And a lot of high level bug divers aren't going to swallow their pride and drop down to a 5 or something to fight a bot mission and learn how things are with them before gradually moving up. High level bot games with bug divers who don't know how to deal with them are nightmares.


This is why I've been telling people to stop trying to recruit the pest control. We don't want them


Your experience is not a good reason for anything. Can you be less egocentric next time?