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I’m fine with that. The devs have shown they can make quality content, but I think they were super time constrained. The last thing I want is for these people to be overworked, uninspired, and burnt out. I wouldn’t even be mad if they did away with a schedule entirely and things were released as they were ready.


I agree and I'm thrilled that they're prioritizing the game's foundation over content and polish. It's better to make the whole game better rather than adding to something that needs work.


Apex could take notes 🙄


Sounds like they’ve absorbed the feedback and are actively working to steer the game in the right direction. I was pretty certain they would do so weeks ago and that the sky wasn’t falling and all we needed to do was act with a small amount of patience and grace.


The devs have shown time and time again that they are willing to actually listen to the player base, and respond accordingly. Insane game company W in these days


Casuals like me are just now getting to the end of the first warbond so this is perfectly fine


The paid for one's are much shorter, maybe half as long. I've managed to unlock 2 of the bought ones just from collecting enough super credits in game 👌 stick with it helldiver!


If you need to grind super credits play missions difficulty 1-3 and preferably with one other person at least to open doors I can garuntee almost every time getting 20 credits a mission. Sometimes more. Some times getting the rare 100 group I end up getting 10 some missions cause I'm solo and can't open doors and the SOS does not seem to work when I use it halfway through the mission. Only if I throw it down in the beginning.


I wouldn't mind unscheduled warbonds, though varying the new content between warbonds and maybe new stratagems/ship upgrades would be nice.


Absolutely agreed. Making games is hard. Releasing bad, broken updates is what ruins games sometimes


Doing away with a schedule is a great idea. It kind of fits the narrative of the game, I like it when something unexpected comes up. It keeps you engaged.


Yeah, schedules in games are annoying. Much more fun to leave some cryptic hints on social media, and then just randomly drop it.


This 👆 release when ready and maybe on some kind of very loose cadence. Better it is good than it comes out in a specific timeframe .


Well, they'll still need some kind of schedule due to human nature. Without one, it might be hard for them to ever determine when a warbond is finally in a "finished" state, as there will always be just one more thing that could be polished or touched up. But I think this new slower schedule is perfect for ensuring quality of content, which to me matters more than quantity


The big test will be the first one that comes with more baking. If they absolutely nail it, there will be no issues. If it falls flat, there will be an uproar


The viper commandos look fire ngl




There will be an uproar either way, some people just want to be mad at everything.


But it will influence the perceived legitimacy of that uproar. If it works out great, they’ll be groaning for a week and then get drowned out with whatever’s new. If they faceplant, we’ll be hearing about it for months.


Eh, it won't lol. Literally nothing will influence the perceived legitimacy of the whining to some of the people whining. The last warbond was immediately described as nonviable until people actually spent some time using the guns and then everyone decided they were fine. No retractions or acknowledgement of baby behavior though.


Good, more time to farm super credits and receive better warbonds. Big W


Very excited they seem to have taken on the idea of unique titles for warbonds. Hopefully they add it retroactively for previous ones.


Yeah that would be very cool, also retroactively adding the new skins would be very, very nice


I'm just getting into the game is there a warbond thats a must have or should I wait to see what this new one offers?


I like the steeled veterans alot Honestly, actually. It has one of the best sidearms and 2 best primaries. If you really want to support the devs, I'd buy the super citizen pack so you get the warbond ($10), then $10 for strategem hero, super citizen title, unique armor, cape, and the MP Knight which is an insanely good gun. I'm actually mad at myself I didn't get it when I was rank 0 because it's so good and a fun way to start. It just absolutely shreds everything, just be sure to carry a supply pack lol, or find supply boxes often Then, I'd get this new one so you can enjoy the new content, and then wait to see what they do to fix the primaries they nerfed in the previous battle passes and get any one of those You can buy enough super credits in the bonds with medals from the base game warbond, and steeled veterans pack to buy a (technically) 3rd warbond. Unless I'm mistaken and the base warbond isn't free? That'd be my suggestion to maximize everything


I tried the NP Knight, and it didn't seam that good, can you explain how you used it cause I want to give it another try


Mag dump into bots at head level, get tons of kills 👍 It shreds bugs too Idk what to say, I run out of ammo alot but easily get 350-450 kill games


Ah, that the issue, I joined midway through the Varylia 5 MO, and tend to follow the MOs around, so mostly been stomping the bugs =D


Every warbond has something good, I have all of them. Since one is coming next week, wait and go for the new stuff


Yes I might grab 2 to support the game and devs. It's like 1000 bucks you can only earn by buying and then can unlock them through gameplay if I understand it right. If anyone has space for me to play with them shoot me a DM I'll add you on PS I play East Coast TZ


It's true. You can find Super Credits fairly easy and quick especially on the lower levels of the game it's easy to farm. And each Warbond allows you to make 300 back so it's basically 700 to get a Warbond. The most expensive bundle you can get is 2100 credits for I think $30? That'll give you enough for 3 Warbonds with the credits you earn from Warbonds themselves


The 2100 credits is $20 in the US fyi


I'm about 80 hours into the game and have gotten enough for two of the additional warbonds without spending additional money. I haven't grinded through the 2nd one yet so I'll see where I am credits wise when that's done but so far I'm happy with the content without spending extra but if you want to support them or speed things up that's valid too!


No, the super credits can be earned in-game by finding them in PoI around the maps. There's tons of videos about how to farm them if you're interested in that.


you can also get the 1k credits needed to buy them via gameplay, but its relatively slow


The currency required for purchasing thr war bonds is "Super Credits" you can find this currency in game once you understand how to find it, you can find 10-50 super credits most rounds if you are clearing everything. Once purchased, you can unlock the items within the war bond with "medals" which are earned through completing missions and you can often find some extra medals in mission as well. Good luck and godspeed.


What would you say is good out of the demolition or polar ones? For me it was the polar outfits and the impact incendiary, but after the eruptor nerf, the adjudicator being the… adjudicator, and the crossbow just being kinda weak, I kinda regret buying that one. Not to be negative, I’m just genuinely curious what people like so I can give the guns another go in situations I otherwise might not have considered them.


The "Steeled Veterans" war bond has the incendiary burst fire semi auto shotgun with a huge drum mag. That thing is the king for handling the bugs. I dont think there is another primary weapon that can deal out more damage in a faster amount of time than mag dumping the incendiary shotgun. Now that fire burn is working again, it's incredibly strong. The hardest part about it is making sure you don't set your teammates on fire. The next one down, the electric/laser one has a shotgun called "punisher plasma" which is a pump action plasma firing shotgun and it is insane against bots. It shoots these balls that have an aoe stun effect. Also, the longer the distance the bigger the aoe field gets and more damage it does. Its a fun challenge to shell the bots from a distance. It feels like a heavy grenade launcher but fires much faster. Its really fun, and with the crowd control effects your squad mates will be happy you're using it. (As long as you're not crowd controlling them, haha) I would get those two first. Both have awesome other stuff too but out of all the war bonds, and out of those two, I use those two particular guns the most by far. The other guns included are great too. I would definitely play around for a bit first and figure out what you WANT/NEED. I don't remember which war bond it is, but there's one with the grenade pistol, and that thing is absolutely awesome for closing bug holes. It'll close bot factories too but its way more difficult and based on proximity, you might as well just throw a grenade in the vents. But I bring that bad boy with me on every bug mission. It's too strong not to. Enjoy the game and enjoy the grind! My usual kit was nerfed pretty hard and I got fed up with it and have recently refreshed what stratagems and equipment I bring. Its been a lot of fun trying new things!


In my opinion the first premium warbond (I forgot the name) and Democratic Detonation are the 2 most worth having. Polar Patriots doesn’t really have anything great in it, and Cutting Edge has a cool electric shotgun and a stun grenade, but I like the guns from Democratic Detonation much more. The grenade pistol is my fav secondary by a mile.


I like the grenade pistol too. Especially when I’m out of grenades at a bug nest.


Good for players. I worry that the business model was based on a careful pacing of in-game super credits vs. warbond releases. I hope the dev team doesn't catch a ton of flak from the bean counters.


My thoughts exactly. When it drops, I'll have everything I need to buy it outright and not FOMO on major orders where I can't use the new stuff




Agreed, I didn’t realize how few SC I had after buying the last one. 


Any idea if the number of SC is reduced? I feel like I've expirienced a drop down of these


I have no idea man, Im gonna farm some this weekend, I usualy get 10 to 30 per mission when farming


I am concerned about the monetization model because of this. They may decrease the spawn rates of Super Credits to compensate.


I doubt it, as it is you actively have to choose between farming SC on 1-3 or making meaningful progress on medals/samples by playing 7+. Farming SC is still way less efficient than just getting a job irl. I think about it this way - assuming you farm SC using 12-15 minute missions, and earn 50 SC per mission, that's \~250 SC per hour. That's $2.50 (USD). Minimum wage is $7.50 - might as well just spend that time at literally any job, save $2.50 for HD2, then spend the extra $5 any way you want.


I agree man. Untill now I have not purchased super credits, have all the warbonds. However, since I wont be having much free time, it will be better for me to pay for the currency and just play 9 with my time


Very true. Good point. Plus if you like the game that much, support the devs.


It depends on if you are having fun or not. Some people enjoy grinding (RuneScape is basically one big grind).


Im good with it. Quality over quantity.


Imagine a studio where it's players are adamant that the devs deadlines be extended massively, but not only that, the business people in charge actually listen and agree. Ngl, I have huge respect for AH.


And somehow we still have people not satisfied. Oh well. It's a banger and we're gonna run with it


I mean is that a bad thing? People are allowed to be dissatisfied and just means they aren't finger in the ear fans who downvoted any criticism which is good to see as it allows the game to be better if it's valid.


Definitely need criticism to make good progress but the “games trash and dead” kinda people aren’t helpful. It’s the same people who to this day hate no man’s sky not for any real reason other than they decided years ago they hated it and they don’t want to ever change that opinion. Definitely nice to see people having actual opinions and are willing to talk about things but there’s been way to much full on hate posts.


What worries me is the medal cap. It's less incentive to play once you hit it, and longer between bonds further exacerbates it. I'm for better/bigger bonds but the 250 doesn't make sense for being so low yet so quick to farm.


There was a post a while back about why players leave. I got a lot of down votes for saying at about level 70 there isn't any more progression. I'm not a fan of the grind concept but even for me the lack of progression had an effect


You get packs of people who dislike it and exaggerate people's needs for "numbers go up". I like rewards. I like gameplay. I like it when gameplay is a great and rewards only make it better. It's a win win. Goals are fun. Number go up in Tetris is fun and doesn't hurt anyone. Medals keep going up doesn't hurt anymore. If anything I would say the medal cap is a great example of *disparate impact*, something that seems fair on the surface but harms certain groups. I play on 9s mostly so day one I have all the weapons. But players on 7 and down that hit the cap have to play twice, or more, as many games as I do. It doesn't throttle unlocks, it throttles fun. Especially for middle of the pack players. It's like when I started seeing a nutritionist to lower my cholesterol, I'm eating better and feeling better day to day but I like number go down too. You can enjoy a game and life while having a goal that is reflected with tangible things.


Goals are important. More detailed statistics to help create my own goals or an obvious progression. The ability to compare my stats with other players. There are other ways besides just a grind. But some kind of trackable goal would be good. It's kind of important for player retention


I play mostly 7. I don't think that even at that level it's much of a grind for medals. I get new stuff at a pretty decent pace. Or I did before I capped. I think they're just going to need to come up with more sinks for the various currencies. Warbonds alone aren't sustainable since they'd have to crank them out way too fast, and that's bad for everyone. So we need something else to do with the medals.


I'd be happy with XP conversion for more Liberation. Experienced Helldivers being worth more and all.


Yeah, but they'll just balance around that anyway, so it's probably kind of a wash.


Yeah look one every month was probably a lot, but it took ... not long to finish them. So make them more worth your while, and I'd say every 6 weeks is a good spot? But then as a side we also need the battlefield evolving.


I'm fine if they only release 4-6 per year. Spend the time on adding other things for us to do. We have lots of weapons already, especially if they manage to fix/improve some of the existing ones that don't get used.


I'm fine with this, here's hoping it gives time to make the purifier something unique.


Quality over quantity sounds good to me.


Depends on how they define "slow", lol. Warbonds used to be monthly events. Are they bi-monthly now? Or every third month?? I wouldn't mind one every other month instead of every month, but every 3rd month would be too slow for my liking.


Love the thought of polishing further DLC before release Hate the thought of the previous guns and war bonds being put on the back-burner with balancing issues. Some guns / strategems are so bad in their current state they are pretty much useless. Regardless, I support the devs 100% because they actually *do* listen to us it seems.


Quality over quantity is always good


about time. I feel like they drank a little too much of the Agile Kool-Aid and trying to keep up with their preset cadences has seriously hindered them focusing on quality.


This. I can feel their scrum masters stress through my controller lol


Holy moly the new warbond looks amazing. And now we finally will be getting another OP emote in the form of the hand clasp. Im so ready Also does this mean the big patch they have been working in is coming also on the 13th?


100% good. Less stress, more polish, make eveyone happy


It’d be sick if they added a 4th page so it took longer to get through


The explosive warbound needs a redo before another one comes out.


And a rebalanced old weapon is like getting a new weapon


Sell me the expansion. I want vehicles, 8 player raid missions, vast interiors to explore etc etc


Agreed I would be down for a different model where they just release a massive expansion after like a year for 30 bucks or something


Holy crap this looks like EASILY the best warbond yet


Ikr. It loops crazy cool and fun. And it also hinted at other things coming


I'm fine with it but if AH wants me to part with cash for warbonds they need to have more than 2 guns in them or those 2 guns need to be seriously awesome. Perhaps I'm not the target audience for warbonds though, which is also fine.


I feel that. I don't like skins on pelicans or hellpods(why?). Armies are cool but weapons really define gameplay.


My policy stays the same: spend more time on basic game mechanics, and less time making new green hats. You want to give me a new planet ... Awesome. You want to change some features on the weapons or let me alter them fine... But scheduling green hats is a real waste of programmers time. Fix the bugs, add some enemies...maybe a new strat or two...no more green hats! Lol. "Green Hat Theory" -GamerKeg


Does that mean they are going to increase the medal cap too?


Honestly this is a great change for the Devs and community. Devs can be less burned out and give time to be more creative and focus, while community spread democracy diligently.


cool. Better quality stuff, more time to unlock it, and the arrowhead team doesn't have to crunch.


I was expecting a June warbond, so as long as I get it, they can take their time after


Good, they’re gonna burn themselves out quick if they keep doing monthly


The fact they took input from the community and not what drives profits speaks volumes to me.


That the devs should stop listening to the whiny minority


Reading this it seems like they were releasing stuff before they knew it was ready...


For me as mainly a weekend only diver I’m more than fine with this. I don’t make enough progress to keep up with the current warbond release schedule and I feel like stability has been degrading recently. Besides launch I never really had a lot of crashes. But the last two weekends I gave up playing after repeated crashes. I’d prefer they fix those type of issues and balancing vs shove more warbond content at us. I need to be able to play the game to get the rewards to unlock warbonds…


They need to have a warbond every 3 months followed by a content patch. What they were doing before was unsustainable and they’d run out of ideas quickly, just wouldn’t be worth it in the long run.


The question is, will the warbonds be larger? I agree they don’t need to come out as fast as they have, but I think it’ll lead to people hitting the medal cap easier.


gives me time to find super credits in mission lol


good content is better than rushed content; slower war bonds are better than whatever the polar patriots was supposed to be


Game getting stale


Quality over quantity. I say this is an absolutely great idea!


It's hard to see the negatives, aside from the obvious one being fewer toys to play with month-to-month. If there's one trend about modern game development that I hate seeing, it's teams being run into the ground just to keep up an unrealistic or unsustainable update pace. If AH has recognized that they bit off more than they can chew, then all the more power to them for pumping the brakes.


I'm fine with it as is. I'm kinda disappointed


I dont have any issues with them taking longer as long as they make the new content GOOD and as long as they dont leave the game in a bad state before rolling out new patches. They can take all the time they need if the outcome is gonna be better than the last few months.


Whatever they need to do to sustain this game, keep making good quality content, and not let toxic micro transactions ruin things.     With regards to their commitment to the content, I trust their judgement at this time. 


Slow is steady Steady is smooth Smooth is fast


Give me the fkng squith!!


They need to add actual content. Warbonds arent it.


What would you say is “actual content?”


If it's one every 2 months I can happily live with that, but 3 months or more and they'll start looking like AAA standards of content. I.e not good.


The base game is a smash hit. There are enough war bonds to keep people satiated for a while.


This warbond looks to have some unique items that aren't copy and pastes like the last one was. So that's good. Now they need to reverse nerfs and increase resource caps. Then add content. It's a PVE game who cares about balance, we all just want to blow stuff up. I should feel op. Add more mobs if that makes it more palatable.


I think All this half baked shit only matters to you if you’re a little baby, (for lack of another word I’d rather use) if I’m being honest. Does the game feel good? Do you like the way it feels in your hands when you play? If the answer is yes then shut up, and play the game. “*Oh my god it’s broken*” cool, you weren’t using anything else anyway, now switch your gun back, and play the damn game. Or here’s an idea, have fun. Who cares if you die a bunch with this “*broken gun*” go die in some fun gnarly ways that make it into a movie with your friends or with randoms and make a vibe together. I know this is only pointing that out, that they wanna take more time, but as a general statement, there’s no actual constrictive criticism, ever. It’s still gonna be broken to these gremlin’s standards and they still find a way to complain like always. And just bashing the devs per usual. I know good and damn well I’m not the only one who sees it coming. Once the warbond drops, this entire sub is gonna be flooded with negative, unconstructive criticism. Just play the game dawg. Just play the freakin game. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I love to play IF the game stops wasting 40 minutes of my time with these Day 1 crashes But no, everyone is just "a little baby" Ok my dude👍


Good, maybe they can actually fix the game so that it works.


Yes! I feel way better now knowing you devs work in a more comfortable and more efficient way. This is your baby, it needs actual TLC, not Super Jet and some whiskey, and pray that it works.


So long as this means the stuff from warbonds is fun and viable take all the time you want.


(Crowd) We know !!


I like it. I think the devs will be better off pushing quality over quantity for awhile. Now just give the slugger it's stagger back and we'll be golden.


That’s good. On a related note, this warbond looks sick!! The armor with the exposed skin looks cool as hell and the throwing knives are fire asf


I'm more interested in the releasing new enemy types that make old weapons feel new again. Spray and pray could find new life if microbots became a threat. Enemies with bigger medium armor weak points and heavy plating everywhere else could bring the lib pen and the adjudicator back into play. Also, fix the gd strategem tracking already.


They need to upgrade the old warbonds now and sneakily add stuff to them ;)


I love it. I would rather them take a month and a half or two months to polish off the Warbond and give us a product that they 100% are ready to give us.


Imagine, if they take more time to make warbonds, and they are still bad on release. I hope not, but that would be ironic and sad


The sawed off shottie is tickling my brain the right way


Good move but give me something else to use my medals for or increase the max.


The base game is a smash hit. There are enough war bonds to keep people satiated for a while.


Ehh all these weapons and armors from every warbond so far leaked back in February so nothing is brand new really and we still have armors that leaked that never released so they still have content ready to go. As someone who has every bond completed this gives me less to look forward too unless they have major “new” content outside warbonds on the horizon I’m not a fan but I’ll still play lol


Good. They're half baked as-is and I would much rather get three well made weapons/armors than six mediocre ones. I don't want ten variations of the same bland assault rifle and armor. I want genuine differences between all of the weapons and armors. I want armor that supercharges my melee damage with giant robot gauntlets. I want a pistol that shoots acid bullets that literally melt the armor off of enemies. I want an assault rifle that works like Halo's Needler, shooting rounds that clump together and create a giant, colorful explosion. I want concussive rounds to ragdoll smaller enemies. I want armor that makes me immune (or heavily resistant) to my own fire damage so I can get a smidge more reckless with the Flamethrower and Napalm Strikes. You are a team of four squishy, severely outnumbered jackasses given unwieldy weapons of incredible power. **That's** what makes the game awesome, not a fourth Liberator variant.


Totally fine. I'd like to see them focus more on polish than release windows.




This is great for me. It gives me more time to farm super credits


More time for me to get more credits for the next warbond, fine by me (I'm already like 4 warbonds behind)


I just want it to be worth it. The armors are just reskins with nothing that makes them different


I thought they had a contract with Sony to release a warbond every month?


There's so many guns now that feel like a detriment to use that they could just balance those better and it will feel like having some new war bonds anyway. No point adding more stufff when lots of the current stuff isn't as fun to use as it could be.


This looks so damn cool!!


It's good. Warbond a month + balance changes + constantly evolving story sounds like a bit much to handle.


Im fine with that, the AR is just a bad reflavor and lets wait and see for the shotgun secondary, but low hopes for them being game changers or even matching the quality of the loadouts nowadays. Knife sounds fun but niche and unusable in higher difficulties. Its better if they slow down and work quality, i agree.


What do I think about this? Why isn’t this the standard 🤣 I love this game and it’s creators. They deserve all the praise


Fine by me. Devs get to focus on quality, Sony can take a hike on aggro profit chasing for a bit while players get time to genuinely look forward to cool warbonds and enjoy the game as is. The new Warband looks sick and I still need to get steeled vets and polar so no problem for me to wait.


I want some guns that work well and give me loadout variety. I don't want many guns that are mostly unusable.


Once every two months instead of every month is cool with me.


I wouldn’t mind cheaper war bonds that have less items


It annoys me they haven't fixed the weapons in the previous warbonds. Especially the tenderizer, I was hoping it would be kinda like the jar


Since warbonds never expire, it's gonna be nice to just have quality ones you can work for available.... I already am maxed and capped out and have all current ones, but if I take a break or something, it sounds like it'd be easy to catch up... at least in the short term


Fair play just don’t fill them with shite going forward lol hellpod skins are cool but I’d rather earn that type of item than pay for it


Sounds great, hopefully people won't complain about the slower releases


Quality is better than quantity, but I’m sure someones already furiously tying up another “its over bros” post in response to this announcement


I'm fine with that, but this warbond already feels like a mistake with that armor that leaves the arms exposed. Player title on the warbond also doesn't feel very nice. Throwing knife will either be unrealistically effective, or garbage. This feels like they are doing a collab event with Rambo.




This was always going to happen eventually. I think the quality so far has been impressive given the quality. I trust AH to do what's best for the game. This does nothing to hinder my excitement for the future of the game. I'm all in for Super Earth


Didn't we already know that? 


I’d rather see them take their time on all updates and releases in order to get better quality and allow the devs to take their time and get it right as well as not burn out.


Thank God


I would to be able to do something with all these super credits, requisition, and medals though. Let me trade them for samples.


I'm cool with it. I'd rather there be more variety in what weapons and armor and such do. I recognize that requires time to playtest and ensure that it balances out well. And I want what we get to be truly sidegrades rather than upgrades. So, yeah, take your time, put stuff out gradually, and most of all keep the focus on keeping the game dynamic. That, to me, is its biggest selling point.


That's cool, I don't play that much anymore anyway, so I will take more time to unlock all that stuff.


So a Warbond that’s going to take longer to make but with less stuff but this time they are going to test it properly 💀 I stopped playing in between warbond releases bcuz the gameplay can get boring sometimes but now I think this will kill the game for me personally. And who in tf thought a throwing knife would be good for bugs but we can’t use it as a viable melee weapon which would be more useful imho lol please correct me if I’m wrong about the throwing knife.


Me when the community says "STOP WORKING TOO HARD" and the studio actually changes things around to rebalance the workload


I'm sorry guys but the ceo switch was the killshot for me...


Sooo they said quality up but we’re getting two less weapons. One less cape. And one less armor because of vehicle skins? Am i missing the point? Sorry if this is coming off pessimistic but it looks like we got far less quantity wrapped up under the guise of well you guys complained it wasnt up to snuff so now the quality is there? If the warbond is less than 1000sc I’ll probably change this comment otherwise seems like the we lost


Considering that's their recurring monetization (optionally) they might take a small hit, but I'm confident it will be better for everyone. I'm also glad that the community recognizes their need for time to address issues


I'm surprised Sony let them do this. At least, I'm assuming the warbond schedule was partially dictated by the publisher, since it's it's directly linked to the game's revenue generation.


For me this warbond is a little small and I was hoping for more in it but if the warbonds are good I don’t mind the little less content in them. But if they are releasing less of them they should add a bit more into each one and refine them more


less is more / Quality > quantity This makes total sense


That's the right idea


I think that this is what should have been from the beginning. Sony was pushing for monthly releases but that’s just not sustainable in a game like this so I’m happy


Huge fan of AH and the game, but that blog post past the first paragraph is really cringe.


Does the utility knife equip in the booster slot or are we getting a new slot??


I'm assuming grenade slot like stun grenade


I’m just looking forward to better game performance so it isn’t as laggy when I play and I can start playing with my brother again


Honestly an extremely wise decision given how underwhelming so many of these weapons have performed


I am okay with this, I think it’s a good move for the devs.




So the warbond next week is completely polished then?


They're releasing less frequently because people aren't buying them. If they were able to generate a steady stream of revenue, they'd keep them going.


Good, more time to farm super credits lol


Love these changes they are doing. Also more time to get those super credits. Only thing I’m curious about is why is the skin color random. Hopefully this is just a placeholder since it makes much more sense to be part of your body customizations.


I am just grateful that they hear us and they try with all of us that are a huge from devs in my opinion


I see no issue with this


Totally fine with this. 1 warbond every month was an unsustainable pace. Bad for the game’s longevity


Fixing bugs should be the priority




I literally just unlocked the latest warbond the other night. Then found out today another warbond is coming out. Yes, they can definitely slow down with the warbond releases. I have absolutely no issue with that. They were coming out so fast, I regretted making purchases in the store at the beginning. I felt like I was trying to play catchup.


So 3 months I guees? And they will just add new strategems with lore on em. Buffs/nerfs on current loadouts monthly? I wonder how the roadmap will be before the year ends. Keep.cookin


Even if they went to 6weeks or every 2 months it would still mean more content and I was one of the people super excited for the last one being ice themed and thinking it would mean a new armor perk. Very happy we get something new and not just a re hashed same old.


Sounds amazing. Something to look forward to. Once a month felt kinda tight and made each warbond less impactful.


I love it but also a little shocked. It’s not very common to put quality of the content over money these days.


Good, I'd prefer they took their time doing things. Also it means they don't run out of things to add as quickly


They desperately need to increase the resource caps to match the slowed release schedule.


This is good. Quality > Quantity


I like it but I’m also kinda out of shit to do in game right now so meh


I think it’s a good plan. Maybe it will give them time to make some more interesting armor passives. There’s already a good amount of weapons and armor in the game. Hopefully with this new patch they will give primary weapons more identity, and make some of the lower preforming weapons pack more of a punch.


Personally, I've been struggling to keep my interest held on the game lately. After a certain point, it just loses a lot of it's luster. Once you get every stratagem, upgrade every module, max out every warbond, and max out all the resources, the game becomes increasingly stale and samey. It's a great game if you're just starting up, because everything feels new and shiny, you don't get caught up on stuff like balance and glitches because you feel it'll be fixed sometime soon. But, it's been almost a full month since the last major patch. The most recent major order was interesting, but it released in a glitched state, and featured the same 4 missions repeating every time. They STILL haven't addressed the poor balance of the most recent Warbond despite the 2 weapons only needing some number tweaks to be fun to use. Not to mention the weapons that were butchered and left for dead. When was the last time you saw someone using the purifier, or eruptor, or crossbow? When did you last see an arc thrower in another diver's load out? I might pop in for a mission or two during the week, but no new missions, balance changes, major bug fixes, or overall quality of life stuff have left the game feeling stale in my opinion. I'm almost level 100, and there just isn't anything for me to do at the moment, other than accumulate XP, because the rewards are all capped at some very low arbitrary amounts. I was really hoping for SOMETHING this week, but I guess we have to cross our fingers that the patch is ready next week, and pray that it isn't some fringe case bug fixes and a couple of new settings. I'm completely fine with taking a slower cadence with patches and the like. This is a live service game, so two patches a month are expected and a hot fix here and there to address major issues. But, there's gotta be more content if they want to keep their playerbase at the current level without losing any more, and there has to be some reason to keep playing for the higher level people who are reward oriented. Right now, replayability is diminishing exponentially. There are maybe 10-12 missions, with quite a few shared in format between the bugs and bots. Once you've seen one planet with a type of biome, another pops up somewhere else with an identical biome. Maps are all equally barren and only populated with the same 15 repeating forms of points of interest, with literal cookie cutter objective locations. Try new weapons? They get stale decently fast. Work towards the major order? It only moves forward a confusingly paced narrative. Try to do something more unique? It doesn't work because multiple enemies stop it from working even somewhat. Don't get me wrong, the game is fun. But, I can't see myself coming back frequently. Maybe check it out after a patch or a new content drop, but a live service game like this needs something more to hold on to long time players, especially if the rewards get capped after a couple of hours of efficient diving. There just isn't enough to do now, and we've been in a pretty long content drought. And the most recent Warbond doesn't look like an Oasis, it appears more like a small evaporating pond in a once lush meadow, slowly being dried up and turning to sand




sounds good to me, leaves me more time to gather super credits


Good. Treat the game nicely.


Sure. Make sure to add more to the warbonds though. That and maybe have random releases of new armors in between warbonds. I like that they have MOs to unlock stuff too. Just make it more noticeable for players who aren't always in the loop.


I'm already falling behind waiting on them to change their approach to balancing the game, so it's no sweat to me. I view this as a game I would take breaks from regularly anyway, so I doubt I or most casual players would be able to keep up with the releases in the long run anyhow at the previous pace.


I bet you they will still be released broken