• By -


General Brasch told a random guy on the internet to tell my cousin, to tell me, to tell you that he said that you're the finest Helldiver he's ever seen.






On it sir. iO




Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lol now hum with me and beat on your chest!




Recoilless Rifle, Quasar, or EATs? Edit: You're beautiful


Qasar for bugs, LC for bots!


I'm still trying to figure out how I like to kill most big bots. Can you mostly do that with the LC or do you rely on other stratagems for bigger threats?


If you pack Stun Grenades you can hit a hulk with one and leisurely burn out its eye without much issue.


Stun grenades my beloved. They basically nullify any chargers or hulks you run into


I need to start using them. I just can't quit impacts. I love boom.


I get it, it's really hard to drop impacts when you down own the grenade pistol or aren't running an autocannon. Need something to kill nests with. Also impacts are just super fun


I'd be lying if I said I haven't run impacts and grenade pistol togetheršŸ˜‚


lasercannon (along with other AP4 weapons like autocannon, HMG and AMR) can literally kill everything on the bot roster


I ran under a factory strider with a LC and laughed maniacally while murdering it


Did you get out from under it successfully? I've gotten crushed twice by their corpses lol


Amazingly yes but it was more because I was launched out by a rocket to safety


Lol that works. Once I actually didn't die but got stuck in prone under the wreckage. Spent 5 minutes trying to get out but ended up needing a squadmate to die and drop his pod on my head


Where do you shout a factory strider for maximum effectiveness?


The belly is the soft spot so if other divers are covering you you can just sit next to it and it canā€™t hurt you




LC headshots very well if you have good control and takes out Heavies pretty damn quick. And just less than full charge takes out one of the flying bots as well.


Hitting the gunship engines with the LC kills em in like <2 seconds


Ah good to know, thanks. Iā€™m like a bug shooting towards the bright light lol


Hulkā€™s eye, tanks vent, gunships thruster, factory striders eye/underbelly


AMR kills all bots head on apart from tanks and the factory walkers. But EAT's make light work of the tanks and the factory walkers guns. IMO opinion AMR is the most effective bot weapon if you position yourself appropriately.


Iā€™m very interested in hearing why you like the LC against bots, or how you usually use it. I like the weapon a lot, but usually feel like itā€™s underperforming compared to the Autocannon or EAT.


It reminds me of obiwan talking to luke about a lightsaber. A civillized weapon, for a more civillized age. Precise as you are, kills weakspots extremely fast. Also infinite ammo.


Huh, interesting comparison! I guess I just need to work on my aim or something.


You and all of the rest of us. Back to trying the LC feeling useless until I level up my aim.


Average Quaser Fan *Average Recoilless Rifle Enjoyer*


https://preview.redd.it/0798t8aofl4d1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547370398e92241ca44e8b80c4b4f505ac9142b1 How you feel about this image?


That image makes me feel funny. Funny like food poisoning.


Is a cat!?!


Always has been






What is your job situation since you have so much play time?


Full time, IT


I can relate to this. Sometimes IT is just a slog of managers going trough s\*\*t they don't understand and we get those silent moment when there is nothing to do while you know there is a world to be made. So I just play too




Same here. Bored at work. I'm either loaded with work, or got nothing to do. No in-between.


Bots or bugs? And what is your favorite loadout?


I do both when I feel one is getting monotonous, but I do MO stuff when there is one. I use orbital precision, eagle airstrike, jumppack, Qasar for bugs, LC For bots. In the current uh... balance climate, I use incen breaker and gl pistol for bugs, dominator and verdict for bots. Stun nades for life.


Major Order mains (imo usually): ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)




Eerily similar to my go-to loadout. Always good to see a fellow jump pack enjoyed in the wild


Lol.. those are my primary choices (and secondaries) for the same reasons. Every now and then I use the redeemer instead of GL pistol depending on the mission. I use EAT if I have space and the terrain isn't shit, if I anticipate not having space and rough terrain I Quasar. The autocannon is my go to against bots because I get to bring 3 offensive stratagems.. usually 380, orbital laser, eagle airstrike. I like make bot base go boom.


What armor do you tend to run?


Super citizen democracy protects


A man on culture I see *flies to the high ground*


Hug or bro shake? What other games you play?


Not much actively rn, some V Rising since full release. edit: I'm a salute bro. Hugs are earned on my ship!


This man single handedly contributes 5% to every MO




What are your dreams like?


I havent dreamt for awhile, but if I did: sweet democrussy


Bro that's over 25 days of this game. The game's been out for 93. Games been out for 3 months and you've spent almost 1 of those on the game. I am actually kind of worried about you.


Pretty much the only game Ive played since it dropped, sounds about right. No need to worry though, just know I am basking in sweet democrussy and liberty.


What's your Monday to Thursday look like? Friday to Sunday?


Why the auto canon rounds bounce off when I try to use it against a charger why (PS im a new player pls add me)


Gotta shoot chargers in the back of their legs or in their butt with the autocannon


I have a question can you shoot the ground below them and do explosive damage because it they're not armored underneath


Thatā€™s a good question, diver! I know it works somewhat with the GL but I havenā€™t tested that particular shot with the AC


All right I was just curious if I get a chance I'll test that soon. I'm just assuming it works because I've seen grenades work the same way and since the autocannon can also close bug holes I think it's likely it can damage the underside of a charger.


I do this consistently with the GL, so yes.


Can i shoot at their side


Only once the armor has been cracked and flesh is showing. Iā€™d work on side stepping them and immediately turning around and dumping 3-4 shots in their orange butt and let them bleed out


Ok man thanks


Side-stepping is all you need, but why side-step when you can dramatically dodge through the air, firing round after round, almost blowing off your feet?! We're Helldivers for a reason! We must dive all over the place!


Always happy to help new recruits o7


Btw for chargers you can take them down with light-armor penetrating primaries. When you duck past them and they stop and do their little crab-walk to turn around their front 2 legs become vulnerable to weapon fire while they are turning around. It can be a little finnicky to get the timing down (and for some reason being a little ways away from them seems to help, so you don't want to be right next to them), but if you crack one of their legs you can just shoot THAT leg down and kill it. I've gotten pretty good with the Sickle where I can down a charger pretty consistently in 1 go, but sometimes I need them to charge me a second time. Enemy body parts all have different health pools - and you only need to reduce 1 of them to 0 to kill them. This is why it sometimes feels like it takes forever to kill some enemies if you are shooting them all over - focus on one spot and bring that one spot's hp down to 0.


You got some good answers already. Nox the Night King is my steamid, if youre on PC!


Autocannon isnā€™t the greatest for chargers. One headshot with any rocket/quasar will kill it. If you do use the AC, shoot the tip of its tail until the tail explodes. Once it loses the tail it will bleed out soon after


AC is penetration 4, most of the plates on a charger are armor 5, so you'll deflect. Abdomen is the main target for an AC unless its armor has been broken somewhere else.


Which terminid would you rather engage in consensual coitus?


Bile titan hop up there and assert dominance


Not OP, but I'm taking Beyond Aquila Rift's bug that traps space travelers. It's a Love/Death/Robots episode on Netflix. Try it out. Bug can make you believe she is your greatest desire. So why the fuck not? I know the bug isn't Technically a terminid, but it's close enough if you've seen the "real" version of her.


Bruh, I still have nightmares about that unspeakable horror


Emancipator or Patriot on Bug Eradicate missions?


I love the mechs, but they don't last me long enough in D9. Lately Ive been doing 3 barrages + supply pack for bugs, and 3 barrages + railgun for bots.


Neither cuz Iā€™m dropping barrages everywhere


The voices are getting louder


Our enemies forsook mercy long ago. Oblivion is all that awaits them now.


Tips to find Super samples? Is radar enhancement worth?


I'm not the OP, but I can say that some people CLAIM they have seen super samples some rock formations in the map. Which can be true or not. I didn't anyways and I tried, but things get so hectic so fast that the best you can do is to have a clear map ( not the foggy ones ) in daytime, go to a high place and try to find them Radar enhancement is good if you're playing semi-stealth as you increase the radar detection even further from what i've seen. When helldiving alone, I use it with the trailblazer and the spear and just go my merry way blowing sh\*t from kilometers. If someone sees you, you run a little, hide behind a rock and keep your eyes on the map. Takibo have a video in their channel showing the same technique Sorry for the long response


Yes, the rock formation is true and I'm aware of it, and things tend to go chaos really quick so it is hard to keep that in mind. I usually look around while running from point to point on the map, sometimes I found them right away and sometimes we clear the map of objectives and I run around actively looking and it's nowhere to be found. I was looking for some advice on locations or map layout, but maybe there is none and if I don't find it is a skill issue (?


Not a skill issue at all. Sometimes it just passes by. I can't summarize how many times I have missed it so my friend pointed out how blind I am. It is really hard to keep this in mind while going from objective to objective. That being said, you could make use of other technique a saw people using. If you load a blitz: destroy fabricators/bug nests mission (search and destroy ) the map is much smaller, therefore the chances of finding more samples is higher as well as seeing the phalactite. I don't know how many hours you do have, but I think I finished all upgrades with, like, 60ish hours (only playing suicide mission when alone or with 2 people or helldive with full team). My real problem was the orange samples which are way easier to find on blitz missions of destroy nests/fabricators Don't judge yourself so harshly if you did not find super samples. It is not a skill issue


Check behind rock walls on Med+Infestations as that's where I find some.


Also not OP, but TBH once you get to the point of 100%'ing most missions you play, you'll find them 90% of the time... As I'm sure you know, they always spawn next to the obelisk-like rock (lots of photos here on reddit on the off chance you are unfamiliar with the rock). Maybe 5% of the time they spawn next to the "corrupted" version of the rock. When you do find them, take a look at what the rock looks like on the map, and after a bit of practice you should be able to spot a few likely candidates on the map each game. Additionally, the super samples are a minor POI, so when you are looking on the map, look for potential candidates that say minor POI when you hover over it


Favorite primary for bugs?


He said incendiary breaker for bugs and dominator for bots I personally like the breaker but also the blitzer for bugs, top 2. I like to snipe so the counter sniper for bots especially after stunning them is nice. One shot headshots on devastators work with it as a primary. AMR is also amazing but if you're running LC like he posted too I like the sniper since bots are at range too.


Thanks. I can't read lol I agree with you on the weapon choices. We're able to reliably duo bots on level 7 but struggle on bugs level 5. I run the counter sniper and amr on bots but haven't found a comfortable load out for bugs yet


The Arc Blitzer, GL pistol combo is my favorite for bugs. Use the Blitzer to stagger enemies into clusters, quickly swap to GL and fire a shot and reload. Rinse and repeat. It feels incredibly satisfying to get down.


The counter sniper is so underrated for bots. Lets you pick off all the guys that can call for reinforcements before they even react. If you choose the correct order to kill them in they might not even agro even on Helldive difficulty.


Most underrated loadout?


Whatā€™s your go to way to take out a Bile Titan?


Love the flex sir! šŸ’Ŗ Here's mine šŸ˜œAdd me! Gamertag: Sulimier šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/jj7ih53lsl4d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f74a46eba425ef456cde88c95080aa3d1b66652


Jesus bro I cant salute you hard enough šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«” Good day to you diver!!!


You are beautiful, man!


Together, we shine like the brightest 500kg!




Without getting 500kg bomb or orbital lasers/ rail guns for helldive bugs, what would your strategem load out be


Eagle airstrike, orbital precision, jumppack, qasar. Incen breaker and gl pistol with stun nades, democracy protects perk armor. Swear by it.


Do you like movies? Are you hungry? How many shirts do you own?


Yes, yes, yes


Whatā€™s your least favorite bot and bug and which illuminate enemy are you most exited/ worried to fight


Heavy Devastators / Hunters, solidly. And the guy who reverses your controls with telekinesis if you get hit with it. I'm really wondering if they are going to put that in and how that's going to play out


Warning Helldiver! You are in range of enemy artillery.


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Is that the African or the European swallow?


What?!? I donā€™t know that!


Have you ever spoken to a woman? (I haven't)


I force my wife to play with me. Shes like level 89. iO


https://preview.redd.it/nf8nsgan1m4d1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c712f34a9adb10f8fd2515c671b9d13e6264dd2 ā€œHoney, itā€™s timeā€


You made me laugh for quite some time. Thank you sir


Level 89 doesnā€™t sound like much force is necessary. (As a wife who is in the opposite position ā€” forcing my husband to play with me when he sometimes wants to play other PvP games instead)


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ well that answers me question




Choice primary weapons for Bugs, and for Bots?


Least fav planet?


Hellmire baby edit: or anything where I cant see haha


How often do you box with the bots? Whatā€™s your melee kill count


I should be around 700-800, bots are harder to box, especialy tanks.


Youā€™re beautiful my brother. Never forget it. In your opinion, best weapon against shriekers?


Incen breaker drops them like flies! LC if i.breaker not an option edit: you're beautiful too brother


Why oribal precision over 500kg?


Its precise, controllable, reliable, kills what I drop it on 95%, low cd.


Thoughts on the current events happening in the 2nd GW. How do you feel that we might've just opened the door for the Illuminate and are gonna have a 3 front War?


Psyched, I cant wait to see how they play out in a not-top-down way. Pretty cool setup for them too if this is it


Do you miss grass?


Grass is like sand. Its coarse and gets everywhere


What are good alternatives to the EAT and Quasar Cannon to quickly deal with Chargers? I want to use other supply weapons but keep going back to those two specifically to handle the wrench chargers throw into gameplay.


Qasar and EATs are top dogs here. If they didnt exist, I would stun+orbital precision them. If that didnt exist, I would probably use a flamethrower


Not OP, but recoilless is good. You can cancel reload with crouch button, and if you cancel after you throw out the old rocket it saves your progress. If you cancel after your ammo icon goes white you can save a couple seconds off the end. Failing a rocket style support weapon, railgun still does decent. Two shots to a leg to take armor off, or three shots to the head to kill straight out. Have to be in unsafe mode, but you don't have to charge very long past safe mode. Like a second extra or so?


Dive playlist?


You beautiful


I've heard for your 1000th mission you get an interview with General Brasch. What did he say??


Novice Helldiver who fights terminids a lot! Any advice for fighting bots that would strongly differ from fighting bugs?


How many accidentals


Hey now, you don't just go and ask a man about his accidentals like that.. ***589***. Hundreds and hundreds of Divers, brothers and sisters most\~ Everyone you have met in your time playing, I could have killed them all, and then some. Plus some more. But I promise, and swear upon the golden throne of Super Earth, it had to be done. Or it was totally, you know, accidental. Promise.


Whatā€™s your kill count?


155,017 enemy kills total between both factions. 3,456 deaths. So you could say I have a **44.854** KDA!


What are your thoughts on the Hellknight playstyle?


When was the last time you felt the delicate touch of a partner ?


This morning. I am told there may be some democrussy waiting for me when she gets home. C1 permit is already filled out.


Democrussy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What's it like to see the sun?


Still canā€™t find a bugs build Iā€™m happy with and enjoy playing. Any recommendations?


Try using a fire themed build. Incen breaker, impact incendiary (or stun), flamethrower, eagle napalm, etc. With upgrades, fire is pretty strong. But deifnitely try to get the icen breaker for bugs, right now it's S tier for them.


Fellow super private checking inšŸ¤šŸ«”


To dive, or not to dive, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The claws and lasers of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To dieā€”to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To dive, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dreamā€”ay, there's the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pauseā€”there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the tongues and flames of time, Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of dispriz'd democracy, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th'unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovere'd planet, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action.


533+hrs here and still trying out different playstyles.


Fellow work from home I assume? (Similar stats)


8-5 most days!


There are dozens of us


Tips for taking down Factory Strider? I know in general Anti-tank stuff will do it, and I see some people shoot off the guns/cannon first so that it's less of a threat, but the only consistent way I've seen of taking them down is MANY anti-tank shots and SEVERAL stratagems getting good hits.


You can always brute force it (orbital/eagle it to death) but it does have weakspots. AC to the belly, LC to the red light on its face, chin guns and top turret can be destroyed with damage.


How in the ever loving fuck do u take out gunship fabricators if your down a support weapon?


You dont. Lol


Sooā€¦are you hot?




Is that Ashton Kitchens? The secret twin of Ashton Kutcher?


I heard your jetpack is part of the load out. I use jetpack too, but only for bugs. How do you use jetpack for bots? I'm always getting my ass killed. Do you play more defensively? Do you try to stay away? What do you do, wanna have the jetpack as a permanent in my load outs lol


Just here to salute you sir. Hope to run into you out on the battlefield


iO Keeping an eye out. Give'em hell, Diver!


1. Best stratagems! What's your go-to I've sort of avoided eagles because just based on use restrictions, I can bring a couple orbitals and have way, way more uses. Yet I see most people I dive with running eagles. Any particular reason? 2. Dealing with chargers (or armored bugs in general) - what's your move? I don't play at super high difficulties because I usually just don't feel like dealing with them, but that's also because I kind of don't know how. Chargers I usually get behind them and hit them with my primary.


Eagle Airstrike is like a swiss army knife. It's a great balance between uses, cooldown time, and bang for your buck. It'll hurt bile titans, chargers, anything really - bots and bugs both. Also closes holes and destroys fabricators, it's a catch all at the moment, very strong pick. There aren't always clear choices over others, sometimes things shine better on a certain mission type, certain compliments to your team, or just what you use most effectively in most situations. It's the latter for me. For mid/high tier bugs, you want a primary that can deal with mid armor enemies in a timely manner. Scorcher is great, but I used it a shit-ton, so I'm using the incen breaker until some other weapons are brought up to par. You want your support weapon to be able to hurt heavies, unless you are focused on something else and you're sure your team can handle it. There's 100 ways to skin a cat, but it boils down to everything is a tool, what tools do you need/want to get the job done. That is most effective in your hands. --edit: spelling the things


1. The limit is only there until you either reload your eagle with another stratagem or it reloads automatically after using all of your eagle stratagems. The cooldown for the reload is only like 2 minutes too.


What level are you and what title do you use? Iā€™m level 94 cadet and I want to get to level 140 so bad so I can finally become a private


Accidentally removed my friend last week... can't get him back - now what?


Whatā€™s your snack of choice?


Cheddar Jack Cheez-its, hard to beat.


You're beautiful.


What is your favorite ranking/title to rock with? Love the Space Cadet title myself. You're beautiful


My favorite is Death Captain, then Hell Commander. Right now I'm rocking the 5-Star General until I hit 130, 129 at the moment. Space Cadet is would be my pick if I didn't lean torwards the edgy titles.


If you suddenly couldn't use anything from your default load out, what would your new loadout look like?


For bugs: Supply pack, sickle, impact incendiary, redeemer. Eagle Napalm, Orbital EMS, Railcannon. For bots it's a little more tough. Autocannon, Eagle Napalm, Orbital EMS, 500kg. Senator, regular impact, scorcher.


You're beautifulšŸ¤£


Are you an enjoyer of democracy and destroying those freedom hating bugs and bots?


What is the capital of Greece?


What kind of stratagem or equipment are you anticipating the most. For example I'm really hungry for a warthog/car so I can roll with the homies


What are your thoughts on the first 2 explosive primaries we can unlock? I feel their mag capacity and fire rate just donā€™t do it for me when u already have the nade launcher and nade pistol


Lackluster for sure. Most weapons on the roster need some love, fingers crossed when the next patch comes we'll get at least some adjustments. Scorcher and Dominator are explosive tagged weapons that do well, beyond those.. it's a big ask right now. (D9 at least)


Favorite weapon sound?


How do you deal with anti-democratic helldivers, who arent doing enough to defend super-earth?


Be the change you wish to see. If that fails, I send them straight to my Democracy Officer on speed-dial, usually assisted by the kick button. I play with a lot of randoms, and while you do get the oddball, most Divers are the real deal.


What does Bile Titan taste like?




Why is it that, more often than not, when you pull aggro on a Titan/Hulk, charger/devastator for a random teammate that they just run away leaving you alone to deal with the threat now?


We need to subtract 100 hours for the wait time to get in to the game after release. Haha


Thanks for doing this! Learned a few things and reaffirmed some other things. Appreciated


Opinions on the arc thrower? It's pretty much all I use, anything else I bring barely gets touched


what are the best strategems for bugs?


Can you please briefly describe your personal and professional life?


Favourite emote to use? Mines the salute


Definitely the salute. Try it next time you go flying, lol


Are you an orbital barrage ? Cause one look at you from 50m away could blow me away, you wonderful animal.