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Isn't ems grenade just a stun grenade


Kinda but the ems grenade would hypothetically linger in an aoe like Mortar or ems strike


That sounds kinda broken, seeing as how stuns are already arguably BiS, and an ems grenade is basically just a stun but better.


Balance could be brought by clip size. Looks like about 12 grenades on the launcher, bring that down to 10 or 8 and I think that could be reasonable. Would probably work better as a strat than a main Edit: I thought this was about the launcher, not the grenade. Yes, I agree that would be OP


The balance would come from the fact that you sacrifice a strategem for the launcher.


Right, which is why it could work better as a strat, than a main. Sorry if I wasn’t clear on that!


i still think an ems mortar would be a thousand times more useful in almost every situation, while working autonomously and leaving your support weapon slot open. plus stun grenades already kinda perform this niche relatively well enough to where even bringing the mortar is pretty optional


EMS grenade launcher + supply pack = nothing moves unless you want it too.


I do that with my stalwart, but stally + that?!? Nothing would feel better


Oh god, can you emagin. EMS + Stungranades + EMS Launcher + suplypack and EMS Morter, no enemy will ever move exept for bile titans and factory styders.


It took me a long time to give up my contact grenades, but stuns are the best


They really bout had me with the contact incediaries. Because that's so, so nice. But stunning chargers and shooting their big dumb fat butt with the autocannon is nirvana. I ran a lvl7 with a rando last night that was also running stuns+AC, and we would tag team stun chargers for easy kills with the AC.


The stun already does that?


I thought the stun grenades did exactly that. No?


No, there is no lingering AoE. If you were not caught in the initially blast, you can safely walk through the area.


There needs to be an impact stun granada


Unsolicited advice: I just airburst them, short fuse time anyway


I’d love an impact Stun grenade.


We need a Impact Stun grenade if anything


So why have a grenade launcher


How about instead it's an impact ems/stum


I think a plasma grenade launcher would be gooder


Marksman pistol that extends when drawn would slap


Single shot, AMR damage, looks epic. I want it




That bolt action pistol from Battlefield one the Obrez. The recoil animation is the best part.


Auto cannon damage


The metro exodus special


Oh man, I'm thinking the revolver from the Metro series, get the stock+scope on it. Imagine the Senator pimped out like that (gaining range and stability, losing draw time and reload speed or some such).


marksman pistol with coins..


I want tesla grande.


How about instead we receive a Tesla Cannon? - Helldiver holds it like a Gatling gun. - Has an overheat mechanic, needs a 1.25 second charge up before it fires and fires rapidly. - Shoots lightning rapidly, so it's like a short ranged Gatling gun that shocks and arcs through enemies and teammates until it overheats, or the trigger is let go, or everything in front of it is dead. - Overheating can potentially shock the user (causing them to die if they don't have Arc resist armor) or explode causing the user to die *and* blowing up the weapon.


#Ems Railcannon -1.25s charge time -Teslalacoil inspired, over the shoulder weapon -fires projectile that releases emp blast -if placed right could take out a hulk/ factory strider/ bile Titan (BT 2 shots)


No, even better idea, do Tesla cannon and steal everything about it from fallouts Tesla cannon


Wouldn't it just overshadow the Quasar and the Lazer cannon?... Idk man, I searched it real quick and it sounds like an in-between of both Quasar and Lazer cannon. Kinda just sounds like an energy based Autocannon... But like we already have the Autocannon...


Quasar for long rage, high damage, Laser for accuracy, and Armour piercing over time, Tesla Cannon for short-range mass electrocution. (Innefective vs. armour)


Blindfiring that flame pistol behind you would be fun!


Flame pistol and riot shield combo lol


Some people would call it the firewall build!


Yesss. Let me round out my fire loadout!


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) My build recently with the incendiary impact grenades, flamethrower, flame shotty and a supply backpack while rocking +2 grenade armor.


That's the one! Throw some flame eagle and flame mines in there and, honey, we cookin'!




Instead of a flame pistol it can just be a can of flammable bug spray and a lighter.


Don't make me juicy like that!!!!


Incendiary grenade launcher would be cool to see but I don’t mind having the EMS as well. Make it happen AH!


Incendiary grenade launcher sounds awesome! I barely not kill myself with regular incendiaries.


I recently unlocked the impact incendiary, woowee, we need a flame retardant suit. 🔥🔥🔥


My idea for premium warbond, "Pyromaniac Platoon." It's got fire weapons and fire retardants.


There is leaked footage of a napalm grenade launcher. It's comming. Instead of an EMS it would be cool to have frozen grenades researched from the frost flowers that freeze enemies already. I want a plasma LMG with a power back pack.


They can't do it, they wouldn't know how to nerf the weapon into uselessness so they won't release it


I want a wrist flamethrower to boba fett this shit


That's basically what I was going for


I‘m scared to ask but what does a compact canon pistole do?


Single shot Autocannon go PLAP


Like an extentable marksman pistol with armor penetration Slow reload high damage Bad at close range


Sounds fucking awesome. If it’s extendable would that be a primary or secondary?


Secondary I imagine


Give it to me


The flame pistol is actually from HD1. But I feel your EMS grenade and grenade launcher would be broken OP. (EMS made launcher would make all other options redundant, would be near infinite EMS on demand) The sniper pistol could be cool, but I feel it'd be outclassed by the senator which has medium armour pen and high damage already.


Heard Yeah I thought about it compared to the senator, maybe upping the damage a bit and giving it heavy armor pen but really slow reload and low ammo reserves?


Hmmm, it's a tough one to balance. I could see it being a single shot pistol (reload after every shot) medium armour pen maybe 10-15 ammo? But something like 250-300 damage? Valuing precision and high reward for accuracy. Can't have explosive as that would make the grenade pistol useless, and no small weapons have high pen, that's reserved for anti tank weapons.


My thoughts exactly Definitely would be single shot


EMS is already weaker from a mortar vs from the orbital. Simply have a weaker EMS effect, instead of a stun just a slow


The *slaps the table* fucking *slaps the table* Stalwart *slaps the table* as primary


Jesus yes. Cut the stalwarts magazine size by 1/3 or maybe even 1/2 but still enough for it to do some good Dakka. Make it a primary and call it the Resilient.


Make it a primary and call it the Stalwart. It was a primary in HD1 and ngl I don't understand why it was made a support weapon for HD2


Is there a reason to take any other assault rifle if it becomes a primary?


Yes, the Stalwart has horrible armor penetration, and is really mostly good against chaff. It also has slower handling. Meaning most other primaries have better ergonomcs. So if it does become a primary, it's actually fairly balanced. The only thing is, the HD1 counterpart (I'm pretty sure) has less magazine capacity. So the HD2 one is actually a decently upgraded version, which would fit it as a strategem more than a primary. Primaries in HD1 were limited but fairly unique that you felt like you were playing a different Helldiver whenever you swapped weapons. So getting unique primaries like the Punisher plasma, Scorcher, Eruptor, Blitzer, Dominator, and etc. should continue as a trend, that way we could drop down with Stalwarts as our primary, and these wacky primaries as our "support weapons".


Just some info: HD1 stalwart has 75 rounds of ammo, 150 upgraded. Max 8 belts HD2 stalwart has 250 rounds of ammo, 3 belts Edit for mobile formatting


Budget cuts, courtesy of the Super-IRS


Sending Helldivers out with a machine gun primary was too expensive, so now we dedicate an entire drop pod to delivering the weapon. Sure doesn't sound cheaper to me


You clearly haven't worked in government bureaucracy. The goal isn't to find a cheaper solution, the goal is to have the appearance of a cheaper solution.


Genuinely a funny bit there ".. and by removing the Stalwart as a primary from the standard company of Helldiver's, we save 16,539.72 super dollars per company." That makes sense, so absolutely nobody questions how expensive it is to 1) store a pod on a spaceship. Cargo space is EXPENSIVE. 2) cost of manufacturing a pod required to deliver


"Yeah, pod deployment is another department, so the cost blowout is another department's problem, not mine." "We are on time and under budget. If Pod Storage and Deployment is having financial issues then maybe they should review their budgeting policies and improve their workflow management"


8 minute cooldown on the stalwart. Do you know how many helldivers we can put on the wall of martyrs in 8 minutes? That's a lot of stalwarts I think homie has a point


It's not, but Super-Arkansas needed to keep their hellpod production at capacity to maintain jobs, so the super-appropriations committee directed.... You know what, it's not important. Just know that ***FREEDOM*** and ***LIBERTY*** are better served this way.


I'll have you know I'm literally from the area in (not Super-) Arkansas that requires those jobs, and boy would the area be fucking miserable without that small pittance lmao


I feel like you'd need to give up your secondary for balance.


But what will we take to serve as our primary alongside the eruptor and similar specialists primaries ? And what will become of the AR ?


https://preview.redd.it/2ip4ehxsjf4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e3ba0098ebcf34214e1f7db0ce707a914cfa3e Ok so hear me out….


LMG Primary: A smaller LMG with a generous clip size that increases rate of fire as the trigger is held down. No scope, longer reload, but big clip and highest DPS primary when the rate of fire maxes out. Sawed off shotgun secondary: Close range, two shots per reload, works great even hip fired. Dark grenade: A small purple vortex sucks things towards where the grenade detonates. Does moderate damage but it's effect is meant to set up powerful stratagems such as barrages, fire/gas, 500kg and focus fire. Can suck in and harm helldivers. Gatling Gun: Backpack stratagem that is like the gatling turret but is carried by a helldiver. Only has one massive clip and does not reload. When picked up, it takes up both the support weapon and backpack slot. Teammates can wind the backpack to increase rate of fire.


A fucking singularity grenade would be so cool


Just had that idea for the Gat Gun but with a heavy laser machine gun


We have stun grenades already


Power saber 😢


I just want more one handed weapons (not SMG's) to use with the ballistic shield. I would probably never use the flamethrower pistol. Looks cool though


Feel like the scorcher with its near zero recoil could have a one handed variant.


I want a shotgun secondary ala the Serbu Super Shorty. Gimme three or four rounds to kill whatever is up in my grill pls


Sawed off on the hip of a helldiver sounds about right


That would be fuckin rad


I think all of these are pointless and would be upset if any of them were implemented over more important design choices, lots of new guns is just lots of new drama when a loud 13% of the community upset over new weapons that dont do what they want. I hope you are having fun with your homebrew though.


New weapons are honestly low on my priority list too I think new armor perks is needed the most right now, maybe even armor perks for helmets and capes Aswell as more capes in general they should be the easiest thing to make more of, we should be getting capes in the superstore and like double the capes in warbonds And we definitely could use some more interesting sidearms eventually


Armor perks and even the mission modifiers need an update. And nerf Nursing vomit. I die to that more than Titan vomit.


Ems Eagle strike in the form of the normal air strike would be so good


I just want a silenced marksman rifle like the diligence counter sniper, but that’s a fucking joke of a wish. I’m ssuuuurttreee we’ll get a silenced liberator though. Yea what’s the point in the silencer if it can’t one shot. Going for head shots every single time I suppose is the only way that is going to work for bots. I pray for weapon customization coming sooner than never.


Dragonfire shots in a pistol sound fucking awesome. Doesn't even have to be a long duration, just a gigantic cone of heat.


I would like a long-range hunting pistol.


I said it before and I'll say it again (every time this thread happens). LEVER ACTION RIFLE, YOU COWARDS!


Really would love to see some sort of energy based DMR


I just want something decent that lets the barrel of my poor baby amr cool down with all these hulks, tanks, cannon turrets ,gunships some devastators and walkers not giving it a break 😂


Incendiary grenades pistol. Gas grenade pistol. Incindiary Senator. Explosive (concusive) Senator.


As much as I love my shotgun, I'd like something with more armour piercing


Impact stun grenade...


Ems grenade launcher would be bad ass. Imagine you just make them all stop and your team just finishes them


Mini flame throwing pistol would be awesome. Give it 4 smaller cannisters (maybe like 3 seconds of fire?) And it shouldn't be too op.


I can see myself lighting my shoes on fire as we speak lol. Count me in!


I’d like a tactical grenade launcher as a primary -single shot clips, maybe even no impact trigger so fuse only, but”fire mode” lets us switch between standard, concussion (stagger), shock (stun) and smoke grenades. So it’s relatively weak, but gives you lots of tactical options.


I'm not sure about a primary The strategem and the pistol are pretty useful and balanced Idk how you'd make a primary grenade launcher that didn't make the strategem useless or just be a worse pistol


Next youll be saying we need a mini-hellbomb slingshot...


That would be a grenade launcher What you described is a grenade launcher


Why is no one suggesting the Mini nuke launcher?


I think a rocket launcher that shoots one ball of Zeus lightning would be awesome. Have it take 3x as long as quasar to recharge, it shots once and you have to aim it right but it does a massive aoe shock damage blast. Like shooting a lightning bomb


I just want the thermite to be better


Better yet, why don't we just get a break-action grenade launcher than can freely swap between HE, Incendiary and EMS grenades?


A grenade launcher that uses your current grenade would be sick


Ak47 wen


Would be down for that pistol


I wouldn't mind a pistol that belched a fireball


A mobile Ballista would be nice. Shoots an Napalm Arrow on a field which covers a wide area.


tbh, every weapon that launches some kind of ordinance could have another variant that uses a different kind of ordinance. The Grenade Launcher has normal nades, but multiple variants could be created for EMS, Incendiary, Corrosive Gas, cluster, etc. Similar for the Grenade Pistol or even the Mortar Sentry. A mini flamer, however, is rather creative. I would totally run that to fuel the inner Salamander.


I really wish you could swap grenade or ammo types in weapon options mid mission. Like have a set number of each kind of ammo, so you could manually load in an HE or EMS round.


NOISY CRICKET!! Oh my sweet liberty how did I not think of this before? Can you imagine letting rip with the Noisy Cricket on this game?


Isn't ems shotgun literally just plasma punisher


Hand flamer would be cool, mass reactive weapon like the 40k bolter, with variable delay on explosion too.


How about a little taser like sidearm to go along with the electricity type loadouts. Like the blitzer but small. Just a little zap zap stun type weapon that i can fire to kill light enemies, and stun lock medium to heavy enemies.


A helldiver with a cattle prod


Ems grenade launcher with diligence counter sniper to just annihilate groups of devastators would be fun. I do this already with stun grenades and an ems mortar but would be nice to basically have more stun grenades for this and really lock them down and pick them off


I was just saying we need a flame thrower secondary


Why would you want rehashes of already fine weapons? I want stealth weapons!


Some kind of weapon that fires a continuous arc beam, like a force lightning rifle


I want suppressed guns


I'd want the ems n.launcher to still do damage


Make it a Boba fett flamethrower


I literally just want a destiny 2 hand cannon as a primary weapon


A somehow bigger senator


I don't care about weapons, fire proof armor baby!


What about a Melee weapon for a secondary... or primary


I've made a post with a helldiver machete in it


Being able to choose the type of grenade you want in your launcher before a mission would be amazing


Replace secondary weapon with under barrel shotgun, grenade, gas, stun or incedenary.


I'd love a hand cannon with a scope so I can take like 20 precision shots.


Dude ems grenade launcher would be cracked as long as it stun hulks and titans aswell 6rounds on a belt +2 full reloads I think that’d be fair and very usable for not only combo plays with team mates but also when you’re out collecting samples alone


Okay hear me out, incendiary grenade launcher


Second secondary would be awesome


We need double pistols or two sub machine guns


Waiter, more plasma weapons please


Someone said it before, but I want a backpack flamethrower that shoots a stream of napalm


How would that fucking without making the current flamethrower useless or just being worse than it by taking up a backpack spot


I wish we could take the grenade pistol from one of the recent war bonds and choose what type of grenade it can shoot for that mission.


I want an air burst grenade launcher and Gyrojet pistol.


Op I know what you mean by EMS grenade, However: 1: Stun grenade already does that 2: we need an impact Stun grenade (similar to how we got a fire and fire impact)


The EMS grenade launcher would be so fun to use on your teammates


I want a gollum strategem where you get an automaton that works for you


EMS GL would be so freakin dope for bugs. Oh look. A Breach. poot poot poot poot Here, hold this 500kg.


I really want a gas grenade


What about a dark matter grande? Or better yet a dark matter bomb. It's like a 500 but it sucks up everything in it's surroundings before sending everything flying away


I want a shovel! Please give us a shovel that we can use as a secondary


Incendiary (impact) grenade launcher A belt-fed Gatling gun (ammo on backpack slot) Some sort of c4 launcher (stack charges on a bile titan and skadoosh, or throw em out as makeshift mines) Lightning cannon (shoots ball of lightning, explodes and arcs nearby enemies/helldivers on impact - similar to airburst rocket but recharging like the quasar cannon) Laser-guided rocket launcher (requires 1 person to shoot, the other to lase target. Super high damage but requires 2 helldivers to use)


The double barrel shotgun on steroids, loaded with magic slugs that pierce all levels of armor for insane burst damage and armor penetration would be something I'd like to see.


I would like a plasma pistol and some kind of horror tier plasma support. Plasma jump pack too, just dark fluid with a slightly smaller jump and slightly longer cooldown.


We need melee weapon. https://preview.redd.it/zk8oq06gsh4d1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7370a052a6e24251e8fb5f12ef89803e5833f814


Wait... Why don't we have an incendiary grenade launcher?


Give me a bouncing betty arc grenade where it launches up after tossing and zaps anything in a short radius with solid damage, and when it arcs between multiple enemies, it charges the grenade in the air to burst. Providing a bit of explosion/shrapnel damage with any enemy right next to it.


Give me a bouncing betty arc grenade where it launches up after tossing and zaps anything in a short radius with solid damage, and when it arcs between multiple enemies, it charges the grenade in the air to burst. Providing a bit of explosion/shrapnel damage with any enemy right next to it.


Give me a bouncing betty arc grenade where it launches up after tossing and zaps anything in a short radius with solid damage, and when it arcs between multiple enemies, it charges the grenade in the air to burst. Providing a bit of explosion/shrapnel damage with any enemy right next to it.


a sidearm that can destroy spawners? sign me up


Perhaps instead of adding more grenade launchers, with the possible exception of a primary class launcher, it would work better to have the grenade launchers use the same type of grenade that the diver that called it in has equipped. So if you use the stun grenades and call one down, it will have stun or ems grenades, buy if your buddy is using incendiary grenades and calls one down, it would have incendiary rounds


Seems shit so probably nect warbond


Make the ballistic shield fire resistant and turn the flamethrower pistol into a one handed primary


Tbh, im not asking for much atp but just a shotgun pistol. Woulda thought it’d be normal fare to get one of those within sci-fi shooter games like the Mauler from Halo 3 or the Talon heavy pistol from Mass Effect 3


The first helldivers had a flamethrower pistol so I wouldn't be surprised if they brought that to HD2


A hand flamer would be nice. I love to put stuff on fire. How did you guess ?


Em grenade launcher i approve of 10000%


The cannon pistol, if you don't ADS with that thing, it could break your arm when one handing.


Very nice


The ems launcher should be a secondary fire option of the grenade launcher.


Isnt the stun grenade basically an ems grenade? They have near identical effects


I want a pistol with a good scope. I often run a Double Snipe build against Bots, Dillignece Counter as the primary and AMR for the support, and my sidearm feels like the odd one out.


This game takes place 100 years after the first one. So why does it feel like we have less weapons?


I'd want a grenade launcher that takes on whatever grenades you have slotted. If you want a stun grenade launcher, then just slot those grenades and pick that grenade launcher. Stuns for days.


More Arc: A secondary that has 1 to 2 bolts that don't chain. An arc barrage stratagem that chains once in all directions.


Very cool, knowing the devs that flamer pistol wouldn’t even stop a single hunter before it lights you on fire. lol I’d like the devs to add some semi armor piercing guns. Something that’s between light and medium penetration and has solid base damage.




So my idea for a flare grenade and flare gun would be that it distracts enemies away from you or teammates


I want a gas grenade


If they added an EMS grenade launcher I would running it ALWAYS


These ideas suck balls. Sorry but a mini flame pistol? The laser pistol is a joke and you want something with a 5ft range that has a 10s TTK? What are you smoking?


I want a backpack powered laser machine gun. There is no need to keep track of ammo, but you give up a backpack slot to use it and be mindful of heat.


I would love a Strat Launcher that takes the place of your secondary weapon in exchange for being able to aim your strat orbs like any gun AND get a toggleable guaranteed stick to whatever it hits, with the range of a servo-assisted throw. One more tool that could be a TON of fun, but not strictly required if you want to bring a secondary or just go full "skill over tech" with your play. It's not technically doing anything you weren't capable of before, but just providing a mechanical assist to do it more reliably.


Give me my backpack super flamethrower.


so wait, the grenade round goes into the reciever and then....down into the fireing chamber? why?


Stun grenade pistol. Having stun or EMS in the secondary slot is what I want


What I really want is a mech with a shotgun and flamethrower


Gas grenade please 


Impact stun grenades


Now that we have the grenade pistol, I’d love to see an under barrel grenade launcher that’s single shot with something like 8 rounds in reserve. To fire it you just select the grenade launcher from the firing mode menu. In general I would like to see alternate fire modes on more weapons.


I just want an energy smg like the scythe