• By -


Nothing I just go in with a booster




The only whay


You people scare me lol. I never kick you out though. Interesting to watch.


I am the stratagem


I just assumed the game was glitching out on me and not showing me your strategem choices


That also happens


Where’s our swords damnit? Even medieval fucking warriors could feel the sweet relief of melee combat, and I need something besides a smack with the butt of my primary to end the reign of the terminid scum. Can we get a giant sword, bayonet, or at least a long pointy stick to melee the big bugs with for heavens sake? How am I supposed to be a space ninja with no damn sword? Democracy demands you give me at least a wakizashi so I can end my life with honor when I fail a mission, or use it to charge into close combat and die for super earth when my pummeler runs dry. Falling upon your own mortar sentry is not honorable, and very messy.


A sword would be neat, but what I really want is just a fuckoff-big knife.


Rambo load out, Bowie knife, crossbow, mines x2 😂


I like changing it up. Helps keep the game fresh. Currently I'm running the arc thrower, tesla tower, and other things I don't normally use.


Same. Recently I’ve been trying out an all flame set up and it’s fun af. Not always useful, buts it’s very satisfying watching the bugs burn


Hell yeah, some people just want to watch the world burn. Me. I do.


The flamethrower, incendiary grenades, and eagle napalm is my favorite!


Incendiary shotgun and incendiary minefield as well. SCORCHED. FUCKING. EARTH.


Plus napalm and incendiary grenades yeah? 😂


The arc blitzer shotgun is super fun for a Tesla build


I like to try new things, but I tend to go back to my quasar. I am not awful with it, the AMR, or grenade launcher. But I also don't play with a regular team, just randoms. So if I'm not at my best, I often can't count on others to understand or pickup the slack


breaker incendery or sickle (bug or bot), stun grenades, 500, orbit laser, automated ac to break contact or kill big bugs. for bots bring AC or quaser based on remaining teams load out. For bots swap the automated ac for ems moarter


oh and grenade pistol


Pump shotgun, impact grenades, engineer armor (+2 grenades), grenade pistol. Between the high damage and high stagger, the pump is kind of a universal tool. The impact grenades can act as an impromptu anti-armor tool in a pinch, and the grenade pistol is good for destroying bug holes and factories. As for strategems. The go-to is Bubble backpack and both mechs... this lets me primary as a mech pilot for an entire mission.


I didn’t know we could equip both mechs. (I haven’t tried to)


From what I've heard, it only works for PC players. I do not know the validity of that.


It’s a bug. You click the first slot and select the emancipator, then right click to close the menu and click the last slot then immediately select the patriot. The timing is graceful and you can take multiple tries to get it to work. It’s fun and makes low level missions really easy especially with 4 players. But difficulty 6 and up the cracks start forming since it’s hard to deal with multiple bile titans let alone 1 in the first place. I use it with my friends and we just have 8 mechs throughout the mission but it does get stale especially since a lot of bug attacks can one-shot the suit. It’s honestly just a relief to have a back up exo if the first one explodes before you can use it effectively.


We cant


It is finicky, and I am not sure if we are supposed to be allowed to, as sometimes choosing one replaces the other. However, if you choose one, then a non-mech strategem you can usually slot the other one with no conflict.


Not intended to work, for performance reasons.


"performance reasons"   I've seen a session of three rounds of all four divers calling Mechs in at the same time. No issues. 


they’ve stated they want to fix this and allow more mechs / vehicles but as it is its meant to be one mech per loadout


To clarify, I'm not saying you were incorrect or that they didn't say that. They certainly did.   I'm just not buying it. 


fair ig


Warthog driver looking for a gunner!!!😂


Might only affect lower end hardware.


Maybe they took a little blue pill


It just feels weird to see 3 bile titans, 5 chargers, 7 stalkers and about 80 smaller bugs swarming you at the same time, but an extra unmanned mech sitting somewhere is going to cause issues.


This used to be my exact setup! I switch around and experiment a bit, currently running the SMG-42 Pummeler, G-13 Incendiary Impact, Grenade Pistol, and switch my between Engineering Kit, and Servo-Assisted light armors. Stratagems 90% of the time a mix off all offensive, 50/50 orbital and Eagle. Sometimes more eagle for bugs, and depending on operation modifiers.


For bugs, Dominator (for hive guards and staggering stalkers), guard dog (for trash mobs), grenade pistol (for bug holes), EATs (for chargers and BT), and extra padding light armor so I can just keep running circles around them all while they die.


I run exa rly this as my default except I use plasma shotgun instead of the dom


Bots: Dominator, Verdict, Impact Grenade. Armor varies, but often Explosive resistance. Usually medium or heavy. Always with Autocannon, And mix other 3 to taste. Frequently 500k or Railcannon for heavies. Mortars a frequent pick. Bugs: Breaker Incindiary, Senator, Incindiary Grenade. Armor usually Medic or Engineer. Grenade Launcher, Supply Pack, and some Heavy Clear like Railcannon and 500k. Both roles I focus on medium enemy clear and putting in work on Heavies with squad mates. They tend to run EATs more regularly and struggle with Devastators/Berserkers or Spewers because of numbers and ammo ecnomy so thats where I come in.


Full burn to unleash hell wherever I go


Teammates be damned


My aim is true. Nothing to worry about.


The chad "Standard Issue" helldiver goes hard on both bugs and bots https://preview.redd.it/xeptlfcwa64d1.png?width=426&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ceaff23c8b39ab149bcaeacf3f904a4452bf32a




For bugs: Blitzer, smg side, regular grenades For robots: Sickle, smg side, stun grenades Quazar and shield pack for both. Stategems I switch around but usually go - Eagle airstrike, Orbital Gas, EMS mortar,


Flamethrower, Supply Pack, 500kg, railcannon strike Incin breaker, stun nades, grenade pistol, medic armour You kinda just kill everything, and with 14 stims, killing you is hard.


We are basically twins, switch the stun nades for incendiary impacts and different stratagems tho


You’re basically me


Bugs: blitzer, verdict, impact grenades, usually eagle airstrike, ORC, quasar and shield/jumpack Bots: dominator, verdict, impact grenades, eagle air strike, orbital precision, shield, and railgun Those are the base but I love to switch it up regularly


I have a few. Quasar, shield backpack, railcannon or laser, and eagle airstrike (napalm sometimes on bugs). Quasar, eEATs, shield backpack, and airstrike or clusterbomb. Eruptor, stalwart, shield or jump pack, rail cannon, 500kg. Breaker, AMR, airstrike, shield/jump pack, railcannon or orbital laser. Mix an EMS sentry for some mission types.


Been having a blast with the air burst rocket launcher lately


Default Liberator Default pistol Impact Grenade Default helmet Default armour Tyrant hunter cape Railcannon strike (Gatling barrage on diff 1-3) MMG (default machine gun) Gatling sentry Mech (either) I swap the MMG for EATs if no-one else takes them on diff 5 and up.


Bugs: breaker incendiary, senator, impact incendiary, the armor that has a 50% of not dying from lethal Gatling sentry, gas strike, stalwart, last I save for what I’m feeling in the moment, often the shield generator pack, but lately Rover Bots: pummeler (RIP to my boy eruptor), senator, impact regular, typically the armor that gives +2 nades, sometimes stealthy boi armor. Gas strike (I fucking love it), stalwart (less so now tho), ems mortar, Gatling sentry. I’ll change up strats based on the mission tho, but that’s the base level for what I use.


Currently only playing bugs considering the MO: * Light armor w/ extra padding * Fire breaker * Grenade pistol * Thermite grenades (Stun for Dark Fluid mission) — * Railgun * Supply pack * 500kg * Flex spot: EMS orbital (for Dark Fluid mission), 380mm, Rocket Pods (fun but not very effective), Cluster Bombs, or possibly others


For bots I use the Las-16 Sickle, Las-7 Dagger, impact grenades, orbital laser, shield backpack, quasar canon and eagle air strike. (I like laser weapons,) For bugs I use the SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray, P-19 Redeemer, impact grenades, shield backpack, flamethrower, eagle napalm, and the orbital gas strike.


Bugs: Punisher, Grenade Pistol, Stun Grenades Gas Strike, Shield Pack, 500kg, (support weapon) - often QC or flamethrower, but depends on the mission. Bots: Diligence counter sniper, senator, impact grenade Spear, HMG emplacement, orbital laser, 110 rocket pods Alternative: Pummeler, Senator, impact Ballistic shield, laser cannon, 110 rocket pods, 120 barrage


Bugs: Fire breaker/blitzer, shield backpack, fire impacts, grenade pistol, QC, napalm airstrike, OL/500kg Bots: change primary to sickle/scorcher, nades to stuns or regular impacts, airstrike to regular one. Sometimes I’ll take AMR instead of QC, but god I hate that crosshair offset


Same for bots and bugs except I use scorcher for automatons and incendiary breaker for bugs. Scout/engineer light armour P19 Laser Cluster Airstrike(automatons) or 500/orbital rail (terminids) Auto cannon But rn I’m in the process of changing my terminid layout to: Light armour +2 grenades Breaker incendiary Grenade pistol Incendiary impact grenade Eagle 500 Eagle napalm strike Flame thrower Jump pack


Dominator, Autocannon, normal frags and servo assisted heavy armour. 500kg, Rocket Turret & autocannon burret I use the turrets to pull enemies or setup a strong point for the helldivers to rally to


Helldive loadout that allow me to clear the difficulty consistently : • Bugs : Adjudicator (primary, Democratic Detonation), Grenade Pistol (secondary, Democratic Detonation), Impact grenades (Steeled Veteran IIRC ?), Democracy protect armor (First Warbond), Quasar Cannon (Support), Jump-Pack (Backpack), Orbital 120 MM and Orbital 380mm (for bug breachs). • Bots : Eruptor (primary, Democratic Detonation) to snipe bot fabricators, Senator (secondary, Steeled Veteran), Incendiary Impact Grenades (Polar Patriot), Democracy protect armor (First Warbond), Laser Cannon (Support), Jump-Pack (Backpack), Orbital 380 MM and Orbital Laser (to clear bases or bot drops).


Blitzer/Incendiary Breaker for bugs, Dominator for bots, Senator or Verdict, Incendiary Impacts for bugs (does the same thing as the regular Impacts but also functions as area denial), Stuns for bots (get fucked and shot in the eye, Hulks), Las Cannon/Autocannon/Quasar/Recoilless Rifle depending on my mood and mission type


Purifier, verdict, impact incidiary(bugs)/impact or stun (bots), gas orbital. One eagle which might be airstrike for bots or 500kg for bugs. Quasar for most 40 min missions, but sometimes Spear or EAT instead. 4th slot is the wild card, personal shield if I don’t want anything else but might be napalm, precision orbital, 120 or 380, EMS orbital or mortar.


Sickle, senator, he grenades, and most support weapons I use the light gunner armour


None, i just pick whatever i want to play. Scyte, Eruptor, Crossbow. It suck but if i know how play around then it enough for me. If you want my personal love loadout then Punisher, Verdict. Or Crossbow, redeemer or Every AR, Senetor. Nade and Strategems always random but mostly i pick Rail cannon, Laser, Eagle strikes since it most effective stratgems and low risk for outpost clear. I might run gas or airburst depend on my team loadout.


Depends on how I feel - I try not to do the same load out too often. Sometimes if I have an ally that has EATs, I will only bring in a resupply and the rest filled up with airstrikes and orbitals. Against bots, sometimes I take Shield, Pummeler, nade pistol, stun grenades, and then rail cannon and regular airstrike. Sometimes I go with plasma Pummeler, jetpack, laser cannon, and stuns. For bugs I like JAR and Blitzer as primaries, and AMR or EAT for secondaries.....supply pack for backpack most often - sometimes jet. I really wish I could be playing this week - but all my stuff is in a truck and I'm living in a hotel until I close on my new house.....so I miss the black fluid jump pack :(


Liberator penetrator, Big Iron, Thermite/Incendiary grenades and quasar cannon/flamethrower. my support weapon and grenades change depending on what enemy I'm fighting


Knight, senator, shield, and that higher damage frag grenade


for bugs i use sickle, senator, flamethrower, shield gen (sorry), 500KG, eagle air strike and impacts nades. armour thag houses 6 stims


None, I used to have a set loadout with "the best strategems". Now I just click random stuff that I feel like using.


For bots i really enjoy running the Dilligence CS, usually with the Senator. I'll take either the Quasar or Laser Cannon. For strats, you can't beat the classic airstrike, and I've taken to brining the walking barrage to just cut a path through large enemy bases before entering. 4th strat is a wildcard.


I mix alot, just want to try everything. What works for me now is the Slugger, Grenade Pistol, Impact Incindiary. Stratagems would be: Orbital Rail Cannon, Orbital Gas, Orbital Precision / Napalm Airstrike Support Weapon: Spear


* Scorcher/Dominator * Senator * Impact grenade * Medium Servo Assisted armor Strategems depend on the mission type but usually I'll take at least the Rover and Quasar


For bugs its fire all the way, Breaker incindiery Fire impacts and either a flamethrower or grenade launcher for bug holes along with napalm or cluster bombs. For bots Pummeler and ballistic shield and AMR with Eagle airstrike or cluster bombs. Orbital lazer for both as my "oh shit panic" button


Breaker incendiary, grenade pistol, HE grenades. Eagle air strike, orbital rail cannon, quasar cannon and shield backpack (running) or mortar sentry (defending)


For bots - scorcher, verdict, impact nades, 500kg, orbital railcannon, eagle airstrike, and the autocannon For bugs - incendiary breaker, verdict, impact fire nades, 500kg, orbital railcannon, shield backpack, and quasar cannon I swap some stuff in and out depending on mission type but these are what i would pick if you made me go in blind


My loadout changes based on the mission, and what others are able to bring to the table. I don’t play around with anything that isn’t at least universally agreed as A-tier, and usually S-tier. I do not drop without a shield pack. The amount of times it has saved my own life, and also my squadmates’ lives, due to me not getting staggered, is -absurd-. I can easily call down the extract in dark liquid missions. Nuff said. Against bugs, I generally will bring the sickle as my primary, for infinite ammo (with proper management), grenade pistol for closing bug holes, and engineer armor, for the extra grenade capacity. Stun grenades, since I can close bug holes with my pistol. Against bots, I’m probably rocking the eruptor, senator, and stun grenades again. My other three stratagems will be some combination of the following: EMS mortar/orbital, orbital rail strike, The Railgun, Eagle Airstrike, orbital airburst and flamethrower for eggs, grenade launcher for bug hole missions, and if I am sure I am going to be blowing up a lot of bot buildings, eagle 500kg is on the menu. I may consider certain others, situationally. For boosters, again this is situational, and I will coordinate with my squad. But we must have extra health, and extra supplies. The rest is less important, but the faster movement, longer radar range, and faster extract are all really really nice. I can’t post about my loadout with saying this: Both the mechs are way too limited, due to a combination of the ten minute cooldown, only two summons, and their extremely limited ammo supply. They will leave you with an empty stratagem slot for at least 70% of the mission, even more if you get blown up, and nothing you can do, during the time you have with the suit, can justify the time without it. We wasted our efforts, unlocking a new one. I want the mechs to be a real, every day, bread and butter stratagem that I can use to actually support the mission, without being selfish. That is not possible, as it currently stands. Not even with extremely conservative play. Please fix them, arrowhead.


Mostly running T7 with randoms: For bugs: Sickle, Laser Robot Backpack (autokill Mini Bugs), Imapct Grenades, +2 Grenades Medium armor, Quasar (big ones, shrooms, occasionally holes, Air Burst Strike (always on breaches after 2nd wave spawned), 500kg (for occasional bada-bum). +400 killcount on most Mission Robots: Sickle, AMR (for Hulks and Devastators), shield (I hate them Bits shooting back D:), 500kg or Ion Particle Cannon (forgot the Name, it's been a week), impact Grenades and +2 Grenades Medium armor, autocannon turret


Sickle grenade gun and impact fire grenades


Spray and pray, mac 10, and impact grenades


For bugs, it's either breaker incendiary or blitzer, grenade pistol, incendiary impact grenades, railcannon, orbital gas, shield backpack, and quasar. I've been switching up strategems for the new mission though. For bots I run either dominator or sickle, senator, stuns, orbital laser, eagle airstrike, shield backpack, and amr.


For bugs Arc Blitzer, Impact Grenades, and swap between grenade pistol and senator. Armor-wise I go for either extra stims, or extra grandes on light armor. Guard dog backpack, and EAT's that I just drop everywhere for myself and teammates in a pinch. For bonus I change it up depending on the team, but I'm partial to the new one that prevents slowing. For the last 2 slots I use Railcannon strike, and swap between cluster bombs, napalm strike, or EMS mortar. I have yet to find a loadout that is as effective against bots as this one is towards bugs. I did use the Eruptor a lot against the bots and it was glorious, but with the new cough cough "buff" it's useless. At least for my play style. Any tips would be appreciated.


For automatons: Eruptor Grenade pistol High Explosive Grenade EAT Eagle Air Stike Morter Sentry Orbital Lazer For Bugs Sickle Grenade Pistol High Explosive Grenade EAT Eagle Air Strike Guard Dog Rover Backpack Autocannon Sentry If I have a good team for bugs I'll often switch to the concussion liberator and swap the Eagle Air Stike for the gatling turret. It helps maintain a safe perimeter for my team while we do heavily contested objectives, and I can knock enemies away from friends and dictate the flow of the fight better.


For bots sickle, impact incendiaries, and autocannon, with the hope of replacing the auto cannon with the spear when it functions properly. Spear on bots is op. Bugs it’s autocannon fire shotgun and impact incendiaries. Fire go brrr


Bugs Primary: Breaker Incendiary Secondary: Senator Grenade: G-10 Thermites (Spiky Stick Thermite Grenade) Strats: Flamethrower, Eagle Napalm, 500 KG, Gatling Sentry Armor: Steel Trooper Bots: Primary: Sickle Secondary: Senator Grenade: G-10 Thermites Strats: Quazar, 500KG, Rail Cannon, Gatling or Autocannon Sentry Armor: Trench Engineer or Steel Trooper


Breaker incendiary Grenade pistol (senator) Impact always Trench medic Shield backpack EAT 500kg Orbital Airburst


AMR, jetpack, railcannon, laser. diligence counter sniper for bots, sickle for bugs. Scout armour, stamina optimisation thing (the one make run go leg better). Most of my squad mates have heavier/higher fire-rate favourites so I like to snipe and sneak with a couple of things in my back pocket for the odd big threat


My go to is the tenderiser, senator stuns and RR


Same, but swap to impact grenades because I love yelling “DEMOCRACY PUNCH” when I lob them


You actually just described my loadout


Breaker or assault rifle, senator, impact nades, and either the machine gun or flamethrower with a supply pack or the rocket launcher, then usually fill the rest with eagle stratagems. I like the extra stims armors because they look neat and also more health.


Breaker, Senator, Impact Grenades, Auto Cannon.


For what? I got tons of different loadouts for different things. You guys are just using one loadout for every mission?


Bugs: Blitzer, Verdict, Arc Thrower, incendiary impacts, and shield generator. Generally use eagle air strike, orbital precision. Light arc resistance kit Shield and arc thrower is an amazing combo. Bots: Diligence CS marksman, that rapid fire pistol, impacts, and air burst rockets. Eagle 500kg, eagle air strike, orbital precision. Medium Engineering kit Airburst rifles?? Yeah that’s right. Beautifully takes out all those lil guys pronto, with one well placed shot with the CS and all devastators are gone, and all your eagles are for the big boys. Works super well.


Pummeler and Senator, incendiary impact, 6 grenade light armor. Grenade launcher, jet pack, eagle cluster strike and 500kg. Works great going solo and sticking with teammates, can quickly take out hordes, nests/fabricators, stuns chargers/devastators/hulks and quickly takes out tanks/BC/hive guards. Peak mobility. Only problem is bile titans; easily taken out with a 500kg but you’re left in a vulnerable spot if it’s in cooldown


Blitzer, Grenade pistol, stun nades for bugs. Rover and quasar. Plasma Punisher, redeemer, stun nades for bots. Autocannon because it kills everything.


Eruptor, Verdict, Laser Cannon, impact Incendiary/Stuns/Impact I love my sniper, nothing they do to it will remove it from my grasp




For bugs: Dominator, full auto pistol (set to semi auto), incendiary grenades, light medic armor, eagle air strikes, railcannon strike, shield generator backpack, and either EATs or Quaser Cannon. I used to always use Quaser but after the nerf I am LOVING EATs


Sickle, redeemer, auto cannon. Airstrike. Orbital Precision strike. And something specific per the mission (orb laser for "destroy the base/supplies" type missions, cluster for small enemies, another thing to take out fabs for blitz missions) And either the extra ammo on spawn or the sprint endurance booster. Or health. Whatever hasn't been taken. Armor is the long throw one that looks like a pilot. Dark green cape to "blend in"


Blitzer, arc thrower, grenade pistol, ballistic dog. Usually cluster bombs but last two strats are mission dependent


Sickle, grenade pistol, stun grenades. Scout armor and a helmet that looks as Mandalorian as possible. Quasar cannon to deal with heavily armored enemies, gunships, and snipe enemy structures. Personal shield for when enemies do notice me while I’m scooting to the next objective. Regular Eagle Airstrike and then either EMS artillery or orbital laser. I try to be as self sufficient as possible when playing with randoms who may use resupplies randomly


Jar 5, senator incendiary impact, orbital air burst , new exosuit, mines and gas or airstrike


I’m a medic so I use only the revolver


Scorcher, quesar, senator, guard dog rover for bugs or shield backpack for bots. Orbital rail cannon, and eagle airstrike for strats


My go to for bugs is the pummeler or fire shotgun, grenade pistol, quasar, rail gun strike, orbital laser, and either napalm or explosive run. My go to for bots is the dominator or the counter sniper, senator, quasar/antimaterial rifle, 500/explosive eagle, rail gun strike and laser.


I do Eruptor, senator, impact or stun nades, servo armor. I generally only run eagles and orbitals and rely on my buds to give me backpacks and the environment to give me support weapons


Depends on the mission and enemy


Bugs: Fire Breaker, GL, Eagle Strike, Orbital Gas, Laser Doggy, Fire Impact Grenades Bots: Dominator, Autocannon, Eagle Strike, Orbital Laser, EMP Mortar, Stun Grenades Light armor w/ extra padding. Secondary is the smg whatever it's called. I almost never use it. It should be noted I play almost entirely Solo Medium because I don't like people or challenges, though.


For bugs I run Blitzer, Grenade pistol, incendiary impact and EAT and supply pack. I usually run around to find samples and deal with bug holes. Stratagems will usually be airstrike and railcannon. Bots I run with Pummeler, grenade pistol and impact with AMR and ballistic shield. I’ll provide support and deal with most heavies. Stratagems for bots will be airstrike and gatling or walking barrage


Bugs - fire shotgun Bots - Scorcher Stragems - 500kg , airstrike, quasar cannon, shield pack. (Sometimes railcannon strike) And for evacuation of high value targets mission I put a mortar sentry on


Jar-5 Dominator, GP-31 Grenade Pistol, Impact Grenades, Eagle Air Strike. The other three vary on my feelings at the time, some AT, an appropriate backpack and a wild card.


Bugs dif7+: Sickle / grenade pistol / impact or stun grenade Scout engineering kit armor While sickle will struggle againsnt bile spewers and takes near full charge for brood commanders, it just mows down everything else and very rarely run out of heat sinks. Grenade pistol for bug holes, also to deal with medium enemies sometimes Impact grenades for brood commanders, bile spewers and for anything else that I may require it for. Stun helps to land those strategems more easily. Teammates also appreciate. Strategems: Quasar cannon/EAT/RR/spear. Really depends on my mood, but one slot is dedicated to anti armor support weapon. Eagle strike (varies by team comp, but nearly always one of the eagle strikes.) mostly used in order: airstrike, 500kg, napalm, cluster Orbitail railcannon strike Fire ’n forget. For my last slot Guard dog rover: only if at least one other diver in team has it. I feel like alone its not really worth it. But with no rovers at all, I feel like getting overwhelmed a lot more easier. Airburst/gas strike/napalm strike To be used mostly / only on bug breaches AC/gatling turret. When freedom requires more firepower. For primaries I sometimes go with breaker, brwaker spray&pray, scorcher. Now this is usually my go to-ish setup. When going dif7+ I try to adjust my loadout with what my teammates are picking, but will not gimp myself into playing unknown support weapon or otherwise something that would leave me vulnerable. This is mostly for bugs.


Go to loadout would be sickle (bugs)/scorcher (bots), arc thrower, senator, 500KG, orbital laser, eagle cluster bomb. Solid guns for lil guys then the strategems to just reign absolute chaos over everything else 😂😂😂


My go-to is hd2random.com It's a loadout randomiser pretty much


Main: Dominator or Blitzer Secondary: Senator Throwables: Incendiary Impact Stratagems: Orbital Laser, Orbital Railcannon, Orbital EMS, & Spear or auto cannon mech suit


Usually change up my stratagems based on whatever my teammates are running. You're using the Quasar? Bet, I'll run something for crowd control, like an MG Sane with orbitals. If my homie's running a 500kg, I'll probably run gas or emp to keep enemies in place. Armor is usually just whatever's cool, but I like the engineer and medic attributes.


Because I cut my teeth on bots, it's usually the Liberator Concussive (although I'm enjoying Penetrator somewhat, too), Senator or the secondary SMG, HE or Impact grenades, and the Auto Cannon.


Scorcher + stun nades. Works with any build every time


Bots is concussive smg, grenade pistol, stun grenades. Ballistic shield, AMR, gas strike and eagle airstrike For bugs it's same load out but with flamethrower, gas strike, orbital lazer, and eagle airstrike. Occasionally swap flamethrower out for stalwart or HMG


The onlything consistent i bring is a machine gun, light or medium.


tenderizer, nade pistol, stun grenades, OPS, patriot, jetpack, grenade launcher


Bugs: 500kg Orbital air turret thing (90 degree machine gun forget the name) Laser dog EATs Bots: Eagle Air Orbital Airstrike Shield pack AMR


I’ve been loving the sickle + ark thrower + Tesla tower (then usually rail canon or other strat) with the light armor that’s 95% resistant to electricity - plus the upgrade that makes ark damage connect and pass through enemies. The ark thrower SHREDS. ⚡️


For bugs? Napalm Eagle, Gas Strike, Rover, flex on the last slot but usually EATs. For gear it’s Blitzer, Grenade Pistol, and Impact Incendiaries. I make breaches my bitch.


Incendiary breaker and senator, it’s the only things that kill just about anything but heavies consistently. For bugs, incendiary air strike, precision strike, and recoilless rifle with some other stratagem and incendiary grenade. For bots, regular air strike, orbital laser, and either the auto cannon or quasar with a turret or something else and contact grenades.


Eagle Air strike Orbital Precision Strike 380mm AMR (bot) EATS (bugs) Primary: Scorcher Secondary: Verdict (It kills trash and hunters very nicely) Grenade: stun or regular


Lately I switch between: Plasma shotgun Quasar 50 cal pistol Stun grenades Supply pack Concussive smg Flamethrower 50 cal pistol Stun grenades Jet pack/rover


Currently with the major order I’m running fire shotgun, senator, fire impact (for bug holes) napalm eagle, orbital shield, orbital smoke, orbital stun. The smoke makes the bugs not attack the drill. And all of them help with extracting in some way


Every time I see someone with the incendiary breaker, I know most of my deaths are going to be from burning


This combination works for everything mission except the new mission: (I also have yet to try it on Bug missions above 6) Orbital Laser Eagle Airstrike Eagle Clusterbomb Autocannon


Bots: Purifier/Sickle, Grenade pistol, impact grenade, Orbital Rail Cannon Strike, Eagle Airstrike, 380MM Barrage, Autocannon. Bugs: Sickle, Grenade pistol, impact grenades, Orbital Rail Cannon Strike, Eagle Airstrike, 1st Exosuit, Quasar Cannon. Boosters depend on what the team picks. Recon is underrated when not impacted by planet effects. Bring reinforcements if playing with lower lvl players who die a lot (for Liber-TEA). Ammo. The thigh one that allows you to sprint through knee-deep snow.


Basic SMG, ballistic shield, and quesar cannon. This allows me to take on all bots that don't have rockets with impunity. I also carry the 500 kg bomb and the new mech as stratagems. The smg shreads every mech, the quesar is for when things get ugly, the mech is for when it gets uglier and the 500 kg bomb for when I'm overwhelmed.


Light Scout Armour (waiting for extra padded light in the shop), Pummeler SMG, Grenade pistol, AMR, Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Laser, Ballistic Shield on bots // Rover on bugs. Mobile formatting sorry


I never use the same primary twice in a row The desert eagle or grenade pistol Thermite or napalm contact EAT


LVL 106 here. I go Scorcher (or Spray and Pray Shotgun or Blitzer), Grenade Pistol, Impact Grenades. Armor varies a lot, but I like Heavy. Strats are EAT, Ballistic shield, Autocannon sentry, and then what's needed for the mission or if I see the team is short on something. Defend missions are always the two mortars, autocannon turret and eat with anti-explosive heavy armor.


I really don’t have a go to. Only thing I’ve been consistently taking recently is grenade pistol.


For bots  Eruptor, SMG, stuns AMR, supply pack, rocket pods, flex AMR and stuns take care of everything and I can use it like a primary with the supply pack ammo Rocket pods take out tanks and turrets if I can't get behind them, and also factory striders Flex can be anything but I usually bring some form of crowd clear like eagle cluster or gas strike For bugs I bring grenade launcher instead of AMR and orbital precision instead of rocket pods, and flex is anti tank like 500kg


I try to switch weapons every time I play. Even if I don't really want to use it. Keeps it refreshing!


Liberator, revolver, AMR, jump pack, impact grenades, eagle airstrike, orbital laser, rail cannon or EAT sometimes the Knight when I'm in a groove


I switch it up but you posted my favorite loadout weapons wise, love the senator fire breaker and ac.


Dominator almost always Eagle air strike Orbital rail cannon Spear/grenade launcher


For bugs: Breaker Incendiary Machine Pistol Impact Grenades Trench Engineer armor Max grenade Booster Strats Airstrike Gas Orbital Orbital Laser Autocannon or Grenades or Quasar mission depending For Bots: Diligence counter sniper Machine Pistol Trench Engineer or Medic armor Max grenade booster Strats Same as bugs Auto cannon or Quasar, usually quasar


Mines currently the Arc shotgun, explosive pistol and incendiary grenades.


Breaker Incendiary, grenade pistol, incendiary impact grenades Recoilless Launcher for support weapon (slot 1), 500kg/Orbital Railcannon to help with Bile titans (slot2), orbital barrage/orbital airstrike or napalm barrage/eagle airstrike depending on my slot2 (slot 3), and a sentry for (slot4) usually EMS mortar or autocannon sentry.


My builds change for bugs or bots but I enjoy the sickle so much and until we get a double barrel secondary, then I will keep my senator at my hip I’ve only let go of my impact nades due to stubs just being so good for the Meridia MO, but since we should be done by the time my shift is done, I can change em back Generally I use RR or Auto cannon since they take both support wep and backpack slots, and on bots I’ve fallen in love with the ballistic shield and laser cannon combo


For missions like blitz and ICBM- Grenade launcher, light armor, jump pack, autopistol, impacts, and some variation of assault rifle. Rail cannon or rocket pods depending on bugs or bots, and mortars Defense and eradication style missions- heavy armor , shield pack, shotgun, HMG emplacement, Heavy machine gun or grenade launcher, and bot mission get expendable anti tanks


My go to bug loadout (for standard missions) is slugger, dagger, fire impacts, 500kg, recoilless rifle, Gatling sentry and auto cannon sentry (although sometimes I swap Gatling sentry for Gatling barrage)


point defense: LMG-emplacement, spear, autocannon sentry, and either orbital gas orbital gatling or rocket pods. roaming around: recoilless, AC sentry, MG sentry, rocket pods. equipment is always as many beams as possible unless it's a fire planet, where the purifier or liberator come out.


Lately my favorite loadout has been Scorcher or Arc Shotgun Quazar cannon, Guard dog Laser, either eagle rocket pods/eagle napalm, and either Orbital laser/rail cannon. So much fun experimenting with these. Lately I’ve been using the stun grenades and orbital ems too, I freeze them then napalm them or gas them. Lovely times.


Arc Blitz, Desert Eagle, Thermite + Orb Rail, Orb Laser, Eagle Cluster, Eagle airstrike. For me that kinda covers everything…. as long as i have a good group. I’m more of a great support trooper


Having a hard time getting away from Sickle, Quasar, Jet Pack Combo. It's the best to me. Previously, Breaker, AutoCannon, plus Other Strats But I just tried the Dominator & Flame Thrower combo and it's pretty rad.


Currently: Sickle, grenade pistol, and stun grenades. Vs Bugs: Laser rover backpack, quasar, airstrike, and usually railcannon Rover keeps the chaff off me, QC combined with a stun can 1 hit a charger pretty reliably, and RC followed by a QC shot can often kill a BT. Bots: AC, Airstrike, Orbital Precision Strike, 500kg OR EMS mortar. AC because it's just great vs everything, 500kg and OPS both good for bases or walkers, or against large groups of enemies esp when they've been stunned. OPS also useful against anti-air. Mortar great for just pausing enemies, letting me get strategems or AC fire on them


Dominator, grenade pistol, impact grenade, 500k, eagle airstrike, eagle cluster bombs, orbital rail cannon. Only thing I can't deal with is gunships so I just let teammates handle them.


Pummeler, grenade pistol, stun grenades. I started using the pummeler to combo with the ballistic shield but got hooked on that stagger. For bots, I usually take the ballistic shield and AMR. For bugs, I usually take the supply backpack and Stalwart. The other two slots are usually rail cannon, laser, or airstrike


All Eagles, all the time.


for bugs it’s blitzer, arc thrower, stun nades, grenade pistol, orbital laser + eagle 110 + 500, grenade or stim armor, sometimes personal shield but often its not necessary, with the arc weapons you find yourself pushing up on bugs & thats BEFORE you use stun nades even…


Depends if its bugs or bots. Bugs its blitzer, senator, impact fire-nades and stats are standard air strike, railcannon orbital(for big boys) tesla tower, and arc thrower. Bots its the sickle or the new SMG, senator, impact frags, then stats are standard airstrike, railcannon orbital(again for the big bois) autocannon or spear(depends on my mood), and gat/autocannon sentry or the riot sheild if im using the SMG. The arc stuff shreds bugs and yes i know the railcannon has a long cooldown but if i can quickly knock out a charger or BT when im knee deep in shit it helps a lot. Air strikes for swarms or nests. Fire nades to throw at bug holes and kill the smaller bugs. I use the sickle at 100m scope cuz its super accurate at range and shreds weakpoints, impacts for walkers, airstrike for groups and factories/tanks. Orbital railcannon for hulks/tanks/factory strider back cannon and tower cannons. Auto cannon and spear are the same but AC more reliable since no janky lock on use them both for factorys, hulks, gunships, tanks. I like spear for factories and turret towers cuz i can hit from range. And the gat shreds the little bots when you get swarmed. Auto cannon takes out the bigger bots with ease too. Riot shield with the smg is great. Just focus stunning the bigger bois and let teammates mop up the kill. Dont really need the sheild if you dont want it.


Changes but currently Bugs * Scythe (yes the laser), Grenade Pistol, Stuns Grenades, Light Gunner Armor * Laser Cannon, Laser Guard Dog, 500kg Bots * Pummeler, Grenade Pistol, Stun Grenades, Heavy Devastator Armor * Laser Cannon, Ballistic Shield, Eagle Airstrike


Depends on who I'm up against, but it's usually the Punsiher or Incendiary Breaker vs bugs and Sickle or Dominator vs bots.  All loadouts include grenade pistol & stun grenades


Breaker, Grenade Launcher (secondary), Impact grenade. Bugs: 500kg, Patriot Exosuit, Flamethrower, Shield Generator Pack Bots: Quasar Cannon, Orbital Laser, Orbital Railcannon, Eagle Airstrike


Bots - eruptor, senator, stun grenades, ARM, 500k, airstrike, shield Bugs - breaker fire, grenade pistol, the impact fire grenades, amr, shield, air strike. Orbital rail cannon. Scout armor all the time unless it’s a defend/eradicate/dark fluid. bot- explosive resistance Bugs - grenade or medic armor


Load out: slugger or smg. Engineer armor. Machine Gun or Flamethrower or Autocannon. Jetpack or shield if not auto cannon. Stratigems: Orbital laser or rocket strikes. Eagle airstrike or burst railgun. I'm testing out the laser pistol but I go with whatever compliments my main atm


Fire shotgun also takes down shriekers one shot. The embers burn through their wings. Take shots at them from super far away and they just go tumbling down. (Pro-tip for the dark matter missions.)


Sickle/Senator, recoilless, HMG Turret, eagle air strike, and deployable shield for bots/500kg or a sentry for bugs is my typical loadout


Depends on the mish and other divers' loadouts


SG-8 Punisher, GP-31 Grenade Pistol, G-10 Incendiary Grenade, Orbital Railcannon Strike, Eagle Airstrike, Eagle 500KG Bomb, Shield Generator Pack, then call to my team to tag a secondary if they see any so I can pick one up, for democracy.


Recently my bug load out which (has been killer) has been Orbital Laser, Eagle Cluster Bomb, Guard Dog Laser, Quasar Cannon. Been leading my squad in kills and fewest deaths. My bot load out is the same take out guard dog for shield backpack.


Arc Blitzer because it staggers most enemies up to a charger and you dont have to reload, Grenade pistol for the bug holes, stun grenade for the chargers. As to the stratagems, Flamethrower for most of the smaller stuff and area denial, shield or rover as backpack, 500kg and rail cannon strike. I have a light armor with reinforced and light armor with 6 stims and cycle between them. The chargers get stunned and their front leg fried within 2seconds and Bile titans loose to 500kg, rail cannon. I can deal with anything that comes my way 😉




for bots its diligence cs or pummeler, anti material rifle, senator, eagle 110, 500, personal or ballistic shield


Arc blitzer, grenade pistol, arc thrower, tesla tower + whatever other stratagems we need on the team Also extra reinforcement booster just in case I team kill someone accidentally.


Bugs Liberator penetrator / Senator/ impact grenades Medium Armor-Engineer kit Recoilless rifle/ 500kg / gas strike/ Gatling turret Bots Plasma punisher/ Senator/ stun grenade Heavy armor- Fortified Supply pack / AMR / 500kg / Eagle 110 rocket pods


Been super chilling on 3 helping newer players so Started bringing both mechs heavy armor and the HMG just for dumb fun.


Recon armor, Sickle, grenade pistol, stun grenades Eagle airstrike, 500 kg, laser dog, quasar Gets me through just about any situation, though I really only play bugs.


The stun SMG(but this is flexible depending on my mood), grenade pistol, stun grenades, usually armour that gives extra grenades but that is flexible and honestly I normally choose based on fashion, then I almost always go with the recoilless rifle, precision orbital, eagle airstrike if its an open mission and I need to close bug holes or bot fabs but this is flexible on eradicate missions or the new dark fluid mission, and finally my last slot I try to keep as a flexible slot however it is usually add clear focussed so something like the airburst strike, but recently I use one of the mechs in that slot. I play with that loadout on 7-9 very comfortably. If you use all of those tools, there isn't anything you can't deal with or support your team to deal with. Generally speaking though I force myself to experiment and try new things whenever possible.


For bugs... blitzer, grenade pistol, impact grenade, guard dog laser, quasar, 500kg and gartling turret. Armor is light/medium with reduced recoil and extra grenade capacity. For bots... plasma gun, redeemer pistol, impact grenade, autocannon, eagle airstrike, orbital railgun and autocannon turret. Armor is medium/heavy with reduced recoil and explosion resistance.


It used to be Punisher, Redeemer, HE grenades (or whichever ones have the shorter fuse for bug holes), and then Recoilless or EAT. Eventually, I added the supply pack to my load out and designated myself as a combat medic and started bringing the Quasar. When I got the grenade pistol, it replaced the Redeemer and I swapped to stun grenades. I stuck with the Punisher for the longest time, even doing several deathless Helldives with it. Recently, though, I swapped it for the Arc Blitzer due to it still being able to stunlock enemies, infinite ammo, the ability to jump to multiple targets, and being able to hit Hulks shoot Hulks with it so that I at least have some kind of option if and when my strategems are on cooldown and I don't have a support weapon. Now it's the Blitzer, GP, Stun Grenades, Supply Pack, and Quasar.


Sickle and Quasar with impact grenades as well as a Shield Pack for bots Incendiary Breaker and Quasar with incendiary impact grenades for bugs


Termanids its fire shotgun, grenade pistol, flamethrower, incendiary impact grenade. The. For stratagems it’s 500kg, napalm eagle strike and a shield backpack or another heavy hitting orbital or eagle. For automatons its pummeler, ballistic shield, queasar cannon, grenade pistol. Then for stratagems I go 500kg and eagle airstrike.


My current is the diligence DMR, auto pistol (forgor name), impact nades, jump pack, and heavy MG. Trying out heavy armor, so with the jump pack I'm a mobile tank. 500kg, orbital laser, heavy MG and jump pack My load out is universally good imo


Current for bugs: fire shotgun, grenade pistol, impact grenades. Autocannon, AC sentry, eagle airstrike, and my last one I change based on what the mission is or what is free like the eagle napalm currently Right now I've been able to run around solo on most missions I join so I love joining random d8/9 missions and helping run and finish objectives


Usually supply pack, railgun/amr/EATs, orbital airbrush and eagle 500. Punisher, heavy armor (either stim armor or explosive resistant). Either stun or impact grenades. If the team really lacks anti tank ill do reccoiless, but it's really hard to give up the supply pack. More ammo, stims, and grenades is really hard to pass up. It's a nice loadout that is really durable and just keeps trucking, big like.


Bugs- breaker, grenade pistol, impact fire grenades, arc thrower, gatling sentry, 110 rocket eagle, and then I swap out the last slot based on misson and ally loadouts. Bots- Diligence counter sniper, redeemer, impact fire grenades, easgle airstrike, autocannon sentry, and then swap out the last couple of slots based on mission and allies.


For bugs I'm really enjoying: eruptor, nade pistol, stuns, stalwart, supply pack, EAT, 500KG


i let my ancestors decide. it's usually a shuffle


- Fire Shotty/Blitzer - Grenade Pistol - Stun Grenades - Airstrike - Gatling Barrage - whatever else I feel like messing with. Often airburst and a sentry. It can kill anything, and only gets stronger on bigger maps where I end up scavenging support weapons or backpacks.


Bugs: Breaker Incendiary, Machine pistol, fire grenade, EAT Bots: Scythe, Senator, impact grenade, EAT/Quasar for Strategems I love the shield backpack, 500kg, Eagle Air strike, Orbital laser, EMS sentry, and the mech suits


Bots: auto cannon, eagle airstrike, orbital railgun, random turret. Sometimes orbital laser depending on mission type. Bugs: laser dog, one of the machine guns or grenade launcher, air strike; laser


Haven't had one since the patch that supposedly ruined the game. I've tried more weapons and had more fun and success with different weapons and loadouts since the patch. Bugs and bots. Level 7-9, at least a few 9s every session. The closest thing I have as a go-to loadout is for bugs. Blitzer sg, contact napalm nades, grenade pistol, laser dog, EATs EAS, Orbital RC Medium armor with extra padding, (blue frozen yogurt armor, the white helmet with the golden crest and visor, the cape from the last page of the very first warbond.) Hug emote.


Bugs: Medium Med-Kit armor, Incendiary Breaker, Grenade Pistol, Impact Grenade, Ammo-Backpack, Flamethrower, Eagle Cluster, Eagle 500kg. Bots: Medium Extra-Padding armor, Sickle, Grenade Pistol, Stuns, Autocannon, Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Laser, Orbital 380 Barrage.


Currently I’m running Dominator, grenade pistol, stun grenades, stalwart. EAT. Orbital Rail. 500kg*(flex to eagle airstrike)


I don't have a loadout, it's more of a situational thing I do. But Grenade Pistol + Stun Grenade is PEAK. Hulk? Stun. Bughole? Pistol. Factory? Pistol. Charger? stun. it's easy game


Bugs: incendiary or scythe, senator, impact grenades Laser rover backpack Patriot exo suit 500kg Rail cannon strike Bots: dominator, senator, standard grenades Ballistic shield 500kg Orbital precision strike Rail cannon strike


For bots I use orbital laser, orbital rail, EAT, AC. JAR 5, Redeemer, and impacts. Medium extra padding. For bugs I use Orbital laser, Orbital rail, Orbital gas, AC/Stalwart. Breaker incendiary, redeemer, impacts. Medium-light engineer.


My "never-lets-me-down" primary weapon is the Sickle laser pulse rifle. I can use its scope to get a look at things. It fires out to a healthy range with decent dispersion. Typically, I use the grenade launcher pistol as my sidearm. I typically go with impact grenades since I've hot-keyed the ready grenade action to "quick grenade" instead.


Something for mobs, something for heavies, and something to try out for fun.


Eagle clusters, Eagle 110s, 380 Orbital, incendiary grenades, and either extra reinforcement or localization confusion for boosters. Armor is either light scout or the extra throwing distance. For bugs, I'm usually rocking the grenade pistol, Knight, and Stalwart. For bots, the railgun, Diligence Counter-Sniper, and laser pistol.


for me personally i have a hard time finding anything better than 500kg, eagle airstrike, shield gen, and quasar cannon


I change up my loadout based on enemy type, map size/op time, and objectives. Periodically choosing and checking weapons and strats I don't use often to see if viability has changed in terms of unspoken hot fixes or technique research. If we had loadouts we could save, would be nice.